Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 60: Armori Hunt

As if feeling Ayaan's piercing gaze at him, the man also stared into his eyes. Then, he curled his lips into a mocking smile before disappearing into the crowd.

Seeing the scornful sneer of the man, Ayaan narrowed his eyes but dropped the idea of chasing. He knew exactly where he would go. 

This man was none other than the changed version of Hellshard who had tried to probe Ayaan in the auction house with his soul power — Only to be repelled by him. It looks like he was the prime culprit for everything that happened today. 'He wanted to probe me if I was any threat to him', Ayaan sneered inwardly.

After hearing the voice of the man, the ancestor of the Ferlee family immediately released his soul power and discovered the exact location of Rebecca.

"Release your soul power, idiots!" yelled the ancestor, jolting other two people out of their despair when they heard the shout of their ancestor.

When Dane and the other great mage released their soul power, they immediately found Rebecca. Seeing this, Ayaan also became ready, but he held himself back because he wanted to see if someone would come to his rescue or not. 

Just as he predicted before he could take action a yell resounded in the whole venue, making people flinch in bewilderment.

"Stop, everyone!"

Ayaan turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a height of over seven feet walking with some guards. His eyes were sharp like a tiger, his body was robust, releasing a fierce aura, the indication that he was a veteran of hundreds of battles, someone like the ancestor of the Ferlee family could never compare to him.

As he expected when the man revealed himself, a visible fear emerged on the white-haired old man's face. He looked at the member of his family and yelled with a terrified expression, "Stop, stop! Don't attack you bastards! Didn't you hear sir Armori!?"

When he saw that the other two idiots didn't stop even after hearing the warning of the man, he panicked. He knew how insanely powerful this man in front of him was. He still remembered last time when Armori had beaten him like a pig. Thinking about the previous encounter sent shivers throughout his body. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake ever again in his life.

Here he comes, Ayaan sighed in relief when he saw the man. He had discovered this man a long time ago and saw someone else also standing with him - Isobel. That was the only reason behind his previous over arrogant attitude.

He wanted to test this new business partner of his. At first, he was surprised when he saw her standing beside such a powerful man, and talking with a superior attitude. They thought no one noticed them, but Ayaan had noticed them a long time ago. This was the advantage of powerful soul power.

Although he wasn't able to hear anything, he still could tell who was superior between the man and Isobel. That's why he acted all arrogant, to see if Isobel would help him if she found him in trouble.

Ayaan didn't want to work with a person who could sell him later for his or her benefit and never bother to land a hand to someone if there wasn't any benefit involved. That was the basic mentality of businessmen on earth, and he didn't want to form any ties with such a person, but it seems, she didn't disappoint him.

Furthermore, he could always escape if the situation wasn't in his favour. Even a peak great mage won't be able to stop him if he wanted to run and could come later for revenge when he had enough strength. But he didn't want to wait anymore to meet Noor, and he also didn't know if Noor would be in danger in this upcoming upheaval of the capital.

Nevertheless, Ayaan knew that the emperor wasn't a stupid person, the condition of the capital won't escape from him, but he still didn't take any action, seems he had his own plans.

Anyway, he didn't give a damn about these conspiracies. If someone dared to touch his women, he would make sure they die a miserable death.

"Put him down, Rebecca," Ayaan asked gently. Hearing him, Rebecca threw a half-burnt body at the side and walked towards her man, appearing in front of the crowd. People gasped when they saw her appearing out of nowhere. They didn't have strong soul power; therefore, for them, it was just like she appeared out of thin air.

The Dane and the elder of his family dashed towards the burnt man. When they saw his condition, their expression darkened. They looked towards Rebecca, gritting their teeth in hatred, but didn't dare to disobey the old man. The man beside Dane gently put the injured man on his back and both men went towards their ancestor.

Seeing everyone has arrived, the ancestor glanced at Armori with fear, gnashing his teeth in frustration. "We are leaving."

As he spoke, he grabbed Arnav by his neck who was still pretending unconscious.

"Gra-grandfather, yo-you saved me!" The young man looked at his grandfather, somewhat touched by his kindness, however, before he could speak more, the old man roared furiously, kicking him in anger, "Shut the fuck up! You piece of trash!" 



When Dane saw his son lying on the ground like a dead pig, he grabbed Arnav, who had really fallen unconscious after taking a vicious strike of the old man. Thereafter, Dane didn't stop and bolted away with his father, so as not to embarrass himself any further.

At this moment, Armori reached Ayaan and observed him; although Ayaan wasn't short by any means, Armori was still a head taller than him.

After observing Ayaan, finally, the man whispered in his hoarse voice, "Your soul power isn't bad, but not powerful enough to escape me."

Ayaan looked at the man in shock, mouth agape. He didn't think someone would have soul power more powerful than himself in the capital. He thought if someone could have soul power as strong as himself, he must be emperor. Looks like this capital wasn't as simple as he thought.

Not dwelling on the issue, the man continued, "I am here to escort you to the chamber of commerce, don't think you are invincible, just because you could defeat that piece of trash. He is nothing but garbage."

Ayaan scratched his head and didn't know how to respond. He was also curious about this man; therefore, he tried to see the level of the man.

"I just told you, don't think yourself invincible just because you defeated that piece of trash, and now, you are trying to probe me again; do you want to get beaten up, brat?" The man turned towards Ayaan.

This time Ayaan was really terrified. 'How this man could sense the probe of the syst- no, that wasn't a systems probe! That was my inherited skill!' suddenly, a realisation dawned on him.

He had always thought probing skill was the part of the system; he didn't think after the system blessed him with the skill it became his part. There was nothing to do with skill and the system, its power depended on something else!

'It's better, Mr Armori didn't become hostile, or I don't know how would I handle such a scary person?' Just thinking about it made his back drenched in sweat. Previously, he claimed that he could escape from the peak level great mage, but now he was having a second thought.

'So what was the reason? How does it work? How would I know if someone would notice my probe or not?' Many thoughts emerged, and he thought about Amori's previous words. He also had noticed his soul probe before. 'Does this mean soul power is the key factor here?'

Finally, his eyes glowed in understanding. 'Yes, this must be the case. That's why he noticed my probe previously, and this time even my skill failed. Because my soul power isn't powerful enough'.

The realisation was like a hammer on Ayaan's confidence. He had always been proud of his soul power, but only now did he realise the meaning of heaven beyond heaven.

Afterwards, no one talked and everyone went towards the Doham chamber of commerce. Isobel had since long disappeared.


Ferlee Family

"Arghh! Bastard!"

The furious shout echoed in the whole family, making the heart of poor servants shudder in anxiety.

"Father, I asked Arnav. He told me that Daniel was the one who told him about that girl." Dane looked at his father's furious expression and informed him with a low voice.

"Ancestor, I heard that the boy is from the central region." The other man who was standing also spoke after some hesitation.

Just as his voice faded, another voice came from the side, "Don't talk nonsense; do you know how hard it is to cross the desert of death? Even Archmage would die there, and you say that a boy who could barely reach the strength of a great mage had arrived from the central region. And if he was an Archmage, do you think you would still stand here alive, talking?"

Hearing the man, the elder of the ferlee family shut his mouth and lowered his head. Even their ancestor wouldn't dare to speak recklessly in front of this man, much less him. 

The old man looked at Hellshared, eyes filled with respect and reverence. He hesitated for some time and asked, "But milord, what about that Daniel tricking my grandson?"

"Don't worry, I was the one who asked him to do that." Hellshard looked at the man with a nonchalant expression and didn't speak any further. 

Afterwards, the old man didn't talk about Daniel, he knew what's going on, gnashing his teeth in hatred, "If that bastard, Armori Hunt wouldn't have come. I would have killed that boy!"

Hellshard's eyes shined, hearing about Amori Hunt, "Don't worry, although I am not his match, someone would handle him."

As he spoke, Hellshard disappeared from his place. Leaving the pondering old man in his seat.

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