Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 59: Rebecca's Strength

Dane and the other two elders beside him moved towards Rebecca with smiling faces. Before Ayaan could move, ancestor Ferlee blocked his way, looking at the old man Ayaan shook his head. This oldy still didn't understand that he was not Ayaan's match.

Anyways, Ayaan wasn't worried about Rebecca, he knew what she was capable off, and she could easily handle a few peak high mages because she herself was one. 

Ayaan looked at the white-haired old man, disdainfully. What a moron, he thinks his people could easily defeat Rebecca because she is a girl. He chuckled when he saw the alert look on old man's face, "Don't worry, I won't interfere but don't expect me to be lenient if you dared to move from your position, old man."

"Humph." The old man snorted but didn't speak any nonsense; he was more than confident in the people he had sent to capture Rebecca.

When Ayaan saw the old man's response, he as well didn't speak and turned towards the fight. Although ancestor was surprised by his calm look, he thought Ayaan was faking it and would definitely attack when he see his little girl couldn't defeat her opponents.

As he envisioned the victory of his son and taking Rebecca as a hostage and that powerful artefact, a triumphant smile appeared on the old ancestors' face. Ayaan didn't pay any further attention to this old man; instead, he turned towards Rebecca.

The lady felt his gaze and also turned towards him, giving him a confident and reassuring smile, before turning towards her three opponent. All three of them were high mages, in which Dane was peak level high mage, and the other two were at the eighth level. It was a rather formidable force even in the entire capital.

All the three-man surrounded the beauty. At this moment, Dane looked at the Rebecca, speaking, "Why don't you come with me? We will have lots of fun beauty."

"Hahaha!" His other two companions burst into a peal of laughter, hearing his offer.

"No thanks, I am sure you are as impotent as your son." Rebecca ridiculed the man, leaving everyone stunned on the spot. No one expected such an answer from Rebecca — Not even Ayaan, after an initial surprise, he chuckled.

On the contrary, the Dane and his companion turned red from embarrassment and later that shame turned into anger. All three of them attacked her from all sides. Rebecca was standing at the centre of their circle.

Fire thunder!

Wind blade!

Earth spike!

When the three of them attacked all the people gasped in shock. What power! No one could remain intact after taking such vicious killing attacks. All the people sighed, seeing such a sight; they were feeling sorry for that beauty who was going to die young.




Simultaneously, three attacks landed on Rebecca's body. First was the fire thunder which covered her body completely, second wind blade, and finally, earth spikes appeared under her feet, pinning her on the tip of eath spikes.

People gasped in shock; some even closed their eyes. At this moment, the old ancestor of the Ferlee family turned towards Ayaan and ridiculed, "I think your little lover must be already half dead if not completely dead."

Ayaan looked at the stupid white-haired man, shaking his head again and again, " How did you become the ancestor of the Ferlee family? Did you chanced upon some dog shit luck and advanced by leaps and bounds? 

Because I don't think someone who is so much inexperienced in battle could become a great mage by his own efforts. If you had some fighting experience, you would know that you shouldn't come to any conclusion until the battle ends. But by your trash talk, you don't look like a fighting type. So, that's why you was defeated that easily by me previously."

Just when the man was about to burst into furious roars, gasps resounded on the venue. He turned and saw the empty place, where supposed to be the body of the Rebecca — there was nothing but a small pit on the ground.

Three attackers looked at the pit in confusion. Where was the girl? They exchanged glances, but the same question was written on everyone's face.

"Are you looking for me?" A soft voice came behind the three people, freezing their expression on the spot.




However, before they could react, sharp pain greeted all the three people, smashing their bodies a few meters away.


Painful groans escaped from their mouth, but before they could react, another attack arrived.


All three of them vomited blood when they couldn't take the beating — They tried to find their opponent, but there was no trace of Rebecca, no one knew from where she attacked.

Even the old ancestor of the Ferlee family didn't know what was going on; he looked at Ayaan and tired to speak but at last, dropped the idea; he knew he wouldn't get anything from Ayaan, other than more humiliation.

Suddenly, one of the men who had just stood started to fly in the air. When people saw such occurrence, gasps escaped. Later, however, they realised that he wasn't flying, but some had grabbed him by his neck, but they couldn't see anyone there!

"What the fuck is going on!?" at last, the old man couldn't hold his anxiety and shouted with exasperation.

Suddenly, the man who was in the air started to burn with green flames. The man struggled but to no avail.

"Put him down!" although ancestor didn't know what was happening because he never encountered such a thing, he was sure that girl was the source of everything.

Just when the old man was about to move, someone was already standing in front of the man - Ayaan.

"Step aside, boy, or die!" shrieked the white-haired man, he had already lost a high mage, and he could not afford to lose one more. He was sure all the big shots must be watching this fight, it would be weird if it didn't attract their attention. He became frustrated when he saw, even that person didn't come for his help.

Ayaan looked at the old man, speaking, "As if you would order me, and I will listen to you."

If he wanted, he could defeat everyone in the Ferlee family, but he knew something big was about to happen; therefore, he didn't show his strength today and let Rebecca take care of these trashes, and he just showed strength which could barely compare with the old monster.

Although it was still a shock for those people hiding behind the scene, it wasn't something they could not handle — The ancestor of the Ferlee family was the weakest of all the old-timers in the capital.

"Oh my god! That is the space element. She is using a space element to become invisible; only someone with a powerful perception could find her!" No one knew who shouted, but they understood that whoever it was, he was trying to help Ferlee family.

As the voice resounded, Ayaan immediately found the source of the sound; although the man used some weird spell to hide. He couldn't escape Ayaan; how powerful his perception was, he instantly discovered the culprit.

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