Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 167: You are still my Isobel

Ayaan glanced at the unconscious little girl and said nothing. He turned towards Captain. "Anything else?" his face was expressionless, but the information rather relieved him; at last he had received news about the Heavenly Palace.

The Captain heard the Ayaan's question and hurriedly replied. "I heard that an envoy from the Heavenly Palace will come in a month or two to the August Capital."

"Oh!" Ayaan's eyes lit up instantly after hearing the news about the Envoy of the Heavenly Palace. "Anything else?" he once more pressed.

"I heard the Envoy is coming to take the Third Princess with him to the Heavenly Palace. Her talent is highest amongst all the princes and princesses." The Vice Captain hurriedly notified. They were replying one after another as if competing. Ayaan sneered inside when he saw their act but said nothing.

"I think this is the limit, they won't be able to give us any more information," said Ayaan. "Finish them."

"No, no, sir, we told you everything." the two men panicked. "Let us go!"

However, no one cared about their pleas as they never cared about the pleading of anyone when they killed in the past. This was the karma, yes, that's really what it was. They looked at Ayaan with a miserable expression but nothing happened. Both of them became confused. Just when they were about to speak, the ground trembled.

Both of them looked under their feet in panic, still sitting on the horses. What they saw turned their senses upside down. The small yellow grass that looked almost lifeless, harmless, and valueless, suddenly wriggled. The grass twisted and split the ground. Gradually, the small green blades enlarged, becoming sharp vicious swords. 

The Captain and the Vice Captain panicked. They tried to jump from their horses as they tried many times before, but to no avail. No matter what they did, what they tried, how they scream and how they pleaded or begged, nothing helped them. 

The swords made of grass lunged at them, and they looked at the swords with horrified gazes, helpless, miserable, and powerless to do anything. 

As the sword penetrated the chest of the Captain like a tofu, it produced a pu-chi sound. Before the Captain could scream another sharp blade pierced his throat, suppressing his heart wrenching shriek in his throat. At this moment another blade appeared and separated his head from the body, and his headless, lifeless, and soulless body fell from the horse, covered in blood and gore.

The same thing happened to the Vice Captain and his headless corpse joined his companions. Leafwhisk could control all kinds of plants or trees in the surrounding and use them as her weapons, that's exactly what she did. 

Ayaan also didn't break his promise and let them die with little pain. However, he wasn't unsatisfied with his findings either. He had received information regarding Heavenly Palace. It's the only matter of time before he would wreak havoc in their turf and destroy those bastards who made him run all around like a dog. Now it was their time to run.

Ayaan looked at the scattered corpses and felt nothing. He never asked for trouble, however, he would let no one live if someone dared to trouble him. He turned towards his companions. Noor had calmed down and sat under the tree while eyes closed, not in the mood to glance one more time at the scattered corpses. Though the stench still permeated her nose, making her frown in disgust from time to time. He turned and saw Akash and Ifre were still unconscious and shook his head.

"That's one horrifying ability." Ayaan sighed as he glanced at Isobel.

Isobel felt proud when she heard Ayaan's comment, but his later words made her expression bitter. "Though the skill is horrifying, it is too disgusting."

Isobel also felt that her skills were rather disgusting. Rebecca had an Ice Element, that was one of the most beautiful elements and she never leaves blood behind after killing her opponent. Leafwhisk had a Wood Element, her attacks were also beautiful with no blood or gore. Though Noor's attacks also leave blood behind, it was nowhere close to her own. As for Ayaan, he could use many elements; though not now, he will eventually control many elements in the future.

Only her element was gory, bloody, and kind of demonic. She didn't know what she should do. Her every technique was disgusting and filled with blood. 

Ayaan saw her disappointed face and his expression changed. He didn't think that his words would affect her so much. What would he do if she became resistant to her Blood Element and stopped using it just because it was rather demonic? He also saw Leafwhisk glaring at him dissatisfyingly and cold sweat poured down from his temples.

"Hey, what kind of face are you making?" Ayaan walked towards her and clinched her soft hand. "Once upon a time Rebecca said to me: if you are a demon let me become a demoness for you." He glanced at Rebecca tenderly, and the lady blushed furiously and looked away in embarrassment. 

Ayaan laughed when he saw her cute reaction and turned toward Isbel and said in a serious and loving voice "Today let me tell you: if you become a demoness one day, I will become a demon for you. No matter what skills you use and how disgusting they looked, I will never leave you. Of course if one day you decide to leave me." 

"I will never do such a thing!" shouted the lady and burst into tears. Ayaan couldn't bear to see her like that and pulled her into his arms and hugged tightly. 

"I know," Ayaan said and patted her back while wove his fingers in her crimson hair. "Techniques don't make people good or evil. If someone think like that, then he must be the most stupid person. It is your heart, and it is your intentions that make you good or evil. And so what even if people think you as an evil? I will always be there to face them. So don't think of yourself as evil. Your heart is still as pure as it was before. You are still my Isobel and always be." 

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