Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 79 - Magic Lamp 1

Facing the vigorous challenge of the monk, Murong Li chuckled as if he had heard some funny jokes, and said lazily, “Don’t I have been an enemy of the human world for a long time?”

He slowly walked to the high platform where the magic lamp was placed, and the monks around him who were waiting for him were nervously holding their weapons tighter.

They dare not act rashly. The people here come from various forces. Although temporarily holding a group to deal with Murongli, they have their own plans. No one is willing to rush forward to die.

“Murong’s family doesn’t care about you being half of the Devil lineage. Instead of removing you when you are swaddled, you will raise you up. Are you so vengeful!”

Murongli’s voice was low and nice, even the irony was like a lover’s whisper, “‘Not my family, its heart will be different’, this is what the Murong family taught me in those years. Now I just follow Murong’s teaching Only. “

Seeing that Murong was getting closer and closer to the magic lamp, some people began to lose their breath, unable to stretch their face, and their expressions showed eagerness and greed.

“You can’t let him get the magic lamp.” I don’t know who said it, “If you let him get the artifact, none of us can live!”

The others responded.

Murong Li’s eyes were disdainful to give one, wailing from the wide-sleeved rumbling room, the monks who were stunned in the human world looked vulnerable in front of his unfathomable cultivation.

The demon soldiers who cleaned out the miscellaneous soldiers outside stayed outside the hall.

“Shall we not go in to help Zun? In case …”

“Zun Shangxiu is advanced to Mahayana. Even if the number of monks in the human world is no longer an opponent of Zun Shang. I will wait here to wait for the whole army, so as not to disturb Zun Shang’s interest.”

Inside the hall is a tragic scene of corpses.

The leading old man is the end of a strong crossbow, spitting out a blood, showing his despair, “You have advanced to the top …”

There are still a few monks who have been breathing for a long time.

“Please beg us to …”

“We are willing to submit to the devil …”

The old man glared at them, “something boneless!”

Murong disliked the quarrel of the few people and raised his hand gently. The few people burned the coke in an instant and fell to the ground as a black dust, and the wind dispersed.

The old man closed his eyes in despair.

“After you get the artifact, do you think you still have half of the human lineage for your sake? Can the Murong family treat you and your mother, if you kill me, you’re supposed to return it to you No need to kill Murong’s family … “

“Of course I will not target the realm.”

Murong walked up to the high platform and picked up the legendary magic lamp with the power to ruin the earth, casually acting like an ordinary object.

Just when the old man breathed a sigh of relief, he listened to him and said, “I heard that this thing can destroy the world, and I want to try to see if it is true. If it really has a magical power to annihilate the world, the demise of nature is not limited to the cultivation world. “

“You … are you crazy ?!”

“Perhaps. Who made this world too boring.” The following words almost whispered to myself.

Ever since he started consciously, he always felt what he was looking for, but he didn’t even know what he was looking for, but this inexplicable obsession was deeply in his soul.

What he longed for was still missing in his long life so far, plunging him into anxiety, pain and hatred that he could not escape. Perhaps they were right, he was already mad in such suffering.

He even thought that if there was nothing he was looking for in this world, it would be better to destroy it directly, maybe he would encounter it in the next world.

He took a drop of blood and made the artifact recognize the Lord.

As a lamp spirit, A Chan was sealed tightly in the magic lamp. He could not hear the movement of the outside world at all, and did not know what happened now.

When she had already waited for her heart, the vision burst forth. Suddenly, a dark beam of light appeared in the dark ink, making her eager to catch it.

A feeling told her that as long as she received this light, she could go out. Ah Chan, who had been trapped for too long, couldn’t care too much and immediately accepted.

She held out her hand to the light, and the beam of light seemed to be alive, flexibly wrapped around her wrist, turned into a circle of bracelet-like demon red stripes, with some kind of contract and bondage, together with being sealed The power of the magic lamp poured into her body.

A Chan felt a long absence from the inside out. She couldn’t help but cheer, she opened her arms and released her mana at will. The roaring mana was like a mountain tsunami hitting the seal on the magic lamp.

The seal was broken, and the dark chaos that accompanied Achan for a long time was finally engulfed by light. She obeyed the call and pulled out of the magic lamp.

As soon as Achan came out of the magic lamp, he hadn’t been excited yet, and he faced a pair of cold lake-like eyes. At the same time, I also saw the powerful and dazzling soul of the people before me.

Unexpectedly, when she first came out and saw her man, A Chan gasped in surprise. Although he probably didn’t remember her again, she was very happy to see him again and save the time of searching.

However, her joy did not last long.

He looked at her with strange and cold eyes, still with hatred and murderous intention? His eyes seemed to be a great drink, extinguishing her joy of reunion.

Achan envisioned that even if he saw him again, he would forget all their sweet past and forget that he had loved her so much when she was an unrelated stranger. But when she faced him with such apathy and even a malicious look, she was still a little overwhelmed, and it was difficult to suppress her grievances.

Murongli was not calm at the moment.

He felt ridiculous, and he really laughed, but the smile was cold and ironic.

When he saw her for the first time, he knew that she was what he was looking for.

He suddenly remembered the legend he had heard. In the first hundred years of the devil’s imprisonment, he was grateful to the person who saved him and was willing to exchange his treasure for freedom; in the second one hundred years, he was willing to achieve any wish for his rescuer; Another hundred years passed, and the devil was left with anger and resentment, and only the death was given to those who saved him.

Why did she appear when he no longer had any hope? His hatred towards her at the moment couldn’t help but surging, ignoring the pain in his heart.

The eyes of the Murong family staring at her directly made him more anxious. Murong waved away and the last monk in the temple turned to ashes.

A Chan was taken aback by his sudden shot, and then she turned her attention away from Murongli, saw the miserable state of the **** sea of ​​corpses on the hall, and glanced at several black and gray on the ground.

A Chan swallowed nervously. It ’s cruel to burn people to ashes without blinking, and it ’s easy to turn them into ashes as soon as you raise your hand, but you are left with scattered fragments of corpses. Is n’t it a bit abnormal …

Achan’s frightened expression seemed to please Murongli. He smiled again. Looking at the abnormality in Achan’s eyes, he held out his hand and gently slid it against her neck like a caress.

A Chan has a bad intuition, feeling that if she doesn’t do something, he will really kill her.

Although the artifact spirit born as an artifact always has the powerful power of the artifact, but she has just recognized the Lord in order to come out, and she cannot use mana against Murongli to resist him.

A Chan was crying anxiously and grievously. She quickly calmed herself down. Her hands gently covered his imaginary hand around her neck, smiling favorably at him, and she used her face like a cat. Rubbed his hand.

Murong moved away.

Just when A Chan was thinking about whether to kiss another couple, the demon’s report came from the door of the palace.

The demon will see that Murongli has killed all the monks who came to **** the artifact, and then came forward and reported: “Sovereign Qiqi, all enemies outside the palace have been wiped out.”

Before Achan’s eyes moved, Murongli had lifted her Dengling entity, tucked her back into the Dengdeng, and smoothly put the lamp in Qiankun’s sleeve.

“Let’s go.”


Achan returned to the lamp, because the seal had been broken, and now the lamp is no longer dark. The full spiritual power makes Achan like a baby in the mother’s belly, very comfortable like a hot spring. And her consciousness can also be released to perceive the situation outside the lamp.

She was taken back to Demon Realm by Murongli, and he never took the magic lamp out again. Qiankun sleeve cut off the consciousness, she could not see the outside, so she continued to change her posture in the light boringly.

A Chan was happy and worried when Murong left. He is a little scary in this little Qianjie, and inexplicably has such a great maliciousness to her, feeling that this time the prodigal man is in danger of life.


In addition to the magic lamp, a lot of strange treasures were harvested in this trip of the demon world. A large number of treasures were sent to the deity’s treasure pavilion in addition to the rewarding meritorious generals.

“Wait.” Murongli stopped the demon, and took out the magic lamp in his sleeve and threw it to him. “Put this in the treasure hall too.”

The demon hurriedly caught the magic lamp. This is an artifact! Did you just throw it away? I’m afraid he would have to confess to his words. How can I be so rude? It must be carried on the body every day.

However, Mozun was moody and his mind was elusive. The demon would not dare to say more. After answering “Yes”, he took the magic lamp to the Treasure Pavilion.

The magic lamp was displayed in the Treasure Pavilion like other mundane treasures, and it did not receive any preferential treatment because it was an artifact.

After the demon will go out, A Chan floats out of the lamp.

She was kept in a small black room for so long, and she was finally able to come out. A Chan stepped on the ground for a long time and walked, breathing the free air, almost moved to cry.

The magic lamp now has a master. She cannot run with the lamp, and she cannot be too far away from the magic lamp as a lamp spirit. However, it is possible to stroll around in the magic palace.

As for the difficult Murongli, A Chan decided to temporarily leave him behind and think about it for a while. Now she is anxious to let go.

The palace area is very vast and luxurious, and the palaces are neat and magnificent. A Chan wandered aimlessly, gazing greedily at every scene, the sky, white clouds, flowers and trees, pavilions and towers, A Chan could not see enough for a while.

Walking to a palace, unlike the quiet killing of other palaces in the Devil’s Palace, A Chan heard that there were many women chattering inside. She curiously avoided the guard and jumped over the high wall to check in.

There are many young women in the yard. Obviously, they come from different races. In addition to human races, there are also demons with magic lines on their faces or other places like other demons, and some rare demons with animal ears and tails.

But without exception, they are beautiful and well-dressed.

The author has something to say: This time the male lead is the villain BoSS

The author’s military high school is closed and managed militarily, and still lives on campus. It is rare to come out of the school and walk on the street. This is a particularly moving hurry …

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