Heart Demon, She is Doing Things Again

Chapter 78 - Ome End

The decision of the family to choose Lin Yuan is bound to be catty.

If the heirs of the Lin family heads are as easy as the clan elders say, Lin Zhang will not have to dig into the hollow to take risks and use radical methods to repair his spiritual roots.

Mrs. Lin felt that she might have looked away, and Lin Yuan looked at the silent, but she did n’t know what method was used to squeeze Lin Wenhui, who was intentionally cultivated by Lin Zhang, to persuade several members of the family to take the spirit roots. The qualifications are high.

She looked at the old clan where the old **** was, and sneered away. Even with the support of the clan elders, you must have the ability to sit firmly in this position.

She is also not a vegetarian. In recent years, she has run a company together with Lin Zhang. In the company, she has enough contacts and authority to gradually transfer the company ’s assets in private, only leaving him a shell of Lin ’s business The young man knew that running a company was not a child’s play.

However, Madam Lin soon knew why Lin Yuan could get support from the clan.

After Lin Yuan got the shares, without delay, he sold all the shares to the clan elders with the prestige of the clan second only to Lin Zhang. The clan elder finally succeeded in becoming the largest shareholder of Lin’s enterprise, and took the position of chairman of the board.

The status of Clan Lao in Lin’s family is far from Lin Wenhui’s and Lin Yuan’s comparable. It is difficult for him to control the temporary enterprise. Whatever the small actions Mrs. Lin wants to do, even the people who have been arranged in the company will be gradually removed.

She was anxiously pacing back and forth in the office, “Forty percent of the shares, he even said that he would sell it ?! That’s the spirit mine! It’s the owner of the Lin family! It’s actually sold ?! What a scumbag !! No wonder the clan elders will support him … “

But no matter how she scolded, nothing could change. On the other side, Lin Yuan had already brought a large deposit and took Achan around with ease.

After graduating from university, Lin Yuan and A Chan both engaged in the exploration industry, and explored various unexplored regions containing precious resources. A Chan found materials to help Lin Yuan repair the meridians.

Expedition is more like an easy journey for them. They have been to the mountains and the canyons; they have watched the sunrise on the sea side by side, and they have also overlooked the sea of ​​clouds together; they have seen the endless yellow sand of the whistling, and they have also smelled the endless mountain flowers …

In a blink of an eye, it was winter for another year. Lin Yuan always felt that Achan was cold. When going out for a walk, she had to put on a thick down jacket and a wide scarf, which almost blocked her half of her face.

A Chan and Lin Yuan walked side by side on the road. There was a snow last night, and the white sycamore branches and trees on both sides of the road were covered with white snow, roofs, roads … as if the entire world were decorated with this snow as a pure white.

Wan Lai is silent, only two people crunch on the soft snow. Lin Yuan and A Chan held hands and walked side by side along the road.

Some snow fell on Achan’s head, and Lin Yuan reached out to help her off, but she evaded. “I think this is good, it feels quite romantic …”

Lin Yuan raised her eyebrows doubtfully.

“Because we will be whiteheaded together.”

Lin Yuan was stunned for a moment, his eyes softly smiling.

They let the goose-like snowflakes lightly fall on their shoulders and hair tips, and the two figures drifted away, as if holding hands all the way to the white head.


When A Chan felt the pulling of Jinghuashuiyue’s law this time, Lin Yuan felt a little nervous and held her hand uncomfortably.

A Chan was panicked in her heart, feeling that she was pulling away from Xiaoqianjie but there was nothing she could do, and her figure was gradually blurred.

“Ayuan …”

Lin Yuan tried to keep her body facing dissipation with spiritual force. This picture made him frightened and inexplicable as if he had known each other. He desperately wrapped her body with spiritual force.

In the confrontation with the law of Jinghuashuiyue, some strange and familiar pictures flashed in front of his eyes at this moment. When he looked up, his eyes were already scarlet, “Are you going again?”

A Chan’s eyes widened, “You …”

“Don’t go.” Lin Yuan couldn’t feel her body reaching its limit, still madly releasing spiritual power to retain her, and didn’t care what seemed to break a certain kind of shackle into a crack. “Don’t leave me …”

“… Do you remember?”

Lin Yuan’s physical energy was exhausted, and the power flowing from the narrow crack seemed to be unconsciously used by him. Lin Yuan had to reverse the situation that Jinghuashuiyue was like a mantis.

A Chan was shocked that his power could even contend with the law, and could feel the turmoil caused by Xiao Qianjie.

However, his strength was only a limited trace of the crack, and he failed to win the law of Jinghuashuiyue after all, watching Achan disappearing again before him.

In front of him was empty, the beautiful girl seemed to be just a beautiful fantasy of him. The only thing left was a tear that fell on the back of his hand before she disappeared.

At the same time, on a train to the city, a young man sitting by the window suddenly felt his head lifted up feeling confused. His figure soon disappeared, but the passengers around him couldn’t see anything like it.

A backpack on the luggage rack also turned into mist and completely dissipated in the air.

In City S, Ah Chan ’s mother, who was about to call with her mobile phone, felt like she had spent a moment in front of her. She did n’t notice that the name of [Achan Baby] in the address book disappeared at this moment.

After Achan’s eyes eased, she stared at the phone in her hand for a while, but couldn’t remember who she had just called.

“What’s wrong with Hoffin?” The husband asked, holding their little son passing by, seeing her standing there in a daze holding a mobile phone.

“I don’t know …” She looked at the page of her phone address book in a perplexed sense, inexplicably having the urge to cry, “I just felt that there was something missing in my heart …”


Mirror flowers and water moon, heaven.

Pills connected to countless small worlds hang above the valley, like a bright moon.

There are already people waiting outside the valley.

“Don’t worry too much, His Royal Highness, the order of His Royal Highness is intact. Presumably he will also be safe.” The accompanying Xiao Xian’e comforted.

“Jianhuashuiyue suddenly turbulent, and I don’t know what the reason is. I hope his second brother is in good condition.” He threw the magic weapon, and the spell was connected to the mirage beads. Using his own drop of blood as a guide, he opened a **** brother to the heaven road.

Under the main hall, the sorrowful color waited outside the mirror.

Fortunately, he and others came out soon.

“Second brother! How are you, are you okay?”

The boy who left the mirror flower has recovered his original appearance.

His Royal Highness Xi Rong looked like a young boy with a crown like jade and sword eyebrows and starry eyes.

“Big Brother?” The little Qianjie in Jinghuashuiyue seemed to have lived for several lifetimes, and these memories poured into his mind, and he slowed down for a while before he recovered.

“It seems that there is no injury, just come back safely, the father and the queen are very worried about you.

You are too impulsive this time, even leaving a note and chasing Cangli Shenjun secretly into Jinghuashuiyue. Father Emperor has read the notes you left are so angry … “

Xihe didn’t want to listen to this, he was excited: “Brother, the woman I loved in Jinghuashuiyue several times turned out to be a man of heaven! I remembered that she was the first beauty of heaven, Xuan … Xuan Is it? “

“Xuan Yao?”

“Yes, yes! It’s her!”

His Highness hesitated and said: “But she always seems to be in Hanyu Palace …”

“She is in Hanyu Palace? She is also back? Brother, let me take a step first!”

When he heard the conversation between his father and his mother, he learned that the **** of war he worshipped, Cang Li, had entered Jinghua Shuiyue, and he also followed Shenjun into Jinghua Shuiyue. Yao.

He went through many small circles, but met her only three times. The first time, he is the second prince of the human world, she is a kitten demon; the second time, he is her ex boyfriend, even flicked her without eyes, and finally can only watch her and his brother together; the third time , They are green plum bamboo horses from kindergarten to high school, and he was called back to Jinghuashuiyue while he was taking the train to find her.

Unfortunately, every time they fail to be together. But this time he will never miss it again!


Achan woke up again, feeling like he was drifting in the endless dark chaos.

This time, she traversed the consciousness generated by the ancient artifact, with a terrifying power, and it is not a matter of calling wind and rain, moving mountains and reclamation.

It is a pity that the artifacts that have lost their masters without restraint wantonly cause trouble everywhere, and because the powerful force was coveted by ambitious people and caused a storm of blood and blood, they were sealed by a powerful team in a hard-to-find place in the world. Qi Ling was imprisoned in the artifact and could not go out.

There is no light here, nor anything but her, only endless darkness. Reminds her of the hazy fragment of Xuan Yao’s incomplete understanding of the five senses in the sea before her birth as a demon, and her memory drifting unconsciously.

“Bah, it’s still a magic lamp, there is no light in the dark paint …”

She was so lonely, she yelled and attacked indiscriminately, but she didn’t have any effect at all, there wasn’t even an echo, she was swallowed up by this endless loneliness.

Such a day is so boring, A Chan let it fall asleep, waiting for the moment to be awakened.

After a dream year, she did not know how long she slept in silence, and finally felt a trace of fluctuation. She was completely sealed in the magic lamp, unable to perceive what was happening outside, and could only continue to wait with excitement and anxiety.

In the hall outside the magic lamp, fierce scuffles are taking place.

It is a melee, to be precise, it is actually a group of people fighting one.

The man in the center in an ink robe has a very beautiful face, like a cold star, and an indifferent look. It seems that he has not put the top masters of all the forces that besieged him in his eyes. It is like a leisurely walk, leisurely.

Such an arrogant gesture is tantamount to humiliation, but he has such arrogant capital. They stared closely at the ink robe. The man tightened his string. Although the number was dominant, and the other party seemed relaxed and unprepared, everyone still did not dare to slack off.

The voice of the soldiers outside the hall faintly came, which made the hall even more depressed and anxious.

“Murongli, today we will never let you get the magic lamp! You were born in the Murong family anyway and have been nurtured by the Murong family. Do you really want to be an enemy of the entire human world ?!”

The author has something to say: Aladdin’s magic lamp Chan

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