God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1092

Chapter 1091 Back in time 23

Ningmeng took a week off for a week because of her physical discomfort.

If she didn’t go to school, Qiyu would naturally not go, and even the leave slips of the two were written by Qiyu when she went to school.

But Ningmeng and Qi Yu didn’t know, because they suddenly asked for leave, someone looked for them all over the world.

During this time, Shu Xuewen waited for Qi Yu at the school gate every afternoon, just to create her image of a kind mother.

She didn’t know about Ningmeng and Qi Yu’s request for leave, and she was still waiting at the school gate.

Shu Xuewen didn’t let the driver drive back until his patience was exhausted.

“…What about the insulation box?” the driver asked.

“Take it back if you want it.” Shu Xuewen said impatiently, only feeling that she was suffocated.

Anyway, it was the soup she asked the nanny to cook, not a valuable thing.

It was not until the next day that Shu Xuewen contacted Ningmeng’s class teacher and found out that they had taken sick leave.

Shu Xuewen was overjoyed and suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity.

Although I don’t know if Ningmeng is sick or Qiyu is sick, or if the two are sick together, it is better. The more serious the illness, the better.

In this way, her appearance is enough to make the two people feel good about her and rely on her.

Shu Xuewen happily asked Qi Yu and Ningmeng for the addresses, but only after going to the orphanage did she find that she was empty.

The addresses that Qi Yu and Ningmeng left at the school belonged to the welfare institute, but the dean said that they had moved out years ago.

Although I would occasionally go back to the orphanage, but where the two of them live now, even the dean does not know.

Qi Yu has no friends in school, he is too cold, and few people dare to talk to him.

Even though Ningmeng has friends at school, there are not many of them who are familiar with each other, and the friendship with everyone is only limited to chatting during get out of class time. If it is other private information, it is not known.

Shu Xuewen immediately asked the private detective to investigate.

After Qi Han learned about this, he was a little angry: “It’s been so many days. Not only did you not bring him back, but you didn’t even know where he lived. It’s also because he asked for leave this time, if next time he We left school and left school, where are we going to find him!”

“Are you blaming me? It’s not that I don’t want to bring him back, but that he doesn’t want to come back with me!” Shu Xuewen stared, and was also a little impatient: “He is eighteen years old now, not eight years old. He didn’t bring him back when he was eight years old and let him run away. Now he is eighteen years old and he doesn’t want to return. Do you want me to drag him back hard?!”

“I didn’t mean that.” Qi Han raised his hand and rubbed his temples, calming himself down: “We all care about Qi Hao’s body. We can’t fight inwardly without bringing Qi Yu back.”

After Shu Xuewen had just finished speaking, she actually regretted that she had spoken too loudly. Now after Qi Han gave her a step down, Shu Xuewen sat on the sofa on one side and said nothing.

After a while, Qi Han said: “Anyway, I can’t help him. He asked for leave for a week. When I wait for Monday, I will go to the school to find him personally, and I must bring him back.”

“Okay, I’ll go with you.” Shu Xuewen said.

Seeing Qi Han’s whole body seem a little tired, thinking that he has been out early and returning late in the past few days, Shu Xuewen thought: “Are you busy with the company recently?”

“It’s okay.” Qi Han frowned slightly: “It’s the Jiang family who has the problem. The Jiang family doesn’t know who has offended them. There have been accidents during this period of time.”

The Qi family and the Jiang family have been partners for several generations. Many industries of the two are mixed together. Basically, it can be said that both the prosperity and the prosperity will be achieved, and the loss will be lost.

So something happened to the Jiang family, and the Qi family couldn’t stand by.

Shu Xuewen also knew the importance of this, and immediately asked: “How come? Who did you offend?”

The Jiang family and the Qi family can be regarded as the two famous groups in Beijing, and there are still people who dare to come and provoke!

“I don’t know.” Qi Han shook his head: “I haven’t found out after investigating it for a long time.”


A week later, Ningmeng and Qi Yu returned to school.

Ningmeng’s front desk was a little happy to see her back: “Mengmeng, you are finally back, how is it? Are you okay?”

Ningmeng smiled: “…It’s alright.”

“That’s good.” The front desk said: “The head teacher said that you took a week of sick leave. We originally planned to see you, but we don’t know where you live.”

“It’s okay, I’m done.” Ningmeng smiled, but her hand under the table couldn’t help but pinch Qi Yu, who was sitting next to her.

The two have not done it in this world, and at most they hug each other.

Ningmeng thought that Qi Yu had changed, but as a result, he just didn’t know how to control him as soon as he started.

That afternoon, he considered that it was the first time for Ningmeng, so it didn’t take long.

But the second day, the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day…Ning Meng basically spent it in bed!

If she didn’t go back to school, she would have to be tossed out by him if she was not sick.

Kidney deficiency.

Qi Yu, who was pinched, squeezed Ningmeng’s fingers, and a trace of warmth crossed his eyes.

The front desk didn’t notice the movements of the two of them. She continued to speak to Lu Mian and said, “By the way, a woman came to ask us where you and Qi Yu live. We don’t know, and then watch her go to the head teacher. She was in the office, and then the head teacher personally sent her out of the school… I feel like the background is so big.”

“Woman…” Ning Meng looked thoughtful: “Is she dressed very delicately and feels like a lady?”

“Right, right, right.” The front desk nodded repeatedly: “Her finger still wears a big diamond ring!”

“I know who it is.” Ningmeng had already guessed in her heart, and now she heard what the front table said, she was immediately sure.

Apart from Shu Xuewen, there should be no one else.

Qi Yu sat next to her, and naturally heard the conversation between Ningmeng and her front desk. Qi Yu lowered her voice: “Maybe we will be able to see them this afternoon.”



Ningmeng was puzzled for a moment.

Besides Shu Xuewen, who else?

Until school was over in the afternoon, looking at the driver walking towards her and Qi Yu, Ningmeng finally knew.

Today, the driver did not hold anything in his hand. He walked to Qi Yu with a respectful look: “Student Qi, our boss invites you to come and talk.”

Ningmeng looked up and saw that in the small car not far away, besides Shu Xuewen, there was another man in a suit sitting.

Combined with the driver’s words, it is not difficult to guess his identity, Qi Yu’s biological father-Qi Han.

Qi Yu had anticipated the meeting this afternoon, and now he is not surprised to see Qi Han appear.

He took Ningmeng and walked over.

Qi Han sitting in the car naturally saw Qi Yu and Ningmeng.

He looked up and down Qi Yu with his gaze, and then said: “It’s a pity.”

Qi Yu not only looks outstanding, but also has a better temperament than Qi Hao, whom they carefully nurtured.

However, he was not raised on his body after all, even if he was blood related, Qi Han couldn’t rest assured.

Moreover, Qi Yu’s cold-hearted and cold-hearted appearance is not easy to grasp at first glance.

The car parked at a distance, but not far from the school gate.

After a while, Qi Yu and Ningmeng walked up to them.

“Are you looking for something to do with me?” Qi Yu looked down at the two people in the car with a cold expression.

Qi Han and Shu Xuewen were sitting in the car, which was already shorter than the standing Qiyu.

Because of the car windows, Qi Han sitting in the car not only had to look up, but also had to tilt his head to see Qiyu outside.

Having been in charge of the company for so many years, he has always been the only one looking down at others, and there will be a day when it will be his turn to look up at others, let alone his own son!

Qi Han frowned, opened the door and got out of the car, stood in front of Qi Yu, and introduced himself: “I am your father, Qi Han.”

“Yeah.” Qi Yu responded and said that he knew.

“Before you were dropped, it was our negligence. Your mother has been making up for you these days. You didn’t come to school last week, and she was worried that she was about to get sick.” Qi Han said that he was moved by emotion and reasoned. “You are the child of our Qi family. Everyone is looking forward to your return. Come home with us.”

“There are a lot of people in the family?” Qi Yu asked: “After I go back, what identity will I be?”

“There are not many people. Apart from the servant butler, there are only me, your mother, and your brother in the villa. If you come back, of course it will be the eldest master of our Qi family.” Qi Han began to paint the most beautiful picture of the young man in front of him. Blueprint: “I should be old in a few more years. Both you and your brother have good academic performance, and you will definitely learn things quickly. Then the company will be in charge of your brothers.”

There was a slight movement in Qi Yu’s eyes, and it seemed that he was really moved by the words in Qi Han’s mouth. He took Ningmeng’s hand: “I’m going back, but she also wants to go back with me.”

Shu Xuewen had already checked the information of the two of them, and Qi Han also knew that Qi Yu and Ningmeng had escaped from the small valley together that year.

Taking a look at Ningmeng, who has been standing on the side, who has not spoken, Qi Han nodded: “Yes.”

An orphan is not enough.

The car stopped in front of Qi’s villa.

Qi Yu and Ningmeng get off the bus.

“This will be your future home.” Shu Xuewen smiled.

The servants in the villa stood in a row under the leadership of the housekeeper. Shu Xuewen wanted to show off her wealth to shock Qiyu and Ningmeng. She also stood in front of the two and placed the housekeeper and the others in the villa in turn. The servant introduced it again.

And the butlers should have been greeted in advance. When they saw Qiyu, they called him the young master and said they welcomed the young master home.

The luxurious villas and magnificent servants, if Qi Yu and Ningmeng were not knowledgeable enough, they might be really shocked.

However, for the two of them, all this is just drizzle, boring and a bit ridiculous.

After entering the villa, Shu Xuewen took Ningmeng and Qi Yu non-stop to the second floor to see the room.

The Qiyu of the previous life was directly arranged by Shu Xuewen in the grocery store next door, and even the villa was not allowed to step into it.

Now Qi Yu’s attitude has changed. Knowing that he is not easy to handle, the Qi family’s attitude towards him has also changed.

“Except for this room, which belongs to Haohao, no one lives in the other rooms.” Shu Xuewen said: “Look at which room you like and live in which room.”

“This.” Qi Yu pointed to one casually.

“Then what about you? Which one do you want?” Shu Xuewen glanced at Ning Meng.

Qi Yu pulled Ningmeng behind her, her eyes deep: “She sleeps in a room with me.”

Although they knew that the two of them had long been a romantic relationship, seeing that Qi Yu and Ningmeng had only one room, Shu Xuewen had a look of contempt in her eyes: “Yes.”

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