God-level Quick Wear: Sick Host, Ask For Light Pet

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1090 Back in time 22

Shu Xuewen was probably really astonished by Qi Yu’s answer. After separating from Qi Yu Ningmeng, Shu Xuewen went directly to the old house.

When Qi Han came back from the company, he happened to meet Shu Xuewen.

Seeing Shu Xuewen getting out of the car alone, Qi Han asked, “Well…what about him? Why didn’t he bring it here?”

After thinking about it for a long time, Qi Han didn’t even think of Qi Yu’s name, so he had to use the word ‘him’ instead.

But Shu Xuewen understood: “I didn’t come back.”

Qi Han frowned: “Why didn’t he come back? Could it be that he wants all of our family to invite him? It’s too shameless!”

After knowing that Qiyu grew up in an orphanage, Qi Han lost interest in Qiyu.

A child who grew up in an orphanage, no matter how good at reading, is just a nerd who has never seen the world.

“No…” Shu Xuewen looked tangled, thinking about Qi Yu’s firm expression when she just rejected her, so she had to speak: “Let’s go in and talk.”

Qi Han originally planned to go to the company later, but thinking that there seems to be nothing important to deal with in the company today, and that this matter is related to the health of the younger son in the future, Qi Han followed Shu Xuewen into the villa.

After holding back the housekeeper and the servants, Shu Xuewen sat on the sofa and told Qi Han about today’s contact with Qi Yu.

Listening to Qi Yu not only using the excuse of self-reliance to refuse to return to the Qi family, but also with a girl around him who only knew how to eat a little bit of life and had never seen him, Qi Han sneered: “He keeps saying that he is self-reliant, but he has never been out of society. , I haven’t experienced how difficult it is to make money. If he is not a student now, but is working outside, I’m afraid he will eagerly come up when he hears the words Qijia. That’s how young people are. With a simple mind, I really think I can do everything.”

Shu Xuewen looked at Qi Han’s disdainful expression, and said, “I thought so before. But after contacting him, I found that this child seemed to have some ideas of his own, which was not easy to handle.”

“It’s just a child who has never been out of society. For the sake of Haohao’s body, he must be brought back.” Qi Han said firmly.

Shu Xuewen nodded in agreement.

“Dad, Mom, what are you talking about? Who are you bringing back?” A figure suddenly appeared outside the door. The young man, wearing a brand-named suit, stood looking at them in the hallway. The serious illness that he suffered from childhood made him not as strong as ordinary people, thin and short, pale, and gloomy eyebrows.

“Haohao, you are back.” Shu Xuewen looked at the visitor, her face involuntarily showed a motherly smile, and she said softly: “Nothing, I’m talking about business with your dad.”

“Yeah.” Qi Han nodded, “You are still young, and I will tell you when you grow up.”

“Don’t lie to me, I’ve been listening outside the door for a while.” Qi Hao changed his shoes and walked in step by step: “Did you find him? Why didn’t he come back?”

Seeing that she couldn’t hide it anymore, Shu Xuewen had to say: “…I found it. But it was the matter of the past few days that was only confirmed yesterday. I just went to see him.”

Qi Hao asked, “How is he?”

Shu Xuewen nodded: “Very good. He grew up in an orphanage. If he was not in good health, he would have been unable to live long ago.”

Qi Hao’s expression was gloomy, his teeth biting his pale lower lip, and his heart was full of indignation.

Even if the counterfeit is in good health, why should he be in good health with his brother born in the womb! Only him, the innocent has endured so many years of pain and suffering!

The unwilling expression on Qi Hao’s face was too obvious. Shu Xuewen was taken aback, knowing that he hates her body that has been tortured by disease. Shu Xuewen was afraid that Qi Hao would get caught in the horns, so she quickly explained: “Haohao, his health is important Good thing. You are brothers. The blood in your body is the same. The matching degree of your organs is also higher than that of ordinary people. It is not prone to rejection after surgery. When you bring him home, your mother will take him to the hospital for examination immediately. If you can match, your illness can be cured!”

Qi Hao’s eyes rolled, suddenly showing a pitiful look: “Really? Will he be willing?”

“Why not! He was born by me. Even if I didn’t raise him, he would still be a piece of flesh from my body.” Shu Xuewen could not see Qi Hao’s sad appearance, and said with a strong attitude: “Whether he wants it or not, I and Your dad has a way to put him on the operating table.”

Qi Hao was happy: “Then where is he now? He is the same age as his elder brother, and he should be only 18 years old now. The conditions in the orphanage are not very good. Is he still studying now?”

“I’m reading. And I’m in the same school with you.” Shu Xuewen recalled the results of Qi Yu and Ningmeng in the materials, and felt a little exaggerated: “I heard that he has good grades and is called… Qi Yu. Haohao, you do you know it?”

“Qiyu…” Qi Hao trembled all over.

One of the two famous academic gods!

How could he not know.

When I saw Qi Yu and Ningmeng on the playground before, Dong Haoran asked him jokingly whether Qi Yu and he were both surnamed Qi, would they be relatives.

At that time, Qi Hao vetoed Dong Haoran’s words impatiently.

It turned out to be true!

Thinking of Qi Yu’s high grades and clever mind, Qi Hao’s expression turned pale: “I, I know him. One of the two famous learning gods in our school is also a celebrity in our school.”

“What’s the use of great reading!” Qi Han, who was silent on the side, suddenly said, frowning and making no secret of his dislike and disapproval of Qi Yu: “A nerd who has never seen the world. If he is really smart , You should know how to judge the situation, and you should come back with your mother today.”

Seeing Qi Han dislike Qi Yu so much, Qi Hao’s original sense of crisis suddenly dissipated, and he lowered his head: “Qi… brother, he grew up in an orphanage. He may be a little hostile to this family. Wait tomorrow. I went to tell him that it was not the fault of Mom and Dad to be dropped back then. My brother will understand it if he knows it.”

Shu Xuewen likes Qi Hao’s well-behaved and sensible appearance most, but she always feels distressed for Qi Hao’s well-behaved and sensible appearance.

And Qi Hao’s body… has always been the pain in her heart.

Although Qi Hao’s illness was acquired, Shu Xuewen always felt that she did not take a good rest when she was pregnant with Qi Hao, so Qi Hao’s body was so weak.

She held Qi Hao’s hand distressedly: “You don’t need to talk about this. I think Qi Yu’s cold face and hearty appearance today is not easy to get along with. Don’t wrong yourself.”


“Stop it.” Shu Xuewen intends to say to Qi Hao: “There are few children in the world who really hate their parents. The children who grew up in the orphanage look cold, but they lack love more than the average person. I go more. After contacting him for a few days, he was definitely moved to come back with me.”

Shu Xuewen did what she said.

So for the next few days, every time Ningmeng and Qi Yu left the school gate, they could see Shu Xuewen sitting in the car on the side of the road looking at them.

Shu Xuewen didn’t get out of the car, but asked the driver to bring something to Qi Yu, and it was for two people, which obviously included Ningmeng’s share.

Originally, Ningmeng didn’t want to accept it, but the honest-looking driver said that if he didn’t accept it, he would be embarrassed.

Qi Yu asked Ningmeng to accept it all.

In fact, these things are not particularly expensive, and even have nothing to do with the word gui.

Every time Shu Xuewen asks the driver to bring something to eat, it may be the soup cooked in the thermal insulation box, or it may be some steaming snacks…

There was no merchant’s logo on the packing box of the things she sent over. It was obviously made by herself at home.

Ningmeng handed the two insulated boxes in her hand to the wanderer who was sitting aside, and the wanderer happily took it, and then couldn’t wait to open the lid of the box. There was a hot meal inside, and the dishes were actually quite rich.

Ningmeng took a look, and walked towards home with Qi Yu: “So does she want to use maternal love to influence you?”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qi Yu’s answer, Ningmeng immediately spoke: “That would be too insulting to the term maternal love.”

Qi Yu grabbed Ningmeng’s hand, his eyes were cold.

He remembered his childhood.

When she first returned to Qi’s house, Shu Xuewen did the same. Although she was not patient enough with him and her words were not gentle enough, children who grew up in a bad environment had a desire to be loved in their hearts that ordinary people couldn’t feel.

After only a few simple meals and a few delicious snacks, Shu Xuewen deceived him to the hospital.

Even the meals and snacks were not made by Shu Xuewen herself, but by the nanny.

Thinking back to how I had collapsed when I knew all this, it was pitiful and ridiculous.

When signing the contract, Ningmeng merged all the memories of Qi Yu.

After saying these words, she also seemed to remember how Shu Xuewen used Qi Yu’s lack of love to deceive him.

Ningmeng looked up at Qi Yu.

Before signing the contract, although she felt that Qi Yu’s experience was miserable, she was more worried about her safety after signing a contract with him.

But now, as long as she thinks about the scene of him being forced to be held in a small room at that time, she feels distressed.

Ningmeng got into Qi Yu’s arms, raised her hand and hugged him tightly, as if she wanted to melt herself into his body.

“Don’t be sad.” Qi Yu embraced Ningmeng and touched her hair: “It’s all over. And I’ve always been very lucky. If there weren’t those encounters, maybe I wouldn’t be able to touch you. .”

It’s just that these can’t be a reason for him to let go of those people, so the revenge still has to continue.

Ningmeng buried her head in Qi Yu’s arms and did not speak, her slender white fingers grasped his clothes, like a little koala sticking to him.

The climate is right now, and everyone is wearing thin clothes.

The senses where she has been in contact are amplified.

Qi Yu’s eyes deepened, he hugged the person horizontally, and strode towards the community.

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