Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 401

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Anti-Grand Wizarding League

“Please, Lord Moblade, you must stop Lord Aya. Now all the leaders are in a panic, and it won’t work like this.” Teddy’s subordinate said.

“No need, hang it.” Lu Feng said, “If anyone commits a crime in the future, they will also be hanged.”


Teddy’s subordinates were confused for a while. They thought they would be saved, but Lu Feng actually supported the hanging. This is a bronze-level leader, and there is no reason to hang it.

How will the other leaders get along in the future?

“Tell everyone that those who violate the law will be sentenced according to the regulations. If anyone is unhappy, they can leave. Norwood City can’t afford it.” Lu Feng said loudly.

Actually, Lu Feng didn’t care about these things, he only cared about his own mission.

But since it is stipulated, it must be implemented. Who cares whether he is a bronze-level leader or not, and he and Artoria also need to establish their own prestige, even if they have only been here for a few months.

It is impossible to get out. Those bronze-level leaders also have manors in their hands. Most of them have more than one, but they only have a little less income.

Sentencing a bronze-level leader to death was an unprecedented event. On the day of the execution of the hanging, the execution ground was surrounded by three and three floors, and many people from surrounding villages and towns also came to watch it.

Almost all of the onlookers were very happy, like a festival, because these leaders were originally unpopular.

The effect of this incident is obvious. There are almost no leaders and their subordinates to make money anymore, and there are fewer public robberies that used to be common, because even the leaders will be hanged.

Although in theory, the protection fee is paid, the people of Schalke are to protect the property and basic order of civilians, otherwise who will pay.

But in fact, blatant robbery is still very common, because everyone’s strength is different, some people can use their strength to be stronger, others can’t catch up, plus they can secretly divide the spoils for Schalke’s people, so that they all turn a blind eye , and therefore can be reckless.

It’s different now. The guards are not vegetarians. As long as they see it, or if someone reports the case, unless they escape from the jurisdiction of Norwood City, they will be arrested and brought to justice.

The guards were found with money, and it was hanging again. This is very severe. Although it cannot be completely eliminated, it is obviously much less.

The order in Norwood City has become better, not only for the residents here, but also for those who come to do business in other towns.

Therefore, in just one month, the number of merchant ships coming here has doubled.

In addition to these business matters, many people from other cities and villages have defected here.

Not only those poor people who have no land and no assets come here to find work, but also many rich people who have settled here, some of them do not live in Norwood City, but live in nearby towns superior.

In short, the population size of the entire Norwood City area suddenly began to grow.

The number of merchants has increased, and more people from other places have come. Lu Feng and the others have a better understanding of the news from various places, because all rich merchants come to visit Norwood Castle, and many small merchants also come.

Although Lu Feng didn’t ask for or pay any extra taxes, these rich and businessmen were very smooth, and Lu Feng was easy to talk, so they would naturally come to see the rulers of the city and give them many gifts.

Even a person with poor principles like Schalke had some wealthy businessmen as his guests in the past, because to do business, they must have a good relationship with the local people who rule the city.

At this time, Lu Feng could take the opportunity to host a banquet, and then ask some news from various places at the banquet.

The intelligence obtained in this way is very efficient, because these businessmen have traveled through many cities and are well informed.

Especially those wealthy businessmen are not weak in their own power. They are all from big families, some of them are even bronze rank. Therefore, the number of epic rank members here has increased, but they have not become Lu Feng’s subordinates.

They are also familiar with the rulers of various places, and they all have a lot of high-level information.

Also from this way, Lu Feng learned that there are two Gold Ranks on Hailang Island, not just the Great Wizard.

The other gold rank is the patriarch of the Anglai family of West City. It is located in the west of Hailang Island. In fact, it is a large coastal city on the peninsula. They control the entire peninsula.

The Aung Lai family is a local family on Wave Island. They rule in the form of a family and have lasted the longest. They have ruled there for almost 20 years.

Then, an active Epic Rank of their family was killed by a great wizard. He was very young, less than two years had passed in the Infinite World. With the resources of the Ang Lai family, it is very likely that he will enter the Gold Rank.

The great wizard was afraid that the appearance of two gold levels in the Aung Lai family would threaten himself.

Although the Ang Lai family was angry, but the great wizard was famous, they did not dare to trouble the great wizard, so they could only swallow their anger.

Of course, if the great wizard wants to destroy the Ang Lai family, he will also have to pay a huge price. If the Ang Lai family can’t escape across the sea, it will become a hidden danger in the future, so if the goal is achieved, they will no longer care about the Ang Lai family.

This matter seems to be like this, but it has become some secret talk of others, used to brag about the power of the great wizard, or to feel the helplessness of the Aung Lai family.

But in Lu Feng’s view, this is a good opportunity.

During this time, Lu Feng also went to St. Augustine several times again, and he had already obtained the map of the interior of the Great Wizard’s Palace.

Although there is no way to know where the wizard’s lamp is hidden, because the big wizard is very cautious, he goes to the place where he hides the wizard’s lamp by himself. possible location.

Moreover, Lu Feng knew where the magic recovery liquid was stored, so the great wizard didn’t hide it from others, because it was stored as a strategic material, not only for his own use, but also for his subordinates when needed.

Just having the map in the palace is useless. Lu Feng can’t just go in and search like this. He needs some external force. Without gold level, no one dares to challenge the great wizard. The Aung Lai family is a very good target.

So, two days later, Lufeng’s big ship set off and continued to sail along the coast to West City.

The patriarch of the Aung Lai family was Maquiro Aung Lai, who looked like he was in his early fifties. When the big ship entered the harbor, Lu Feng could feel that the place was very orderly and the scale of the city was huge.

Shortly after landing, he was sure that this was the most orderly one in the local town he had seen so far.

It is also estimated to be the largest, as the city is at least twice the size of Norwood City.

Of course, it is useless to manage. If the gold level of the Ang Lai family is gone, most of them will be spied on by others.

Lu Feng did not come here as the ruler of Norwood City. He docked in the name of a merchant ship. Of course, in order to hide people’s eyes and ears, the ship also brought a lot of supplies for sale.

Norwood City is not big, so people here only know that there is such a city, but they don’t know the specific situation, so Lu Feng easily went ashore.

After settling down, Lu Feng began to ask his men to go to the Ang Lai family, explain his identity, and provide a letter for the patriarch Makiro to write in person.

The content of the letter is very simple, it is to tell him that he will meet with the other party secretly, and there are important things to discuss, about the great wizard.

Makiro didn’t care about a silver rank ruling a small town, but the great wizard mentioned in the letter aroused his interest, so he decided to meet Lu Feng.

“I heard that your nephew died at the hands of the great wizard Tok.”

Norwood City is not big, and there is no bargaining chip on Maquiro’s side, so Lu Feng got straight to the point, pointed to the point, and said, “I know you have a holiday with him, if I have a way for you to kill him and take over the entire Sanos Ding Cheng, are you interested?”

“Destroy the great wizard and take over the city of St. Augustine?” Makiro really became interested, but from a certain point of view, he also extremely doubted the authenticity of Lu Feng’s words.

Because obviously, it is difficult to kill the great wizard.

The central area of Wave Island is very narrow. There are long and narrow bays on both sides. There is also a large river in the nearby area. A canal was dug during the Kingdom of Els, and the narrow bay in the northern part of the peninsula was dug with the river. Passed, so that the island of waves was divided into two islands from the middle.

By going around the canal, the waterway can go directly to the city of St. Augustine.

Of course, there is still a little distance between West City and St. Austin City, and they have never peeped over there before.

But if the great wizard died, it would not be too difficult to take over the city of St. Augustine.

The problem is that the premise is hard to hold.

Therefore, Maquiro was more interested in Lu Feng’s confidence and ideas.

“I heard that your Norwood City has only two Silver rank and twenty or so Bronze rank. For our Ang Lai family, what effect do you think adding a few more of you will do?” Maquiro said.

Before the meeting, Makiro had initially investigated Lu Feng and Norwood City, which was not difficult, just ask some businessmen here.

“It’s very useful. As long as you want, I can form an anti-big wizard alliance, and we can work together to kill the big wizard.” Lu Feng emphasized: “Don’t you think that on Hailang Island, the big wizard is a big threat?”

Makiro was silent and tapped on the table with his fingers. He was thinking that this young man is very courageous, but unfortunately he is not strong enough.

He didn’t think a silver rank could do what he said.

To put it bluntly, he didn’t believe that Lu Feng could do it, and also wondered why Lu Feng would take the risk to do such a thing.

After all, if the Great Wizard knew, then Lu Feng would be dead, and the Great Wizard would definitely not let him go. These rulers on Hailang Island are very decisive and absolutely do not allow people who threaten them to exist.

“Why are you dealing with the great wizard?” Makiro asked again.

“Have a grudge, like you, I must kill him.” Lu Feng said casually.

This kind of reason is too much, Lu Feng has already thought about it.

“But you also know that I don’t have that ability. Although I have worked hard, when the infinite world ends, there is still a long way to go to the gold level.”

There is no such thing as being active or retired in Infinite World, and Lu Feng spoke very cautiously.

“I’m not capable by myself, but we can work together to kill the great wizard.”

Lu Feng said: “I have already obtained a lot of information on the great wizard, including the storage place for his magic recovery liquid. Before the battle starts, I can destroy those recovery items, and the strength of the great wizard will be greatly reduced.”

“The strength of the great wizard is not only those magic recovery liquids.”

Makiro shook his head and said, “I can’t give you a guarantee, but if you can gather at least twenty silver rank, you can talk to us again.”

The Aung Lai family really wanted to kill the great wizard, which was also Lu Feng’s guess, so he came over.

There is no mistake in this.

Because the great wizard killed the active Epic Rank of the Ang Lai family, in the eyes of the Ang Lai family, it was not simply preventing them from appearing in two Gold Ranks.

Rather, it was a challenge, and it also indicated that the Great Wizard paid attention to the Aung Lai family.

In this case, the Ang Lai family must have a sense of crisis, because their strength is not as good as that of the great wizard. They know very well that it is not just that the gold level Makiro can’t beat the great wizard, but the overall strength is not as strong as the great wizard.

There is no room for snoring on the side of the couch. As the only two gold-levels on the island, it is normal for the Aung Lai family to have such concerns.

They felt that sooner or later the great wizard would strike at them.

Because of this, they didn’t want to give the Great Wizard any excuses, or any events they made up their minds.

But at the same time, as long as they can kill the great wizard, they will of course go all out, but Makiro seriously doubts whether Lu Feng can do it.

The masters here are scattered, and the rulers of various regions are not strong, not only the great wizards, but the Aung Lai family will not allow a large number of people to unite.

Twenty silver rank, then how to find a dozen forces to unite.

“If it is at least a hundred bronze level, what do you think?”

Lu Feng said: “Contacting with the silver rank will require too many people. I don’t think it’s a good idea, but the bronze rank is much simpler. With enough troops, it should be able to bring down the great wizard~www.readwn. com~ Of course it’s fine, but I’m going to be the first to say that we won’t make any promises,” Marquiro said.

Hundreds of bronze levels cannot be compared with twenty silver levels at all, because many silver levels have additional bronze levels, so twenty silver levels will bring dozens or even hundreds of bronze levels.

But Makiro still thinks that a hundred bronze rank is enough. He is very cautious and extremely doubts that Lu Feng can’t do it, but he still hopes that Lu Feng can do it.

The important thing is that before the event, their Aung Lai family will stay out of the way, they just want everything to be ready, and they finally borrow a shareholder.

For them, this is the safest.

“That’s natural, we don’t need anyone to make a promise before it is confirmed.” Lu Feng laughed.

The meeting ended quickly, neither Lu Feng nor Majiro wanted their meeting to be discovered by outsiders, and soon after Lu Feng left, Majiro immediately called a confidant.

“Go to Norwood City and investigate the origin of this magic blade.” The information obtained from the businessman was only a small amount of information, and Maquiro was not at ease. Of course, he would not trust Lu Feng so easily.

Therefore, some information needs to be more detailed.

“Yes, Lord Makiro.” The man turned and went out.

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