Global Reincarnation: My Own Story Library

Chapter 400

Vol 11 Chapter 5: Ruler

“Confirm the death of Schalke, the ruler of Norwood City, and automatically settle the reward for this main quest.” Infinite World’s prompt sounded, and this time the main quest was automatically settled.

【Complete Main Quest 1】

[Difficulty: Silver Level]

[Evaluation: Excellent+]

[Squad No. 69690001 has contract servants, the contract master will receive 150% reward weighting, the potential points will be distributed proportionally, and other contract masters will receive]

【Get 180000 points】

[Contract Master gets 39 Potential Points (for 13 Skills), Contract Servants get 33 Potential Points (for 11 Skills)]

[Contract master gets 120 permanent magic points, and contract followers get 120 permanent magic points]

[Get two bottles of ultimate magic recovery potion]

【Get two magic beans】

【Obtain two bottles of healing medicine】

【Get a big sword (green)】

【Obtain a Mithril Mine】

[Items have been stored in the inventory, pay attention to check]

Regardless of the rewards he got from the mission settlement, Lu Feng’s first step was to deal with the current power vacuum in Norwood City and take over Norwood City.

And those of Schalke’s original men.

Soon, all the other bronze-level leaders who were not in the city also came over, but no one fled, they all surrendered, expressing their obedience to Lu Feng’s rule.

Lu Feng was also a little speechless. For these people, changing the boss didn’t seem to be a big problem.

All the surviving leaders add up to twenty-two people, all standing respectfully in the conference hall, Lu Feng and Artoria are sitting in front, cut from stone, covered with leopard skin, and inlaid with precious stones. on the stone chair.

“Lord Magic Blade, now that you have become the boss of Norwood City, you should go to the Great Wizard and bring some things, otherwise the Great Wizard will make excuses and say that Schalke is his subordinate and come to embarrass us. of.”

said a leader.

They already knew that Lu Feng was the eldest of the two. Although Lu Feng said that Arturia was also the eldest, and he had to add the title of an adult, they still knew that Lu Feng was the one who made the decision.

“Schalke has nothing to do with the great wizard, but the great wizard is also a greedy person. With such an excuse, he will not give up in vain.” Another person also said: “The great wizard is at the gold level, so don’t offend him. Better.”

“What skills does the great wizard have?” Lu Feng asked, “You seem to be very afraid of him.”

That’s what he’s interested in, and why he keeps these people and decides to rule Norwood City by the way.

After all, the higher the status, the stronger the ability to obtain information.

“The legendary great wizard has three skill positions.” The leader who spoke first said: “The first is the dark aspect of the magic skill, which will release the plague, not only can break the opponent’s large number of defenses, but also provide defense for himself. .”

Now they remembered that Lu Feng was also likely to have three skill positions, which was one of the reasons why they all surrendered so easily.

The boss is more powerful, and they can be stable. After all, it is always going to die.

“The second is the summoning technique, which is also very powerful. It is said that it can summon iron puppet beasts, and it can also summon undead. It is rather strange, but it cannot summon living beings.”

“The third skill is about the wind element, so it should be weaker.”

“No one knows his specific bloodline, but it is rumored that it is the inheritance of wizards, which greatly increases his three skills.”

“His third skill, although weak in attack power, can fly.”

“The great wizard is already strong, and it is very easy to retreat. In addition, he has a treasure like the wizard’s lamp, which can recover quickly. Almost no one can beat him.”

Others also started to provide all kinds of information about the great wizard.

The great wizard is not from Wave Island and the nearby islands, but from other big islands. He only started to rule the city of St. Augustine seven years ago.

When he sent someone over, Schalke knew that the other party was at the gold level, and immediately sent a lot of gifts without any resistance.

In addition to the strength of the Great Wizard himself, Lu Feng also knew that the generals under the Great Wizard’s men were much stronger than Schalke. There were about twenty silver rank and countless bronze ranks.

“It’s a bit difficult to confront the great wizard head-on.”

Lu Feng was also pondering that, as long as the main story is not too difficult, it can be done with a little skill. Of course, the rewards are also less than the last quest against Rambo and the three of them.

The gold-level mission of the main line 2 is difficult, and it seems impossible to replicate the tactics of Schalke.

But Lu Feng didn’t have sneak-type teammates, so he didn’t seem to have any other way but to fight hard.

Of course, hard resistance is also skillful, and it is not the only way to get Schalke.

“First of all, let’s find out where the quest item, the Sorcerer’s Lamp, is hidden.” The second main line is only for quest items, not for people, but there are loopholes to find.

Some things take time to do. In order to determine the storage place of the Sorcerer’s Lamp, Lu Feng also needs to go to St. Augustine in person.

Therefore, he decided to take the advice of several leaders, personally visit the great wizard, and send some gifts. Anyway, there are many things like gold and silver jewelry, and Lu Feng does not need to come out.

The first is to improve one’s own strength first, add the thirty-nine potential points obtained, add three points to all the six surrounding attributes, and use the highest point for Thunder Emperor Sword Saint Physique, adding a total of six points.

There are still fifteen potential points left, the calculation center is added to LV70, and the last eight potential points are all added to the Blazing Sword Skill, raising this skill to LV68.

Then, Lu Feng summoned all the housekeepers of the manor and the captains of the fleet urgently, and began to count and take over Schalke’s wealth.

In the afternoon of the second day, it was completely received.

Because Schalke’s rule is very simple, he only knows how to loot, and a lot of wealth is stored in the underground treasure house.

Divided into several treasure chests, located in different manors, Norwood Castle is the largest one.

The only thing left is the manor and fleet accounts. Compared with the company accounts of the Terra World, it is not too simple.

“These equipments are still useful, but it’s a pity that there is so much gold and jewelry.”

Lu Feng stood in the treasure house, looking at the mountains of treasures, in addition to gold and silver jewelry, boxes of gold shells, handicrafts and other treasures.

It is simply as rich as a country. The entire Norwood City, including the surrounding villages and towns that are ruled, add up to the wealth of everyone, and it is estimated that it is not as much as Schalke.

This does not include many props and equipment produced by Infinite World.

All of these can’t be brought out of the world, but the props and equipment produced by Infinite World, including the green whip and green ring used by Schalke, can all be brought into the real world.

Needless to say, many of these things were also stolen from other players.

Of course, these props are also a lot of wealth, and if they are auctioned, it is estimated that they will be worth millions of points. Lu Feng felt as if he had picked it up.

It’s a pity that he is only here for six months at most, and he has to complete the task. The island and the island are also closed, and it is troublesome to come and go. Otherwise, if he goes everywhere to rob the ruler here, it will not be released.

“Captain, I have determined more than a dozen regulations, which are temporarily used as the laws and regulations here, and I have also sorted out the taxation. Those taxes with various names and messes have all been cancelled, and only commercial tax will be charged in the future.”

Arturia came over, and she mentioned it yesterday, to re-determine the management regulations here, and don’t need the Schalke set.

“It’s okay, you can announce it yourself, and I’ll leave it all to you.”

Lu Feng wasn’t interested in these things. In fact, he was a little speechless. Artoria seemed to be too serious. They only spent so much time there, and the task was completed. There was no need to waste this time.

However, Lu Feng didn’t care if Artoria had to do these things.

Arturia went out, and the whole Norwood city was full of people that day, celebrating everywhere. It was really a joy in the whole city.

Because not only taxes, but also city fees and the like have all been canceled. In the future, those leaders and other captains who find excuses to extort money will also be convicted.

Although most of the people don’t take the law that those leaders searched everywhere and treat it as a crime, most people don’t take it seriously, but the various protection fees in the Schalke era are gone, and the cost of entering the city is gone, just farming the land Fishing, if you don’t sell it, you don’t have to pay, these are all real.

The farmland owned by the people here is small and barren.

Because a lot of fertile farmland has been turned into manors, all of which are owned by Schalke and others, so farmers have to fish and work to subsidize their families.

People without farmland mostly do business.

Most of the people doing business are wealthy people, and the current business tax is only a few percent of what it used to be, and other expenses are gone.

There are a lot of bottom people in the fishing farms, and they hardly have to pay taxes.

Almost everyone saves a lot of money every year, so not only those in Norwood City, but also those in nearby villages and towns are happy.

Lu Feng started his own trip to St. Augustine City, where Norwood City was temporarily managed by Arturia, because the current goal was to find out the specific storage location of the Sorcerer’s Lamp, and it was definitely not something that could be done in a day or two.

It’s not possible to visit St. Austin alone this time.

Lufeng had prepared a great deal of treasure, and had men loaded into large ships, and they had traveled by sea, for sailing was the most common way of long-distance travel on Mercury.

And the big cities here are basically by the sea, and it is not accidental that Norwood City is close to the sea.

Wave Island is a long island. The city of St. Austin was once the capital of the Kingdom of Els. At the center of the island, it is also one of the largest cities on this big island. It is super prosperous.

This is the description of people here on there.

When they got there, Lu Feng realized that St. Augustine was only a little bigger than Norwood City, but the city walls were much higher.

Just around the periphery of St. Augustine, there are several other inland cities. Because of the close distance, they are built by the big river, and the big ships can easily pass through, so they are also directly controlled by the big wizard.

Of course, the harbour of St. Austin is very large, several times that of Norwood City, and it is true that the business here is more developed.

The residence of the great wizard is a palace, which used to be the palace in the era of the Kingdom of Els, and it seems that it has been transformed.

Sure enough, as the leaders said, the great wizard had no idea about Lu Feng killing Schalke, because it was too common, so Lu Feng took the initiative to bring the treasure to offer, but the great wizard was very happy. He and his entourage lived in the palace.

This is a bit unexpected.

Living in a palace, not being flexible outside.

Now I’m visiting in public, and I can’t stay in the palace for too long, so Lu Feng temporarily decided to leave early in a week, but spent some money to win over a few lower-level servants in the palace, as well as a few captains in the great wizard’s personal guard. .

In the eyes of outsiders, it is too common to win over the people around the great wizard so that they can talk in the future, so no one has any superfluous thoughts.

But Lu Feng had another purpose.

He will continue to come in the future, these are just foreshadowing, he needs some of these people to provide him with the most core information of the great wizard, including task items.

After doing these things, Lu Feng left St. Austin City and returned to Norwood City.

After disembarking, the others did the chores. Lu Feng led a few of his subordinates to the castle, but before they left the port, a few of them hurried over and looked familiar. Lu Feng knew that it was a subordinate of a certain leader, but he forgot which one.

“Master Demon Blade, it’s great that you are back. Master Aya has decided to publicly execute our leader Teddy and hang him.” The leader smiled respectfully, and said to Lu Feng, “Please Lord Demon Blade, please stop Lord Aya.”

Teddy is one of the bronze-level leaders here, and this Lu Feng knows it.

“Hanging?” Lu Feng asked, and then asked several nearby civilians to find out what was going on.

Not only Teddy was to be hanged, but there were two others, one of whom was Teddy’s direct subordinate, and he was guilty of the same crimes as Teddy, both for private and tax collection crimes.

In fact, it is the former excuse to extort money, but the nature is completely different from Because it used to be handled as tax, now it is different, the tax can only be set by Lu Feng and the others, so this is very serious matter.

But this is a special place, so it is stipulated that the first time is only to be warned and fined, and the collected money will be returned the same way.

But Teddy and the others were hanged for the second time.

In addition, the person who committed murder during the robbery and robbery, that is, the crime of robbery and murder, was also hanged.

This incident caused a lot of uproar, and almost everyone in Norwood City knew about it.

In addition, Arturia reorganized the former direct subordinates of Schalke, established the city guard team, formulated various team rules, and they were responsible for the order of the city and surrounding villages and towns. By the way, it was deprived.

Robbery and murderers are also caught by them.

And Teddy and the two were sued by civilians, and the guards knew but dared not touch them.

In the past, this kind of thing was too common. In fact, it was to collect protection fees, so it was difficult for Teddy’s subordinates to understand. They didn’t understand at all. Arturia established this crime, which meant that it was competing with the lord for the right to collect taxes.

In the absence of the lord’s authorization, this is a serious sin.

When they saw Lu Feng’s big ship appearing at sea, they immediately saw hope, and they had come to wait long ago.

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