Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 54

Chapter 54 Reward of 200,000 Yuan

It was revealed that several drug addicts had stolen the car. When they tried to steal the car, they got into a dispute over the unequal split and accidentally stabbed the victim to death. They left both the car and the victim in place and fled to another province.

It wasn’t until they watched the news several days ago that they found out that someone had taken the blame in their stead. Thus, they returned to City S with confidence, only to encounter the police conducting a drug sweep and accidentally discovering the truth behind the murder.

“Is that all?” A Miao turned off the television. “What about the one pulling the strings? You’re just going to let him go?”

Shen Xinglan read his documents without even lifting his head. “That’s the police’s problem. Someone with a low IQ like you shouldn’t worry about such a complicated issue.”

A Miao, already used to his mockery, could now selectively block out his insults.

“So Bai Yongwei has correctly bet on the fact that this matter will be left unsettled. Furthermore, this is the first time. Very soon, there will be a second and a third time.”

Her expression was very dark. “Shen Xinglan, I don’t want to be embroiled in your family’s matters. This has nothing to do with me.”

“You’re already embroiled in it.” The man cast her a glance like he was placating a puppy. “If you need to buy anything for class, ask Shen I to take you.”

“I’ve not received the letter of acceptance,” A Miao replied expressionlessly.

Shen Xinglan narrowed his eyes. “Then you must have failed the exam.”

“I’ve checked the results. I’m their top student this year.”

“Are you sure you didn’t apply for the wrong university?” Shen Xinglan gave her a puzzled look. “So the overall quality of a prestigious university is this bad.”

A Miao decided to ignore this man until classes begin.

The next day, the acceptance letter from Fujing University was delivered to their home. There was also a cheque for 200,000 yuan included in the letter. It was her reward for being the top scorer.

“The university didn’t send the cheque. It’s from the Education Bureau,” Shen I surmised, after analyzing the cheque. “Your grades are enough to qualify for their reward. Moreover, you can also apply for the scholarship for the entire year.”

A Miao happily took the form from him. “Really? Is there such a reward now? I thought I’ll only be getting a scholarship!”

“You’re amazing, Miss!” Shen I gave her a thumbs-up. “The letter says you’re the only one in the area who has received this reward.”

With the scholarship for the entire year, A Miao basically had enough to cover her tuition. Now that she had an additional 200,000 yuan, an idea suddenly came to her.

“Shen I, can I trouble you to send me back to my old home?”

In the past few days, Song Baohua had not been sleeping well after finding out on the news that A Miao had gotten involved in a lawsuit. Even though A Miao had called to tell her that everything was fine, she was still worried.

It wasn’t until she watched the news yesterday morning that she knew everything was truly fine and heaved a sigh of relief.

“You’re just worrying for nothing, mom. A Miao doesn’t need our concern at all.” This was the nth time that Zhou Xiao was complaining. Ever since she returned from A Miao’s home, Song Baohua didn’t allow her to find her friend.

She had thought that A Miao would come and look for her, just like the latter had when she got angry as a child and threw a tantrum. A Miao would always cajole her. But she came to understand that A Miao was no longer the poor orphan that she grew up with.

She was the fiancee of a wealthy man. Before long, she would be the wife of a wealthy man.

“Why don’t you give A Miao a call?” Zhou Xiao said with a grin. “Even though you don’t let me look for her, isn’t it fine if she comes here?”

“What’s the point of making her come all the way here?” Song Baohua glared at her. “Classes are starting soon. You better straighten yourself out.”

Zhou Xiao rolled her eyes. “Speaking of classes, I wonder if A Miao managed to enter Fujing University.”

“A Miao is such a studious person. She’ll definitely make it.” Song Baohua sighed. “If not for you, she would’ve long gone to university…”

“Can’t you stop repeating that?” Zhou Xiao became upset. “What do you mean ‘if not for me’? I’m the one who first succeeded in entering the university. Regardless of whether it’s a first-class university or not, I still made it.”

Song Baohua rapped her on the head after hearing what she said. “Who’s the one to blame that A Miao couldn’t sit for the exam?”

“Tsk…” Zhou Xiao had nothing more to say.

Back then, she and A Miao had sat for the university entrance examination together. However, the day before the examination, she insisted on wearing roller skates to pick up Song Baohua from the stall. In the end, a car narrowly missed her at the intersection. It was A Miao who pushed her away.

Unfortunately, A Miao fell and ended up lying unconscious on a hospital bed for two days. She had missed her university entrance examination.

“Either way, you better wizened up. Don’t keep bothering A Miao.” Song Baohua was still ill at ease and advised her daughter.

“Then I’ll come over and disturb you two!” A Miao flipped the curtain at the door and entered.

Zhou Xiao cried, “A Miao!”

“Hehe!” A Miao pulled on her arm. “I made you worry for me, Auntie Song.”

Song Baohua took a careful look at her and responded only after determining that she was fine. “Sigh, it’s alright as long as you’re fine!”

“Hurry and sit down, A Miao!” Zhou Xiao pulled A Miao to the bed. “I… I thought you’re so angry with me that you won’t talk to me again.”

“I won’t.” A Miao waved her hand. “I know that’s your character. I won’t hold it against you.”

It wasn’t until then that Zhou Xiao felt relieved. “That’s good to hear. My mom insists on me apologizing to you. Hurry up and stop her from nagging.”

“Oh, you.” Song Baohua glared at Zhou Xiao. “Oh right, A Miao. Have you received the admission letter?”

A Miao nodded with a face full of smiles. “It’s precisely why I came here today.” She told them about the 200,000 yuan reward that she received. Zhou Xiao looked at her in disbelief.

“R… Really? You can get that much money just by becoming the top scorer?”

“Yes! I dropped by the bank on my way here and verified it. It’s true!” A Miao took out the cheque. “Auntie Song, why don’t you guys move into a new home?”

Song Baohua was stunned. “What did you say?”

“I’ve thought about it. Considering how delicious your steamed buns are, I think we can rent a shop. I want the double-story kind so we can live and conduct business at the same place.”

Zhou Xiao was so excited that she started screeching. “Really? Can we really?”

“Of course!” A Miao set her eyes on Song Baohua. “When you sell on the streets, you have to avoid the enforcers as well as those hooligans disturbing you. If the weather is bad, you can’t even go out.”

“Mom, hurry and say something!” Zhou Xiao gave Song Baohua a little push.

Song Baohua shook her head resolutely. “No. How can I take your money? Save it for your university expenses.”

“I have a scholarship.” A Miao paused momentarily before adding, “Moreover, I don’t lack money now. Did you forget I have a fiance now?”

“You don’t have to lie to me.” Song Baohua looked at her. “Zhou Xiao is a child who doesn’t understand things but I do. You wouldn’t spend the man’s money at all.”

A Miao sniffled. “Auntie Song, since you know me so well, you should know that I wouldn’t change my mind once I’ve decided on something.” She leaned on Song Baohua’s shoulders. “You can no longer set up your stall on the streets with your legs in that state. For Zhou Xiao’s and my sake, let’s move to a new home!”

“Mom, stop making things difficult for A Miao!” Zhou Xiao’s eyes glinted. “Let’s find a shop near my university. That way, I can help out after class!”

“That’s what I’m thinking as well,” A Miao replied, smiling. “I was planning on finding a shop near Fujing University but once I asked around, I realized the prices are simply too high.”

Song Baohua sighed. “Child, I really…”

“That’s decided, Auntie Song!” A Miao enveloped her into a hug. “Just wait at home. I’ll go and find a home in these few days. I’ll get things ready before my classes begin.”

Zhou Xiao rose to her feet. “I’m going with you!”

“No.” Song Baohua disagreed. “A Miao doesn’t need you. You’ll stay home and help me pack up.”

“Mom! What do we even have to pack in our home?” Zhou Xiao stamped her feet.

In the end, Song Baohua still refused to allow Zhou Xiao to tag along with A Miao. She gave A Miao the liberty to decide on the type of the home they would be getting, as long as the price wasn’t too steep.

In the Ji Conglomerate.

Shen Xinglan’s expression was unpleasant after hearing Shen II’s report.

“This dumb woman…”

“Boss, should we find a new reason?” Shen II was also speechless.

The 200,000 yuan reward was something that Shen Xinglan dug out of his own pockets. He had used his connections to send A Miao the money in the name of the Education Bureau. There was indeed such a policy in the bureau but it was only applicable for fresh graduates. A Miao wasn’t eligible as a private candidate for the examination.

“The scholarship, coupled with 200,000 yuan, is enough to help her live comfortably until graduation.” Shen Xinglan tossed the documents onto his desk. “Huh, she sure is generous and gives the money to someone else with a wave of her hand. I’d like to see how she’ll finish her studies.”

Shen II dared not reply, seeing as his boss was angry. Sometime later, Shen Xinglan raised his head. “Get Shen I to check if there are any suitable houses. Tell him to be a little cleverer.”

“Got it.” Shen II turned around and left the room to give Shen I a call. Deep inside, he heaved a sigh.

Their boss was obviously very concerned about the girl. He did so many things for her behind her back yet refused to let her find out. Never mind this. He would even constantly bully her when meeting her.

When exactly would their boss succeed in courting the girl…

“Dumb woman.” Inside the room, Shen Xinglan scolded A Miao under his breath again. He didn’t know what she was thinking.

A Miao had no idea that Shen Xinglan’s perception of her IQ had lowered again. She had been looking for houses nearby Zhou Xiao’s university for three days. One of them was particularly decent but the rent was much higher than she had anticipated.

“There are two more days before classes begin. Why don’t I just rent the cheaper one…” A Miao muttered to herself in the car. “Wouldn’t it be nice if the rent for the better one is slightly lower…”

Shen I secretly stole a glance at her as he drove. “Maybe the landlord will have a sudden change of mind!”

“Impossible!” A Miao smiled in self-mockery. “The house is newly furnished and we can just live there straightaway. Moreover, people used to sell breakfast on the floor below.”

If she managed to rent the shophouse, Song Baohua would have nothing to worry about. Everything would be prepared for her!

“Sigh. Forget about it.” A Miao mulled over it. “I’ll rent the other one. If the landlord rents that to someone else, we’ll end up with nothing in our hands.”

Her phone rang as she spoke.


“Ah? Yes, that’s me!”

“What? Really?”

“Yes! No problem, no problem! I can come over right now.”

“Okay! See you!”

After ending the call, she grabbed onto Shen I’s arm in disbelief. “Did you know what just happened?”

“I don’t.” Shen I put on an especially convincing act as he shook his head. “What happened?”

A Miao said excitedly, “The landlord for the shophouse said that something happened in his hometown and he desperately needed money. So he’s renting the house out ASAP. He asked me if I want the shophouse and gave me quite a huge discount!”

“Great!” Shen I grinned as he played along. “So we’ll go and sign the contract now?”

“Of course!” A Miao patted the car door. “Hurry and make a u-turn.”

The moment Shen Xinglan entered his home at night, he saw A Miao walking out of the dining hall while humming.

“You’re back!” She greeted him with a wide smile.

Her smile put him into a daze. By the time he recovered his senses, the corners of his mouth were already lifted into a smile.

“Hm? Are you in a good mood?”

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