Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Who is Behind This?

A Miao was taken out of the police station in shock and she didn’t realize that until the flashes faced her taking the pictures.

“Mr. Shen, did your fiancee really kill someone?”

“Do you believe her? Will you go to court?”

“Miss A Miao, are you engaged with Shen Xinglan in order to retaliate against the Xia family? Are you going to say something about this?”

Hearing this question, everyone fell silent. Shen Xinglan stopped and turned to look at the reporter.

“Which newspaper are you from?” Deng Jian immediately performed his duty. “Your words have already affected my client’s reputation. I will send you a lawyer’s letter.”

The plump male reporter’s eyes flashed. He stuttered and said, “I… I am from ‘Entertainment Fame’. Why… I ask because I don’t know. That’s my job!”

A few reporters, who could not tell the situation, echoed, “Yes, yes!”

“Take her to the car first.” Shen Xinglan squinted, and Shen I pushed aside the reporters next to him with a serious expression. With the help of the police, A Miao returned to the car.

She clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths with her eyes closed before she said, “The reporter is definitely sent by the one who framed me.”

“You are so smart!” Shen I nodded. “He was bought.”

Outside the car, the reporter stepped back under Shen Xinglan’s cold eyes. The rest were even afraid to breathe.

“What…what? Are you going to beat me?” The plump reporter wanted to incite people, but unfortunately, no one echoed.

Shen Xinglan looked at him with contempt and said, “Do you really believe that any woman can use my engagement, or do you think that the Ji consortium needs to cooperate with others to act in a play?”

“As for my fiancee, I think she will have a better end than you.” Shen Xinglan turned and left before he added, “I hope the money you have received will be enough for the rest of your life.”

The car went away, and the reporters looked at each other. They all moved away from the plump guy. When he found their sights, he frantically wiped his face.

“What are you looking at? I am not afraid!” Everyone could prove that he did not say anything wrong. If Shen Xinglan dared to hurt him, people would know tomorrow.

While he was yelling, his phone rang and he rushed to pick it up.

“Chief Editor!”

“Right, the interview is finished.”

“What did you say?”

“Chief Editor… is there any misunderstanding? I have not made any mistakes…”

“Hey? Hello?”

Obviously, the other side had hung up.

“F*ck!” The plump reporter raised his hand and tried to throw his phone when he suddenly recalled something and made a phone call.

“It’s me. I’m so in trouble…” His voice faded away as the remaining reporters looked at his back in a manner of a person taking delight in someone else’s misfortune.

“Is this something you can interfere with, idiot?”

As soon as Shen Xinglan got in the car, A Miao moved inside very consciously. “Is it very troublesome?”

“You are the one in trouble, not me.”

“I really want to kill him…” A Miao rolled her eyes “Obviously, it is your stepmother… your aunt who did this. She didn’t want you to have the family property. I am the one who is innocent!”

“But they don’t dare to touch me for the time being, so they have a try on you.” Shen Xinglan said shamelessly, “You will go to school next month, and be careful when you are recognized.”

A Miao didn’t understand what he meant until she watched the news on TV at night. She was stunned.

“How… how can I get on TV?”

Shen I had kept this from her for a day that she would definitely be on the TV. Now as he saw A Miao’s face turn pale, he couldn’t help comforting her, “Miss, it is not a big deal. You were wearing sunglasses! Unless someone is particularly familiar with you, or they will not recognize you.”

“Even though they can’t recognize me, they will remember my name!” A Miao held her head. “When I go to school, everyone will know my identity…”

She wanted to yell loudly to vent. As soon as she looked up and saw Shen Xinglan sitting in a relaxed face, she couldn’t help complaining to him. “That’s all your fault. If they harass you because I am your fiancee, you can’t blame me.”

“You should worry about yourself than to worry about this.” Shen Xinglan reached out and received a piece of paper from Shen II. “This is what I just got. Ji Xue will go to Fujing University to study for graduate school. She is now your senior sister.”

A Miao was completely shocked, and she couldn’t respond for a long time.

The murderous case was soaring, and soon the whole city knew it. All kinds of online suspicions rolled over. The plump reporter who lost his job immediately made a sound.

“Because I told the truth, the Ji consortium put pressure on my unit and made me lose my job. It is obvious that the woman is a suspect, but she could sway out of the police station. The victim’s remains are scarcely cold yet, and the murder is still at large!”

The article was like a boulder that sank into the water and gave rise to a new climax. Almost all netizens had called for severe punishment over the murderer and asked the public security organs to give an explanation.

A Miao felt fine about this, but she never expected that things would get worse. Fujing University informed her that if the case had no results, the school could not accept her.

“Shen I …” A Miao looked at him with a dull look. “What should I do…”

“You have Boss!” Shen I looked at her with a relaxed face. “Miss, what are you worried about. Believe in Boss, he will definitely solve it.”

At this time, the landline rang. A Miao’s first reaction was to get far away from it.

Shen I coughed and picked it up.

“Hello, Master! The young master is not there.”

“Miss A Miao? She isn’t here neither.”

“I don’t know where they went…”

“Telephone number? Only the young master knows her number.”

“Okay, bye!”

In the Ji family, Ji Zeming put down the phone in a huff. He couldn’t contact Shen Xinglan over the past days, and he couldn’t find the little girl even though he called their house.

“Don’t be angry, I believe that Xinglan can handle it well.” Bai Yongwei gave him a cup of tea.

“It has been so many days!” Ji Zeming blackened his face. “You have heard what they said outside. If he can handle it, why it hasn’t calmed down?”

Bai Yongwei tugged at the corners of her mouth and said quietly, “Maybe he is looking for favorable evidence! A Miao is definitely not a murderer.”

“That’s for sure.” Ji Zeming had a slightly better tone. “I believe my son’s vision. There is no reason that he can allow a little girl to give him a green hat.”

In his opinion, his son must have offended someone in the business world.

Bai Yongwei smiled. “Since you believe him, why are you still anxious?”

“Forget it, forget it…” Ji Zeming put down the teacup. “I am done. Let the kid solve it by himself.”

Bai Yongwei came out of the study when she saw Ji Xue coming in from the outside.

“Mom! Do you know? I heard that A Miao was disclosed that she is a freshman of Fujing University. Now that things are getting bigger, the school will definitely not accept her.”

“No, Shen Xinglan will help her.” Bai Yongwei touched her hair and glanced at her daughter. “If you meet her at school, don’t be impulsive.”

Ji Xue cast her a look. “Why? Do I have to call her sister-in-law?”

Bai Yongwei sighed and sat down. Her daughter was too impulsive, or she would not keep the fact from her that she was dealing with Shen Xinglan. Now it seemed that it was better that she knew nothing, or she would ruin all of this.

“Xiaoxue, remember what I said. Don’t have any positive conflict with A Miao, or you will suffer.”

Ji Xue’s eyes lit up. “Can I do it secretly?” She smiled smugly. “Mom, think. There are so many people who want to marry Shen Xinglan. In due course, that illegitimate child must have a lot of troubles!”

“In short, you should be careful. Don’t be discovered what you have done.” Bai Yongwei said what she could say.

“A Miao has caused such a big embarrassment for me and my mother. How can I not give her a lesson… This is just the beginning!”

A week before school, A Miao finally couldn’t help asking on her own initiative.

“Shen Xinglan, what about my schooling?”

“No wonder you are waiting for me for dinner today. You finally can’t help asking anymore…”

Shen Xinglan slowly put down the chopsticks. “If I can make you go to school smoothly, how are you going to thank me?”

“This is all your fault. You are obligated to help me solve it.” A Miao endured the urge to buckle the bowl on his head. “Moreover, if I am still a suspect, your reputation will be affected.”

“I’m not afraid.”

A Miao pinched her fist. “Well, then how do you want me to thank you?”

“I haven’t thought of it yet. Remember you owe me a favor. When I need you to do things, you can’t refuse.”

“You can’t force me to sell myself.”

“You don’t have the value to sell yourself.”

“Hehe”… A Miao stood up. “Thank you, I am waiting for your good news.”

Watching her went away in a huff, Shen Xinglan brightened his eyes. Just then he almost blurted out that his condition was not to wear makeup on her eyes at home, but he resisted.

“Boss.” Shen II came in. “Things are done. Deng Jian asks when we shall release the news.”

Shen Xinglan answered, “I wanted to wait, but since everyone is waiting, let’s do it tomorrow.”


Shen II’s mouth moved. If Shen I was here, he would definitely shout out, “We are not in a hurry, except Miss A Miao…

God knew who discovered it first. The news on the Internet in the early morning had already spread crazily. First, the recording of the previous reporter asking money from someone was exposed. He sounded full of justice. Then the so-called witnesses told reporters that he had made perjury.

“I didn’t see the murderer that night. I just saw the car passing by me. Later someone called me and said that he would give me a sum of money if I followed his instructions.”

“I am sorry. I haven’t used the money. I will turn in. I don’t want to go to jail…”

Soon, the police held a press conference and said they found the murderer.

“A drug abuse stronghold was destroyed yesterday, and a bloody dress was found inside. After testing, it was confirmed to be the blood of the deceased. After that, the murderer confessed his crime of murder.”

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