Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 351 - A Woman Is Rotten All over the Body

Chapter 351 A Woman Is Rotten All over the Body

Chu Bai called Yaya. He dared not go to the Shen house, for fear of being caught by Yu Sihan.

“Don’t let him know that I want you to be an assistant, just say that you have to go, OK?”

Yaya did not know whether to cry or to laugh. “Why are you so afraid of him? You are an adult now”

“You don’t understand.” Of course, Chu Bai could not tell her how many times Yu Sihan had secretly tossed him about, when he was a child. Those terrible memories were too many to count…

“In short, just don’t let him know!”

“All right!” Yaya did not want to remind him that Yu Sihan clearly knew that she would not go to such a crowded place on her own accord, especially the movie set with such complicated interpersonal relationships.

“One more thing,” Chu Bai said mysteriously, “guess who I saw on the set today!”

Yaya thought for a moment and said, “The new female supporting role?”

“No, it’s Zhang Shanshan. She’s still there!” Chu Bai could not help raising his voice. “What’s the matter with that great devil? Hasn’t he solved the problem? Why is she still here?”

And she is getting more arrogant.

“I don’t know…” Yaya smiled and said, “You’d better ignore her!”

“Your father said the same thing.” Chu Bai thought for a moment and said, “Well, I’ll see what they will do!”

People were very strange creatures. When people ignored you, you wanted to get close to that person. Chu Bai was a typical model. Zhang Shanshan looked like a changed person in the next few days.

Zhang Shanshan did not make any more trouble again. When she performed with Chu Bai, Chu Bai was often in a daze. She always adapted herself to the performing role quickly, so Chu Bai was always scolded by the director daily.

“Why are you here so early?” Yu Sihan was at the Shen house early in the morning.

A Miao stood at the door and did not want to let him in.

“I’m taking Yaya to look for clothes for the engagement.”

“She’s not awake yet.”

“All right. I’ll wait for her.” As he said this, Yu Sihan came in with a swagger.

A Miao was so angry that she almost throw the spatula at his head.

“You can’t go up to the second floor.” After all, Yaya was still sleeping!

Yu Sihan looked at her and suddenly smiled. “Your food is burning.”

A Miao was stunned and ran into the kitchen, with a scream. After she turned off the fire, Yu Sihan had already gone upstairs. A Miao hurried to Yaya’s room. When she got to the door, she saw that the door was not fully closed. Yu Sihan was sitting beside the bed, and Yaya was sleeping under the quilt.

“Let’s go!” She was not aware that Shen Xinglan stood behind her.

A Miao followed him downstairs silently.

“A Miao…” Shen Xinglan suddenly hugged her. “You should understand that Yaya is destined to be with Yu Sihan in her life. She is not only our daughter but also Yu Sihan’s…”

He couldn’t say the word “wife” easily.

“You have to get used to it. She has not been our child solely, since she was young, not to mention now.”

A Miao raised her head. “I know… I just feel sad for our daughter.”

If it wasn’t for her, if it wasn’t for Yu Sihan and if it wasn’t for the so-called vermin. Yaya could get to know someone, like any ordinary girl, then the two of them would fall in love with each other, and finally get married and have children.

“Instead of being labeled when she was born, as if I gave birth to a daughter for him…”

Shen Xinglan patted on her shoulder and said, “You have to try to accept it, or Yaya will be embarrassed.”

“I know…” A Miao whispered. “I will.”

As soon as Yaya woke up, she saw Yu Sihan and smiled with a wink. “Why are you here?”

“As we discussed yesterday, we’re going to see the ceremonial clothes today.”

“Did I get up too late?” Yaya reached for the phone.

Yu Sihan handed her the night-robe. “No, I came too early.”

After Yaya dressed herself, the two of them went downstairs. A Miao poked her head out of the kitchen. “Do you want breakfast?”

Yu Sihan said, “I’ll take her out to eat.”

A Miao secretly curled her lips and then said to her daughter, “Don’t eat anything unhealthy and don’t have too many cold drinks.”

“I know, Mom! Goodbye.”

Seeing her daughter leave happily with Yu Sihan, A Miao felt upset. After seeing this, Shen Xinglan decided not to go to the company, and stayed with her to watch a film, at home.

“What is this?” Yaya followed Yu Sihan to an ancient handicraft workshop. A few experienced masters excitedly pushed out a hanger with a moon-white dress, on it.

The point was that there seemed to be moonlight on the dress, and a hazy color came out with the fluctuation of the dress.

Yaya thought she was dazzled, and rubbed her eyes.

“This is Moon Shark Yarn.” Yu Sihan led her in. “It’s said that it’s made of mermaid’s tears and pearls.”

Yaya reached out to touch the handiwork of the old tailors, and then said something.

“It’s smooth!”

An old tailor wearing glasses, was instantly angry. “Smooth? How can you say that!”

“… Well… Should it not be smooth?” Yaya did not know why he was so angry.

The old tailor cried out. “This is the priceless Moon Shark Yarn! The Moon Shark Yarn!”

“I know. I have been told just now.”

“Then how you say it’s merely smooth? Obviously, it’s extremely smooth! Like pearls!”

Yaya said, “Okay, it’s extremely smooth.”

The old tailor: “…”

“Try it on!” Yu Sihan ignored the eccentric old tailor.

So, Yaya went in to try the dress, under the glares from several old tailors.

“Mr. Yu…” Another tailor said, “are you sure you want your fiancee to wear that Moon Shark Yarn? That’s the cloth that has been lost for a long time now. It should be handed over to the government!”

Yu Sihan glanced at him and said, “OK, give the leftover bits and pieces to the government.”

(☄⊙ω⊙)☄”How did he know that we save the leftover bits and pieces…”

“Hahh…” The other three old tailors dragged him back. “No, no, no, Mr. Yu, leave him alone. Your fiancee is coming out. It’s beautiful. It’s beautiful! Hahh…”

Yaya turned around. In a moment, there seemed to be silver flowers blooming on her dress. Next second, these flowers turned into circles, which looked like halos cascading into the sea.

“It’s really a magical effect!” Several old tailors circled her excitedly, and reached out their hands to Yaya.

Before they touched it, they felt the air around was cold.

“What do you want to do?” Yu Sihan asked with a smile, reaching out to hug Yaya.

The old tailors drew their hands back, and stood aside in embarrassment.

“Very beautiful!” The smiling Yaya was beautiful. “I like it very much.”

When Yu Sihan looked at her, his eyes always smiled. That was the real smile, which was totally different from the evil smile that he showed to the old tailors!

“It’s fine if you like it.” For Yu Sihan, only when Yaya liked it, would this skirt be valuable, or else, it was just a piece of rag.

After taking the dress, they went to buy shoes. The material for the pair of shoes was very strange, like shells, but there was no seam. Could such a large shell exist in the world?

“It’s a shell.” Yu Sihan squatted on the ground to help her put on the shoes. “It has lived a long time, and maybe it will become an immortal.”

The people who collected these two large shells said that when they dug out the pearls from the inside, there were tears on the surface of the shells. They were real tears and were salty…

“The pearls in it have been made into jewelry, and I’ll ask the shop to send them to our home.”

Yaya showed the picture to A Miao after she went home, and A Miao showed it to Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan was a little jealous. “It is not something of value, and not as good as gold.”

“I’ve just checked the information about Moon Shark Yarn on the Internet. It’s really ancient, and it’s precious, even in ancient times.” Like Yaya, A Miao also thought it looked very good.

“You like it, too?” Shen Xinglan was upset. He was not willing to be considered inferior, when compared with Yu Sihan.

A Miao nodded. Before saying anything, she saw Shen Xinglan seriously saying, “You two are too simple. It’s said that it only exists in ancient times and has been missing. How could Yu Sihan get so much material to make a dress?”

“But there is enough!” A Miao, pointing to the photos on Yaya’s mobile phone, did not notice her daughter laughing quietly at the side.

Shen Xinglan glared at Yaya, and continued to talk to A Miao. “It’s synthetic! Nobody knows what he is using, and whether it is harmful to the human body.”

Seeing his daughter grimace, Shen Xinglan reluctantly changed his words. “However, since he made this dress for Yaya, I don’t think there will be any problem. Anyway, she will only wear it at the engagement. It’s better not to wear it anymore.”

“Remember your father’s words!” A Miao felt cheated and told her daughter.

Yaya pursed her lips and nodded, then secretly glared at Shen Xinglan, who pretended not to see it.

When they were preparing for the engagement, Chu Bai on the set, continued to spend time with Zhang Shanshan.

To be exact, it was his problem. Zhang Shanshan did not care about him at all…

“Please help me with my lines!” When the director called for the end of the work, he approached her again. “Tomorrow will be my last play. I’m afraid my performance will not be good.”

Zhang Shanshan looked at him scornfully. “My part of the play is finished. There will be a male performer with you tomorrow. You can go and ask for his help.”

“He’s a man!” Chu Bai persisted in asking her. “Come on. Let’s start!”

Zhang Shanshan rolled her eyes, kicked him away, and then left without looking back.

“Hello!” Chu Bai chased after her, but she got into a car.

“I don’t believe it!” He threw away the script and left his assistant behind, and instantly chased after her, in his car. It was unknown why he was so energetic. He tailed her all the way to the community, where Zhang Shanshan lived.

He parked the car and went in another elevator, after watching Zhang Shanshan enter the elevator.

“Zhang…” When he got out of the elevator, he was about to call out, but he found Zhang Shanshan’s door open.

“Did she see me? Does she want to bring me in on purpose, to create a scandal?” Chu Bai hesitated for a moment, and pushed the door slowly.

“Zhang Shanshan!” He saw Zhang Shanshan standing on the opposite balcony, as if she was going to jump down at any time.

Hearing his cry, Zhang Shanshan turned her head.

“My God!” Chu Bai was scared and almost ran away.

The woman was rotting all over, especially her face. Her eyes looked as if they were about to drop out.

Seeing that it was Chu Bai, she cried out in pain and jumped down.

“Zhang Shanshan!” Chu Bai hurried to the balcony and saw that Zhang Shanshan had turned into a pile of mangled meat on the cement floor. There was a man and a woman standing next to her.

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