Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 350 - Reconciliation

Chapter 350 Reconciliation

Yaya stared at him.

“What’s the matter?” Yu Sihan was particularly calm. “Are you hungry?”

“I don’t believe it.” Yaya got out from the other side of the bed.

She did not care that she was wearing her pajamas, which covered her completely from head to toe. Maybe she had no intention of hiding from Yu Sihan, but she did not realize the man could see her going to the bathroom.

He… kept looking at her.

Yu Sihan asked through the bathroom door, “You don’t want to be engaged?”

Yaya brushed her teeth inside and vaguely replied. “I… don’t want to…”

There was no sound outside. When she came out, she found that the man was gone.

Yaya pursed her lips and was a little upset. Before she could recover, she saw Yu Sihan coming in again.

“I did not go away” The man had shoes in his hands and a dress on his arm. “Let’s go out for dinner.”

Yaya took the dress and thought for a moment.

In the past, her food, clothing, housing, and transportation had been taken care of by Yu Sihan. He matched whatever clothes she wore with the hairpins she wore every morning. Because she said she did not like the way the kindergarten teacher combed her hair, Yu Sihan learned the art of fixing hair from someone, and braided her hair for her, every day.

“Come here!”

She looked up and saw the man standing at the dressing table, with a comb in his hand.

“I don’t braid my hair now…” Yaya said bashfully, but she walked to him and sat down.

Yu Sihan touched her hair. “I won’t braid it for you, I will just comb your hair.”

The room was quiet. Yaya looked at the man from the mirror, and saw him combing her hair carefully. He touched her hair carefully, as if he was touching a cherished treasure.

“Can I ask you now?” She felt that the atmosphere was a little strange. She pursed her lips to break the silence.

Yu Sihan put his chin on her head. “Aren’t you hungry? Shall we talk about it when we have a meal?”

Yaya stood up, picked up the dress, and went into the cloakroom. When she came out, Yu Sihan nodded with satisfaction.

“You’re so beautiful, as I thought.”

“You chose the dress, according to my childhood preferences. How do you know I still like it?” Yaya did not know what was wrong with her. She just wanted to provoke him.

Yu Sihan did not mind at all. “Tell me what you like now, and I will remember.”

No matter what she said, he obeyed her and made her as weak as if she was beating on cotton.

Yu Sihan was the quiet type, which was a trait known to people who knew him. Although Yaya was greatly influenced by him, she could also be either lively or quiet.

She did not expect Yu Sihan to choose a very lively Szechuan Restaurant. Even when the door of the private room was closed, she could hear the noises outside.

“You have been eating very light food abroad. We will eat whatever we want, in the future.” Yu Sihan brought her to her seat. The two of them sat close to each other.

Yaya naturally, sat down. It was too late for her to feel as if something was inappropriate.

She was a little annoyed. Yu Sihan knew some of her behavior by instinct. She was used to his closeness and his care. For a while, she could not control her behavior.

“Drink the cubilose first.”

When Yaya was deep in thought, Yu Sihan had taken out a small cup of stewed cubilose from somewhere. He took off the lid, and the cubilose was still steaming.

“When we are engaged, you can move in with me. I took care of you when you were a child. I’ll look after you better than anyone else.” Yu Sihan boasted shamelessly.

Yaya finally prepared herself mentally. She took a sip of the cubilose, and with a serious face asked him, “Tell me why you left eight years ago.”

“Because I was ill. I had to go to and heal my sickness.”

“Why did you keep it from me?”

“Because you were too young at that time. I was afraid it might scare you.”

“What disease is it? Are you getting better now?”

“It is a genetic disease. I’m fine now.”

Yaya did not believe him. “Since you are well now, why do you still have fainting spells?”

“I was in a hurry to see you, so I came back even though I was not completely healed yet,” Yu Sihan smiled and said, “I was cleared half a month ago.”

Yaya poked at the dish that was just served. “You lied to me. You only told me half of the truth.”

“Sometimes, I wish you were not so smart.”

“It’s not because I’m smart.” Yaya looked at him seriously. “In eight years, you did not call and never appeared. But I remember that I always received your gifts on my birthday, Christmas Day and New Year.”

Yu Sihan helped her to get some of the food. “Did you like the gifts?”

“You chose every gift yourself. Those gifts were chosen eight years ago.”

Yaya thought, “This man arranged everything. His illness was premeditated. He knew when he would heal. So, what was he waiting for, in the past eight years?”

“The medicine?”

“Yaya…” Yu Sihan touched her head.

Yaya instinctively wanted to rub against him, like what she used to do in the past, but she realized it and sat down quickly.

She did not know that her behavior was lovely in Yu Sihan’s eyes.

So, the man smiled again. “Yes, I arranged everything, because it would take six to eight years for my people to make a new batch of medicine.”

“What about the old medicine?” Yaya immediately got to the point.

Yu Sihan said, before a moment of silence, “That’s what I don’t want you to know.”

“But I want to know it.” Yaya said firmly, “Otherwise I can’t forgive you for leaving me behind for eight years.”

“I didn’t leave you behind. If I could choose, I would not leave you for a day. But…”

Yaya interrupted him. “But in fact, you did leave me behind.”

“OK…” Yu Sihan knew that he would always give in to this girl. He was angry with himself, so he said, “I gave your mother the medicine I made…”

Yaya couldn’t accept it for a while. “Why? My mother was not ill.”

“You don’t remember it.” Yu Sihan pushed the cubilose to her again. “She was just pregnant with your brother, but her body was rejecting the baby. If she did not abort the baby, she would die.”

“Your father was ruthless and wanted to abort the child.” Yu Sihan took the opportunity to badmouth Shen Xinglan shamelessly. “But your mother did not agree. Later, I found out that my medicine could save her.”

Yaya’s eyes teared. “So, you gave the medicine to my mother, but you were ill for eight years…”

“Silly girl!” Yushan took her hand. “I didn’t have a choice then, did I?”

Yaya cried and her tears kept falling down. “Then how have you spent the past eight years…”

“Well…” Yu Sihan wiped her tears. “The more you ask, the more sad you will be. Now, I’m back. It’s all right. Sweetheart, no more crying, okay.”

Yaya suddenly cried even more loudly.

Yu Sihan simply lifted her onto his lap. “Your father knows about this, and he didn’t let me tell your mother, so you can’t talk about it anymore.”

“Purr…” Yaya nodded as she whimpered.

If A Miao knew that her daughter had been sad for eight years because of her, she would feel very guilty.

For this reason, Yaya forgave Yu Sihan almost instantly. Her eight-year waiting was not worth mentioning, compared with this man’s sufferings!

Although he did not stay with her, he arranged every detail of her living arrangements. Yaya wanted to ask Yu Sihan how he had managed to come over the past eight years, but she thought he would not like to recall it, so she didn’t ask him.

“Dad!” The next day, she took advantage of A Miao and Ling Lang’s departure, and went to the company to look for Shen Xinglan.

Shen Xinglan saw that she had two bodyguards with her, and pursed his lips. “Why are you here? Where is your mother?”

“She went shopping with Aunt Lang.” Yaya hugged him.

Shen Xinglan knew his daughter better than A Miao.

“What do you want to ask me?” He poked Yaya’s forehead. “Don’t talk nonsense. Just say it.”

Yaya smiled and said, “Did you know that Hanhan saved Mom?”

“Did he tell you that?” Shen Xinglan suddenly felt nervous. “What did he say?”

“Tell me the truth!” Yaya told him what Yushan told her. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell Mom!”

Shen Xinglan sneered in his heart. “The bastard dared to set himself as the role of a benefactor. Did he forget why A Miao needed to take medicine…”

“Dad…” Yaya shook his hand. “Don’t always look at him with such a serious face, OK?”

Shen Xinglan felt that he could not let Yu Sihan, the son of a bitch, get away so easily, so he smiled and said, “Yaya, did he tell you why he hasn’t changed in eight years?”

“I didn’t ask him…”

“You can ask him!”

Anyway, he also wanted to know.

“Maybe he’s well maintained…” Yaya looked at Shen Xinglan and smiled.

She knew that her father was angry with Yu Sihan!

“You’re defending him, even before you marry him.” Shen Xinglan deliberately showed a solemn face. “It will be unimaginable after you marry him!”

Yaya fell into his arms and said, “No, I’ll always stand by you.”

Yaya sighed after coming out of the building of the Shen Group.

She felt from a very early age that her parents and Yu Sihan were hiding something from her, which was why her parents had to agree to her marrying Yu Sihan.

“I hope that it’s not something terrible…”

Chu Bai would be shooting a night show today, but Zhang Shanshan had been kidnapped by the great devil. He did not know who would be acting with him?

When he got to the set, he saw Zhang Shanshan sitting there, reading her lines.

“You… You…” He held out his hand, pointing at her for a long time, but did not say anything more.

Zhang Shanshan looked up at him, then looked down at the script.

Chu Bai hurriedly called Shen Xinglan. Although Shen Xinglan did not know what was going on, he asked him to ignore that woman. No matter what Yu Sihan was doing, he would not be involved.

“Action!” The director shouted.

Chu Bai looked at Zhang Shanshan, as if he was looking at a thief.

“Stop!” The director was anxious. “You two are lovers now. Lovers! What’s that look in your eyes? One more time!”

It was the same…


The director got angry. “Take a ten minutes break. You two, go and find that feeling!”

Zhang Shanshan turned around and left, followed by Chu Bai. Although he was not allowed to be involved, he was really curious. Was this really Zhang Shanshan…

“Hey!” He stopped her. “Who are you?”

Zhang Shanshan looked at him as if he was an idiot. “I’m an alien.”

“Hahh! Zhang Shanshan, stop playing jokes. What’s the matter with you?”

“You called me Zhang Shanshan and then you asked me who I am. Is there something wrong with your brain?”

Chu Bai was shocked when the woman pushed him aside.

“Stop!” He caught up with her.

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