Give Me Your Hands and Marry Me

Chapter 331 - Her Cover Had Been Blown?

Chapter 331 Her Cover Had Been Blown?
“I found nothing more than you did.” Yin Sihai picked up the documents on the table, and put them in the shredder one by one. He only kept A Miao’s pictures.

Li Peng was still shouting over the phone.

“You mean he has no backer?”

“Mr. Li, you know my subordinates’ capabilities. If I cannot find anything, that means he is a nobody, or…” Yin Sihai smiled and said, “you cannot afford to offend him.”

There was a silence for a moment, at the other end of the phone.

“I see.”

After he hung up, Yin Sihai tapped his fingers gently on A Miao’s pictures. “Interesting…”

“Grandpa.” Li Nian pushed the office door open.

Li Peng gave her a glance and said, “Why are you at our company today?”

“I heard that Shen Xinglan was someone to be reckoned with.” Li Nian had regained her confidence, and looked beautiful and elegant, as if the events of that day had not happened.

However, if she did not remember it, why did she come over so hurriedly?

“Now that we cannot settle it in the official way, let us do it below the belt.” Her eyes suddenly had a crazed look, as if she had already seen something. She laughed out loud and said, “You did the same to the Boss of the Lan family.”

Li Peng’s facial expression became serious. “You are talking nonsense!”

“I overheard my father talking about it.” Li Nian smiled and said, “Everyone knows you killed the Boss of the Lan family through the hands of my naive aunt, except herself.”

Li Peng wanted to scold her, but Li Nian said miserably, “You killed Lan Miao’s father that year, now it is her turn to take revenge on your granddaughter.”

“I will not have my granddaughter bullied by that bastard!” Li Peng snorted and said coldly, “What do you want to do?”

“I want Lan Miao to die.” Li Nian’s face turned hideous.

Li Peng looked at her, with furrowed eyebrows. “Who did you hire?”

Before Li Nian spoke, he banged the table and stood up. “Nonsense! Why did you not consult me? Do you realize that the Lan family will be able to trace it to you, as soon as you hire gangsters?”

Li Nian said with a smile, “Grandpa, I am not so stupid. I did not hire any gangster.”

“Who did you hire?”

“A hit man!” Li Nian held up two fingers and said, “The most expensive kind.”

Li Peng heaved a sigh of relief. “Good. Settle this issue once and for all, to avoid endless troubles.”

When Shen Xinglan got out of the bathroom, he saw a bulge on the bed. A Miao was sleeping under the covers, her face flushed. She came over early in the morning, and they made love several times.

Shen Xinglan gave her a soft kiss, and turned to leave the bedroom.

“BOSS!” Shen I who was standing below the stairs, waved to him.

Shen Xinglan lowered his voice, when he came to the living room. “What’s the matter?”

“They received an order yesterday.” Shen I said with suppressed laughter, “They were told to kidnap you and Miss A Miao, and bring you to an old warehouse in the suburbs.”

Shen Xinglan glanced at him and said, “What else?”

“And…” Shen I dared not laugh, because the following words sounded harsh.

He lifted his mobile phone and said, “BOSS, here, have a look.”

Shen Xinglan took a look, and his face became serious. “How dare she?”

“We can refuse.”

“If you refuse her, she will turn to others.” Shen Xinglan passed the phone to him. “Just take it. Leave her to stew in her own juice. That can be counted as a windfall.”

A Miao was woken by the ringing of the telephone, but the number displayed was not a familiar one.

“Hello…” She picked up the phone dazedly.

There was a moment of silence at the other end of the phone, and then a strange voice said, “Is Miss Lan there?”

“Yes. Who is this?” She did not recognize the voice of the caller.

“This is Yin Sihai.” He said frankly, “I would like to treat you to dinner.”

A Miao became alert instantly.

“Fourth…Fourth Master?”

“Don’t stand on ceremony.” Yin Sihai smiled and said, “It seems that you are agreeable to go out for a meal with me.”

A Miao was taken aback, and then said immediately, “No…I am not…”

“So you are turning down my invitation” Yin Sihai did not give her any chance to think it over.

“…” A Miao did not know what his intention was, and she asked after thinking for a while, “Fourth Master, what is the matter?”

“I have a reason.”

A Miao did not know what to say.

She thought he would say, “Can’t I treat you to meal without a reason?” Then she would say, “Sorry. I am very busy these days. How about another day?” and hang up.

However, he did not say what she expected.

“Miss Lan, I really have a reason.” Yin Sihai said with a smile, “Are you afraid of me?”

A Miao closed her eyes and said, “Okay…When?”

“I will pick you up from the Lan family home at noon tomorrow.”

“No, you tell me the venue. I will go by myself…”

When Shen Xinglan came in the bedroom, he saw A Miao staring dazedly at the phone.

He came over, and seeing that A Miao was tired, said, “You don’t need to get up so early today. Get some sleep now.”

A Miao stared at him and said, “I received a call from Yin Sihai.”

Shen Xinglan raised his eyebrows and thought, “What’s the matter?”

“He wants to have a meal with me at noon tomorrow, and I said yes.”

Shen Xinglan thought, “How interesting…”

At noon the next day, A Miao went to meet him.

“Take a seat.” Yin Sihai helped her.

They were in a stylish French restaurant. There was no one here, except them.

“You…booked the whole restaurant?” A Miao understood immediately.

Yin Sihai poured her a glass of red wine. “I usually prefer a lively atmosphere, and I might have treated you to eating at food stalls, in the old days.”

“Oh? What changed you?” A Miao raised her glass to make a toast.

She thought, “Since I am already here in this situation, I will take it easy. Since Yin Sihai has invited me for a meal, avoiding it would not help.”

Yin Sihai clinked glasses and said, “I wanted to pursue you in the past, so I hoped you would like my life style.”

“…Interesting.” A Miao’s lips twitched and she said, “You have given up, because you think we are not suitable for each other.”

She was relieved, but the man opposite did not say what she expected.

“No, I still like you now.” Yin Sihai looked at her, “You are the first woman I have an interest in all these years. Unfortunately, I am late. You are already married.”

A Miao was taken aback, but she smiled, giving nothing away. “I am single, even if you would suspect that I am inviting you to pursue me.”

“I mean another identity, A Miao.”

“There was silence for a moment, then A Miao laughed, covering her mouth. “Fourth Master, although you called me my nickname, I can’t punish you. ”

Yin Sihai stared at her intently. A Miao became more and more flurried, and then she pinched her thighs to calm herself down.

“Miss A Miao, A straightforward person does not resort to insinuations. You are not Miss Elder in the Lan family, who was a wandering destitute, but the wife of the president of Shen Corp in City S.”

“I heard that Shen Xinglan loves you with his life. When you came to Jingcheng City, before long, he came over too, with your daughter.”

A Miao could not force a smile, so she managed to keep a straight face. “What are you talking about? How can I be the wife of Shen Xinglan? His wife is…”

“This is a strand of your hair!” There was a hair in his hand, and he rubbed it between his fingers. “You can imagine what will happen if you and Yaya were to do a DNA test.”

Before A Miao could react, he took out a transparent bag, with a hair in it.

This is Yaya’s…

“What do you want to do?” A Miao clenched her fists and said, “If you hurt Yaya, Shen Xinglan will not let you off.”

Yin Sihai smiled and said, “I was not sure whether you were A Miao or not before, but now I can confirm it.”

“You tricked me into telling the truth?” A Miao could not breathe for a moment.

“No, we are just chatting. However, I found some problems during this chat.” Yin Sihai waved his fingers and said, “I think I have done the right thing.”

A Miao took a deep breath. “What do you really intend to do?”

“I want to talk to Shen Xinglan.”

“…why not just invite him directly??”

“Because I think he is smart and I cannot trick him.”

A Miao thought, “So you deliberately asked me out in order to trick me into giving information.”

“Do not be so hostile.” Yin Sihai said ruefully, “I am the one who should feel sad. Have you ever considered divorcing Shen Xinglan?”

A Miao stood up and said, “Never! Thank you for lunch. I am full.”

When she finished talking, she took her bag and left immediately, afraid that Yin Sihai would stop her.

“You have not eaten anything…” Yin Sihai saw her running out of the restaurant, and getting into the car across the road.

One of his subordinates came in and said, “Fourth Master, Shen Xinglan is in the car. Why not…”

“No.” Yin Sihai said calmly, “Do not provoke him. He’s not a man to be trifled with. What’s more, we are going to do business with him, not threaten him.”

In the car, A Miao grabbed Shen Xinglan’s arm, looking frightened. “He…he knows…”

“Let’s leave first.” Shen Xinglan strapped her in.

A Miao’ expression scared him. He thought Yin Sihai had bullied her just now.

“It is my fault…” When the car was at a junction, A Miao lowered her head and said in a depressed tone, “He tricked me, but I could not see through it.”

A Miao related the whole incident to Shen Xinglan and then said sadly, “What shall we do now? Will he use this to threaten you?”

“He is not capable do so.” Shen Xinglan kissed her and said, “Honey, don’t be so nervous. It is okay.”

A Miao could not take it easy. If someone knew her identity, it would mean that everyone would eventually know, too.

“Since he wants to see me, I must have something he is interested in.” Shen Xinglan gave A Miao his take on the matter. “Or he needs my help.”

Yin Sihai’ haughty face came into A Miao’ mind.

He did not look like the kind of person who would turn to others.

“Maybe he wants to work together.” Shen Xinglan found her attention wandering, and could not help kissing her again. “All right. Don’t think about it. I will find out, when I see him.”

A Miao was not worried about it. She was…

“Don’t worry.” Shen Xinglan smiled and said, “If he had wanted to reveal your identity, he would not do all these things.”

In the house of the Lan family.

“I see.” Lan Heng hung up the phone.

He thought, “Yin Sihai had a meal with A Miao? What is his intention?”

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