Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 884 - Wizard Island

In June, there was heavy snowfall.

Manda followed Circe on the arduous trek on a snowy night.

“This journey may be a bit harder for you, but there is no other way. If you want to go to my kingdom, you have to pass through an extremely cold place.”

“Good!” Manda responded numbly.

Circe said it was an extremely cold place, just as it was an extremely cold place, Manda did not express any doubts, Circe thought that Manda’s face was frozen, so there was no expression.

There is no day in the extremely cold place, only eternal night. I don’t know how long I have been trekking, and suddenly there is a sleigh on the snow.

“You go in for a while and get a good night’s sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, we will leave this place.”

“Okay!” Manda got into the carriage and closed his eyes by the stove.

The herb burning in the stove can make Manda fall asleep quickly. Manda can use witchcraft to fight against it, but he doesn’t want to do that.

After walking for so long, he is indeed a little tired, and there is nothing wrong with sleeping longer.

Circe drove the reindeer, pulled the sleigh forward fast in the snow, after a three-minute hourglass time, Manda woke up, looked out and found that they had come to a vast desert.

The sleigh is still the same sleigh, but the animal pulling the sleigh has changed from a reindeer to a lizard.

The lizard also has the function of pulling a sled, and it runs very fast.

The sled can slide on the yellow sand, and it goes very smoothly all the way.

What a magical journey, but Manda’s expression is still numb.

“I came to the western part of the mainland through the picture scroll, and then I have to cross the desert and then to the West Sea.” Circe drove the lizard and made a very reasonable explanation.

“Okay!” Manda didn’t ask much, got back into the car and went to sleep.

It’s strange how he was so calm. According to Circe’s understanding of Manda and all the rumors he heard, in this case, Manda would seize every opportunity to escape.

As a demigod, Manda could not sleep for several years, or sleep for several years at a time. He had no interest in the scenery along the way and seemed to have no plans to escape.

After sleeping for an unknown period of time, Manda woke up again and found that he had reached the sea.

He was still sitting in a sleigh, and the sleigh was sliding on the sea. Two fat seals were pulling the sleigh.

The seal also has the function of pulling a sled, can’t it impress Manda?

Really unmoved, Manda was too lazy to take a look, and continued to retract into the carriage to sleep.

Circe had a strong sense of frustration, and he felt that everything he had done was superfluous.

It’s superfluous. Manda knew it was all fake for a long time, and they kept painting.

Circe took Manda through the different scrolls, with the purpose of killing Manda’s will and letting frustration, loss and despair dispel Manda’s idea of ​​running away.

Under normal circumstances, this trick will definitely work. Circe’s painterly is impeccable. Manda is bound to panic after staying in a completely unfamiliar place for a long time.

But Manda didn’t panic, because he was abnormal. He had a third-line eye. Everything on the road had the same characteristics. They had no blue lines.

No reindeer, no lizards, no seals, and no sleigh even if he sits all the time. These are all drawn.

After bumping in the sea for an unknown period of time, Circe woke Manda up.

“Here we are.”

“It’s good.” Manda rubbed his eyes and looked at the water outside the car. This time, his expression was not so numb.

He saw a leisurely jellyfish in the sea with three lines on its body.

It’s not just a jellyfish, there are fish around it, and there are three lines on the fish.

Manda looked at the sled again, there was still no blue line on the sled.

He looked at the seals again, the seals were also two lines.

He looked at Circe, Circe is three lines…

Whether this is the real world or the world in the painting, Manda is a bit at a loss.

The distant sea was shrouded in clouds and mist, and Manda peeled away the clouds and mist with peeling eyes.

It was so hard. There were dozens of layers of clouds and mist. Manda made dozens of rings in his eyes, and finally saw the outline of the island.

This island is not small. Although it does not carry the ruler of the Tianhe River, Manda has powerful computing power. Through visual inspection, the area of ​​this island is at least equivalent to the two capitals.

And this small island is real, with three lines floating above it.

The clouds are getting closer and closer, and Circe shouted, “Go back into the car. You are not allowed to look out, otherwise you will lose your eyes.”

Manda hurriedly retracted his head into the carriage, but he had to look out. Circe would enter the entrance of the mist, which was related to whether Manda could escape the island.

Manda knows the witchcraft of perspective, but it is too stupid to use witchcraft in front of Circe. He used the peeling eye on the carriage, and indeed found the witchcraft circle on the wooden board of the carriage.

It is more difficult to peel off the magic circle than to peel off the dense fog. When Manda eliminated the interference of the magic circle, he peeled off the board body, and saw the outside situation, the sledge had come to the edge of the cloud and fog.

Circe did not immediately enter the cloud and mist. He drove the seal to wander around the cloud and mist. It seemed that he was also looking for the location of the entrance.

The current became extremely turbulent, Circe waved his paintbrush, and the number of seals pulling the sled had changed from two to more than 30. They were trying their best to control the direction of the sled.

He can paint directly in the real world. This is the power of the **** of witchcraft.

The sleigh circulated half a circle around the dense fog, and with a violent pull on the rein, the sleigh entered the dense fog.

It’s not easy to handle. Manda didn’t notice any characteristics of the entrance. The sled was swiftly passing through the clouds, and Manda did not see the characteristics of the route.

Until the last cloud and mist broke through, the sea returned to calm, and his sight returned to clearness, Manda finally saw the true face of the island.

Circe looked back at Manda’s face, this time his expression did not disappoint him.

Manda was shocked. This island was so special that even the first time he climbed Mount Olympia did not make Manda so touched.

The island is divided into three levels, not a structural feature, nor an architectural term, but the three most visually intuitive.

The first level of islands is on the sea, the second level of islands is suspended in the air over ten meters high, and the third level of islands is suspended above the second level of islands at a height of almost 30 meters.

This reminded Manda of the sky garden built in Babylon in the previous life, but it was only a visual effect, and the sky garden was supported by pillars.

There are no pillars between the three-tier islands, at least Manda did not see the pillars, the two-tier islands are completely floating, and there is no support point below.

According to normal thinking, people who see islands in the sky will definitely regard this as a Circe’s picture scroll.

But Manda was sure that this was not a picture scroll. Strip off the interference. Manda could see that the three islands share three thin lines, which proves that the three islands are real and they are a whole.

Could it be Circe’s illusion? There is a high mountain on the island. I use illusion to erase the high mountain in two sections, forming the visual effect of two layers of hanging in the air?

Impossible, the peeling eye can peel off the illusion, and what you see in front of you is the real scene.

Then there is only one possibility left, all of which are related to the **** of celestial bodies.

Could it be said that there are still believers in the **** of celestial bodies on this island?

Or is the deity of the celestial **** trapped here?

Manda became more nervous as she thought about Sweat leaked from the corner of her forehead.

After thinking about it, the sled had reached the shore, and Circe took Manda’s hand and stepped onto the island.

“My lover, don’t be afraid, I will show you around.”

The two of them first walked into the first layer of islands. Many crops were grown on this layer of islands, but none of them were familiar to Manda. He saw a tall corn plant, but instead of corn kernels, the corn on the cob was planted. Many clear and transparent berries.

It’s not so transparent, there seems to be something swimming in it.

Maybe this is not a berry, but an animal’s egg…

Manda stepped back two steps, keeping as far as possible from these crops. In the field, a group of men were plowing, and their movements were very slow, as if they were wearing gold chains.

A witch waved a whip and hit a man. Looking at the scars on the man’s body, she should have suffered a lot here.

Circe explained: “They are all island invaders and are destined to be slaves here for a lifetime. I used witchcraft on them to make them look as clumsy as stone men.”

Manda smiled and said nothing.

He knew that this was not witchcraft. The first layer was in the vacuum zone of the second layer of islands. This was the stagnant effect caused by the vacuum zone.

A man walked to the river and wanted to drink a sip of water secretly while the witch was not paying attention.

Circe stepped forward and kicked the man away, severely reprimanding the witch who was in charge of guarding.

He returned to Manda and said with a smile: “I am doing it for his good. He can’t drink the river water here, otherwise he will freeze to death.”

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