Give Me the Name of God

v4 Chapter 883 - Circe\\\'s invitation

“Your name is Bai Zhaoshi?”

The old man stood there and did not respond. Obviously, the Lord of God’s Punishment was right.

The middle-aged man smiled and touched the heads of the two angels. The two heads rolled back to their necks by themselves, and the two corpses stood up one after another.

Madsa and Buckn hadn’t stood firm yet, seeing the Lord of God’s Punishment, they hurried to kneel and salute.

The Lord of God’s Punishment ignored them. He looked at the white-haired old man, and then said, “Bring a word to your master and tell him that he had better not come to me until I find him. This is both a warning and a warning. .”

The old man remained silent and did not dare to move. The Lord of God’s Punishment waved his hand gently, indicating that he could leave.

Manda squatted by the river and washed his face, carrying a big cloth bag on his back and continuing to sell his idols. Since the news of Blue Bay spread, business has become better than before. A hundred idols can be sold in less than a day. over.

Of course, the reputation is too big, it will also cause some problems, many craftsmen began to imitate Manda’s idol.

It’s not bad for the imitations, Manda doesn’t expect to promote his beliefs on his own, but some crude works are really unbearable for him.

“I said this friend, you are also the idol of the mad king?”

The craftsman slapped his chest: “Go to the surrounding villages to find out. Who doesn’t know that my idol is the most like the Mad King. Even the Viscount in the town praised me, saying that my idol is exactly the same as the Mad King.”

“Which Viscount said?”

“Are you going to buy it or not? If you don’t buy it, go a little further!”

“You have to rely on your conscience to do business. Your idol has two heads. How could the mad king grow two heads?”

“When I meet a fool like you who has never read a book, I really don’t bother to say a word to you. Do you know what double kings are in power? Without two heads, how can there be double kings in power?”

Manda was shocked, impeccable logic!

He bought a deity and was about to meet the lord of the town. As soon as he walked near the town, a woman suddenly walked to his side and took Manda’s arm.

“My love brother, where have you been, it has been a hard job for me to find.”

Manda glanced at the woman, frowned and said, “What are you looking for me for?”

“I miss you!”

“Last time I arrived at your door, you didn’t bother to come to see me.”

“I was so embarrassed last time, I don’t want you to see me like that.”

There was a tavern not far away, and Manda smiled and said, “Why don’t we go and sit there and let me see your most beautiful look.”

After entering the tavern, Manda went straight upstairs and called for a room. No matter how small the tavern is, there must be a separate room. The furnishings in the room are very simple, but the bed is still neat and tidy.

The woman looked at Manda angrily: “Are you so impatient?”

“I don’t want to waste too much time. Now, please answer my question immediately. What do you want to do when you come to Roma? Why do you want to chase and kill you? How did you find me?”

This woman is the goddess of witchcraft, Circe, and Manda’s series of questions made him a little disgusted, but he still patiently replied: “I came to Romaland naturally to find you and chase and kill the pagan gods. Wisdom Angel’s mission, as for how I found you…”

Circe touched his stomach: “Because I have a part of you on my body.”

Manda’s eyes lit up: “Are you pregnant?”

“That’s not true, I just stored them in my body to sense you.”

Manda’s eyes dimmed, and that’s right, it was all years ago. If it were there at the time, the child would have been three feet tall.

“What are you coming to do with me?”

“I’m here to fulfill my promise. You left the demon man Bruto on the tundra at the beginning, so that all of my sixteen daughters were pregnant with children of pure blood. According to my previous promise, I should teach more to You have some witchcraft, and entrust my messenger to you.”

Manda is not interested in witchcraft and messengers now, he is very sensitive to a number.

“You said, sixteen?”

“Yes, yes, what’s the matter?”

“He only stayed for less than a month, how could it be sixteen.” Manda sat on the bed, two lines of tears slipping from his cheeks.

Circe wiped away tears for Manda: “Don’t be sad, I will teach you the witchcraft you want, and I will never miss a hit.”

“One hit!” Manda was a bit more murderous, and Circe was so scared that he hurriedly retracted his hand.

Manda rubbed her face and squeezed out a gentle smile: “We skip other links and teach me a hit directly. If it succeeds, our old accounts will be wiped out.”

“Don’t worry, I can’t teach you witchcraft here. I didn’t take some medicines and utensils with me. You have to come with me to my kingdom.”

“Your kingdom?” Manda became more excited.

“Yes, in a small island in the West Sea, a very beautiful place, with beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful exotic animals, and beautiful witches. I will be there to teach you all of what I have learned throughout my life.”

“There are such good things!” Manda laughed loudly, “Don’t go!”

“Can you give me a reason?”

“Come all the way to find me, invite me to your kingdom, live a life like a god, and let me learn something. Can your lies be more fake?”

Circe said with a sad expression: “It’s true that my kingdom has been invaded by the Queen of the Sea. I need you to protect me…”

“No!” Before Circe could finish speaking, Manda refused again.

“You don’t want to help me?”

“I have no obligation to help you, nor the ability to help you. You are a **** and I am just a demigod. Asking me to help you protect the kingdom is not sincere enough to lie.”

“Who else can I go to? No one among mortals is stronger than you.”

“Go to your daughters, they are not inferior to half-face.”

“They are fighting for me, and they have very little left.”

“I have deep sympathy for your experience,” Manda sighed. “I can convey the situation to the Lord of the gods. I am his substitute in the world. I believe that he will uphold justice for you.”

“The gods will pay attention to me?” Circe gritted his teeth. “They regard witchcraft as sorcery and witches as demons. I have the personality of God, but I am still wandering in the world. You let me Pray for them? I might as well pray for a stone!”

“It’s so unfair! I’ve written down this matter. Next time I see the Lord of the Gods, I will definitely appeal this grievance for you.”

“Enough!” Circe said fiercely, “I know your power has surpassed the demigod, but you are not yet arrogant in front of the true God!”

“I’m not arrogant, but I won’t be at your mercy.” As long as he is not in witchcraft, Manda is not afraid of Circe.

He got up to leave, Circe sneered: “You have been hit by my witchcraft, and so much talk with you is out of respect for you.”

“Don’t be bluffing, you don’t have a chance to perform witchcraft at all.” Manda has been holding the eye of insight, as long as Circe uses his divine power, Manda will immediately notice it.

“It’s really unwise to use witchcraft in front of so I prepared witchcraft in advance.” Circe licked his finger and wiped it on the wine glass.

A transparent finger mark appeared in the wooden wine glass, and the red wine could be seen rippling through the mark.

Is this a piece of paint wiped off?

Manda was frightened, could it be that this tavern…

“You are in my painting, there is no pub here at all.”

Bullshit! A pub that is so realistic on the street is actually a fake?

Manda looked around and opened the Eye of the Third Line, and found that everything had only two lines and no blue lines.

This is really a drawing of a wizard.

It was long time for the third-line eye to be opened, but Manda didn’t want to waste his divine power, and has been using the eye of insight.

Manda knew that he couldn’t fight with Circe in the paintings of Circe. He pushed open the door and ran wildly, jumping down the stairs in two steps. .

Under the stairs is not a hall, but a corridor, in which Circe stands.

Manda stuck his finger into the wooden wall and made a hole in it twice.

Looking out from the inside, you can see the scenery outside the tavern.

After drilling through this hole, Manda found himself still in the corridor, still standing in front of Circe.

Can’t run away, can only fight.

Manda stretched out his five fingers and pierced Circe’s front door. Circe licked his fingers and stood there waiting.

Manda put her hand back and smiled softly: “I can’t bear to do it on you.”

“Don’t pity me, come on, touch my face,” Circe smiled, “or else, let me touch your face and guess if your face will disappear.”

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