Furious Combo

Chapter 816 - : Sacrifice (Part 1)

The power of the space master was suppressed, seriously injured, and trapped on the tombstones of the gods. www.) But this does not change the fact that he holds the supreme rule.

The power of space itself is powerful, attracting the void creatures. By destroying the city of miracles, delaying the invasion of the void creatures is a permanent cure. The best way is to destroy the space masters. In this way, the void creatures will also lose their organization and become a purposeless existence.

Once this is done, the void creature will no longer have the ability to attack infinite space.

In the final analysis, the appearance of void creatures is entirely the responsibility of the space controller. He could not create the kingdom of gods, or the fairyland, but created such a powerful freak of infinite space.

The Kingdom of God and Immortal Realm are very pure and will not produce such a projection.

Jiang Yan also feels funny, because the family career is big, and now he has come up with something upside down.

“Fortunately, since this is the case, you wait for me for a moment, and I will remake these devil’s natal lamps.” Jiang Yan will never continue to struggle with the issue of sacrifice. People will always die, and the way they die is the same for people who want to sacrifice.

Afterlife, is it related to this life?

After Jiang Yan figured this out, the last trace of mortal breath dissipated on his body, and the Xian Gang melted together, and the light instantly bloomed, making it impossible for those around him to look at it.

Yu Nan and others laughed, which was really interesting. Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc both made breakthroughs when they were on the battlefield, and they calculated each other.

Jeanne d’Arc also felt weird. She didn’t save any kindness. She just wanted to move back to take the initiative to attack Jiang Yan. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yan’s heart-knot has been unraveled at this time, making Jiang Yan’s strength soaring. In this way, his own advantage disappeared again.

Joan of Arc confessed that the expression on her face did not look like a **** at all. No way, the spirit itself has seven emotions and six desires. Especially when facing the fairy, it is almost impossible to calm down completely. Jiang Yan is like her nemesis, suppressed everywhere, unable to look up.

Jiang Yan’s eyes were clear again, and there were no more rotating Suzaku phantoms. The rule power that he controls has always been Jiang Yan’s shortcomings, if he can’t control it. For those who are in control of the upper space, they may lose even more.

“Jean, let Anna’s robot army stand up. Anna, with the B formation, put in a robot of less than one thousand at a time, the speed can not be lower than the temple knight.” Jiang Yan issued orders one by one.

Finally, in front of the temple knights, a team of 800 soldiers was added. Six hundred of them are heavy robots and one hundred and eighty zombies. A Transformer is the leader, but the rest is a dead soul and eighteen demons.

Eighteen butterfly demon surrounded the dead soul, this is what Guan Qinglian called out. The soul of the dead provides command to the zombies, and the butterfly demon amplifies the spirit attack power of the dead soul. If it is not in a hurry, even the god-level contractor can be killed instantly. It’s just that this kind of endless tactic, the wasted butterfly demon, needs to be recaptured and tamed. It won’t do so until the last resort.

This team may not be strong, but its advantages are under the rules of infinite space. You can hardly do it in seconds. Each zombie, each robot, and its health value are longer than those of the god-level contractor, since it has health value, not durability. If you want to destroy this team, you have to pay more.

Jeanne d’Or had nothing to do with it, but when she saw the six hundred heavy robots breaking through a dwarf position and forcibly cutting the enemy, she was shocked.

This is the means of her temple knight. But the robot army is also used. And this kind of living learning and application, also merged with Anna’s own regular power. Mechanical rules.

After tearing apart the enemy’s defense line, the dead soul released the spiritual attack with the help of the butterfly demon. The dwarf’s spiritual resistance is not high or low, which is considered moderate. The spiritual attack magnified by the butterfly demon makes the dwarf fall into a double negative state of dullness and weakness, and the zombie immediately throws up to bleed.

The dwarves are wearing heavy armor, but the fingers of the zombie easily break through the armor defense, leaving a deep and shallow wound on the dwarf. []

The wound decayed immediately, exposing the dark bones inside.

When the dwarf behind wanted to charge back, the robot had already dispersed with zombies, evading towards the wings, the temple knight appeared on the front, while throwing the sacred spear to suppress the dwarf’s counterattack.

At this time, the robot assembled again and quickly launched the second charge.

Anna learned how to use it. After three attacks, there were no more standing enemies on the dwarf position.

The morale of the temple knights was greatly boosted. They didn’t need to sacrifice themselves, they just needed to launch a deadly attack. It’s not that they are afraid of sacrifice, but after the charge, if they don’t sacrifice their comrades, they will explode several times of attack power. Once a companion sacrifices, the subsequent blows will be reduced accordingly.

It’s just that sacrifice is inevitable. When Jiang Yan decided not to play any tricks and pushed it past, Jeanne d’Arc couldn’t believe it.

She can afford it, even if the twelve six-winged light angels are dead, and the kingdom of God is still there, they can always be recreated. But what about the Suzaku team? This is Jiang Yan’s family.

She didn’t ask why Jiang Yan did this. After defeating dozens of enemies in a row, Joan of Arc finally understood that Jiang Yan’s sacrifice was limited to the devil, robot, and zombie. Every time his Suzaku team shot, it was a critical moment, and it was finalized.

Sooner or later, these people will have to face the space controller. When the cannon fodder reaches the space controller, they will become useless. At that time, it is these core members who really kill it.

Even twelve six-winged light angels were ready to sacrifice themselves, and Jiang Yan also made up his mind to live and die. He is not the father of a team member. Even if it is, the child will always grow up.

This time attacking the space masters, those who survived, all hope to gain immortality in the fairy world. This is an opportunity, half life and death.

The space controller seems to know that there is something like Jiang Tu Lei Zhu in Jiang Yan’s hands. Rather, he can use oiling tactics and consume a little bit of both sides’ strength, rather than give up guarding those vulnerable positions. If he did not use this method, Jiang Yan could use two or three hundred thunderballs to explode all the channels at once and go straight to the tombstones of the gods.

For those in control of space, it is a pity that these men are completely sacrificed. Anyway, they are just captured slaves.

The two sides spelled out the real fire, and the power that the space controller can mobilize is basically not lower than the A level, that is, the number of S levels, but also in droves, boundless, equivalent to the soldiers of the demi-level contractors Can be organized to mobilize.

Such a force, if it was not for Joan of Arc, that Jiang Yan achieved the pinnacle of true immortality, had been killed for a long time and I don’t know how many times.

At this rate, after six months, Jiang Yan and Jeanne d’Arc can retain one-third of their troops and kill them in front of the tombstones of the gods.

The entire tower, and the big bed, are nothing but illusions of the tombstones of the gods.

After Jiang Yan’s pupil of Suzaku evolved, the scene he saw was very interesting. The dwarf, the master of space, lay at the top of a huge tombstone. Above the tombstone, there were 24 deities. These 24 deities looked like 12 of them, because 12 of them were still imprisoned.

The anger of these gods made the divine personality continuously release the attacking power, but these attacking forces could not threaten the tombstones of the gods, but instead became the chain between the tombstones of the gods and the divinity, controlling these gods.

All are prisoners, those gods, and space control.

The slaves mobilized by the space controller are of any race. Jiang Yan and Joan of Arc have even fought with a group of angels, and as a result, 20% of their own strength has permanently disappeared.

And the strength of the two men who survived was leaps and bounds. It can improve one’s own strength in battles again and again, which is also a rule of this castle. Space controllers never thought that someone could live in their castle for so long.

He also calculated the result. If he left the opponent with a third of them and came to the tombstones of the gods, he was really in danger.

The space controller patted the snow-white bed sheet. From the bed sheet, a woman with gray skin was drilled, which was only one meter tall.

“Master.” The woman knelt in front of the space controller and bowed her head.

“Did you see this person?” The space controller pointed to the desolate king in the video and said, “Kill him at all costs. The person who brought you.”


“If someone desperately wants to protect him, kill them together, using your best strength.”

The woman was lying on the bed, her back skin twitching. Her strongest power is the divine solution. After using it, the divinity disappears forever. It’s just that she couldn’t disobey the order of the space controller, promised to go straight to Jiang Yan’s Suzaku team. Behind her, a long shadow was dragged out. Among the shadows, more women were differentiated. Her appearance was different from her, but they were all about a meter ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ gray skin.

She is the only bloodline left by race in this universe, but she is imprisoned in an infinite castle and becomes a slave. Now, she has to pay her own divinity, even life, to maintain this person who destroys her plane.

As the woman ran, her tears splattered and turned into transparent beetles in the air, surrounding her body with a low hum.

The scarab beetle of the gray gnome is said to be able to bite the gods.

A pair of serrated short swords were also in the woman’s hands, shaking during the running. The number of clan behind her was increasing, and in a blink of an eye, it had exceeded the scale of a thousand people.

Jiang Yan’s eyelids jumped and his heart shook.

Every inch of his skin should not be affected by the outside world now, how could he twitch for no reason?

The pupil of Suzaku fired around, and suddenly, behind the desolate king, a short sword like a shark’s teeth pierced into the sky and disappeared into the desolate king’s leather armor. RQ

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