Furious Combo

Chapter 815 - : Trigger (Part 2)

> “Captain, here I am, I still want to do so much, what a big deal, let Razer return to us. Since then, we will do the hard work for Razer and have always absorbed the power of the earth **** Lei Yin.” In Jiang Yan’s shadow, whispered.

Jiang Yan’s enlightenment is general. If he comes by himself, he will initiate the robbery. If there is no danger, how could you advance to Jinxian.

The road after Jinxian, whatever he is, must go on.

After being reminded by Yu Nan, Jiang Yan felt that his primal spirit had gradually calmed down. The robbery this time was silent, and I didn’t even know how it came. If the immortals cross the robbery and thunder down from the sky, the number of immortals can drown the gods a hundred times.

Most of the robbery is this time, silent, you do n’t even know when the robbery will leave. Each trip is a process of immortal self-improvement.

As for the Thunder Tribulation, there is a contradiction between the Immortal and the Heaven and Earth Avenue, or it will go through and let the Heaven and Earth Avenue adapt to you, a newly emerging alien. Either obey, and eliminate things in your body that do not conform to the heaven and earth.

Is there a third way?

Yes, just admit defeat and just die.

The space controller released the powerful pupil surgery attack, but the other party cut off the connection with him. This makes the space controller a little depressed. If the pupil surgery succeeds, basically, these people who come in will all die. Left.

Jiang Yan did not know that if he was attacked and controlled by the other party, he would become a slave to the space master. And this slave will retain wisdom.

If he was controlled, he would trick everyone into a trap and kill it.

“How is it, what’s the calculation?” Joan of Arc, a seemingly inadvertent question, actually tried to communicate with Jiang Yan Yuanshen and found the flaw in Jiang Yan’s heart. Just before Jiang Yan’s trance, she also saw it in her eyes. If she didn’t try it, how could she be reconciled?

“Calculated. The space master is above a rather powerful artifact. The power contained in that artifact is enough to destroy us a hundred times.”

“The tombstones of the gods are just the masters of the space, and they are also controlled.” Jeanne d’Arc is not concealing now, but lures Jiang Yan to continue.

“Then you say, do we still want to move forward?” Jiang Yan asked back.

The fire of Joan of Arc swayed, and her heart was fidgety. Tao: “Of course, this is the best opportunity. He didn’t dare to send troops to encircle and suppress. He just set up many levels and wanted to use the power of the tombstones of the gods to slowly kill us. As long as we destroy the speed of the enemy , The speed at which the new gods ’tombstones are released is paramount, then we will win.”

“Okay, let’s go.” Jiang Yan’s hands fluttered with immortal light, forming a network in front. It is the layout of the entire castle.

In this layout picture, there is a fairy light red, which is the route they need to move forward.

Joan of Arc nodded. Take her angel, take the lead and kill it. Jiang Yan sneered in the back, this Joan of Arc still wanted to count herself at this time, I really do not know what to do.

It was only after the robbery that the Yuanshen grew stronger. One-to-one is only better than the soul’s origin. Then Joan of Arc would be blessed by the Kingdom of God. She is not her opponent, not to mention that she is far away from the kingdom of God and can only rely on her angels to provide power.

Jiang Yan asked back, it was also a kind of secret calculation, of course. Jeanne d’Arc is undetectable. Jiang Yan did not even mobilize the power of any fairy technique, but used rules. The ubiquitous rule power is too complicated, cumbersome and heavy. Few people would be willing to use it directly.

Even the gods will purify the rule power in their own field, instead of directly using the rule power in nature.

Jiang Yan’s approach is similar to the demise of Mozong monk. Monks of the Demon Sect have always been eclectic and do their own thing. Although the fish and dragons are mixed, there are quite a lot of enemies, but there are also a large number of stunning and gorgeous people who have created unknown magical exercises.

After the extinction of the Demon Sect, the later monks also transformed some exercises that had little effect on themselves into orthodox immortals. Some things that can’t be changed, simply leave the principles of the exercises for future reference.

Jiang Yan’s method was obtained from teacher Hua Tuo. It happened that he was studying the power of Asura’s sword and deducing it backwards, and got the ability of this regular string.

This was originally a control skill that prepared for his own attack. For the first time, it was used on a god. Jiang Yan found that the effect was really good.

It was only when Jeanne d’Arc was the most excited, Yu Nan’s Ashura Split Sword was estimated to be able to hit him hard. If two people worked together, 60% would be sure to kill Jeanne d’Arc.

If you do not care about your casualties, this possibility will increase to 90%.

According to the route provided by Jiang Yan, Joan of Arc killed all the way forward. Jiang Yan discovered that although Joan of Arc had her own way, the woman’s strength was really terrifying.

Pushing all the way down, any enemies standing in front of her were crushed by her temple knights. This has a bit of a savory flavor.

What surprised Jiang Yan even more was that those temple knights almost doubled their strength after ten consecutive encounters. Jeanne d’Arc tempered these knights with fusion divine light, and each battle was an improvement to the knights.

You know, the progress of a knight who has reached this level is calculated in years, but here, it is calculated in minutes. The strength of a single knight doubled, the overall strength, I do not know how many times.

When Joan of Arc defeated the twelfth wave of enemies, she looked back and smiled, her eyes were clear.

It was only at this time that she knew that she had caught Jiang Yan’s skills. However, Jiang Yan didn’t attack her at that time, but let her burst out of great power under this emotion, tempering her own magic.

When Joan of Arc looked back and smiled, she shook the cross holy sword in her hand. The white light on the cross holy sword was stained with a trace of red, then slammed out, and turned into countless divine symbols in the air and reunited. , Turned into a long-handled hammer.

The costume of Jeanne d’Arc, still full body armor and holding a sledgehammer, does not seem so weird. It’s just that she is a goddess. Under normal circumstances, she doesn’t use a scepter, but also uses some thin swords or something as a weapon.

Jeanne d’Arc is inspiring and the impurities in the soul have been refined. At this moment, she feels much more comfortable for Jiang Yan.

“Congratulations.” Jiang Yan smiled bitterly, Jeanne d’Arc calculated herself and let herself practice the string of rules, and his own string of rules gave Jeanne a benefit.

Counting it, I still lost myself. What I got was nothing more than actual combat experience. Jeanne d’Arc brought her men together to enhance their strength.

“Thank you very much. What shall we do next?” This time, Joan of Arc asked the wholeheartedly, and did not try to challenge Jiang Yan’s Yuanshen again.

“The space controller, maneuvering ability, and computing ability are all stronger than mine. The weaknesses I can find are all compensated by him. If he kills all the way in this way, it is not clear how much power can be released from his tombstones. , But our men lost at least one third. “

“At most?”

“If it is not ideal, when we kill the space controller, there will be no one left next to me. Only your twelve angels, my Suzaku team can survive.”

“If you only have such means, I’m afraid you won’t come?”

“Yes, I still have 720 Thunderballs that can be released at the same time, which will inevitably hit the space controller. If I use it on the road, seeing him will make our battle more difficult.”

Jiang Yan still has a thousand-something Lei Zhu in his hand, but refuses to tell the truth. The remaining three hundred are reserved for Joan of Arc. In case of Joan of Arc, Jiang Yan can only throw Lei Zhu to escape.

Joan of Arc smiled and said, “You can’t bear your own devil?”

“Well, although the meaning of their existence is sacrifice, I don’t know if this sacrifice is meaningful. It is difficult for those who died here to reincarnate.”

“My heart is so soft, what are you like to be an immortal man. Even if these demons are all destroyed, this world will eventually die. My kingdom of the gods dare not say that it can exist to the end of the universe. Your fairyland, Can we guarantee that we will survive the collapse of the universe this time? “

Jiang Yan said silently for a moment: “Blessings and longevity, this is heaven, and I don’t want to personally control it.”

“That is to escape responsibility?”

“Send someone to death, also called responsible?”

“Of course, if I am a god, my responsibility is partly to let my angels and believers die. This is not my rule, this is the rule of the universe. Otherwise, the power of our bright gods is so powerful ~ www .mtlnovel.com ~ How can the gods of the death department not be destroyed. “

Jeanne d’Arc said something circumspect, but Jiang Yan heard it very clearly. He is not reluctant to let the devil as a cannon fodder, even the elite devil always exists for consumption.

It’s just that he can’t be reincarnated, which makes Jiang Yan uncomfortable.

“Doctor, let’s kill it all the way. If we can destroy the system of space controllers, all this is worth it.”

The words of Jeanne d’Arc are like Lei Guan’er. Jiang Yan suddenly realized that if he could kill the space controller, the entire infinite space would be free, and the void creatures wanted to invade, and they lost the best chance.

There is also a secret involved. Void creatures correspond to infinite space. In fact, they are the manifested power projected by infinite space.

Those void creatures are just like human beings fantasizing various infinite worlds. Void creatures are also a kind of refraction products of infinite world. How powerful the void creature is depends on the rule level of the space controller. RQ

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