Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 37 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

“Tell Admiral Li that Mrs. Qiao Sha will stay overnight tonight and will not go back.”

Shao Yi on the opposite side paused for a while, and he should be right afterwards.

He was looking at her, there was no light in his gray eyes, and his wet hair was still dripping, silently seeping into the snow-white sofa.

Qiao Sha knew that he wanted to see a trace of unhappiness or struggle on her face, even if it was humiliation, but she was in a very happy mood at the moment.

He couldn’t help but “fudge” her, peeping at her, and leaving her behind.

Qiao Sha spoke before he hung up the communication, “Let me talk to Li Yin, okay?”

He did not hesitate and opened the door for her, because he also wanted to know how she would tell her husband that she would stay in the former stepson’s room.

“Thank you.” She was still polite and gentle, turned around to meet Shao Yi outside the door, smiled and said to him: “Good evening, Lieutenant Shao Yi.”

Rong Jia raised her eyebrows. She told Shao Yi that her tone of good evening was more enthusiastic and sincere than when she spoke to him.

Shao Yi glanced at him, and just nodded. He couldn’t figure out his Majesty’s thoughts on this Madam Qiao Sha. Did you use her as a prisoner? Or… something else?

Qiao Sha walked past him, bringing a faint scent, unlike the smell of pheromone, ordinary beta has no pheromone.

This scent has a bit of fruity and woody scent, which is a very obvious smell of shampoo or shower gel.

Shao Yi followed her and escorted her out of the corridor. The scent made him relaxed and novel. He hadn’t smelled anything other than pheromone in people for a long time. Everyone used to think that being A or O was one thing. When the blood is noble, never use other smells to overwhelm the taste of pheromone.

Even ordinary betas use special perfumes to pretend to be a or o to avoid being discriminated against.

This lady doesn’t seem to care about these at all.

It’s raining outside again, and it always rains in Linhai Capital in summer.

Shao Yi thought for a while, took out an umbrella from the storage, opened it and handed it to her, “I am waiting for Mrs. Qiao Sha here. Your Majesty only gave you five minutes.”

Qiao Sha looked up at the black umbrella above her head, turned her head and smiled at him, “You are a kind gentleman, I won’t hurt the lieutenant.” She reached out to take his umbrella and walked into the rain.

Shao Yi stood under the corridor, looking at her slender back holding an umbrella, the rain was drenched with lights, she was like a gentle ink painting.

It’s really hard to blame such a woman.

If he were Li Yin, I am afraid that such a woman asked him to help him. Under the fire of war, she would die if she didn’t save her, and would become a prisoner for everyone to have fun. He would surely be reluctant to save her.


In the quiet bedroom, Ronggatuo was looking at the surveillance screen. In the screen, Riqiaosha held an umbrella and ran towards Li Yin at the entrance of the hall twice, and called him with a smile: “Li Yin.”

Li Yin turned his head and walked quickly to meet her. While taking the umbrella in her hand, he embraced her waist and circled her in his arms, so natural.

In the picture, Li Yin was slightly mixed, and his always firm face showed a rare gentleness, “Is it cold? Can I go?”

His broad palm gently stroked her smooth arm.

She did not resist at all. Instead, like a soft girl, she slipped into his arms and shook her head slightly, jokingly saying: “I can’t go, I’m going to stay here to be a maid tonight.”

Li Yin frowned suddenly, “What does Rong Jia mean?”

He seemed to want to say something, and then held back, just saying: “Is there no maid in the White Palace? Need my wife to be his maid?”

Qiao Sha couldn’t see the slightest grievance, and gently tidyed his neckline and said: “I am your wife, his former stepmother, and now a prisoner.”

Li Yin couldn’t say anything.

She took his hand and wrote something in his palm.

Rong Jia couldn’t see clearly, only saw her white fingers tracing his palm, finally holding his hand, smiling at him and said, “Admiral Li, go home and sleep well.”

In the heavy rain, Li Yin frowned, lowered his head and kissed her finger, and said softly: “Tomorrow I will pick you up.”

She wanted to give him the umbrella, but he insisted on putting it back in her hand, “Go in, I’ll leave when you go in.”

What a sweet and happy pair of Bi people.

Rong Jia looked at the affectionate Li Yin in the monitor, and pressed the nausea that pressed his chest, which made his lips tingle.

He got up and walked into the bathroom, leaned over the sink and retched, his stomach was empty and his chest was empty.

He thought of him who was once naive. As a teenager, he used to write her name over and over in the miserable night, thinking in his heart every time-she must have had a bad life too, she was traitorous to the country like this. Woman, how can such a betrayed woman get true love? How could anyone treat her as the only moon like him.

Li Yin may only be fresh, or want to humiliate the Silver Blade Empire, and after possessing her, he will abandon her.

Such thoughts used to be the outlet he hated.

Later, he didn’t care about anything anymore, and he didn’t care if she was alive or dead.

He looked up at himself in the mirror, it seemed that for so many years, only he was suffering, she was getting prosperity, tenderness, and love.


Shao Yi opened the bedroom door.

As soon as Qiao Sha stepped in, he heard the system sound-[Congratulations, the male protagonist’s hatred value has increased by 2%. ]

“?” Qiao Sha and 101 were stunned.

In the system interface, the male protagonist’s hatred value is now 1003.

How come the male protagonist of this world has such a quiet increase in hatred?

After Surya broke 1 in the last world, she was already able to grasp the main points, but now…there is no point at all.

101 repeatedly confirmed that it was the rise just now, after she sent away Li Yin.

What’s up? Shouldn’t it be when I kissed me and Li Yin to get up? Did he react after sending it away?

Qiao Sha walked in and saw Rong Jia who had just wiped his lips clean in the bathroom. His face was very white, but his lips were flushed, and there was no strange expression on his expression.

“What did you write?” He threw the towel into the trash can, lifted his eyelids slightly to look at her, “Tell your husband, am I pregnant?”

Of course Qiao Sha knew that what he asked was what she wrote in the palm of Li Yin’s palm.

“No.” Qiao Sha walked towards him, carrying a pair of clean slippers, “The Alliance has returned, he is your subordinate, and there is no counterattack. Telling him this is of no benefit to him, it will only harm him. How could I harm my husband? He is my only support now.”

She put the slippers on his feet.

The only reliance.

Rong Jia looked down at her at her feet, thinking, she only relies on the strong, is he better than Li Yin now?

She spread out her palms, and under his eyelids, she re-written it stroke by stroke: “What I wrote is—I will protect myself.”


101 is still amazed by her natural deception, what she clearly wrote is-you can kill him.

She instigated Li Yin to kill Rong Jia, who was occupying his wife. She played the role of a gentle, submissive woman, slapped fire everywhere, and instigated a man to start a war for her.

It believes that the original owner is not a sinner or a disaster to the country. The original owner just wants to climb up and gain glory and wealth.

The host is the real disaster to the country. She doesn’t care about the man’s overall situation. She just wants to tell the man that the strong can let her belong and let her rely on.

“Put on slippers, it’s good for you and your child.” Qiao Sha gently placed the slippers on his feet.

Rong Jia didn’t seem to care if she lied. He stepped on the slippers and walked out and said to her, “Wash your hands, I don’t like it.”

What don’t you like?

Don’t like that she touched another man’s hand and then touch him again?

Qiao Sha stood up with a smile, look, this is ready, let her touch him, and now she doesn’t even say no to it.

She watched him take sleeping pills with ice water outside, and reminded him: “Don’t drink ice water, it’s not good for children.”

He paused, turned his head deliberately to look at her, and drank ice water bit by bit.

She sighed, “For the sake of the child, you should bear it too.”

101: “…”

To be a mother is to sacrifice.

Qiao Sha went to his sink to wash her hands, and just turned around and saw him holding the sleeping compartment, standing there stiffly, looking down at something, “What’s wrong with you?”

She approached him, and after only two steps, she saw his feet, beads of blood on the gray carpet, “You…”

She walked over quickly and saw that his pajamas were also covered with blood, “You, you bleed…”

Rong Jia looked at the blood at his feet and frowned slightly.

“Don’t move.” Qiao Sha was indeed a little surprised. She had never been pregnant. She had only heard that if she bleeds within three months, is it a threatened abortion?

This child can’t be dropped! Her plans were all disrupted.

She was truly anxious and stretched out her hand to support Rong Jia, “Does your stomach hurt? When did it start?”

Rong Jia glanced at her hand, then looked at her face again, as if only realizing it was normal, raised his hand and pressed her lower abdomen, and frowned slightly.

Pain, but this pain is much smaller than the enhanced pain, he didn’t care too much.

“I will help you sit down and call Dr. Li.” Qiao Sha tightly supported his arm, trying to help him sit on the sofa.

He frowned and said, “It’s too dirty.” He looked at his blood-stained pants, feeling uncomfortable.

It’s dirty at this time! It was even more **** when giving birth!

Qiao Sha didn’t bother to waste time and words with him, so she hurried over and took a blanket, wrapped it around his waist, and wrapped the blanket around his waist and legs, “I’ll wrap it for you. If you wrap it, you won’t see the dirt.” .”

She wrapped his waist, and there was some wetness on her slender arms.

Rongga looked down at her, her fair face, barely hairy neck, and micro-chest under the neckline, her hair scattered on her cheeks, making her look very real.

She seemed to be really panicking, not perfect and decent, but still tenderly tied the blanket for him, and repeatedly said to him: “Wrap it up and you won’t see the dirt.”

At this moment, she seemed to be real.

He hasn’t seen it.

Rong Jia looked at her, her fingers dangling beside her cheeks, her broken hair swept his fingers, and he actually felt the subtle touch.

It’s strange, he hasn’t sensed such trivial touch for a long time.

Is it because the booster needle was stopped recently?

Qiao Sha grabbed his hand, clutched tightly, and seated him on the sofa.

Her fingers were hot and soft, and he didn’t struggle, and helped her sit down.

“Can you give Dr. Li a message?” She squatted on the sofa, before his knees, “I don’t have a communicator.”

Her fingers were still on his knees, and he couldn’t feel her temperature through the thick blanket.

He scanned his communication, dialed Li Ming, and turned the camera to face her.

It was quickly connected.

Li Ming was already asleep, sitting up with sleepy eyes in his pajamas, seeing Qiao Sha in the picture clearly, and putting on his glasses in surprise. Isn’t this Rong Jia’s communicator? He never lets people use his communications.

“Doctor Li disturbed you.” Qiao Sha said anxiously, “He bleeds.”

Li Ming was completely awakened now: “What? Did he see red? Is it serious? I’ll come over right away, you let him stay in bed! Stay in bed!”

The communicator is turned off.

Qiao Sha looked at the blood on the carpet, her heart was squeezed, child, this is her first child…

She looked at Rong Jia who was sitting on the sofa again, his face was very pale, but he looked like nothing happened, leaning there, pursing his mouth to look at her.

Blame him, a pregnant father who is dereliction of duty!

I thought so in my heart, but my mouth said: “Do you have a terrible pain? I will help you lie down, and Dr. Li said it would be better if you lie down.”

She stretched out her hand to support him, wondering if it really hurts, but he was obedient right now, holding her hand leaning over on the sofa.

But moved uncomfortably, he called her name: “Qiao Sha.”

This was the first time he called her by her name after he met again.

“What?” Qiao Sha hurriedly leaned over to look at him.

He lay on his side on the sofa, looking at her face, her face was very vivid at this moment, and his eyes were reflected in him, no longer gentle, but concern.

I don’t know if it is true or not of concern.

“Pillow.” He looked at himself in her eyes, “Uncomfortable.”

Qiao Sha stood up, but did not go to get him a pillow. Instead, she sat beside him, supported his neck and asked him softly, “Will you pillow my knee?”

He looked at her without saying yes or bad, so she held up his head and placed it gently on her lap.

It’s really soft, with a gentle woody and fruity aroma in the softness.

He hasn’t experienced such softness for a long, long time.

a long time.

He sank on her soft skin and turned his face lightly to look at her, “The smell of beta?”

Qiao Sha froze for a moment, watched him sniff, and understood that she was asking about the smell on her body, “No, beta doesn’t smell, it’s mine.”

She stroked her black hair from behind her shoulders, fell on her shoulders, pinched the ends of her hair and fanned his nose, “The smell of shampoo.” She lifted her wrists and gently shook him. Tip of the nose, “The smell of shower gel.”

The scent swept across his nose like a feather.

He couldn’t help looking at that piece of pure white wrist, her wrist exuding fragrance, her hair exuding fragrance, her skin exuding fragrance…

She has no glands, no pheromone, and her scent does not have a strong sense of temptation or surrender.

She looks like a person who has just taken a bath, exuding a clean shower cream smell, without a trace of purpose, a clean fragrance.

He suddenly understood why his father, Li Yin, would be infatuated with her.

She has the most primitive and purest posture, without the strong hints brought by A or O when pheromone is emitted.

Her fragrance just wraps you gently and quietly.


The bedroom door was opened.

Li Ming didn’t dare to let anyone in, but one person hurried in and closed the bedroom door tightly.

God, this room is full of the sweet blood smell of omega. If it hadn’t been for him to use the inhibitor, I’m afraid he would be seduced!

He immediately switched on to change the wind, walked quickly over, and saw the weird scene of “Mother and Child Filial Piety” on the sofa. It was weird!

He looked at it again, and it was so weird that Rong Jia was so peacefully resting on a person’s lap!

Is it painful? Is it still in love again?

He ignored the nonsense, and immediately went to check Rong Jia. When he approached, he found that his face was pale, his lips were bitten and white, and there was a dense cold sweat on his forehead.

This is painful. Rongga has first-rate pain-tolerant ability. He doesn’t respond to ordinary pain. It’s too painful, but he just presses his lips, making it hard to see that he is in pain.

Li Ming was a little flustered when he saw the blood. He was afraid that he would not be able to keep the child, and that Rong Jia would not survive this year.

He gave Rongga a few shots in an unusually silent manner.

Qiao Sha didn’t know what kind of medicine those injections were, it was probably a fetus.

After the injection, Rong Jia’s expression gradually eased a bit, and he slept drowsy for a while.

Li Ming took advantage of this time and asked Qiao Sha to avoid him, and changed all of Rong Jia’s soiled pajamas. Rong Jia must wear a complete set of clothes. If you just change his clothes and pants, he must be dissatisfied.

When Li Ming cleaned up for him, he had also woke up in a daze.


He leaned on the sofa, still sleepy, but he was uncomfortable lying down, not uncomfortable without pillows.

He glanced at the room in a daze, as if subconsciously looking for something, until he saw the swaying shadow in the bedroom door, he realized that he was looking for Qiao Sha.

Qiao Sha’s shadow quietly fell on the door of the bedroom, she seemed to be leaning against the wall, her head up, her hands clasped on her chest and praying for something.

Does she also believe in gods?

What is she praying for?

Pray for him to die soon? Or is he quickly re-captured by her?

Then, he heard Qiao Sha in the room and asked Li Ming softly, “How is the child?”

It turned out that she was praying that the child in his stomach would not shed?

Li Ming sighed, and before answering, the emperor’s communicator rang like a human being-it was from the Prime Minister Fu Sinian.

Rong Jia connected without thinking, raised his head, his expression as usual, his face as usual, “What’s the matter?”

In the communicator, Fu Sifeng’s hair is slightly gray, and wrinkles appear at the corners of his eyes, but he is not very old. He is more than 90 this year, but now with advanced medicine, he can live to two or three hundred years old as an alpha.

It was the Prime Minister who rescued Rong Jia at the beginning, and it was also the Prime Minister who asked Li Ming’s father to strengthen and change Rong Jia’s genes and forged the silver blade emperor.

“Doctor Li is here too? Your Majesty is unwell?” Fu Sifeng glanced at Li Ming.

“No, I just need someone to vent my desires.” Rong Jia tilted his head, “What’s the matter?”

Li Ming stared at him angrily, but his non-serious answer really blocked the Prime Minister from continuing to ask questions.

It seems that he did not intend to tell the Prime Minister about his pregnancy.

Fu Sifeng did not ask any more questions, and briefly reported to him: “I have found the whereabouts of the daughter of the old leader of the alliance. She is an alpha, hidden in a small place on the gray-blue star. I will send her information and approximate location to your majesty. Your Majesty sees if you want to send someone to catch it back.”

He added another sentence: “Before the rebels of the Alliance found her.”

Rongga gave an “en”, first received his file, and closed the communication without replying to him directly.


Standing in the bedroom, Qiao Sha saw the fuzzy outline of his document, which was probably a picture of a woman, and her information and location.

She was on the back of the communicator and couldn’t see the specifics, but she guessed that this was probably Rongga’s heroine, the alliance female alpha king who rescued Snow White from the vicious queen.

Most of the people in the alliance have already returned to the Silver Blade Empire, such as Li Yin, who is now the general of the Empire.

Only a small number of radicals are still defecting, looking for the noble Alpha female crown prince.

Qiao Sha peeped at Rongga’s expression. He didn’t seem to react much. He looked through the communicator and looked at her.

She didn’t hide, letting his eyes collide with her.

“I thought about it.” Li Ming said, “Rong Jia, you must take care of the baby in this situation, otherwise the child won’t be able to keep it.”

Li Ming said to him seriously: “It won’t be too long, Rong Jia, you try to stay in bed for three weeks, and I can stabilize the fetus at three weeks, okay?”

“Only three weeks.” Li Ming emphasized again.

Rong Jia still looked at Qiao Sha, and slowly said: “Go to Gray Blue Star. I will bring Shao Yi to find the daughter of the Alliance. You go with me and stay with Gray Blue Star for three weeks.”

Qiao Sha couldn’t tell for a moment, whether he said this to her or to Li Ming, until he looked up at Li Ming.

“In three weeks, keep this embryo.” He said to Li Ming, “I have no other time.”

Li Ming immediately responded, “This is good. Just when you are on a business trip, let Shao Yi find the female alpha of the alliance. You can rest in bed for me. I will definitely save this child for three weeks.”

Then he looked at Qiao Sha again and said, “She will go with her.”

Qiao Sha’s heart fell steadily. She didn’t have to wait three months. She might be able to complete the task in three weeks. From the moment he decided to take her, he stepped into her net.

Whether it’s out of revenge or hatred, he wants to take her, which means that he can’t ignore her and be indifferent to her like before.

“Bring Mrs. Qiao Sha?” Li Ming was a little surprised and worried. “I’m afraid… not so good. You are going to catch the alliance’s crown prince, but you want to bring the alliance commander’s wife. Is this reasonable?”

Not to mention that her husband Li Yin did not agree, even the Prime Minister would not agree.

Rongga watched Qiao Sha standing in the shadow of the bedroom, and some “emotions” that hadn’t been experienced in a long time were generated for some reason.

He actually felt that her thin body was hiding in the shadows, looking lonely.

“You shouldn’t take me.” Qiao Sha walked out slowly, she walked to him, pulled her broken hair behind her ears, and said to him: “I am Li Yin’s wife, don’t you think you are taking me on a business trip alone” “Is it absurd to walk for three weeks?”

Oh my God, the boss took his subordinate’s wife on a business trip. Who heard this and didn’t doubt it?

She is now Li Yin’s wife. Li Yin has just returned. Rong Jia did just that. Even if Rong Jia doesn’t really think of her, it’s terrifying. The whole empire has a lot of opinions, saying that Rong Jia is occupying her. Admiral’s wife.

Cuckolding Li Yin so openly, isn’t this forcing Li Yin to rebel? Her young majesty.

“It’s not so good…” Li Ming affirmed euphemistically.

“I know you don’t care what other people think of Li Yin, but you will arouse opposition, Rong Jia.” Her voice was soft and soft, as if for him, saying: “Your Prime Minister, your ministers, will Think you have brought a league undercover with you, they will not allow it.”

She could almost imagine that the whole empire introduced him and sympathized with Li Yin, and his ministers fiercely opposed it.

Isn’t it like the scene when the prime minister took the lead in protesting against her when she was a queen?

Isn’t it like, when the young Rongga cried and ordered the prime minister to save her, to save her, the queen, the prime minister and his army agreed to veto it?

That’s really exciting.

They said that she had harmed the country and had caused two emperors, so she would subvert another emperor to show them, she could not be scolded in vain.

“Rongga, please don’t do this.” Qiao Sha begged him softly.


Rong Jia looked at her, she put on that fake gentle mask again, a decent mask that took care of the overall situation, but he guessed that she must not think so in her heart, she never cared about anyone, her former husband, the present The husband, the empire, the alliance… she never took it to heart.

He suppressed the nausea that pressed his chest, and said with a dumb tone: “What I want to do, I don’t need anyone’s permission.”

Qiao Sha frowned embarrassedly, and asked 101 in his heart, what’s the condition of the Gray-Blue Star? is it hot? Cold? Will it suffer? She don’t want to go to places that are too bitter.

101: “…”

“At least, let me go home and say goodbye to Li Yin.” Qiao Sha gestured back and asked him again.

go home.

Is there her home?

Rong Jia didn’t promise her: “Mrs. Qiao Sha don’t worry, I will send someone to tell Admiral Li.”

Qiao Sha bit her lip: “Can’t you even meet my husband?”

101: “…some of them acted as hosts.”

Li Ming couldn’t stand it anymore, “Rong Jia, I think Mrs. Qiao Sha’s request is reasonable. Don’t go too far.”

Rong Jia raised his eyebrows to look at him, is he too much?

His stepmother is so good at acting that people around him have already started to speak for her, do you think she is the poorest person?

He just doesn’t allow it.

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