Fishing Beauty Dressed As a Vicious Stepmother

Chapter 36 - [It takes a few steps to destroy Jack Su] [VIP]

He had a gentle and joyful dream…

Someone touched him tenderly, hugged him, kissed the back of his neck, calling him “Rongga”…

He fell a little bit in that tenderness, and fell asleep tiredly.

The virtual blue light meter in the room lighted up, showing 8:30 in the morning.

Rongga woke up.

He opened his eyes and hesitated for a few seconds, then sat up abruptly. He was still sleeping in the sleeping cabin, and the door of the sleeping cabin was open.

His pajamas were crumpled, and his pheromone smell still remained in the cabin.

Last night… wasn’t that a dream?

Rongga looked down at his palm. There was a ring of tooth marks on the back of his hand. He remembered that he bit him in his dream last night, and then a hand held up his face and said to him, “Don’t bite, Rongga, Bleeding can’t relieve pain, only happiness can…”

Rong Jia frowned a little. It wasn’t a dream last night, it was because he did not have the control of the inhibitor, and once again had an emotional reaction.

The voice that called him Rongga and talked to him was Qiao Sha.

The hand that touched him, hugged him, and calmed him down a little is also Qiao Sha.

Are all the “dreams” true?

Touching is real, hugging is real? Then…is it true that she kissed the back of his neck?

The effect of sleeping pills still remained in his mind, making him unable to distinguish which one was real and which one was a dream.

He couldn’t tell how he felt at the moment. He repelled and disliked himself last night, touched last night, his fragility in omega made him sick.

But his body is rarely relaxed and relaxed.

There was no high fever, no tight current pain, he was sweating like a heartily, and the high fever subsided.

It’s like after using enough inhibitors.

The disgust in the heart and the invigoration of the body made him have a little emotion-irritability.

He hasn’t had this kind of emotion for a very, very long time, he himself didn’t realize his emotions, just felt that he was dirty and uncomfortable and didn’t like it.

Soon, retching and nausea appeared again, replacing the irritability in his heart.

He pressed his chest and eased a bit, trying to suppress the nausea, but his lips numb a little.

Want to vomit.

Is she gone?

He glanced around, only then noticed that the room had a wind change, a set of clean pajamas, a bottle of unopened drinking water, and a pair of slippers were placed on the carpet outside the sleeping cabin.

There is a rare note on it.

In this world, electronic products have long replaced paper and pen, and very few people have used paper strips.

In his memory, the only people who are still used to using paper and pen are his former stepmother, Qiao Sha.

She retains many old habits that once made his father obsessed.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the thin piece of paper with his fingers. On the white piece of paper, a line of handsome words was written with a black pen-bare feet are not good for the child, and antiemetics were placed on his pajamas.

No name was left.

But Rong Jia knew that she had kept it.

He could even see her smiling and putting down her slippers from this line of words.

There was no sound in the room, she should have left, leaving the room full of her deliberate gentleness.

In the past, she captured him in the same way.

But he has stopped eating this set, and gentleness is useless to him.

He threw the note into the trash can, took the antiemetic medicine on his pajamas and put it in his mouth, reached out and picked up the bottle of drinking water, only to find that she had unscrewed the bottle cap.

The bitter taste of the medicine spread in his tongue and throat, not only bitter, but also a disgusting sour taste.

He opened the bottle cap, took two sips of water, and pressed down the medicine and nausea.

He became a little irritable again, as if there were traps set by her everywhere in this room.

He got up and walked into the bathroom.

It was almost half past nine when I got out of the bath and changed clothes.

Many missed communications in the communicator.

He hasn’t slept for so long for a long time, and got up so late. Last night was the heaviest night he slept in these years.

Fortunately, the league has returned. These days are the rectification stage, and he does not need to be present in person.

With wet hair dripping with water, he sat on the sofa and clicked on those communications. Except for a few reports, Li Ming and Shao Yi were the only ones left.

Li Ming just asked him how he was last night, if he had any adverse reactions, and reminded him to pay attention.

And Shao Yi asked him: Are you going to pick up Mrs. Qiao Sha to the Palace of Pure White today?


Rong Jia leaned on the sofa. Why, she came to be a maid and needed his lieutenant to personally pick him up?

Last night he asked Shao Yi to send her away, just because the Palace of Pure White was not random in and out, so Shao Yi was naturally required to send her out of the Palace of Pure White.

Did Shao Yi send her to “home” last night?

He clicked on Qiao Sha’s monitor, and first saw the real-time monitoring——

She seemed to be in the bedroom. She was still lying on the big bed. Most of the gray quilt fell to the ground. Her body was almost exposed outside the quilt. She only wore a black suspender nightdress, leaning on her side. She almost ran to her ass, with her thin white legs on the side of the bed, her arms hugging the pillow, her face buried under the pillow, only her long black hair was draped over her shoulders.

A man walked towards her, wearing a white shirt and military uniform pants, it was Li Yin.

Li Yin walked to the bed and bent down. The smooth back muscles appeared under the shirt. He gently stroked her leg with the back of his hand, “Isn’t awake yet?”

She shrank her legs, and let out a dissatisfied “En…” under the pillow, with a nasal sound that didn’t wake up, sweet as if she was acting like a baby.

Rong Jia moved her brows inexplicably. Did she sleep with Li Yin last night? Hug Li Yin so tenderly with that hand, touching some parts of him?

This made the nausea that Rongga had just suppressed reappeared.

He turned off the real-time monitoring, turned on the monitoring records last night, and saw that she left his room only at two in the middle of the night.

Shao Yi picked her up in the corridor outside the door and sent her out of the Palace of Pure White.

It was raining last night, during the heavy rain, she stood at the door of the Pure White Palace, and said sorry to Shao Yi: “I’m sorry, it hurts you to wait so late. You don’t need to send me off. Can you tell me how to get back? No communication equipment.”

Yes, she is a prisoner, how could she have communication equipment.

“No trouble.” Shao Yi held up the umbrella and said to her: “Send you back, it is your majesty’s order.” He also opened the door for her, “Get in the car, Mrs. Qiao Sha.”

Qiao Sha said thank you, and got into the back of his car.

Then the two talked and laughed all the way.

Rongga quickly turned over their conversation with his cheeks. There was nothing special, but Qiao Sha was curiously asking about his car, the latest version of the floating car.

Shao Yi seemed to have opened a chatterbox, answering her every question, and asking her if she had never been in this kind of car in the league?

Qiao Sha said regretfully: “I rarely go out.” But he didn’t answer whether he had ever been in this kind of car.

This is her best way of deceiving people.

“How should I go to the Palace of Pure White tomorrow?” Qiao Sha asked when getting off the car: “Will Lieutenant Shao Yi come to pick me up tomorrow?”

Shao Yi was stunned for a moment, and she added with a smile: “I mean, does your majesty have any instructions to come and pick me up tomorrow?”

Shao Yi looked at her and smiled lightly, “If I receive an instruction, I will come to pick up Mrs. Qiao Sha again.” He politely left the umbrella to her and returned to the car.

Rong Jia recorded the record quickly and quickly, and saw that she returned to Li Yin’s room, turned on the light, and there was no one in the room.

Li Yin hasn’t come back yet.

Then she walked into the bathroom, took off the large prisoner’s clothes, and bowed her head and said something to the monitor.

Rong Jia originally wanted to skip the finger at this point, paused, and then returned. She was wearing only a thin inner skirt, and she lowered her head to the monitor and said, “This, is it waterproof? Rong Jia.”

She always smiled a little when she called his name.

Rongga listened to it again and again—”This, is it waterproof? Rongga.”

Intertwined with the voice in my ear that was in my ears last night—”Will I touch you? Rongga.”

——”Don’t bite, Rongga…”

——”Does kissing your glands make you feel better? Rongga…”

He seemed to be stunned in this voice. When he came back to his senses, he was already repeating the sentence and the two words-“Rongga.”

-“Rong Jia.”

-“Rong Jia.”

He released his hand and turned off the monitor more annoyingly in his heart. Why did he go to check and confirm whether Qiao Sha and Li Yin slept in the same bed last night?

What does this have to do with him?

She had already abandoned him.

Now she is just his captive, and his tools, when he is done using them, she is just a dead person.

He doesn’t need to pay attention to her and waste any time.

He dropped the communicator, changed into his military uniform, and decided to go to the conference hall in person to meet the alliance commanders who had returned to him, especially Li Yin.

The commander-in-chief of the alliance is the backbone of the alliance. He is only in his thirties, handsome and vigorous, and he is the first hero who invaded and occupied the empire.

His stepmother has always been good at picking men.


The rain stopped.

As soon as Qiao Sha woke up, she heard the voice of 101.

“Host.” 101 said in surprise: “You are really good.”

“?” Qiao Sha didn’t understand this sudden praise, but 101 never praised her.

101 popped the system bar out in front of her eyes, “The male protagonist in this world has a hatred value of 1001, which has just risen.”

If in the last world, the “1” from Surya surprised it, then this world, the “1” from Rongga makes it exciting.

It was a sincere compliment this time, and it was also a sincere refresh of its own concept-whether it was a **** or a bug, never doubt Qiao Sha, no matter how ridiculous things she did.

But Qiao Sha was stunned. She looked at the 1% hatred value and was surprised. When did it rise? Just now? Is it so quietly rising?

101 dropped the data out, “Just now, Rong Jia should have woke up at 8 o’clock. It seems that he started to check your surveillance at 9 o’clock, but after only looking at it for a while, the hatred value increased after he turned off the surveillance.”

This is not what she expected. In fact, what she expected was that Rong Jia should rise to the hatred value after being touched and comforted by her last night.

Although he lacks emotions, he has pleasure. Even if he is not ashamed, he will definitely hate being touched by her. He hates him while being physically irresistible. How can he tortured him with a bit of hatred?

But not last night.

She thought, maybe when he wakes up and finds that he has been touched all over by her, he is dirty, and he will inevitably increase his hatred value.

But still nothing.

When I checked the monitoring, there was no increase.

Turning off the monitoring, Rong Jia quietly increased his hatred value by one percent.


There didn’t seem to be anything special in her surveillance last night, right? She was sent back by Shao Yi, she took a bath and slept, and even when Li Yin came back late last night, nothing happened between her and Li Yin.

He slept like this all night, and when he woke up, Li Yin didn’t even have a good morning kiss.

Because he looked at the monitor on her neck, he was awkward.

The whole live broadcast is awkward to everyone.

So why did Rongga quietly rise this one percent?

Is it because of lack of emotion, his reflex arc is much slower than others?

101 don’t know.

Qiao Sha is also a little confused. The hatred value of Surya in the last world is very easy to grasp, break his godhead, and challenge his bottom line.

But Rongga in this world made her unpredictable. He didn’t have too much emotion, no sense of morality, and even no bottom line. He was self-tired, self-degraded, and became an “imperial machine” with clear goals.

Everything is to control the empire and reshape the new silver blade empire. For this goal, he even accepts pregnancy.

What else can he hate? Or is it quiet Mimi’s hatred?

Qiao Sha simply didn’t want to, and went into the bathroom to change into a sleeveless dress, and used Li Yin’s home communicator to make a video call to Doctor Li Ming.

Li Ming thought it was Rong Jia. He didn’t answer the communication with Rong Jia early in the morning and didn’t reply.

But Qiao Sha asked him: “Doctor Li, is Rong Jia not sensitive to temperature and pain…? I found out last night that he used cold water for bathing and he had wounds on his body, but he didn’t seem to know the pain. , It’s not good for him and the child.”

Li Ming sighed. He thought that since Qiao Sha already knew that Rong Jia pretended to be ALPHA by strengthening needles, and that he was the person who was going to have children with Rong Jia, there was no need to hide these things from her.

“Yes.” Li Ming sighed and said, “Rong Jia started to get intensive injections when he was too young. He seemed to have started getting intensive injections at the age of ten, but at that time there was no overdose and it was not serious. But in the empire… his father fought. After his death, he was burdened with rejuvenation and revenge, so he had to speed up his strengthening and change his physique to become ALPHA. Therefore, in those few years, he excessively used enhancers and analgesics, which damaged part of his touch, pain, and warmth. And emotional perception.”

Qiao Sha suddenly realized that this bug is here.

Li Ming looked at her and said tactfully: “He had suffered a lot of suffering that ordinary people could not bear before he was a young adult. His body has been almost destroyed, so he needs this very much…” He paused and pressed down. Voice, “He really needs a child, so he asked Mrs. Qiao Sha to take care of him as much as possible.”

He sighed again: “Because of his lack of emotion, he has a very strange temper, and he doesn’t know how hot or cold it is. This also gives me a headache.”

Qiao Sha remembered coming last night, but when he was in the emotional period, he was extremely sensitive. He was very sensitive to touch, temperature, and kisses. It was so sensitive that it melted with a touch.

In peacetime, he has two extremes.

“Can I take a look at his previous enhanced case?” Qiao Sha asked: “If you don’t comply with the rules, then forget it. I just want to find out and take care of him.”

Li Ming thought for a while, there is nothing to conceal her, just show her the enhanced case he had when he was a minor, and he won’t reveal the current one.

He nodded: “Is it convenient for you to come to the hospital? Are you in the Palace of Pure White now? I’ll send someone to pick you up.”

“No, I’m here with Li Yin.” Qiao Sha said: “Lieutenant General Shao Yi seems to have not received an order to pick me up to work.”

Li Ming was taken aback, and immediately realized that Rong Jia must be busy with state affairs again, he is an imperial machine! The pregnancy is endless!


Li Ming sent someone to pick up Qiao Sha and call Rong Jia again. This time he picked up, but he retched in the bathroom.

That voice made Li Ming hurt for him. He only takes nutrients a day, what can he vomit?

Li Ming helplessly persuaded him, “You should take a good rest. In the first three months of pregnancy, people with severe morning sickness should rest in bed, otherwise it will be easy…”

Miscarriage is easy, and the video is hung up by Rong Jia before he finishes the four words.

Li Ming leaned back in the chair angrily, and sighed again. Why did Rong Jia live? For revenge, for the empire, never for himself.

He built himself into a tough imperial mecha.

Someone knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Qiao Sha was standing outside with a smile. She was wearing a dress that wrapped her hips. The skirt was wrapped a little above her knees. The thin waist made her look like a beautiful tulip.

She walked in and put a bunch of flowers on Li Ming’s table: “On that day, Dr. Li’s vase was empty. I bought a bunch by the side of the road. I guess you like tulips.”

Li Ming looked at the bunch of purple tulips wrapped in black silk and smiled loosely. It was a beautiful and gentle bouquet.

Like Mrs. Qiao Sha.

It is really hard for him to hate this Mrs. Qiao Sha. Should all the beautiful flowers be buried under the subjugation of the country?

This is a proposition that is difficult to argue with.

He didn’t think that Rongga hated it. She didn’t keep her virginity and burial for the country, but she left him. He was too dependent on her back then.

“Mrs. Qiao Sha, even the color is right.” Li Ming smiled and thanked her, handed Rong Jia’s case to her, and got up to arrange flowers.

Qiao Sha sat at the table and flipped it roughly. In fact, she didn’t quite understand it, but she could see that a lot of enhancers and analgesics were actually used.

In the case, Rong Jia was twelve years old.

These measurements are really too much for a child.

Those cases were also mixed with Rongga’s psychological evaluation test. She saw many pages, the inner pages of the diary, with a densely written name-Qiao Sha.

A Qiaosha, stacked with another Qiaosha, the writing is dense and cruel, almost through the back of the paper.

She didn’t count how many pages, “Is this written by Rongga?”

Li Ming looked over and said with an “en” as he tried to say in a tactful way: “It was my father who was secretly responsible for strengthening Rongga’s genes. At that time… his mental state was very bad, and the pain of strengthening was not an analgesic. If it can be eliminated, my father gave him a notebook for him to record the abnormalities and uncomfortable symptoms that he appeared.”

But he wrote a full book of [Qiao Sha].

Li Ming walked over and showed her a psychological evaluation, “My father once asked why he wrote your name.”

Hate her?

Qiao Sha lowered his head and saw that the record on it, Rong Jia’s answer-I don’t know what else to write.

“He said that when he was in pain, he didn’t know what else to write except [Qiao Sha].” Li Ming looked at her. There was no movement or other expression on her face. She calmly watched and listened.

Doesn’t she have any real feelings for Rongga, the stepson?

Qiao Sha looked at that page, and then he didn’t write it again, because later he adapted and strengthened, became stronger and stronger, and lost his emotions.

This is not a relief.

Qiao Sha raised her eyes and ran into Li Ming’s.

Li Ming was embarrassed first, and hurriedly said, “Sorry, I just… just want to know, what kind of emotions did you have when you left Rongga? I believe you treat Rongga as your own son, otherwise Rongga would not I will rely on you so much. Perhaps you left Rong Jia and took refuge in Li Yin because he was forced to helplessly.”

Outside the door, a footstep stopped.

The door was not closed tightly. Rong Jia heard the conversation inside clearly. He looked at the woman sitting on the sofa. She was wearing a skirt today, her head hanging slightly, and her slender neck pale and graceful.

She opened her mouth softly and softly: “Doctor Li, I was not forced by Li Yin. I chose him voluntarily at the beginning. He treated me very well.”

Li Ming was stunned.

101 hurriedly said: “Host, Rongga is outside the door.”

She knew that she had smelled his sweet smell a long time ago, and she just wanted to tell him clearly.

“Doctor Li.” She smiled and put the broken hair behind her ears and said: “Do you think the Imperial army would save me? No, no, under the fire of war, the only remaining Imperial army will only fight hard. Save Rongga, the hope of the empire, not the queen of weeds born in a slum. They thought I was not worthy to be their queen, and I should be buried for the empire.”

She put down the case, her movements were gentle, and her smile was gentle, “Weeds grow in barren land. They have to try their best to survive, so they know how valuable it is to survive.”

She said: “Dr. Li, I never live for anyone, let alone die for anyone, because it is really difficult to survive.”

She smiled: “Sorry, I’m too selfish.”

Li Ming couldn’t speak, he couldn’t criticize her selfishness, just as he couldn’t praise Rongga’s perverted “selflessness”.

Sometimes he hopes that Rong Jia will try it alive for himself.

Rongga is gone?

Qiao Sha couldn’t smell him anymore.

“Yes, he just left.” 101 answered her.

But soon, Li Ming’s communicator rang, and it was Rong Jia.

He said that Li Ming would give him some more useful antiemetics, and he would like depressants.

Li Ming immediately objected. The antiemetics cannot be dosed, and the inhibitors are even less likely to be given. He helplessly and angrily said to Rong Jia, “Do you still want to have such a child? Only three months, three months later. , You can end the pain. Even if you find a reason to travel to other planets, you have to give me three months to raise a baby! You…”

“I can’t restrain the emotional period anymore.” Rong Jia interrupted him, “At night.”

Li Ming paused, and then said, “You entered the emotional period again last night? But you…didn’t you get through it?”

Rong Jia seemed to look behind him, and said in a dumb and tired voice, “I spent it artificially.”

Qiao Sha almost laughed and spent time manually. This word is used well.

“What do you mean?” Li Ming didn’t understand.

Qiao Sha waited for Rongga’s answer, only to hear Rongga still say without any emotional ups and downs: “My maid, caress me.”

Li Ming got stuck in his throat, almost grabbing the ground with his head, what, what?

maid? Caress?

Li Ming couldn’t help but looked back at Qiao Sha, is this maid his stepmother…

Qiao Sha picked up the tea cup with a normal expression and took a sip of tea.

Li Ming had a headache. These two were too hard to guess. He covered his forehead and said to Rong Jia: “Since… since you can spend it manually, then… let your maid help you again and endure life and death. Will three months work?”

Rong Jia didn’t speak, he seemed to be thinking, weighing-saving the child in exchange for a new body and being touched by the disgusting stepmother.

Which is more important.


Back to the Palace of Pure White again, it was already dusk.

Qiao Sha stood in Rong Jia’s bedroom again. Rong Jia had already taken a shower, leaning on the sofa in her gray pajamas, wet hair wet the sofa.

His hair has grown a lot. It was still short last night. Today, his hair is hanging around his ears, looking like a younger sister’s head.

Is this also the reason for the top o?

“Do you want me to stay tonight?” Qiao Sha asked him.

He leaned on the sofa and looked at her with those narrow, soft eyes.

Not seen for a day, he seems to be more beautiful than yesterday.

Before he answered, the communicator turned on. It was Shao Yi.

He clicked, and Shao Yi’s face appeared and said to him: “Your Majesty, Admiral Li Yin is outside the Palace of Pure White, come to pick up Mrs. Qiao Sha.”

Oh? Her husband came to take her home.

He looked at her and said to Shao Yi: “Tell Admiral Li that Mrs. Qiao Sha will stay overnight tonight and will not go home.”

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