Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 619: A Privilege to Be Kind

While Damien talked to Marcus over the phone, Katherine had a conversation with Jack's father, Tim. The latter used to work in a corporate office, but after his wife's death, it was hard for him to be out all day while also taking care of his son. He had no parents or relatives who could take care of his toddler, so the only job that worked for him that allowed him to have time for his son was the supermarket until he got laid off two weeks ago.

"He's small for a four-year-old," Tim started as he cradled his son in his arms, whose eyes were slowly closing. "I know it's my fault he's not getting enough nutrition. If only I could do more, he wouldn't have to suffer like this."

The father and son looked very much alike—same hair, same eyes. Jack was indeed a small child. If the boy didn't say he was four years old, they would have thought he was only two or nearly three. Katherine felt bad. Tim only wanted the best for his son. "You're already doing the best that you can. I'm sure Jack knows that."

He looked up, his eyes filled with embarrassment with the slightest hint of hope in them. "Thank you. I'm glad you were the ones who found him. I don't know what I would do if he ended up with someone with ill intentions. Please, Madame… Let me repay you. I don't have money, but I will work for you for free. It's the least I can do for taking care of my son."

Just the thought of someone taking Jack for malicious intent made Katherine's blood boil. This reminded her of the children whom Parker and the other people from The Company took from their parents or possibly those they found in the streets. Jack could have been one of those kids and Tim could have been one of those kids' parents. She couldn't imagine the pain a parent would feel. This was indeed a fortunate event.

She shook her head. "You don't have to do that, Mr. Connolly. We're just doing the bare minimum… We can't possibly let you work for free."

Tim looked at the things on the table and the clothing on his son. Everything was expensive and high quality—things he could never afford even if he had to work nonstop for years just to get his son a piece of the clothing he was wearing now.

"She's right. We can't let you work for free. That's slavery," Damien's deep and crisp voice chimed in as he walked towards them. "Katherine and I agreed that we can't let you and Jack go tonight without doing something. I have just gotten off the phone with my assistant to arrange everything. I own a hotel, and there's a spare bedroom where you can stay—for free of course—and you can start your new job tomorrow morning."

Tim's eyes widened in surprise as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at the two in front of him, unsure of what to say. It took him a moment to gather his thoughts before he managed to respond. "Thank you, Sir. I… But I don't think I can accept that much generosity. It's too much to stay for free. And I don't understand why you would do that for a stranger." His voice sounded brittle as though he was feeling emotional.

Katherine and Damien exchanged looks, and then he slid his hands into his pockets as he answered, "Honestly, we're doing this for Jack. We've only gotten to know him for a very short time, but I don't think we'd be able to sleep soundly tonight, knowing what we learned about you and just going on with our lives. We're fortunate enough to be privileged, but this privilege doesn't only mean we can afford things in life… It also means we can afford to help people like you—like Jack."

She nodded. "You must feel strange because of the sudden offer. We're not forcing you if you really don't want our help. But we hope you won't decline. Besides, although the accommodation will be free, you also have a job now. Wouldn't that be the best for both of you? So consider it as one of your benefits." She glanced at Damien, a small smile hinting on her face as she added, "I used to work for this man. And when I didn't have a home, he also gave me one."

Granted, staying at his penthouse for a few days and then moving to the Royal Penthouse suite was a different case, but she couldn't help but mention that. Taking a deep breath, Katherine addressed Tim, who was still unsure about accepting the offer. "Look, Mr. Connolly… We understand your apprehension. You don't have to decide right now. Your home is nearly an hour away from here, so it will be late if you go home tonight. Why don't you take a rest at the hotel and sleep it off? You can check the job offer tomorrow morning and then decide whether you want to accept it or not."

Finally, Tim nodded in agreement. "I guess that's fair. Thank you again for your kindness."

After settling matters in the police station, Katherine and Damien drove towards Crown Hotel while Tim and Jack rode in one of Damien's security's cars. Marcus was already there when they arrived, and they led the father and son towards the spare bedroom, which was a fully-functional hotel room with a double bed used by the staff for training purposes. There was another similar room with the same purpose, so the two rooms had always been empty and weren't used for profits.


Katherine and Damien said their goodbyes to Jack and Tim before leaving their room. As the two walked out of the hotel, Damien threaded his fingers with hers, giving her hand a light squeeze as he told her, "I'm sorry tonight didn't go as planned. We were supposed to drop by the dessert shop after—shît. I didn't even get to buy some treats for Bear." He ran an exhausted hand down his face then rubbed his jaw. He checked the time on his watch and let out a heavy sigh. It was already eleven in the evening. "Everything's closed now."

Smiling, she shifted her stance so she was now facing him. She slid her hand up his chest and complimented him, "Don't be silly. You did great tonight. Thanks for letting them stay here."

"It's nothing." He tucked her hair behind her ear. Damien had removed his tie and was wearing a plain white shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looked more casual now than earlier this evening.

"As for Bear…" Her lips twisted as she thought for a second. Then she pointed to a lit-up store in front of her. "There's a 7-Eleven across the street. I'm sure we can find some sugar-free or unsalted cookies there."

Katherine pulled him with her as they crossed the street and entered the store. "There's also soft-serve ice cream. See? Tonight isn't so bad. You still get to bring me to a dessert station. You're buying, by the way; I left my wallet in your car."

His hand flew to his chest, and he clutched it dramatically. "Ah. I'm being robbed."

Narrowing her eyes, she looked at him so seriously. "Yes. And I have knives. So don't even think about screaming."

A slow grin grew on his face. Damien threw his arm around her shoulder, pulled her close, and pressed his lips to the top of her ear as he spoke in a voice so low and rough, "Love, screaming only happens in the bedroom. And we both know that's not gonna be me."

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