Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 618: Milk and Bread

Damien couldn't believe he and Katherine were actually able to change little Jack's diapers. It was a feat and a whole buttload of strong stomach, but after bracing through the explosive, they finally did it.

They changed his clothes and also let him drink the milk and snacks that Damien got from the grocery store. Jack quietly sat on the chair, eating his food in peace. Occasionally, he'd stare at Damien or Katherine, but he never attempted to speak again, even after one of them tried to ask him some questions.

At one point, though, he patted the front of his pants, and it took a few seconds for them to realize that he wanted to pee. So Damien had to bring him to the men's room in the police station, thankful that it was clean enough. He was a little unsure how to help the boy, but Jack unzipped his own pants and attempted to pull them down to his surprise. However, he was too short for the urinal and the toilet, so Damien hoisted him up and let him stand on the seat while he did his business.

Needless to say, it was a weird yet interesting experience for Damien to be around a little boy and having to take care of him because no one else would. 

Back in the waiting room, Katherine watched as Damien and Jack played with the toys on the floor. He'd laid his coat on it as it was already dirty anyway and used it as a mat.

"Why doesn't he talk?" Styles' voice sounded from the loudspeaker on Damien's phone that was propped up on a chair with the camera on.

"If he did, then we'd know why," Katherine answered, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, Queen. You can't be mad at me forever. I already said I was sorry…"


"So not fair. Why are you friends with King Charming now but still mad at me? What favoritism is this? I can't accept this. We know each other longer than he—no offense, bro, just stating facts," Styles immediately added when Damien gave him an eye.

"Not true. Technically, I met him first before I met you. And also because I love him," Katherine said proudly, smiling at her man.

"And you don't love me?" protested the clingy computer genius on the other line, frowning and sniffing as if he was about to cry.

"Hmmm…" She pretended to think. "Not like I love him."

Styles slapped his chest and clenched his hand on his shirt. "That hurt. Thanks a lot."

Letting out a sigh, she tried to speak in a gentle manner, "I spoke to you nearly everyday, Styles. The least you could do was tell me. And you're right. We've known each other for a long time, so you should have already known how I would react."

"I was torn. Your lover boy was only concerned about you… He's worried—we all are."

Little Jack looked up, and she met his innocent gaze. It wasn't the right time to talk about this, so she decided to change the subject. "Let's talk about it next time. What's the update? How long?"

The soft clicky sound of a keyboard was heard from the speaker before Styles responded, "The boy's father is being transported here. He should arrive any minute now."

Just as he said that, the door to the waiting room creaked as it opened and the first thing they saw was a man in a sweatshirt and pants. His eyes were red from being exhausted and possibly crying. He scanned the room, and his stare immediately landed on Jack. The man all but dashed towards the boy, picking him up and hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to leave you. Daddy's here now," he sniffed, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Everything happened so fast that all Damien and Katherine could do was give them some space, watching the pair as little Jack started crying into his father's shoulders. His little arms clung so tightly as if he was afraid his father would disappear again. 

Still sniffing, the man slightly pulled back and kissed Jack on the forehead, wiping his son's face with his fingers and then kissing him again. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Are you hungry?"

Jack's lips trembled as he shook his head in response.

"We gave him milk and some biscuits. I hope that's okay," Katherine said gently, hesitant to interrupt their moment.

The man realized that they weren't alone in the room, and he turned to greet them. "I'm sorry. I was so scared that something happened to him, I forgot… My name is Tim. I'm Jack's father." He quickly wiped his hand on his pants before extending it outward.

Damien and Katherine received his handshake and introduced themselves.

"Thank you for taking care of my son. I'm grateful…you even fed him," Tim said in a shaky voice.

"It's nothing. We couldn't just leave him out there alone. The police wanted to call social services, but we asked to wait a little more…" Damien replied.

Smiling, Katherine told Tim, "I hope you don't mind that we got him some stuff. He cried and...we just didn't know what to do. He soiled his diapers… We both don't have experience in taking care of a child, so we apologize if we didn't do well. We tried to clean him up and changed his clothes."

Tim examined his son again, noticing that Jack was wearing a new set of clothes and appeared to be cleaner. A small smile formed on his face, looking grateful for what they did. "Thank you again. I don't know how to repay you..." 

"It's okay. May we ask… What happened?" she wondered. "They only told us that you were brought in a precinct."

Tim swallowed, averting his gaze and seemingly reluctant to explain. His face slightly reddened, indicating that he was embarrassed by what happened. Taking a seat, he placed his son on his lap and cradled him, his hand constantly stroking the boy's arm like a habit.

"I… I got laid off from the supermarket that I worked for two weeks ago. I've been trying to find a job, but I didn't have any luck. It's only my son and me ever since his mother died three years ago. He usually stays with our next-door neighbor while I'm out during the day, but they couldn't watch him today, so I brought him with me." He swallowed. Still keeping his gaze lowered, he added, "I went to the minimart and asked him to wait for me outside while I got some milk and bread. I didn't have money, and I couldn't let him see me...I couldn't let him see me take it without paying."

Katherine's heart ached just hearing the story. She knew exactly how it felt having no money. Those times before she met Damien, she was fortunate to have enough to eat ramen, and she was only feeding herself. This man had to take care of his son, and he had to steal to do that. She squeezed Damien's hand, and he squeezed back. They had no words to say.

Clearing his throat, Tim held his son's hands and gently stroked them. "I got caught by the owner, and he called the cops. When they came, they took me to the precinct. Jack wasn't outside when they cuffed me out of the store. I begged them to look for him, but they drove away and only told me their colleagues would search. I really thought I would never see my boy again. I'm so sorry, Jackie… Daddy's so sorry. I promise you I'll never leave you again."

"Dada…" Jack's lips trembled. His eyes were misty as his little fingers reached to wipe his father's cheek.

Damn it. This was so heartbreaking to watch. Katherine's eyes started to get misty too. Damien glanced at her and brushed his thumb against the back of her hand.

"Oh, god. I'm not crying, you are," Styles, who was still on the phone, commented with a nasal voice.

"Jack seems to be very shy… He doesn't talk much," she changed the subject.

Tim nodded. "His development is slow… I don't have money to bring him to a specialist."

Taking a deep breath, Katherine pulled Damien to the side and proposed that she could bring them into the Young mansion. "I could hire him as a gardener...or maintenance. They can stay at the servants' quarters?"

However, he shook his head. "As much as I agree, I can't let you take in a stranger. We don't know him. We can't trust anyone...even if it's Jack's father." He glanced at the boy.

Her brows furrowed, and her eyes laced with worry. "But Damien, I can't not do anything after hearing all that. If we leave without doing anything, what happened tonight will just repeat. What if Jack will meet someone not like us?"

"Baby, I didn't mean we won't do anything. We will—just not in your grandfather's mansion. I'll take care of it."

Katherine's expression relaxed instantaneously. "What are you going to do?"

Studying Tim's figure from a distance, Damien muttered, "I'll hire him and let them stay in the hotel. It's much safer that way."

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