Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 51 - Torture

The scene was silent. The soldiers looked at Li Qinglin, all their lips were shaking, but they all lost their voices. I didn’t know what to say. Li Qinglin also turned his back to the crowd without turning back. The body had become thin and emaciated. Qin Yi knew that what he saw this time might be a wrinkled face, and he was no longer the handsome Li Qinglin.

He took a deep breath and suddenly said, “Minghe Daoyou, is the drama enough?”

The air was quiet for a moment, a fragrant wind blew across his face, and Minghe suddenly appeared to one side.

“Demons are raging in Prince’s Mansion, why don’t Daoyou shoot?”

“Neither kill Ye Ying, naturally do not kill the other party, look at it thoroughly.” Ming He looked at Li Qinglin’s white hair with a little surprise, and answered Qin Yi at will.

Qin Yi said: “Did you finish watching the show now?”

“…” Minghe silently, no one onlookers could think of this result, including tassel and Minghe.

A few moments ago, she also felt that this situation was nothing like this. No matter what the background was, she could not escape the nature of power struggle. Tassel also thought it was boring and could not give it “a long aftertaste”.

I didn’t expect it to be the end in the end, to the point where the detached people like them felt moved, until now the tassel was silent, not knowing what they were thinking.

Tong Minghe is the same, his mind is quite complicated.

Qin Yi came to the ground: “Please ask Dao You to help Brother Li once, Qin Yi will report in the future.”

“The poor road is powerless.” Minghe sighed softly: “The poor road is just to be better than the Taoist friends, and all knowledge may not win.”

Qin Yi asked unwillingly: “Doesn’t Guizongmen have some special techniques, such as returning to old age?”

“If you can help people return to their old age, they will help them live forever. If there is such a technique in the world, why should our generations struggle for it? Unless we get the real Jiuzhuan Jindan, or a very special treasure of heaven and earth, Fei Minghe can see. “

Qin Yi silent. Where to look for something like this?

Tong Minghe said: “The poorest way can only help with magic, let Nan Li Chaoye see, the Prince is still the original look. As for the subsequent events …”

“That’s enough.” Li Qinglin suddenly said: “Please Master Dao.”

He sounded old and hoarse, like seventy and eighty.

Some soldiers couldn’t help crying.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Minghe faintly brushed Li Qinglin’s body. In the eyes of everyone, Li Qinglin’s back was straight again, and his white hair became black again.

He turned slowly and calmly, “Leave here first, there are still many things to be done.”

After saying this, he strode forward and his steps remained firm. The soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and the feeling of heaven collapsed dissipated a lot, and they lined up neatly and left. Even if he is old, he is still Li Qinglin.

Only Qin Yi looked at Dong Huazi’s body silently, and the silver guns running through the body were not pulled out.

What would make a warrior forget even a close weapon?

He knew that Li Qinglin’s heart was definitely not so calm on the surface.

He silently pulled out the silver gun and turned his head to Minghe Road: “Do you still want to board in my broken yard?”

Tong Minghe asked, “Do you still hope that the poor can find a way?”

“Yes, let’s add up, maybe there is a way? He isn’t really aging, after all, it’s just a curse, maybe it can be lifted?”

Su Minghe suddenly said, “Why are you doing this and so care? Don’t you want to know what he would choose?”

Qin Yidao: “I know that there is a law of longevity in the world, but from the standpoint of a prince, I am more impressed by his idea of ​​making the country rich and strong and building the country without asking about longevity. Even after many years, Li Qinglin will be faint. No, forcing people into such a desperate situation to torture, the answer obtained is meaningless, which is a twist of wishful thinking of Donghuazi. For me, I don’t want to know his choice at all, I just hope he doesn’t need to face this Choices. “

Tong Minghe looked at him for a while and shook his head: “Taoyou … still doesn’t look like a monk.”

At this time, Qin Yi was really not in the mood to discuss this Xianfan’s argument, and he was not in the mood to look at the matter from an on-going perspective. He didn’t say much anymore, and turned away with Li Qinglin’s silver gun: “I said, at least for now , I couldn’t break it. “

Uh …

I walked out of the underground palace, Li Qinglin was still standing outside, the army was mostly away, and the veteran Xie Yuan was gone.

Seeing Qin Yi bring a gun out, Li Qinglin smiled slightly and took the gun: “Thank Brother Qin.”

Qin Yi said: “Are you still going to finish?”

“I’m going to block the palace first. Anyway, I have already sent troops into the city, and I’m disregarding the will, and I think that it is impossible to have a smooth transfer. After all, this is the point.” Li Qinglin paused and whispered: “The truth To be honest, I didn’t think about other details at this time. “

What Qin Yi wants to say, Li Qinglin waved his hand: “I know Brother Qin Jie, there are some inconveniences to be revealed in front of the soldiers, and even inconvenience to tell Qingjun … but I can talk to you.”

Xi Qinyi retracted the words of comfort and said, “Okay, I listen.”

“Donghuazi plans to murder me. I have counted it long ago.” Li Qinglin looked at the distance and said slowly: “I thought so before. If I die because of his plan, or if this operation is defeated, then Nanli left it to Qingjun to take care of it, so I refused to marry her for a fight anyway, and I wouldn’t let her go wrong. “

Qin Yi nodded and said, “You are sincere and sincere, Jade can prove everything.”

“But Brother Qin …” Li Qinglin still looked at the distance, as if he did not dare to look directly at Qin Yi, and whispered: “Now I know that I will not live long, or even lose energy, but … I don’t want to give way to Qingjun is here. The throne is right in front of me, and I find that I can’t say anything to give up. I am a little confused, what is my ambition, and even I lied to myself, thinking that I want to leave from the south, but it is actually nothing but For the throne? “

Qin Yi did not laugh at it, but said earnestly: “It’s normal … I didn’t ask a friend by the standard of a sage. To be honest, I want to leave south without any lust, but false.”

青 Li Qinglin seemed to be relieved, and finally turned to smile at him: “Brother Qin is a true friend.”

Yi Qin said: “In fact, Qing Jun was not suitable for picking this burden, and she really gave it to her, maybe it was worse than Donghuazi’s rebirth.”

青 Li Qinglin smiled, “It’s very possible.”

Qin Yi hesitated for a moment and finally said: “After all, you are a congenital warrior, your blood is stronger than ordinary people, but you are also aging and have some life span. You insist first, these days, I will try my best …”

Li Qinglin’s eyes suddenly became strange, and slowly said, “I thought Brother Qin said, teach me to practice.”

Qin Yi jumped in his heart.

However, Li Qinglin suddenly gave a haha: “Forget it, that is what Donghuazi hopes to see ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Indulge in cultivation, and there are two mistakes in the home country? I will not do as he wishes.” He paused After a pause, he said, “Speak with Brother Qin and feel better. Brother Qin is also working hard today and will go back to rest to accompany Qing Jun.”

He said he strode away.

Qin Yi looked at his back and was speechless for a long while.

Liu Su said: “There is a big horror between life and death. I usually feel right to laugh, but when I really face it, I still shake it.”

“Under such circumstances, it is a real person who is complicated and shaken in his heart. Anyway, he has not directly blackened yet.” Qin Yi sighed: “It is me who has changed so much that he is not so calm.”

Liu Su asked: “If Li Qinglin turned back and asked you to teach him the practice, would you teach it?”

“Can you agree with me to drain my secrets?”

“That’s just the basic law, I don’t care.”

Qin Yi tightened her lips. He just avoided Li Qinglin’s explicit statement, except he didn’t know Liu Suken refused, but he hesitated.

Li Qinglin ’s understanding that “obsessed with meditation leads to misunderstandings” is actually not very accurate. According to this understanding, as long as there is sufficient self-control, is it correct for state affairs?

This is not the case. The real reason is that the innocence required for spiritual practice, aside from obsession, is essentially contrary to this throne’s attributes and cannot coexist at all. You either abandon the throne and practice with peace of mind, as long as you are still seated, that is “no emperor is born.”

The biggest possibility is two mistakes, neither longevity nor careless state affairs. Numerous emperors in ancient times have repeatedly proved this point.

Li Qinglin can no longer put aside the throne … If he is taught to practice, it is really going back to his father’s old path and becoming what he once hated the most.

Qin Yi can understand him, but really don’t want to see this day.

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