Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 50 - When you gray hair

I was surprised by Qin Yi’s expectations that there was no magic in front.

The scope of the Didi Palace is quite large, but in addition to the anomaly of the former demon monster array, the others are just the secret practice of Donghuazi’s confidants and demons. In other words, the place where people live everyday is not trapped everywhere.

On the contrary, there are a lot of formations such as spiritual practice, which are used for auxiliary practice.

I walked all the way, but I could see many priests running hurriedly, and then Li Qinglin led his team to catch up, all killed cleanly.

Many of the puppet rooms were empty, and some monsters were lying in the room to heal them. They were also killed by the soldiers.

The little demon killed by the Qixing Imperial Formation of the Ming River was not as dark as the night owl, simply because they were all underground. Actually, ten rooms and nine empty spaces have already been created, and all the causes are here.

Nothing abnormal.

青 Li Qinglin grabbed a senior Taoist with a smile, and smiled, “Brother Qingfeng, don’t come.”

The face of the priest was as earthy as a sieve. As a close friend of Donghuazi, daily confrontation with Li Qinglin is indispensable. This time I really don’t know how he can control himself.

“Don’t be so nervous.” Li Qinglin laughed: “This place is too big, and we are annoying. I beg your brother to lead the way so that we can see the teacher earlier.”

This Taoist priest obviously didn’t despise death, and he trembled to lead the way. After a short while, he went to another temple. The door of the hall is made of metal, closed tightly and thick, with huge sculpted grimace engraved on it, and there is a little man dancing around the grimace, like some ancient ritual.

The martyr trembled, “The master is inside, I, I don’t know how to open the door.”

Qin Yi stepped forward and examined it, and tassel said: “This is not sorcery, it’s just an institution. You can open it if you understand the mechanics, and there is no problem if you don’t understand it. It seems this is Donghua Zi Suo is really superficial, we are overestimating him. “

He only heard the sound of “嗖” in the hall, and it seemed that an arrow had shot. “噗” landed somewhere. With the sound, Li Qinglin covered his head again.

At this moment, everyone feels that something is wrong. Is there any witchcraft in it that could harm Li Qinglin in this way?

Qi Qin Yi could not hold back any more, and hit the door with a heavy blow.

Everyone joined forces to break the door, and the heavy metal door could not withstand so many martial artists hitting it together. After a short time, they were broken and the door opened.

At first glance, it was a puppet that looked exactly like Li Qinglin, with a lifelike appearance, and his body and clothing were exactly the same as Li Qinglin. Muppets have shot arrows at their foreheads, throat, heart, and Dantian.

Tong Donghuazi sat cross-legged in front of her, muttering something in her mouth.

All the people were furious, Li Qinglin rushed forward immediately, and only one shot put Donghuazi through, and nailed it to the wall fiercely: “The demon Tao dare to harm me with witchcraft!”

Tong Donghuazi spit out blood and watched Li Qinglin laugh loudly.

Qi Qin Yi felt an ominous feeling in his heart.

This witchcraft is obviously not completed, otherwise Li Qinglin would not be so lively. In theory, witchcraft and Taoism are all unacceptable for such fatal interruptions. As long as the caster is killed and the puppet is burned, witchcraft is useless.

什么 What else is he laughing at?

Li Qinglin obviously had this confusion too. This shot didn’t directly hit Donghuazi’s key point, just nailed him to the wall and wanted to ask questions.

Tong Donghuazi’s blood couldn’t keep flowing, and obviously he couldn’t live long, but he looked a little spirited, with a smile like a spring breeze, with blood on his mouth, looking weird.

He took a few breaths and slowly said, “Actually, this dazzling method needs to be nailed to 365 points, which is far from complete. The original plan was to go another five days to be successful, but the prince was really powerful. This soldier was so fast and unexpected that this set of means was too late to complete. “

This is Donghuazi’s original plan. The king still has about five or seven days to live. If Li Qinglin also died suddenly at that time … the fate of Nanli does not want to know.

青 Li Qinglin said coldly: “Since this is the case, are you still hiding here and working tirelessly, is it a dying struggle?”

Donghuazi didn’t answer, and suddenly said something else: “Prince knows that although the poor are indeed sent by the West Famine, but for so many years, Wang Shangxin believed and the people loved it … They have never betrayed the benefits of South Leaving. On the contrary, the CPPCC has been leaving south.

青 Li Qinglin laughed: “Did you want to say that you are a big loyalty, but have you been forced by me?”

“Loyalty, loyalty, and poverty, I dare not say. I have a poor background, I haven’t learned anything, and I don’t know much about it.” It’s a pity, but in the hearts of the king and the poor, everything they do is only for the sake of longevity. Under the longevity, everything else is vain. The king himself thinks so, why blame the poor alone? “

Qin Yi pouted his lips. He knew that this concept was actually very close to tassel. Maybe Minghe thought so.

They do n’t care about the things in the world, especially the affairs of a country. Does it matter who is loyal and who is good for this small country?

青 Li Qinglin laughed: “You want to say, are you really helping your father Wang Changsheng? Just because of your elixir that can eat people to death?”

“The Taoist Scriptures do record the movement of lead and mercury, which is yin and yang. Poor Tao also asked many Taoist friends, everyone is so refining. Poor Tao believes that if this method does not last, it must be because of the lack of important drugs. So collecting Yaodan is what it is. The prince really thought that the king didn’t know the poor and refining the monster to get Dan? He knew, but he was eating it himself. “

青 Li Qinglin said angrily: “He is dying to eat your Dan, and he is still deceiving everyone!”

Tong Donghuazi slowly said: “The prince of the prince is about to die … and I don’t know if it is Yang Yang’s liberation and he’s free?”

Everyone looked at him speechlessly, so ridiculous, but in Donghuazi’s expression, he seemed to think so.

青 Li Qinglin was too lazy to continue to listen to him nonsense, and said: “Then you go to be comfortable.”

I said that with a flick of my wrist, UU reading www.uukannsu.com would shatter Donghuazi’s heart.

Wu Donghuazi said, “Prince knows, why is the poor man knowing that it is too late, but he is still practicing this witchcraft?”

Li Qinglin’s hand paused.

Donghuazi grinned: “Because the prince saw this scene, he was bound to be furious, and he would kill me with his own hands the first time. Poor real witchcraft is used on himself. Whoever kills me will suffer my life. Curse. The puppet is vain, and the poor are themselves killers. “

Li Qinglin’s expression slowly changed.

“The prince is good at everything, courageous, and talented. But everyone has flaws. For example, the prince himself is a heroic warrior who does everything himself. He might have been a hero, but sometimes he may be terrible. Like now. “

Li Qinglin listened quietly, and said lightly, “Thank you for your guidance.”

Qin Yi listened silently, Mo said that they did not understand witchcraft, but they could not embankment in advance. When Li Qinglin shot through Donghuazi, he was already in the calculation.

He whispered to tassel: “Is there a way?”

Liu Su sighed: “I don’t feel dead, but …”

Donghuazi coughed up his blood and smiled more and more happily: “Prince does not believe in longevity … Poorly wondered if the day when the prince was old and gray-haired, was Li Qinglin who did not believe in eternal life. Haha … hahaha … “

With laughter, he closed his eyes with a smile, and no more sound.

青 Li Qinglin still kept his gun position, but everyone could see his body shaking slightly. Qin Yi stood behind Li Qinglin and watched his black hair slowly turn gray and slowly covered his head.

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