Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 30 - Cooking forever

Prince’s House, garden pavilion.

Li Qinglin and Qin Yi sat relatively on the stone table, the sky was already dark, the moon hung in mid-air, the breeze was blowing, and the garden was fragrant.

No one was around to serve, Li Qinglin personally warmed the wine, and watched the flames of the small stove near the kiosk lightly, a little bit surprised.

Qin Yi looked at him for a long time, and really felt that this was a super contradictory person, and his perception was extremely complicated. In fact, he can see that Li Qinglin’s gestures are not for show, just as he is warming his own wine at this moment, by no means pretends to be a corporal, because there is no need to let a maid come to warm up the wine. On the contrary, from the time of his acquaintance, he always looked like he was doing his own clothing and clothing, not like a prince. In many cases, Qin Yi always felt more like a soldier, or a pure warrior.

He can be such a soldier, but he has done many things that cold-blooded politicians can do.

“You don’t have to look at me all the time.” Li Qinglin smiled suddenly: “Although my face is similar to that of Qing Jun, I am not a woman dressed as a man.”

Qin Yi was also laughed out of laughter: “You rarely joke.”

“I said it because I didn’t have that much energy. If I was still dreaming like Qingjun, I would also like to make jokes.” Li Qinglin laughed: “Who doesn’t want to laugh every day? Somber face, full belly Mindfulness, calculating with one belly, is not good. “

那 “Then you …” Qin Yi pondered for a moment, or asked: “Why did you choose this taste?”

“People always have an ideal, and they have to do what they have done before, otherwise their lives will follow the flow and they will be alive by numbness.”

Qin Yi stunned 想, and remembered that tassel said something similar to what is alive at the banquet, but the two had very different views. One thinks that you can’t communicate without restraint, what is the use of living? One thinks that you have no ideal in your life like a salted fish. What is the use of living?

I thought that Tassel would comment on this, but the stick was quiet and unresponsive.

青 Li Qinglin also said: “What is the ambition of Brother Qin? You travel under the forest, and you are a friend of Songzhu, free from the hustle and bustle of the world?”

Qin Yi hesitated a moment, and replied, “Yes.”

青 Li Qinglin smiled: “Although the ambitions are different, I don’t think it’s okay. This is a person of high cleanliness. I am most afraid that I will spend my whole life and comfort myself.

Qi Qinyi’s face was a little hot, and she felt like the latter …

I do n’t know why Tassel does n’t comment anymore, because actually Tassel ’s words have no conflict with Li Qinglin. In essence, they all have an ideal and pursuit, and they are essentially the same, and there is nothing disputed when everyone pursues different things.

On the contrary, Qin Yi thought that he was born indifferent, but it was actually a salty fish … because he didn’t know what he was pursuing, even if he had told Li Qingjun to force himself to know what he was pursuing, in fact he didn’t know it.

终于 He finally asked, “What is Brother Li’s ambition? South power?”

“Oh …” Li Qinglin laughed absurdly, without answering immediately, slowly turned off the fire, raised the jug to add a glass of wine to Qin Yi, as if also sorting out the language.

Qin Yi did not press, watching him quietly.

“Brother Qin is a Li Nanli, or a pharmacist.” Li Qinglin clutched the wine glass and looked at the liquor in the glass, “Nan Li in your eyes, is it a patient?”

“唔 …” Qin Yi sighed: “Forget it.”

“Father and King are devoted to one’s heart and have no intention of state affairs. Even the news of Xihuang’s invasion is not as important as his service to Danhua.” Li Qinglin slowly said: “In the matter of affairs, listening to the demon road is better than listening to loyal ministers. Even better than listening to my son. The Southeastern Earthquake is not to fight the earthquake first, but to go to the altar first; the enemy’s invasion is not to fight against the sky, but to ask the sky. “

Qin Yi silent.

“The king is like this, and his subjects are even worse. Above the court hall, he slaps Donghua, slips and slaps his horse, and no one does it, he learns all the ways. Everyone dares to wear a robe and go to the dynasty. The father and the king do n’t just think of it, but they also wear it. It ’s like a joke. ”Li Qinglin laughed:“ In the rivers and lakes, evil spirits run rampant, everyone disrespects the king, and worships Taoism. Family production is abandoned, couples are repaired, **** is ridiculous, and even the population has fallen. Brother Qin, this country It’s not just sickness, it’s a terminal illness. “

Qin Yi nodded slowly, he did not know much about the national economy and people’s livelihood, but Li Qinglin was obviously not false to say this. If this is the case, the country is really over.

“When did all this start? It was the father Wang who listened to Donghua and began to ask about the beginning of life. This is the crux of everything.” Li Qinglin said: “I have also advised, and I have also helped groups, planted loot, and tried The Donghuazi was ousted from the political level, but it was useless. I am just a second prince. Political capital is not enough. “

Speaking of which, he finally drank his wine for a long time.

Qin Yi looked up and stared into Li Qinglin’s eyes.

“Big brother, I let Ye Xun assassinate.” Li Qinglin calmly said, “He voted like his father and he is also practicing, that’s all. But he shouldn’t be wrong, he shouldn’t take this wind into the army, That was my last bottom line. From then on, I suddenly came up with the idea. Except for him, I came to be the prince myself, and maybe there is still salvation. Do you think I am right? Yes, I want this Power, not in this position, can’t save Nanli. “

Qi Qin Yi sighed softly and drank a glass of Chinese wine in silence.

Suddenly Liu Su suddenly said: “Ask him, what would he think if there is a law of longevity in the world?”

Qin Yi asked. Li Qinglin thought for a while, and laughed: “Brother Qin himself is an alchemist, and I must believe this. No wonder he will ask this question … but I said that demons and ghosts have evidence, and immortality is just a rumor. How many emperors pursue this path, no one lives forever. , I don’t believe this. “

Qin Yi insisted: “I mean, if it is true.”

Li Qinglin shook his head: “I am a prince, this is my country. My responsibility is to let the people live in peace, the country is strong, the life is rich inside, and the outside can fight against the exiles. In the world, that made me die immediately and did not live in vain. Longevity? What’s the use of longevity ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Without my own responsibility, forgetting my ambition, the fly camp dog lived for ten thousand years, It’s just a walking dead. “

Liu Su smiled softly: “Interesting person.” Qin Yi did not let him ask again.

Li Qinglin asked Qin Yi: “Brother Qin, I haven’t listened to your story recently, but I still listen to Ye Xuan to repeat some of your journey to the west. The ending must be the true scriptures, and have all been Buddhas?”

Qi Qin Yi nodded and said, “Each of them has their own functions, but Tang Seng and Wu Kong have become Buddhas.”

“So … I have a doubt. I wonder if Brother Qin can answer it?”

“What’s confusing?”

“The story of the six-eared macaque …” Li Qinglin slowly said: “The one killed was the six-eared macaque or Sun Wukong?”

Qin Yi jumped in his heart, eyes widened in surprise.

梗 This stalk is indeed mentioned, but he never thought about it. Li Qinglin, who listened to some fragments intermittently, would think so, wouldn’t you wear it back?

“Why do you have this confusion?”

“After the six-eared incident, Sun Wukong was judged to be like two people, and he was no longer wild, so he was puzzled. It was always doubted whether Sun Wukong had actually been killed by Rulai in this battle, and it was the six-eared macaque who learned from him. . “

Qin Yi had to explain: “That’s not my story. It does have the original work. The titles of the original chapters clearly show the heart ape. Therefore, in general interpretation, the so-called six-eared macaque is actually Sun Wukong’s own heart ape. After being removed, The wildness is taken. “

青 Li Qinglin poured the wine in silence and drank it.

“What’s wrong?” Qin Yiqi said, “Is there anything wrong with this plot?”

青 Li Qinglin said lightly: “I would rather believe that the Great Saint is dead than to accept the monkey king who swept the heavens and earth to cross the temples with his knees crossed for life.”

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