Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 29 - Silk flower

This so-called banquet, Qin Yi was uncomfortable at first.

Because of the fighting on the opposite side, he always glared at him with a pair of leopard eyes, with the same expression as if he was going to eat. Anyone who stares at food like this will not be able to eat it, and if Donghuazi has a glance from time to time, it will make people goosebumps.

Tassel sneered: “Stupid.”

Qi Qin Yi could not reply, so he quietly flicked the handle of the stick with his fingers in protest.

Tassel said: “Only what kind of skill can I play, go and play that savage.”

Qin Yi rolled his eyes, I still want to drag Donghuazi out to bomb? It depends on the occasion.

Tassel seemed to hear his voice and continued to sneer: “The mortal is entertaining, acting boring, hypocritical and ridiculous. He stares at you, you won’t stare at him? He didn’t challenge you, you won’t challenge him first? Just to talk about the rules, You can also consider how to make use of the rules. Red dust is just a game, and you are not as jealous as people in the world, you clearly know that there is no concern, but you do n’t want to be unrestrained. What is the use of being alive? “

Qi Qin Yi was touched in his heart, and he still felt that he had dealt with Donghuazi very well before, but he was told by Tassel, but he thought it was boring.

This is the difference in ideology …

He was so alive as Tassel said, using red dust as a game … Either he was in jail or he was a fairy.

But the motivation is so strong … Qin Yi admits that something is burning in her heart. Who doesn’t yearn for that attitude of life, unrestrained, and open-minded?

At this moment Li Qingjun put his head together and whispered with his ear: “I think there is something wrong …”

“Huh?” Qin Yi did not respond at once: “What’s wrong?”

“Like …” Li Qingjun slowly blushed: “It seems they think of you as my, that.”

My silly girl, did you know this time? That savage rival almost killed me ten thousand times! Qin Yi couldn’t laugh or cry, but also knew that his relationship with Li Qingjun hadn’t actually reached this level. Li Qingjun’s headache was normal for this, but don’t provoke this rash girl to a friend who didn’t have to do it. To cope with the battle, I will try to explain it to your father afterwards. “

青 Li Qingjun moved away a little, with a little anger in his eyes: “Did you be ashamed of being misunderstood and me by that?”

Uh? Wrong again? Qin Yi hurried to remedy: “I don’t want to hide it, I am so happy in my heart … Isn’t this afraid of hurting your reputation?”

“Ecstasy in my heart?” Li Qingjun looked away a little, his eyes turned to look at the rogue: “What do you want to do?”

Qin Yi is really vomiting blood, wasn’t you a very reasonable person before? Auntie is here?

But I saw that Li Qingjun’s gaze didn’t last long, and he soon became a little confused, and then lowered his voice: “You … You are calm and you don’t like fighting. I thought you were living in your brother’s guest house leisurely. Just ask you … but today because of me … you can’t avoid this trouble. “

Qi Qin Yifu went to his heart and answered directly, “I do.”

青 Li Qingjun’s gaze became more and more bewildered, he looked at his eyes quietly, did not speak.

Perhaps the relationship between the two has not reached the level of loving each other. However, after such a match today, the relationship has begun to be entangled. It is no longer a pure appreciation or a faint love.

Tassel sighed in the stick.

Qin Yi heard that, it felt a bit like the sighs of parents at home watching the eight o’clock soap opera when they saw the soapiest stage.

There was a click, and Qin Yi thought the director shouted. Turning his head and looking at it, it was the opposite battle that crushed the glass, and the anger was wide enough to see bloodshot.

Qin Yi stunned for a while, and originally thought that it was political intent to marry Li Qingjun in this battle, so it seems a bit true?

Li Qingjun also turned his head to take a look at 邙 Zhan, and snorted coldly, his eyes were full of disdain and resentment. ——She doesn’t just want to marry. In her heart, this fight is to kill brothers and enemies.

Qin Yi remembered the teachings of tassel, his heart moved slightly and whispered, “Isn’t it good to see him angry?”

青 Li Qingjun turned to look at him, as if he knew what he meant, and smiled and said, “What do you want to do?”

“I think …” Qin Yi tentatively reached out his hand.

青 Li Qingjun pursed his lips, obediently put his hand in his palm, and held each other gently.

It’s strange to say that Qin Yi has been holding his waist several times. He was even more embarrassed in the burrow, and he didn’t feel too serious when he was touched. This time it was just a light grip with two hands, like a current flowing up, all over his body, his cheeks burning. The original stare of him could no longer be maintained, and his head was slightly tilted, the pink spread all the way from the cheek to the pink neck, and even the neck became red.

“Bang!” 邙 Fighting heavily set the jug on the table.

The huge sound of attracted everyone’s attention. The king was talking about the local customs and topics with the followers brought by the 邙 war, and he turned his head around in such a shock, his expression sank: “The gift of the wild west, no one knows it.”

邙 The battle was shaking with anger, and Qin Yi was very doubtful if he would die on the spot if he was a sick man.

“Sure enough, I still need an idea.” Qin Yi sighed comfortably to himself.

青 Li Qingjun is also comfortable, holding Qin Yi’s hand tighter.

Only tassel knows that Qin Yi is talking to him. He smiled and said nothing.

Uh …

“Brother Qin.” At the end of the banquet, Li Qinglin directly blocked Li Qingjun and Qin Yi who wanted to run away from the side door.

青 Li Qingjun quickly withdrew the hand that Qin Yi shook, held his head on the floor with his shoe tip 蹭 蹭 蹭 蹭.

Qin Yiyi rubbed his hands and said, “That was just a deliberate fight.”

Li Qinglin was not in charge of this matter at all, but looked solemnly: “I’m here to let you go back to my house with me. If you go alone, or if you meet with the sister-in-law, you are afraid that you will not see tomorrow The sun. “

Qin Yi felt a stun in his heart and said, “Thank you, I forgot.”

青 Li Qinglin greeted a team of guards to come over: “You escorted the princess back to the house. If there is any change, the arrow communication.”

青 Li Qingjun looked at Qin Yi, and felt a little bit reluctant to leave. It’s obvious that I meet every day, why is there such a mood?

She is not a slimy person. The emotion was not expressed any more, but she took a deep breath and whispered, “See you tomorrow.” He turned away.

He watched the guard leave with Li Qingjun, and Li Qinglin brought a team of people back to Qin Yi side by side.

“Father Wang is resting early now, if you are usual, you are mostly in front of you at this moment.” After a while, Li Qinglin slowly started the topic: “He will definitely meet with you tomorrow morning, you must be prepared.”

“I know.” Qin Yi asked, “Is there any special account?”

“Don’t just tell him to stop Dan, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is unpleasant. You can take care of yourself. After all, I am a layman.” Li Qinglin suddenly laughed: “I see that you are facing East today. Hua Zi, she has a lot of political consciousness, and I don’t need to wake up a bit. “

“What political consciousness do I have …” Qin Yi was very helpless: “You drove the ducks on the shelf and suddenly made me face Donghuazi, but I woke up with 120,000 points of spirit, thinking about each sentence for a long time before I dared Is that right? “

青 Li Qinglin smiled: “Is it because of catching this duck that you have a closer relationship with Qingjun?”

“Uh …” Qin Yi paused and sighed: “Actually Brother Li, although I seem to be grateful to you, I still want to say that Qingjun himself did not think what would happen if he brought a man into the temple As a result, if I were not her beloved, wouldn’t you have pitted her? “

“As long as she doesn’t marry Xihuang, this is the primary meaning. As for the others, I don’t have that much thought.”

也就是说 “That is to say, in fact, you are not thinking about Qingjun’s happiness, but just for the Xihuang?”

“To be precise, I’m here to go south.” Li Qinglin said lightly: “For some things, brother Qin should have a heart like a mirror, and should not ask such naive questions like a night owl.”

Qin Yiyi sighed: “Just because I know something, I want to confirm it more. Do you really have a love for Qingjun, or is it just a plastic brother and sister love, now it is confirmed, it is all right.”

Li Qinglin wondered: “What is plastic?”

“唔 …” Qin Yi thought about it and explained: “It’s those fake flowers made of silk.”

“Is the flower made of silk cloth?” Li Qinglin looked up at the sky, thought for a while, and suddenly smiled: “It’s also very good. Such a flower is just as beautiful and not easy to fade away.”

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