Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 238: A Hero

Lucan and Silent flew Back to the city while Lucan cursed and Silent laugh.  He was looking for Marie who had respawned from the graveyard already.

Mayor Faylen was a smart man.  Sine he had seen Marie with Lucan earlier, he took the chance to talk with her once she revived.  Even if She hadn't come with Lucan, he still would have approached her since she had gained the title 'Hero of New Avalon'.

Marie had managed to get the last hit on the Dark Destroyer.  When Lucan saw her, he got even more annoyed.  She jumped to level 120 While Lucan had only been boosted to level 141.  She had been playing less than a week and was already closing in on him.

"Aunt Marie!  Congratulations."  Silent said as she went up and hugged Marie.

"He, he, I am the best."  She said before she turned towards Lucan.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."  Lucan said in a huff.  He wasn't really angry with his aunt, just annoyed with her luck.  "Mayor Faylen, I am heading back.  Contact me later if there is a need."  He said, then jumped back onto his flying carpet.

"Hey, don't leave without me."  Marie said as she climbed on.

The three then began the journey back to Shadowsweep.

"Brax, you made this game sound so challenging, but it really isn't that hard.  If you want, Aunty can give you some tips later."  She said, teasing him.

"You just got lucky, don't let it go to your head."

Marie leaned closer to him and gave a sniff.  "Do I smell jealousy?"


"Don't throw a fit Barxy-pooh.  I don't plan on playing Evolution seriously.  I just made a character so I can come to your wedding.  Here, take this, I don't need it."

Marie retrieved a giant tooth that was bigger than the flying carpet.  It was her reward for the final hit.  All Lucan had gotten was a couple of scales and a few teeth shards that could fit in his palm.

"Damn."  Lucan said, quickly storing the tooth before it fell off the carpet.  "Thanks Aunty."  Brax said with a sheepish smile.

"And I didn't forget about you."  She said and retrieved an item for Silent.

It was a twenty-foot-long tendon from the beast leg that could be used to make a high grade bow string.

"Thanks Aunty."  Silent said while mimicking Lucan.

"Good, good, now that you two are happy, take me home."

Lucan jumped through the portal in the fortress and arrived in Destol.  He flew his aunt to the balcony of her penthouse before He and Silent returned to theirs.

The stripped their armor and dove under the blankets, snuggling together before they fell asleep.  It was a long night, and it would be morning soon.  They wanted to get some rest before the day started.

Lucan yawned as he woke up.  Silent's head was laying on his chest and he found his tucked into her underwear, grasping her bottom.

He smiled and gave a light squeeze, causing Silent to stir.  She sat up, yawned, and stretched before looking towards him.

They had slept kind of late but it didn't matter.  Silent went to the bathroom and he could hear the shower being turned on.  After checking his interface for a moment, he got up and joined her.  They quickly washed up and got dressed.

They had missed breakfast, but since it was time for lunch they decided to head to his uncle's restaurant.

Lucan looked at all the banked experience points he had given out last night as quest rewards.  It totaled over 100 million.  But it didn't bother him.  When the people of New Avalon heard about the beast tide, many made purchases to protect themselves.  Just that night alone, he earned 120 million, plus he would get back 20% of what he gave out, so it was still a good gain for a single night.  And on top of that, the players were very happy with him.

Walking into the restaurant, Lucan and Silent heard a commotion up ahead and moved closer to see what was going on.

A large group of people were surrounding a table in the back of the room.  There were so many people that Lucan couldn't even see past them, but he recognized the voice talking.

"When the beast tide came, I didn't hesitate to charge forward.  People were dying on my left and right, but there was nothing I could do to save them.  We were outnumbered and it didn't look good.  I gripped my sword and cut down anything that blocked my way.  Rivers of blood flowed from my enemies as I trampled over their corpses to keep attacking.  But when the last of the beast were killed, we realized that it was only the beginning."

"The ground shook.  It shook so hard that mountains crumbled.  That was when we saw it.  A beast nearly a thousand meters long and half as tall.  Its menacing eyes focused on us as it prepared to feast.  It moved like a storm.  With a snap of its mouth, a hundred people were eaten in a single bite.  Half as many were killed under foot with each one of its steps.  But I didn't panic.  To panic was to die."

"Spells and explosions lit up the dark night as the travelers showed no fear of death.  I rode a mount high into the sky, knowing I would have only one chance to strike.  It was kill or be killed."


Lucan could see that his aunt had jumped onto the table and stepped towards its edge.

"Looking below I saw my foe.  Knowing that I couldn't hold back I prepared myself."  She spread her arms and jumped back to the floor.  "With a graceful swan dive I held my sword firm and yelled. 'You will not be able to feast on the innocent of New Avalon.  There will always be heroes to oppose you.' And I fell straight towards the behemoth's head and plunged my sword straight into its skull, killing the menace that threatened the city.  Do I consider myself a hero? No, I am just an ordinary person who is unwilling to see others die when I could do something about it.  If that just happens to make me a hero, then so be it."

The crowd burst into applause while they began shouting and hollering their praise for the Hero of New Avalon.

"Everyone, calm down, calm down.  I am just a normal person and it seems my nephew and his lady are here to dine with us.  Let us eat in peace."  She said shoeing away the crowd.

Lucan walked over and just shook his head at his aunt's antics.

"Brax, Jenna, come have lunch with me."

"It would be an honor to dine with the Hero of New Avalon."  Silent said as she took a seat.

When Lucan and Silent came over his uncle made an appearance.  "Sigh, Lucan, your aunts tale keeps getting taller and taller each time she tells it.  I swear that must be the sixth time she has told her story, and each time, the beast keeps getting bigger and bigger."

"Pah, you weren't there, it was truly fearsome."  Marie said while pinching her husband.

Lucan wasn't going to rain on his aunt parade, he just let her have her fun and they enjoyed a pleasant meal together.

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