Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 237: Field Boss Battle

"Holy crap!"

"Do you see the size of that thing?"

"I have fought field bosses before, but this is a first."

"Do we actually have a chance against this thing?"

"If it steps on us won't that be it?"

The players were growing nervous as the Dark Destroyer approached.  It was true that this was different than the field bosses from the material plane.

The material plane was the most basic starting area.  Yes there were places that were dangerous and with the drow it was growing in its challenge, but the other planes of existence housed stronger creatures.

For instance, in the shadow realm, the weakest most puny creatures all started at level 50 where they started at level 0 in the material plane.

This field boss was a tier up from what they were expecting.

"Are you planning to take charge of this fight and lead them?"  Heaven's Kiss asked Lucan.

He shook his head.  "No, I don't have experience in such things.  I will leave that to you or any of the other guild leaders that want to step up."

Heaven nodded and turned to address the people  gathered.  "Everyone listen up.  We-."  She was suddenly cut off.


The beast opened its crocodile mouth that was nearly a hundred meters long filled with ravor sharp teeth that were bigger than a person.

When it opened its mouth a black energy started to gather in it.

"SCATTER!!!!"  Heaven yelled.

The players ran.


A beam of black energy ten meters thick gushed out of its mouth, vaporizing everything in its path. The players were already moving, but the beam crossed the space in an instant, they couldn't out run it.

When Lucan saw the beast begin to gather mana, he was already working.

A large green portal opened between the players and the beast.  The beam of destruction went straight through as the players kept spreading out so as not to be clumped together and become easy targets.

"HURRY!"  Lucan shouted as his own mana levels began to plummet while the beam showed no sign of slowing or stopping.

"ATTACK!!!!"  Heaven yelled, but only a few players took notice.

The loud crackling of the energy being released was deafening.

A few spells and arrows flew towards the Dark Destroyer but it wasn't enough to get him to stop his attack.

Lucan was only able to hold the large portal open for a few more seconds.  With out any other options he threw away the wand in his hand, not even having time to store it and used his bare hand to take over several spells he had already cast with his spell weaver ability.

Over two hundred bodies began to rush through the crowd of players toward the beast.  They didn't run through the spaces in the crowd, they ran straight through the people.

Two hundred phantom champions rushed forward.  Controlling so many was a struggle for Lucan even with his split mind and spell weaving ability, but now was not the time for precision.  There were no fancy kicks or punches.  The phantoms just ran straight ahead and threw their bodies against the beast as one, activating two hundred charges of telekinetic slam against the bottom of the beast mouth.

The creature's jaws snapped shut.  The beast damaged itself just slightly before it stopped its attack.

"""ATTACK!!!!!!"""  Yelled Heaven and several other guild leaders.  Now that the loud attack had stopped they could finally be heard, and the players responded with a swift charge.

Colorful spells lit up the night sky as thousands of spell casters attacked together.

A dozen phantom mages rose from the ground and locked their beam on the beast.  But the soul fire was resisted.  It did a bit of damage but the creature wasn't phased by the slowing effect. Lucan dismissed the phantom mages.  They weren't worth the mana if they were incapable of slowing the beast.

After the first barrage of spells the melee fighters reached the beast while the archers and javelin throwers aimed at the shallow wounds left by the spells to bypass the defense of the creatures scales.

Silent was standing next to Lucan on the flying carpet releasing arrow after arrow.  She was aiming for the beasts eyes, and she wasn't alone.  All sorts of projectiles went straight towards its face.


The beast howled while throwing its face to the side.

The melee players unleashed their skills, not holding back a thing as they wailed on the creature's toes.  Some brave players began to crawl up the legs of the beast while others dropped from the sky.

A few foolhardy players ran across the beast back towards his head to try and claim a critical strike, but the focus of the ranged attackers and spell casters was in the same place.  In a battle of this size friendly fire was inevitable.

"Let me at him!  Brax, drop lower so I can hop on."  Marie urged.

"Just stay here."  He said while grabbing his aunt's arm who looked like she was about to jump off.

Lucan prepared himself as he noticed the creature gathering mana again.

"BEAM ATTACK!!!!!"  He shouted with a deafening and magic enhanced attack.

The people in front of the creatures mouth quickly hoped on mounts and ran for it.  When the Dark Destroyer's mouth opened, Lucan's phantoms were ready.  They unloaded every precahrged shadow bolt into the creature's mouth where it didn't have any scales to protect it.  He wasn't the only one who thought of this.  The other casters and ranged attackers took the same target.

A few braze and fearless combatants dove from their mounts while flying forward and unleashed their most powerful attacks on the fleshy insides of the creature's mouth before they were blown apart by spells.

"Brax.  Let me go!"  Marie hollered.

"Wait for it!"

Lucan's phantoms unleashed another wave of telekinetic slam the moment the energy beam launch causing the Dark Destroyer to injure itself again.

It wailed and rolled over in pain.  A few stronger players were pushed into the ground and survived but many were squashed and even more broke their limbs.

But the healers were working nonstop while targeting the melee players. And the more powerful ones were even reviving the stronger melee fighters.

"NOW!!!!"  Heaven yelled.

The guilds unleashed their strongest spells and artifacts using group attack tactics.

The weather changed and the elements came alive.  Summons appeared and chaos took over as over twenty thousand players didn't hold back.

When Lucan originally saw the health of the beast he was worried if it would be even possible to defeat such a creature.  But he had estimated the damage the twenty-five thousand players could do in the span of a few minutes.

As the creature's health dropped below 1% the players turned into raving lunatics.  Nobody stood still as they all rushed forward.

Thousands of players abandoned their flying mounts and began to fall like meteors.

Lucan's magic carpet rushed forward over the beast and he gave his aunt a push.  Her arms flailed as she toppled over the side, but only for a moment.  When she realized what was happening, she stretched out her arms and held her sword in front of her as she looked around.  She had a huge smile on her face to match the other crazy players who were on a suicide dive for the last strike.

Silent stayed next to Lucan as she shot arrows as fast as she could while he unleashed a constant barrage of shadow bolts.


The beast let out an anguished wail before collapsing and disappeared in gray light.  A few players who were late in their suicide dives smacked into the ground.

Suddenly a large cheer went through the crowd.  The loot had been automatically divided and every body got a bit, those who did more, received more.  As the cheering sounded out, a bright light enveloped the group.  The experience from the boss had been divided.  Even when it was split between so many people, it did not disappoint.  The high ranking players were able to get a level or two.  The players who had decent level received three or four levels.  And the players who were too weak but managed to contribute all gained over ten levels.

Looking towards the city, Lucan saw the graveyard glowing in light and new the players who died also received their rewards.

Checking the battle log, Lucan tried to find who had gotten the last kill.  He knew it wasn't him so he quickly scrolled through the log to find the moment the beast died.  It took him only a minute to find it.

"Pah, beginners luck.  What bullcrap!"  He cursed.

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