Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 29 - Underwear?

Chapter 29: Underwear?

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I have never played bungee jumping. I always feel that it would be boring to get a person tied with a rope to jump off from a cliff. What? Exciting? You just jump without a rope! I promise it would be much more exciting!

It’s purely neurotic. What challenges the limits? I think it’s about challenging the death. But the question is, why need to challenge to the death? Sooner or later, people will die. Besides, in this world, from human beings to animals, from primates to slugs, what kind of creature can defeat the death? We will all turn to ash someday.

It’s because I never played bungee jumping, so I have never experienced the feeling of falling free from height. But now I know, this feeling is very uncomfortable!

When I am falling, my heart is suddenly lifting up, as if the breath can not get out of my chest. Blood seems to pour all over my head! But to be honest, I can’t be falling completely free. It is more like rolling down from the hill. The hillside is about ninety degrees, but it still has a little slope. I roll all the way down, and don’t know how many places to bump, and I’m screaming in pain when I have met the first stone, but soon my screaming is blocked back into my throat by the second bump. I don’t know how many wounds there are, but eventually my whole body has numbed at last!

Fortunately, there’s no stone touch my head. Otherwise I would have left my young life in this place tonight. When I’m falling, it begins as a large piece of gravel, and beneath it is the bushes. Two or three crooked-necked trees root on the hillside, and I crash to the first one, smash and break it apart, and then crushing to the second one. Unfortunately, there is a Vivi Young behind me. The tree below can not bear it, and the two of us are falling down again.

When I finally land to the ground, I’m only feeling a violent shock. The shock almost breaks my waist. I can’t remember how many branches I have broken along the way. My first reaction is the pains.

There are pains anywhere. It really hurts! I don’t faint. If I faint, maybe I would feel a bit more comfortable. I feel my breath trembling, my eyes are blackening, I look up and the sky turns to red and black, and then I realize it is bleeding from my head and blocking my eyes.

I struggle for a while and try to test every place of my body. It seems that the situation is not too bad. The various parts of my body are still there, nothing missing, but do not know whether the internal organs are intact.

I know common sense. This kind of person who is higher than the person who falls, don’t use too much force to do actions after landing, but rather try a little bit with all parts to see whether they can be working normal.

Unfortunately, I’ve tried hard for a while, and feel that I have no strength to move anymore. I can only lie there and gasp for breath. Don’t know how long it takes for me to feel a little bit of control back in my limbs, half of my body is struggling to sit up. But I’ve just almost fainted by the pain! My left arm seems to be fractured. With a lightly touch, I am sweating in pain. I’m griting my teeth, holding my left arm and pinch it. I’m just shivering with the great pain.

I look around, we are surrounded by a not luxuriant forest. Looking up, I can see the hillside. I can’t help feeling a little bit lucky for survive.

I really extremely lucky! Looking up here, the hillside is high, at least a few floors high. But fortunately it’s not exactly ninety degree, otherwise I must be dead or hurt myself badly. Rolling down like this, I have been slowed down a lot, with a few twigs in the middle, and now it seems that the only serious injury is the broken left arm.

As soon as I’m inhaling the cool air, I look around here. As expected, I see Young is lying down near me. Her leather coat has broken in many places. Her head and body are covered in dirt. I sit there breathing for a while, and finally I have gathered some strength. I crawle towards her for two steps, and suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my right ankle. My heart is sinking! Is my foot broken? I’m really so scared!

Most of my Kongfu training is on the leg, if my leg is seriously injured, even if it could be cured in the future, it would also be greatly discounted! I struggle to move myself to her side and turn her over. Her face is black and covered with dead grass. I feel a little depressed. It’s not the time take any pity for her. I just pat her face hard.

She wakes up quietly, opens her eyes. She’s just moving a little bit, her face is twitching. Her eyebrows are full of the pain.

“How are you? Miss Young?”

“Hurts!” She answers my words in a low voice. But then she’s gasping for a moment, and finally regains strength, gently trying to move her body. It seems there is no serious injury with her body. She just sits up.

I have to say she is luckier than me. Because she was following me all the way down, I had swept away all the bumps. Her injuries are much lighter than I am, except for a broken elbow and knee broken. She’s bleeding, and have some small injuries, but none of them is serious. She lies there just because she was shocked and scared when landing.

Seeing she has no serious injury, I smile bitterly and say: “Well, can it not hurt from falling down from so high place? It would be nice that you didn’t get any serious injuries.”

Looking at me holding an arm, she frowns: “what’s wrong with your arm?”

“It’s probably broken.” I shake my head. She comes over and trying to touch my arm. She sees my dodge, whispers: “Don’t move, I studied medicine before!”

She pinches it twice carefully, then whispers: “It looks like a fracture. What else do you feel uncomfortable about?”

“Nonsense! I’m not feeling well everywhere!” I laugh and taunt, but then I’m depressing, “My ankle hurts, it could be broken too.”

She grops around my ankle for a while. I’m grinning for the pain. Then she shakes her head and says: “I don’t know, it’s supposed to be OK. But it could also be something wrong with your joint. I can’t say it yet now.”

Then she shuts up and looks gloomy. I whispers to her: “Those people are coming for you! We fell down and they might catch up soon. My foot is hurt. You just run and find somewhere to hide. Do you have a phone? Just call for the help!”

She hums and says: “Go? Where can I go now? Where do I have a telephone? Even if I have, it would be broken already,” After a while, she adds, “They are not trying to kill me, otherwise they have already use the gun. It seems to be trying to catch me back…” Speaking of this, she lowers her head and thinking.

I sigh: “Don’t think now. Hurry up and just go somewhere else. Most of them will come down to catch you. ”

“What about you?”

I suddenly get angry: “So many nonsense! Of course I sit here waiting! They’re catching you, not me! When they find me, I’ll lie on the ground, pretend to be dead, pretend to be dizzy, and they won’t kill me!” Speaking of this, I can’t help closing my mouth.

Kill me, they are really able to do that! Since they want to catch Vivi Young back, there is no reason to keep me alive.

She has stood up, ignoreing me, and walking away.

I am stunned. Is this real? She just walk away without a word?

But she just walks away a few steps, then turns around and comes back with a stick she has picked up from the ground. She throws it to me, then comes and grabs me by the shoulder and lifts me up.

“You hold the stick, and I hold you. We can’t wait here for die. I don’t have a phone and I can’t get in touch with my guys! It’s quite a few kilometres away from the hotel. We are not able to shout for help.” She pulls my arm around the back of her neck. I’m snorting. This arm is broken. She pulls it too hard to let me almost screaming out.

“Hurry up! Do you want to die?” She’s yelling in low voice. I know I can’t waste time, just grit my teeth and bear it. The other hand grabs the stick to support my weight.

At first, I am embarrassed to put all the weight on her. But after all, I can’t hold on after two steps. Finally, the whole weight of my body has transferred from the stick to her.

The two of us walk towards the bushes and listen carefully to the movements around. It is dark in the woods, but fortunately I practiced kongfu when I was young, and my vision in the dark is much better than normal people. I look at the surroundings and point the direction.

The two of us stumble for about five or six minutes, about three hundred meters out, and I really can’t hold on. I see a small depressed area in the left side of the hill, and point it to Young: “That place should be able to hide for a while.”

Close up, we find it is really a secret place. There are two trees in front of it. The depressed area is two meters deep, almost sort of a cave, but it looks more like a spoon.

Just a few minute’s walking, blood flows from my head and down my neck, and some blood flows down my arm to her neck. We go into the spoon and sit down. She feels the stickiness on her neck, and finds the blood on her hand and frowns:” You are bleeding so hard!”

I smile weakly: “Nonsense! You just try to fall from this height?” After saying this sentence, I feel wrong. She also fell down the same like me. After thinking, I laugh and say, “I am bleeding for you! All the way down, I was in front of you as a mattress, so that I suffered the wounds alone and blood must be flowed a little bit more.”

She does not speak, hugs my neck and head, comes over and examines for a few times. Her tone is a little grave: “You’ve hurt on your head before? The wound has broken down again.”

“I’m recently in the sworm revenge period, the blood disaster you know!” I shake my head powerless, but stop quickly. Because I feel dizzy when I’m shaking my head.

“Lie down!” She pushes me to the ground and suddenly glares at me, “Close your eyes and don’t you dare look!”

Then she turns around and opens the zipper of her leather coat. I see from the back that she tears it hard on her inner clothes. Then she closes the zipper again, turns around and looks at me without saying a word. She takes a piece of cloth on her hand and wipes the blood off my head and carefully bandages it.

My nose is full of the smell of the blood. But from the cloth on my head, I still smell a touch of fragrance. A thought comes to my mind. Is this hers underwear?

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