Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 28 - The night attack

Chapter 28: The night attack

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

It’s my turn to be in a daze.

Speakless for a few seconds, I stare at her in surprise. She looks plain and saying with mocking in her tone: “Why, feeling strange? Or do I not like a bastard?”

“No, you are very much like… Oh, no, I didn’t mean that.” I am a little stunned and start sweating on my head.

“It’s nothing.” She takes a smoke of the cigarette, looks calm, but there is something cold in her eyebrows, “I’ve never been ashamed of this identity. It’s only an identity, I am still me.”

I think for a moment and ask her strangly: “Why do you tell me such a thing?”

She’s laughing and pointing at me: “It seems that you are really not the person in this circle. Once we cooperate, even if you don’t say, Juan will tell you about my information. I can investigate him. Will he not investigate me? Besides, I never feel ashamed about my identity.”

After a pause, she lowers her voice as if to say to herself: “It’s not me should be ashamed, it’s my father.”

I am getting curious. She seems strange and complicated. She seems proud and powerful, but I don’t know why, at such a moment, I feel a little pity for her…

Perhaps the atmosphere is somewhat dull. She smiles and opens the door, and gets out of the car. Our car is pulled out of the winding hill road and stops at the front of the hillside. There is a grove around it, ten paces away. Of course, it is not a cliff. This hill, which is only two or three hundred meters above sea level, is just a valley below, but it seems that the terrain is steeper.

I get out of the car with her. The weather is a little cool at night. Breathing heavily, I’m feeling only a trace of cool air penetrating my heart and lungs. I can’t help refreshing myself. Vivi Young is standing in front of me, smoking on hillside. In the darkness, the cigarette at her fingertips is flashing like a dim light. The evening wind raises her long hair and feels a bit decadent.

I just realize then that I have neglected that she has changed her clothes. Unlike the suit and skirt in the casino just now, she’s wearing a tight leather suit with a pair of boots underneath now. The close fitting leather coat is very thin and tight, which completely outlines the attractiveness of her figure.

Such a night, in such a quiet place, and standing together with such a beautiful woman, blowing the evening wind, looking at the stars, should it be a pleasant thing?

I smile bitterly.

Vivi Young has turned around. She glances at me: “Mr. Chen Yang, thank you for coming out with me.”

I smile: “Thank you for your cigarette. But it seems that you have no interest in me.”

She comes over and looks up at me: “Yes. As a matter of fact, I am not against you, but against our business cooperation.”

“Why?” I ask.

She says: “It’s very simple. If just cooperate with Mr. Juan Yeh, I have no objection, because he is a very extraordinary person. With such a man, our common interests can be guaranteed. But it is a pity that your side is not united. I have heard that Mr. Yeh himself has some problems. I’m afraid that our business will be affected.”

I am stunned. What trouble is Juan having?

“I am against working with you in our family,” She says, “It’s the same… Not everyone within your side wants to cooperate with us. It seems that someone in your side has been looking for other casinos in other Asian countries to talk about cooperative business, and Mr. Yeh seems to know that too.”

She figures out that I don’t know these things either, stops talking.

“Let’s go back.” She throws away the cigarette butt, “I just curious about you. I want to contact you and see what kind of person you are. Now my curiosity has been satisfied.”

Then she walks past me and goes back to the sports car.

A strange woman! I shake my head and walk behind her.

Suddenly, by the moonlight, I see something flashing on the left side, in metallic sense.

I’m alert immediately! Almost a completely condition reflex, I suddenly jump up, hands have been behind Vivi Young’s shoulders. Both of us with the strength of my collision are falling to the ground together, and then rolling a few tumblers in a mess, then hearing a very clear ‘Ding’ sound!

That light is hit on the car, and there is a spark flashing in the darkness. Then it falls to the ground, it is a dagger.

I haven’t had time to get up, have already seen some shadows coming swiftly from one side of the bushes. I can see in the night that there are some strong men in black suits, with long, bright weapons on their hands. It seems are something like steel tubes and knives.


I have no time to think. I let go of Vivi Young, then roll to the car and pick up the dagger on the ground! The Dagger’s tentacles are very cold. It’s a cork handle, with a blood groove on it, and it’s sharp on both sides. I just hold the dagger in my backhand, and the attackers behind have rushed up quickly!

The first person’s target is very clear, it is me! Obviously these sneak attackers are professionals! First target is to kill me, the only man who has the ability to resist. In a strong wind, the man with both hands holding the steel tube has fallen head-on. I turn half of my body, shoulder side to shoulder against his arms. He is obviously unprepared. The steel tube is hollowed. Instead, I hit him askew. Then I stab the dagger into his shoulder, the elbow of my left arm bumps his chest! The man falls down with a muffled groan. I don’t have time to look back. There are something smashing down behind me. I roll on the spot, when the other side’s knife cut on the ground. I kick him on the ankle. He falls down with a cry. I’ve leaned over, one hand on the ground, one hand cut on his neck.

When we are attacked, Vivi Young has gone to pull the car door for the first second. Unfortunately, someone has caught up with her too. She has been held by the other side’s arm. But it is strange that when I stand up, I hear a muffled hum behind my back. That strong man who was grasping her has knelt down with his abdomen covered. I can’t help feeling a little flurried when I think of the high and thin heels under the leather boots she’s wearing tonight.

Someone has rushed up behind me and hold me from behind. The steel tube he is holding is stuck in my neck. I’ve tried twice, but still can’t get rid of him. Someone on the left has already snatched me. He raises his hand and smashing the weapon down at me! In desperation, I can only lift my left arm to block.

With a bang sound, I only feel a sharp pain within my arm, but luckily it is a steel tube, not a machete, otherwise one of my arms wouldn’t be its position tonight.

The pain has been inspiring my blood. I grab the arm of the man who’s holding with my arms, use all my strenth at the waist and throw him out in a over shoulder fall. Suddenly I hear the cry from Vivi Young. She has been wrenched in her arms. Her strength is obviously bigger than most of other girls. The guy who is wrenching her seems to be very surprised. He hasn’t fully controlled her yet.

I quickly rush over, she sees my movements, suddenly shorting her body and bending down. That man is immediately exposed to me, I take a deep breath, body side jumping up, then my right leg is kicking him in the chest accurately! A very sharp whirling kick, this man flies out for two meters!

I don’t look at him anymore. I know the power of my foot. Ordinary people get kicked by me breaks at least two ribs! Hmm, I have learned kongfu with my master for quite some years, I do have confidence with my kicking.

As soon as I pull her up, I gasp for breath. I haven’t been doing this for a long time, especially for the big swing kicks, which I seldom make at ordinary times.

At this time, I suddenly see her eyes are showing the different color, and the direction is my back. I throw the dagger out with my backhand without turn back, at the same time, I pull her jump to the left side together.

A little noise, the dagger I throw is hit away by a hand. I turn around, a man is standing there in a black jacket with no weapons in his hand.

“Hey, young man, you are good!” This person sneers, originally step by step walk, suddenly the foot speed increases quickly! I see his body slightly shaking, his steps moving, his arms are rolling round and the right hand is hitting to my chest. I hum, looking at his movements. He should have been trained professionally. His fist’s strength and speed are all good,

I step back half a step, one hand across my chest, waiting for his punch to arrive. When his fist comes, I pull back, backhand to squeeze his wrist and twisting vigorously! The man groans and be forced to move forward. I have already taken a flying foot to kick his left shoulder. He has no choice but to raise his left arm to block.

With a ‘Bang’ sound, he stumbles and stands firm. I quickly withdraw two steps. He spits out: “Hum, good kicking!”

“Enough for you!” I will not show my weakness. Fight? I like the most!

“Come again!” He twists himself up again, but this time he doesn’t dodge my fist. I punch him on the shoulder, but he just snorts and a slight shakes on body. Then he has squeezed my shoulder. I grit my teeth and the whole body has rushed into his arms.

‘Bang!’ Both of us are falling down, twisting. My chest aches badly. It turns out that he takes advantage of two punches on my ribs. Fortunately, we are stuck together and he couldn’t exert himself. Otherwise, I feel that his stretching hand is tough enough to break my ribs.

He has a lot of strength, and seems to have practiced arrest skills. I am entangled with him, elbow to his waist and abdomen twice are all suppressed by him, this time I can’t help feeling a little uneasy!

Who is he?

His skills are very good. He’s not ordinary people!

Originally I thought the attack is the local hooligans who are fleeing on the hill. Because I have read the report, many young people regard here as a good place to have sex in the field, and at the same time, hooligans just take advantage of this remote place to extortion.

But now it doesn’t look like it, because I feel that these guys I have knocked down are all strong men in shape, especially the guy I’m fighting with now. They’re very skilled and definitely not ordinary hooligans!

During tussle, I suddenly grab his hair with my backhand and pull it hard. He is cring for pain. I have a bunch of hair in my hand. While he is distracted, I don’t resist his punch, another hand has cut hard under his armpit.

We are snorting at the same time. I am stuffy by his hit on the chest, and he is hit in the armpit by me. I’m afraid his whole arm will be sore and numb for a while.

I take the opportunity to turn him around, and he knows better on arrest. So I can’t too close to him. But while I have just been rolling away two steps and about to get up, I suddenly feel something has been stocking on the back of my skull.

Looking up, the guy looks painful, gasping, one arm hanging feebly. But the other hand is holding a black staff against my head.

It’s a gun!


I’m cursing in my heart and staring at him.

“Stand up and move slowly.” He’s gasping, but his eyes are proudly, “Boy, you do fight well! Several of my men have been hurt by you… But what can you play anymore? You think you are taking action movies? How about to taste a bullet!”

The pain in my chest makes me take a cold breath, I gaze at his eyes: “Where are you coming from?”

He doesn’t reply. Suddenly he raises his fist to hit me in the abdomen!

I snort, and then I’m stumbling back, barely standing still after several steps. Then I just feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I feel a sweet in my mouth, bending over and vomiting.

Fortunately, there is no hematemesis, only a normal reaction from the stomach punch.

“Don’t hide, boy!” He sneers and rushing up again. This time, he’s kicking to my belly. Shit! If I’m really kicked by him, I must be not able to have sex life in future anymore. I hurriedly to hide and let him kick on my thigh, and I fall back.

Vivi Young has been arrested and pulls to the side. Her face seems to be a bit of a panic, but I can see that her eyes are still cold.

The man with the gun takes a look at her eyes, and says: “Yes, it’s her!”

I just realize that these people are coming for her.

At this moment, suddenly, do not know where comes the strength, She suddenly breaks away from the strong man who grasping her, the whole person is bumping to the guy with gun.

The man seems stunned. But as soon as she has bumped to him, he has suddenly been crying for the pain and softened up.


The gun is shot!

I almost fall instinctively, as if I feel the bullet rubbing my ear over. But when I fall down, I suddenly feel a slip, and then fall involuntarily…

Damn! It’s the hillside.

Vivi Young has rolled to my side not far. I almost instinctively reach out my hand and grab one of her feet. Unfortunately, it can’t prevent me from the falling trends. We two are rolling down from the hillside one after another.

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