Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Dream and reality

Keno looked at his chest pierced by the long sword, and then at Ethan, who was mostly covered by the white translucent light shield in front of him. Only the right hand holding the sword was exposed. It seemed that he wanted to say something, but after the flame just broke out. , Already severely burned, he can no longer speak.

Ethan did not give him a chance to continue speaking, almost at the same time he said the phrase ‘Go to hell’, he withdrew the long sword in his hand.

Almost one person withstood the impact of the explosion, and his whole body was severely burned by the flames. Finally, Ethan repaired another one. Keno’s eyes finally lost their brilliance, and the last bit of vitality followed Ethan’s sword. Pulling away and gradually disappearing clean.

With a thud, the body without support fell directly to the ground, and at the same time, Arthur and Brent who were still fighting were stopped at the same time.

There is no need for the two of them to fight anymore. When Keno died, this matter was regarded as a result—Brent discovered for the first time that his face might not work well in the calm sea.


He really didn’t want to see deaths and injuries. After walking outside for several years, and gradually understanding more secrets in this world, he believed that every adventurer who could rise in the calm sea is extremely precious.

Returning to the calm sea this time, in addition to wanting to gather more talents to add to his boat, he also wants to appropriately help some qualified adventurers so that they can grow up faster.

Keno’s character is not very good, but he has been in the calm sea for so many years, and he has almost reached the point where he can hit the storm sea, and he is undoubtedly very capable.

“It’s a pity…”

There are not many adventurers in the calm sea, and fresh blood is replenished at all times, but the ones who can finally get through the storm sea will always be a few of the few. The death of such an adventurer is a huge loss.

“No, I don’t think it is a pity.”

Ethan still insists on his own ideas, there is no benefit to the existence of people like Keno, it will only bring endless tragedies.

Brent also has his own insistence: “The difficulties in this world are far beyond your imagination, young man. If you want to go to the end, then you need to unite all the forces that can be united.”

This is not the first time Brent has mentioned how the world is. From his words, it can be inferred that although the new sea area is richer in materials, it is also more dangerous. In the future, it will be more necessary to join hands with people to ensure success. The solution?

“So, do you think that all capable adventurers should be united, and then fight against those difficulties together?”

“Is not it?”

Ethan was much smarter than Brent thought. He was a little surprised to understand the hidden meaning of his words, and made him even more curious about this young man.

“Individual strength will eventually come to an end. Only by uniting everyone can we fight against the increasingly dangerous world…”

“It’s getting more and more dangerous?” Ethan grasped the point of the words: “It seems…crossing the sea of ​​storms and reaching new seas is still just the beginning…”

As for the human strength that Brent said has an end after all, he didn’t take it seriously, purely because the gap between the two people’s insights is too big, and there is no possibility of even filling it.

Brent thinks that human beings’ strengths will be like that any more, but Ethan’s thoughts are completely different from him. He believes that there is no limit to the upper limit of human beings, only to find the right direction. For example, Ethan himself, when he becomes a powerful mage, a person can pass through the sea of ​​storms without the help of any foreign objects, and go wherever he wants to go.

Besides, even if there is no such gap in knowledge, he does not approve of Brent’s idea.

“So, no matter what cats or dogs, how wicked people can unite? Then you have never thought about pulling these messy people into the team, will it cause huge damage to the originally good team?”

“No, I believe that in the face of great danger, everyone will firmly unite together.”

This is nothing to talk about. It is an inconsistency of ideas. Before something happens, no one can convince the other party.

“Then, I can only wish you all the best.”

Ethan wiped the long sword clean, and then retracted the scabbard—he had considered killing all of Keno’s men before, but Brent would definitely not let him do this here.

He didn’t need to smash Brent because of these, but he still had to have the necessary warnings.

“This is your last chance, take it well! If next time you meet you at sea, if you are still engaged in a profession like robbers, there will be no one to protect you at that time.”

After finishing speaking, Burren, who had already retreated for the first time, nodded his head, and then left here with Arthur.

When Arthur saw Ethan put away his weapon, he also let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to kill him. Although he understood Ethan’s philosophy and figured out some things, he was not a cruel person. He was getting rid of it. After the first evil of Keno, I don’t mind giving those people a chance to reform.

The two young people just left in the eyes of everyone, while Brent looked at the two figures slowly disappearing, shaking his head and sighing.

“Buy Keno’s body well.”

then looked at Keno’s men.

“As for you, if you want, you can join my ship and become my crew in the future, but you can no longer do the things you used to do.”

Brent gave them two options, follow him or choose his own way out.

In fact, he also wanted to see if these people in Keno who did a lot of evil in the calm sea would take this opportunity to resolutely reform.

But the result disappointed him a little bit. Many people behaved very tangled. Smart Brent could tell at a glance what they were tangling.

Following him, safety will be guaranteed, and it may not be the same in the days after that, and I must not behave like before.

If you leave directly, you can continue to live the previous chic life, but without the commander of a powerful figure like Keno, would it be so good for them to live alone? In addition, Ethan expressed his attitude before, and if they meet again, there will be no Brent to protect them, and Brent will not stay in this sea area forever, and there is another Brent in the calm sea?

After struggling for a long time, many people still left directly. These people’s thoughts are also very good. From today’s situation, Ethan’s strength has surpassed the level of the sea of ​​calm, and sooner or later he will cross the sea of ​​storms. Maybe they will leave directly next time they go to sea, so They didn’t worry about meeting Ethan again.

Wait until that time, what do they still want to do? Who will deal with them specially?

But if they are told to know what Ethan is thinking at this time, I am afraid that they will have the heart to cry.

“In addition to killing Keno today, we also earned some extra intelligence.”

Ethan returned to the resting place, and directly began to discuss the next step with Arthur.

“Talk about it.”

Speaking roughly about what he guessed and associated, Arthur also agreed with Ethan’s guess in combination with Brent’s words before.

“So although the new sea area is wider and richer in materials, we actually don’t need to be too anxious to leave the calm sea.”

“Although there are not many supplies in the sea of ​​calm, it is suitable for us to accumulate our family background. Without this place that can threaten us, we have almost no foundation. If Mao Maoran directly rushes through the sea of ​​storms, it is likely to hit his head. Broken blood.”

Which of those who hit the sea of ​​storms did not go there after saving enough money in the sea of ​​calm? In this way, even in the new waters, even if the strength was a little weak at the time, he could still rely on his own roots to survive the most difficult period.

Ethan and Arthur did not have this capital. The two of them now have all their capital, which is a Caravel ship Aurora that has just undergone overhaul and transformation. The ore stored in the guild will soon be replaced with a large amount of supplies.

There is no shortage of weapons for the two of them. UU Reading is the magic stone equipment that Ethan cares most about. The two of them do not have one, but when transforming the ship, Ethan has installed a lot of magic stones on the ship. Stone is used as an energy source, such as kitchen utensils and lighting fixtures.

“When I went to the shipyard to discuss ship maintenance and renovation, there were a lot of renovations in it, and I had no idea about it. Now it seems that many of them are necessary to be installed.”

For these situations, Arthur didn’t quite understand, especially about the structure of the ship, he could only watch the excitement, just listen to Ethan’s arrangement.

What he cares about is another thing: “Actually, I think that Brent’s idea is not unreasonable to some extent. Even if your strength can reach Merlin’s realm in the future, you want to quickly The easiest way to improve the team’s combat power is to recruit companions.”

Arthur pointed to Ethan and himself, and then pointed to the various backpacks that almost filled the room as a salute: “Otherwise, just carrying these things will be enough for both of us to work for a long time.”

Ethan knew this too, but he didn’t have a clue for a while.

“You know our situation. Companions can’t be found casually.” Ethan spread his hands, unless it was Arthur’s good character, and Merlin even paid a considerable price in exchange for trust, ordinary The person of Ethan really didn’t dare to take it on board casually.

Doesn’t he want to find more people? Of course not, not to mention how lonely and boring sailing is. Just driving a sailboat requires more people to help.

What’s more, in his last life, he dreamed more than once that he could travel through countless planes, and then abduct the girls from those worlds to live a happy and interesting life together.

But, how can reality be so easy!

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