Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 go to hell……

Have you ever thought about the innocent victims who died? Brent froze for a moment. In fact, he really thought about it. It’s just that he thinks that what is dead is irreversible. Shouldn’t we even hold on to what is not lost? But vaguely, he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this? But let him speak but don’t understand. So it froze there for a while.

Ethan’s words are not only for Brent, but also for Arthur, who has been hiding in the crowd.

Although the young King Arthur understood Ethan’s behavior, it did not mean that he fully agreed with him. He also felt that Ethan was too persistent. So when Brent appeared to stop Ethan, he didn’t stand up directly. Instead, he stopped, and in my heart there was a similar idea to Brent—it is better to resolve this grievance than to have one of them lose his life.

He did listen to Ethan’s words before, and he also realized the key to the problem. It’s just that the character he developed over the past ten years does not change overnight, and he will still do it before encountering anything that would destroy his Three Views. Think in accordance with past habits.

It wasn’t until this time that he heard Ethan’s words that he realized how immature and incomplete his previous thoughts were. He patronizes thinking about himself and Ethan’s grievances with Keno, but neglects to get rid of his personal grievances. This Keno is also a heinous villain.

As a knight, he must follow fairness and justice, and shoulder the responsibility of punishing evil and rape. So he finally walked out of the crowd, and then slowly stood next to Ethan.

“I’m sorry, I always thought you were struggling with personal grievances, so I didn’t come out to help you in time.”

Ethan waved his hand: “No, what you thought was not wrong. I do value personal grievances more. It’s just that there is no conflict between my personal grievances and getting rid of a wicked person for a peaceful sea. Why can’t I have the best of both worlds? ”

Arthur did not expect that Ethan would not accept his apology, and even proactively stated that ‘his refusal to let Keno is indeed greater is because of the private grievance between the two’.

“Honesty is also a knight’s virtue.”

Ethan heard Arthur say this, and suddenly turned his head and glanced at the young man, wondering how he had something to do with Cavalier Virtue? At the same time, I was thinking, ‘this guy wants to fool me into the round table guys, right? ’.

“Brent hand it over to me to hold it, you go and wipe out our enemies.” Arthur looked at more and more crowds of onlookers: “Presumably many people here want to see this scene.”

Because of Keno’s previous behavior, many people were looted when they returned to State Island, and they didn’t know how much they hated this guy.

I saw that Ethan stopped Keno and made it clear that he wanted to kill this new generation of Flame Hand. Although he was not optimistic about the success of this young man, there was still a slight expectation: in case this wicked person really died in this young man. Is it in your hand? When they saw Ethan start to use magic stone equipment one after another, their sense of expectation was instantly raised to the highest level.

But that Keno actually hugged Brent’s thigh, and asked Brent to mediate for himself, and Brent did indeed protect Keno firmly. Many people who know Brent’s name and personality feel that today this incident is probably going to end.

Those who don’t know Brent’s name, under the popular science of some people around him, also understand the situation, feel that Keno saved his life today, and may continue to keep Brent’s thighs firmly in the future, even possible Go straight to the side of the sea of ​​storms.

“Maybe this is also good, at least I won’t continue to encounter this robber in the calm sea.”

No one is optimistic that Ethan can kill Keno, even if Ethan’s strength is far beyond their imagination, they don’t think Ethan can do it under Brent’s protection.

At this moment, another young man walked out. This blond boy also wore sophisticated armor. He was much younger than the black-haired one before, and he seemed to be fourteen or five years old at most.

“One and two are so young? Don’t young people nowadays want to be honest at home, have to go to the sea to live, wondering if they can live until tomorrow?”

“What did this young man say? Hold Brent? The young man now…”

This kind of thought appeared in the hearts of almost all onlookers, but no one had the guts to say it. Otherwise, when Brent said he wanted to protect Keno, they should jump out and criticize—they didn’t, because they didn’t dare.

In the same way, Ethan, who was able to fight Brent head-on and had a slight advantage, did not dare to offend him. In just such a short time, Ethan’s name had spread to the ears of everyone present.

Captain of the Aurora, Ethan.

A newcomer who has just become an official adventurer not long, but he found two full ships of ore the first time he went out to sea, and also got rid of the well-known vicious dog Angus and snatched the Angus ship. The famous Clippers and take it for themselves.

This incident alone is enough to make many people remember the young man Ethan, plus the words of a head-on confrontation with Brent… His name will soon spread throughout the calm sea, all adventurers Will know his name.

It’s just that Ethan is definitely not the only person they want to remember today.

Arthur has now stood up, and has made a promise, then he will naturally do what he promised, the long sword in his hand has been unsheathed, and he has set his posture to face Brent not far away.

“Brent of the Brave, your opponent is me next. My name is Arthur, I hope you can remember.”

After finishing speaking, he nodded at Ethan again, took up his sword and rushed towards Brent.

Brent didn’t take young Arthur too seriously, but his face changed when he stopped Arthur’s first slash.

Arthur’s slash is much more difficult to deal with than Ethan’s. In addition to Arthur’s excellent quality, his solid basic training makes him far stronger than Ethan, who is still a novice and is still in the novice stage. .

Arthur is also more experienced in the connection of sword moves. The two-handed long sword in his hand is danced into a ball of white light by him, and Brent is firmly suppressed by swordsmanship alone, making him unable to move temporarily.


This is the good opportunity that Ethan has been waiting for for a long time. Of course, he will not miss it like this.

At the same time, Keno has been careful to watch out for situations that he didn’t want to see. When Ethan rushed to him and Brent was caught by the blond young man and couldn’t get out, he realized that the real crisis was coming.

“Damn it, I will never die here!”

The magic stone glove on his left hand burst into flames. The blazing crimson flame did not continue to diverge, but retracted and condensed together, and finally wrapped around Keno’s entire left arm.


The clothes on the left half of    were burnt to ashes almost instantly, and the fierce flames kept scorching the whole arm, and the severe pain almost made him want to faint immediately. But he endured it all.

“Since you have to divide life and death, then you can die for me!”

Keno is desperate. The battle magic stone equipment will protect the user from the energy damage caused by the magic stone. However, if the energy output is forcibly increased to the highest limit that the equipment can control, it will also cause damage to itself. This upper limit It is determined according to the quality of the magic stone and the quality of the equipment.

At the same time, such overloaded use of equipment will also cause irreparable damage to the equipment itself, which is basically used to desperately.

For Keno, this is when he needs to work hard, the whole arm is rising with flames, and he punches Ethan.

He firmly believes that Ethan will definitely die if he takes this punch!

The Magic Stone Gloves were originally his greatest support to cross the calm sea, but this time it was going to be destroyed here. Keno’s hatred for Ethan is definitely greater than that of Sean, because Ethan was when he hoped to reach the top. , Forcing him to have to jump off the summit by himself-of course this is what he thinks.

For Ethan, Keno’s desperate blow is just a joke.

‘S forward emasculation was unabated, changing from holding swords in both hands to single-handed, and at the same time touching the book of inheritance with his left hand.

The spiritual power is quickly mobilized to start the book of inheritance, Ethan does not even need to pull the book out of the book cover, at the moment when he touches the cover of the book of inheritance, and at the same time connects his spiritual power to it www . The Book of Inheritance is like an extension of one’s own body, which can be manipulated freely with your mind.

With a fiercely forward wave of his left hand, the book of inheritance that had stayed steadily in the book cover flew straight out of the book cover, and then followed Ethan’s wave of his hand to draw a white arc in the air, and finally hovered over. Right in front of Ethan.


In fact, Ethan does not need to read aloud to cast the magic shield. After the spiritual power is successfully connected, he only needs a thought to cast the magic shield engraved on the book of inheritance.

It’s just that at that moment, he couldn’t restrain his second soul, so he couldn’t help but read it out.

This kind of behavior is like telling the other party deliberately: I am going to release the shield. Are you capable of smashing my shield? Come on, come on, come on, come on!

‘S simple and rude provocative behavior made Keno’s anger even higher, and madly urged him to increase his magic output. The magic stone that also needed mental power to activate, in the case of further overload output, caused damage to Keno’s spirit, and the nosebleed could not stop flowing lying down.

In addition to the pain in his arm that almost couldn’t feel its existence, Keno was betting on almost everything, believing that his blow would definitely crush the white shield that didn’t seem to be heavy.

“go to hell!”

The arrogant roar was covered by a huge explosion. The monstrous flames almost drowned Ethan and Keno’s figure. Everyone could only see a large group of flames and didn’t know what happened.

When the fire gradually dissipated, the white light didn’t waver at all, and the whole body was burned into a ball of scorched keno, looking down at his chest pierced by the long sword with an unbelievable face.

“Go to hell… rubbish.”

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