Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 42

Chapter 42 The source of evil in this world

“help me?”

James looked at two young men dressed like medieval knights, and a young woman.

“I really don’t see how you can help me?”

at the same time winked at his subordinates, and naturally someone went up and subdued several people.

It’s a pity that Ethan couldn’t give them this opportunity. The soldiers who were just about to step forward to knock down a few people were caught in a flash of white light before they could get close. Then the whole person lost the center of gravity and fell on the ground. On the ground.

The sound of the click of the safety opening immediately filled the entire room. The soldiers who were far away did not see what was going on. They just saw the white light flashing, and his partner immediately lay down on the ground and fired the gun immediately. He lifted it up, and then aimed at the young man who didn’t seem to be a threat.

Now no one thinks this young man is harmless.

Actually, Ethan just used the Book of Inheritance to release the magic shield. He found that the magic shield can be used as a flash bomb when it is released explosively.

The power of    can’t be compared with real flash bombs. It just flashes white light. It is effective only in the dark night environment, and it is useless during the day.

Then he let them go before a few people could see clearly, but he didn’t hit them hard, and he didn’t hurt them. He simply stated: ‘I’m not an ordinary person, and you don’t want to threaten me by force. “Such a meaning.

“Raise your hands!” Unfortunately, these soldiers did not give a satisfactory response to Ethan, and they still raised the weapons in their hands and asked him to obediently surrender.

Ethan looked at James holding the MP5 in front of him, spreading his hands to show that he was harmless: “I said, I’m here to help you, otherwise you will lose these men forever just now.”

James was also shaken a while ago, but he was less affected. In addition, after a distance, he was not brought down by Ethan. He barely saw the process of Ethan bringing down his men. The other party did not. Heavy hands.

“Don’t shoot at all!”

He only said not to shoot, but did not say to put down the gun. As an experienced mercenary, he is not so easy to believe in the character of others.

“Say what you are here, young man.”

“Ethan, this is my companion, Arthur.” Then he pointed to Jill, who was also flashed, rubbing his eyes: “This is the policeman in Raccoon Town, Officer Jill Valentine.”


James doesn’t care about Ethan and Arthur, but Jill’s police status makes him a little jealous. At the same time, he glanced at Matt Addison who claimed to be a policeman not far away.

Jill took out the police badge he was carrying with him: “Raccoon Town Policeman, tell me who you are, and why did you break into the house with full arms?”

James only finds it difficult to handle things. What he waits for is not considered an upright job. If it were done before, he could control it like he did Matt before. After he finishes his work, he releases her, and the rest is The matter has nothing to do with me, just let Umbrella solve it.

But now… do you want to do it?

It can be seen from the young man who put down his hands just now, he is not weak, and even if he can take advantage of the number of hands, it will take a lot of time. They have no extra time to waste on this kind of thing. .

Kill directly?

If there are no other people, or in a remote enough area, he would really dare to do it, but now there are two policemen…

Ethan saw James’ embarrassment, and that’s why he brought Jill with him. The mercenary was only worried if she was there. After all, Umbrella was still a regular enterprise.

It was Jill who followed, so he chose to swagger to contact the opponent, otherwise he could only follow the opponent to sneak into the hive, and then wait until the opponent is in trouble to rescue him.

Why have to be involved with these mercenaries? It’s because Ethan doesn’t understand computers.

He was just an ordinary person in his previous life. He can use computers and can easily handle some basic problems. If you want to hack into the control system of the hive with that bit of knowledge, and then open the entrance hidden under the hive, that is simply a dream.

So others don’t say, Kaplan, a ready-made computer master, had to be rescued.

Otherwise, he can only get involved with the Red Queen… an artificial intelligence, he doesn’t think this thing is easier to get involved than people.

It is always said that in order to be a true savior, he needs to contact these mercenaries, and it is best to reach a consensus. If it doesn’t work, he can only choose an alternative: make a consensus!

“Okay, Ethan?” James made a gesture to his opponent, and then turned his muzzle towards the ground. Following his movements, the mercenaries also lowered their muzzles, but they still maintained a vigilant posture and could raise them at any time. Gun shooting: “You said you came to help us, so you know what we are going to do?”

“I know something about it.” Ethan pointed to Alice, who had been standing by her side, always in a daze: “You are going to enter the hive to investigate what happened inside, and this is the security officer of the hive.”

The faces of the mercenaries were not very good-looking, and their mission was discovered by a young man who didn’t know the way. No matter how they thought it was not a good phenomenon.

James’ face was already dark enough, but now it’s even as dark as the bottom of the pot: “How did you know?”

“I have my news channel.” Ethan smiled: “And I know more than you. Including what happened in it.”

James’s face is even more ugly. Ethan’s words made him think of two aspects: Umbrella actually knew what happened inside the hive, but she still sent herself and others to investigate and proved that things were not that simple, and that she was a group of victims if she didn’t manage to do so.

Either Ethan is playing him. The young man didn’t know what was going on, he just talked nonsense.

Either way, it is not a happy thing.

“So, what happened inside?”

This time, not only James, but almost everyone in the room focused their attention on Ethan.

“I think before you came, you already knew that the Red Queen, who was the main control computer of the hive, suddenly lost control and killed all the people inside, right?”

All the mercenaries present knew this. Only Matt, who was posing as a policeman, had red eyes when he heard this. Unfortunately, he couldn’t move at all when he was pressed on the ground, let alone any radical behavior.

“Then you certainly don’t know why the Red Queen did this all of a sudden.”

Everyone shook their heads, so Ethan briefly explained the situation. However, he only talked about the study of a virus inside the hive, and this virus suddenly leaked, causing the Red Queen to kill all the infected and close the door of the hive in order to avoid the spread of the virus.

Even this little content is enough to shock the mercenaries.

“Virus?” James’s face kept twitching: “What kind of virus is so terrible that it will have to kill everyone after Hongkong? Can’t we simply isolate and ask for help?”

Ethan looked at James and saw his worse and worse face. He understood that he was not upset that the Red Queen killed so many people, but because of such a dangerous environment and such a dangerous virus outbreak. They were sent over without warning or providing any antiviral serum, which meant that they didn’t care whether they were alive or dead.

“The specific situation, you will know after you enter.” Ethan looked at James: “You still have to go in? After all, your task is to retrieve the motherboard of the Red Queen.”

James became more and more certain that Ethan’s source was leaked internally by Umbrella, otherwise, why would the other party know all the details of his mission? If the other party has a contact inside the hive, it is impossible to know the task arrangement on his side.

“Yes, we still have to go in.”

None of the mercenaries objected, they just ate this bowl of rice. Now that the money is collected, you have to work. All dangers must be faced, unless the task has not been taken from the beginning.

At the same time, James saw that Ethan was going in with himself and others, and he did not object. If you can’t kill the opponent, you can only let the opponent and yourself act together, and then let them leave after the task is completed. Since the other party is willing to go in together, things are simpler.

is thinking of this, so no matter whether the other party believes in himself or not, it will not prevent himself from entering the hive with the mercenaries Then, let’s go! Ethan waved his hand again: “You don’t have to worry too much, the hive is still safe at the moment. The virus can only spread through the air when it just leaks, so there is no need to worry about getting infected if it enters the hive. ”

said that, but the mercenaries were still a little worried.

At the moment when the door of the hive was opened, almost everyone took a step back unconsciously: even Jill, a person who knew nothing about the situation, was a little scared.

“Really all right?”

“It’s okay.”

“you sure?”

“Will I stand here calmly if something happens?”

Perhaps Ethan’s posture that he knew everything before left them a big impression, so when he said that, everyone agreed with him—or simply wanted to find a peace of mind. reason.

boarded the internal train leading to the hive, Ethan clearly remembered that the biggest villain in the movie, as well as the virus stock and anti-virus serum he wanted most, was hidden in the car.

It seemed inappropriate to just take things out so bluntly, so he could only suggest to James: “But it’s better to be careful. It’s better to check this train first.”

In fact, even if he doesn’t say it, mercenaries have to do it. That’s how Spence was discovered in the original work, but the suitcase in the corner was ignored.

This time I had Ethan, of course I would not ignore it. After finding the number one villain, Ethan took out the suitcase and attracted everyone’s attention.

“what is that?”

Ethan looked at the things in his hands, and replied with a very clever: “The greatest source of evil in this world!”

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