Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 I’m here to negotiate

“The source of evil?”

Everyone was attracted by Ethan’s words. Even Mr. Spencer Parks, who was confused and couldn’t figure out what the situation was, was lying on the ground and looking up at the one that seemed to belong to him. Suitcase.

“Could it be…”

There are still a lot of smart people. Reminiscent of what Ethan said before, biochemical experiments are going on in this hive laboratory. At the same time, because of a leak accident, the artificial intelligence became popular and killed everyone.

“It’s that.”

Ethan had already opened the suitcase and checked it. It contained the virus stock and anti-virus serum he was thinking of. Then he closed the suitcase and held it in his hand without further explanation.

“Go ahead, I don’t think you can take this thing back for business.”

The subtext is that Ethan will continue to walk with them, don’t worry about running away with this thing, so everyone is still in the same camp for the time being, there is no need to turn your face here.

As the captain, James pondered for a moment, then nodded at Ethan: “Continue to go inside the hive.”

The train started slowly, and the mercenaries gathered together, but the guns were intentionally or unintentionally biased towards Ethan on the other side. Arthur and Ethan didn’t say anything, but Jill felt uncomfortable in this situation. .

“Are we really going to enter that hive?”

“Of course.” Ethan nodded at Jill: “Don’t you want to know the truth? Is it that the moment the truth is about to be in front of you, you regret it again?”

Gil is a very strong personality, and he is very dissatisfied with Ethan’s despising himself: “I have no regrets, but I think I should inform the police. At least we can still get some support.”

Ethan waved his hand: “Give it up, Umbrella built such a big laboratory in this place, and conducted shady experiments, but nothing was revealed because of what? Do you think your report will be effective? ?”

In the movie version of the plot, Umbrella is simply an invisible super empire, powerful beyond imagination. Being able to use nuclear bombs at will, and afterwards overturning conclusive evidence and denying incidents such as nuclear bomb launches, in turn, Jill and Alice were falsely accused as wanted criminals.

In this world, Umbrella is the most powerful force, not only its own power horror has penetrated into all aspects of all classes. Jill actually imagined that a Raccoon Town police station could help? I’m afraid they will help Umbrella catch herself in turn.

Maybe Jill didn’t expect this, but had such a hint of fantasy. But Ethan smashed her last illusion very simply and rudely.

Jill stopped talking, not knowing what he was thinking, Ethan and Arthur continued to rest calmly, Ethan knew that the next period of time was the last relaxing moment, and Arthur knew that there was a situation. Ethan will definitely remind himself in advance.

He didn’t know how Ethan found so much news during this period, but he guessed that Ethan could travel through various planes, and there were some other secrets. But he wouldn’t ask. Ethan did not say it, which proved that the secret could not be told to himself. It is not a good behavior to insist on asking.

The speed of the train was very fast, and everyone did not waste much time on the train to reach the destination.

After getting out of the car, Ethan and Arthur pretended to be dead as before, quietly watching the mercenaries perform. The only difference is that Arthur is still paying attention to the direction of things, and Ethan is more like rewatching the movie on the spot.

Of course, the intervention of Ethan and others still affected some details. Matt kept focusing on Ethan. If he was not being held by mercenaries, he might have rushed to ask him. The problem is.

Ethan also noticed Matt. Thinking of the man’s later fate, he casually said to the two soldiers who held him: “Remove his handcuffs, otherwise you will have to be distracted to take care of him for a while. ”

Mercenary Captain James heard Ethan’s words and immediately turned his head to look at Ethan: “You mean we will be in danger?”

“Of course. Didn’t you have this realization already?”

James frowned: “I want to know what kind of danger it is?” If it is a leaked virus, it seems that you don’t need to care whether the guy’s handcuffs are untied.

So what is encountered is the danger that requires hands-on, that is, there may be battle. But who is the enemy? Is there any dangerous creature in the hive?

“It’s not easy to explain, but someone will show it to you in detail later.”

After finishing speaking, Ethan glanced at the inconspicuous camera in the corner.

“Don’t you think? Red queen kid.”

The mercenaries were taken aback by Ethan’s sudden wave of hello, and immediately entered into a combat stance, and at the same time showed a wealth of experience and understanding-several people aimed their guns at Ethan, and others aimed at Ethan and waved. Direction.

It turned out that there was only a camera in that location, and only Kaplan immediately understood what Ethan was doing.

“You mean, the Red Queen is watching us?”

“Very interesting question, the Red Queen controls the entire hive, don’t you think she would not know that we have come in?” Sometimes Ethan really feels that these mercenaries are in arrears with IQ. They are all experienced, shrewd and capable veterans. , How can you ask such a stupid question?

In fact, these mercenaries cannot be blamed. Artificial intelligence and other things are just conceptual things in this era. Most of them only appear in movies or novels. How can I see them in reality? Let alone encounter military missions related to artificial intelligence?

So, of course, no one noticed that Ethan used ‘she’ instead of ‘it’ when calling the Red Queen.

James now has a headache but another thing, their every move is under the supervision of the Red Queen, this feeling is not good. That’s a thing that kills all hundreds of people if they don’t agree with each other. Even if the black-haired young man learns that there is a reason for this artificial intelligence to kill those people, it still makes him uncomfortable.

Plus Ethan has been hinting that there will be a battle next, but he doesn’t say who he is fighting with. He has been a mercenary for so many years, and he has never encountered such a difficult situation.

“Everyone stays in line, pay attention, and open the guy’s handcuffs.” After that, he pointed to Ethan and Alice: “You stay in the middle of the team, don’t run around, we will protect you.”

Similarly, they can also ensure that they will not run around and suddenly run away when surrounded by their own people.

“Kaplan, you and Ren take care of them.”

Originally, the mercenary here chose to take the stairs after checking that the elevator was unavailable. However, realizing that he and others have been under surveillance and might be attacked at any time, James didn’t even mention the situation of the elevator, and hurried down the stairs with his men.

The team’s advancing speed is not slow, even if it is in a vigilant posture, everyone has maintained the advancing speed, perhaps unconsciously unwilling to stay in this place, and want to complete the task early.

Only Jill is still in the mood to ask Ethan: “What you meant just now that we would be in trouble?”

Matt, who was about to thank him, also leaned over, stopped his urge to speak, and listened quietly to Ethan’s explanation.

“It will be a bit troublesome, but if the negotiation goes well, it may just be a simple warm-up exercise.”


Ethan did not answer this time, and when he saw that he was silent, everyone did not continue to ask questions, and walked forward quietly.

Soon, according to the plot, they saw all kinds of misery in the laboratory, and the flooded laboratories and offices were displayed in rows in front of everyone.

When Matt saw this scene, he suddenly wanted to rush out, but Ethan held his shoulders: “Don’t be impulsive, I know what you want to do, but I advise you not to leave the brigade and act alone for now.”

Matt didn’t listen at all, just struggling: “Let go of me.”

“If you don’t want to be beaten into a sieve, I think you better listen to me.”

Compared to Ethan, the mercenaries are not polite to Matt. If he really does any aggressive behavior, he will be a beehive in the first place.

Ethan just persuaded him out of kindness, whether he listened to him or not, he would no longer be nosy, UU reading www. uukanshu. After all, he is not regarded as a nosy Madonna who will continue to persuade people not to be stupid. Fortunately, Matt did not continue to be stupid and avoided a lot of trouble.

Still following the plot, everyone came to the so-called restaurant B.

At this time, Ethan deliberately pointed to the freezing devices to James: “You can look at the contents, and I can remind you that those things are alive. If you release the freezing…huh.”

James didn’t want to look anymore after taking a look. After taking a few steps back and looking at the entire restaurant B, he was shocked by the number of freezer boxes.

“It’s all this stuff in here?”

Everyone has seen the contents of the freezer, and then they all did the same thing as James.

“What the **** is this?”

Ethan still did not answer, but just signaled everyone to move on.

“The answer is just ahead. Then there is a more qualified commentator waiting for us.”

Then he walked in the lead, and this time no one even reminded him to stop and stay in the middle of the team. Instead, they followed silently, as if Ethan was the leader of their group.

went all the way to the outside of the main computer room where the Red Queen motherboard was stored before Ethan stopped.

In front of him is the extremely stunning laser channel in the movie, and even has a unique position in online novels-countless newcomers have earned the first pot of gold in their lives here.

“Unfortunately, this thing will not bring me any benefit, it will only cause a lot of trouble.”

At the same time, his destination is not inside, but under the control room. So he stood outside the passage, facing the monitor above his head.

“After the red, I’m here to negotiate!”

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