Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Savior Ethan

“Who am I?” Ethan thought very seriously for half a second: “My name is Ethan.”

Jill continued to stare at him, as if waiting for the following, the posture was as if Ethan would not let him go if he didn’t give a satisfactory answer.

“Is the savior of this world.” After a moment, Ethan said again.

“Savior?” Jill’s eyes finally changed, no longer staring at him like that, but a look that cared for fools.

Savior or something…Look at Ethan’s young appearance, who is less than twenty years old, and wonder if this young man has watched too many movies or comics, and his mind is starting to be abnormal.

Ethan spread out his hands: “You asked me who I am, and I have already answered you. As for whether you believe it or not, it is your business. If there are no other questions, then I will go first.”

After speaking, he left here without waiting for Jill to react.

In fact, these remarks are not entirely nonsense. Ethan has long remembered the T virus in the hive. If everything goes well in his plan, the world does not have to face the end of the day. It is not nonsense to say that he is the savior.

Jill, believe it or not? That has nothing to do with him.

First of all, he didn’t know this woman. The good feeling for the movie version of Jill still originated from the characters in the original game. This good feeling is not enough to let him take care of this woman.

In the next few days, Ethan still lived a peaceful life, collecting information every day. At the same time, after Arthur’s dizziness was completely eliminated and his spirit recovered, he once again used knowledge transfer to instill English into the young King Arthur. In his mind.

“This feeling is really terrible, why should I endure it twice in such a short time?”

Ethan stretched out his hands helplessly: “Because you don’t want to be a deaf and mute person all the time.” He has already begun to study how to improve this spell.

When Merlin cast this spell on him, his mental power was about the same as Arthur’s now, and the quality might be slightly inferior. But when Merlin cast this spell on him, not only was it fast, but it had almost no effect, and there were no sequelae at all. In contrast, with the help of the talisman, with such a big side effect, it proved that he still had a lot of details to deal with.

“Maybe I can change the transmission method to breakpoint transmission? So that the subject can absorb the knowledge bit by bit, and avoid the side effects caused by too much knowledge at once?”

Arthur nodded: “I think this is a good idea. Although it takes some time, it is safer. In this way, what happens suddenly will definitely affect my combat power.”

“You are right, there are indeed risks in this situation now.”

But the improvement of magic will be discussed later. Next, he has to collect all kinds of materials-in the public library, it is impossible for him to scan all the books directly with the book of inheritance, and then copy the content into the book, only to transmit it quietly.

Find a few books that you need every day, and then stack them together, putting the book of inheritance at the bottom. This copying method is much slower, and it takes several hours for a few books. The advantage is that there is no such dazzling light and shadow effect, and it will not be noticed.

Ethan also went to the gun shop in Raccoon Town by the way. The Liberty Beacon Nation really deserves its reputation, and many firearms are blatantly placed on counters and shelves for people to choose and buy.

But he still noticed some differences. The weapons sold in gun shops in some large shopping malls are clearly marked with civilian versions, and there is no shadow of automatic weapons. These shopping malls are mainly pistols and shotguns.

He also ran into a few people who happened to be choosing to buy, and found that buying through formal channels is a very troublesome thing, and a series of processes are required for various documents.

On the surface, this country has indeed put a lot of effort in managing guns. It’s a pity that there is no use for eggs-in order to attract customers, many private gun shops will secretly sell all kinds of “good goods”; there are more mobile dealers, and these guys have no scruples and dare to sell any weapons. .

In short, the guns in this country have been flooded to the point where it cannot be saved. After observing for a period of time, Ethan found that if he wanted to collect thermal weapons, there were too many choices. You can wait to consider specific plans before leaving.

“If it fails to prevent the spread of the biochemical virus, then collect it at will. If it is successfully prevented, you can consider a wave of black to eat it? No, there should be a lot of weapons in the hive.”

The information has been collected almost, and he is not going to go to the library again. If the next thing goes well and the world avoids the biochemical doomsday, he can continue to copy more materials, if it can’t be avoided, then he will have to live in another city next.

These days, he has been looking for Alice as the protagonist of the movie, and found that she has already lived with Spence, the number one villain in the first movie, as a husband and wife.

After discovering this, he knew that it was not far from the beginning of the plot. These days, he would go to stay outside the suburban mansion at night to wait for the plot to happen.

If the plot doesn’t start, he can only force it in if he wants to get the T virus. If that happens, he will have to break through. Let’s not talk about Umbrella’s security personnel in the hive and various modern defense facilities, he has to face the possibility. Reinforcements coming in endlessly…Unless he is crazy, he will do it.

“I hope it won’t let me wait too long.”

went back to the hotel where he was staying, and found that Jill appeared in front of him again.

Since the last time he left a savior, he thought that this woman would only treat herself as a lunatic, and she didn’t show up in the next few days. Maybe she had forgotten her own name, but he would suddenly come back and be blocked. At the door of her residence-doesn’t this mean that she is investigating herself these days?

Yes, Jill is indeed investigating Ethan these days.

At first, she was just curious. A young man under twenty years old was able to turn the other party down and even **** the other party’s things (the **** did not say that he was snatched away). Is a gun).

She even thought about incorporating this young man into STARS, but she did not expect to run into a product with an abnormal brain.

After going back, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I was being tricked, so the female police officer began to investigate Ethan’s information on her own.

It’s okay if you don’t check it, but it’s fun to check it.

No matter how she investigates, Ethan seems to be a person who appeared out of thin air. Before he appeared in Raccoon Town, there was no trace of this person.

Considering the suit he was wearing when he first appeared, she also investigated whether there were any activities such as comic shows in the surrounding cities, but ultimately found nothing.

Gil does not believe that a big living person will emerge out of thin air, she can only boil down to someone covering up all the information.

Thinking about this, things happened.

Do ordinary people need to do these things? Why cover up all the information inexplicably? It’s as if this person doesn’t exist at all?

The more I thought about it, the more things went wrong, Jill tried to check in several directions, and even retrieved all the surveillance videos of the highway that Ethan entered Raccoon Town during this period of time.

I still don’t have a clue. It’s as if Ethan suddenly appeared outside of Raccoon Town and went straight into the town. He sold some unexplained gold in exchange for some cash. It’s not good to live in a family, but he doesn’t need an identity. Proved in the small hotel.

I just go around in the city every day, read books in the library for a long time, and then continue to go around. In the evening, I honestly return to the hotel to rest-looks like an ordinary traveler? But which traveler specializes in the library?

can’t figure it out, Jill thinks that the breakthrough of the matter lies in Ethan himself, as for his companion, it seems that he can’t speak? So she didn’t try to open the gap from the blond boy.

“See you again, officer.”

“Just call me Jill.” Jill saw Ethan come back and stood in front of him: “I am a little interested in what you said before. UU reading can tell me about you in detail. Your salvation plan?”

Ethan raised his eyebrows. He didn’t believe that Jill really believed that he was the savior, so the most likely reason was that the policewoman suspected that she was going to do something ulterior, so the occupational disease criminal wanted to investigate thoroughly, even Be prepared to kill yourself to prevent a terrible incident from happening.

But… this seems interesting too?

He didn’t want to do bad things, he could even say that what he did would really save the world. How boring is obscurity? Having a witness can also make him feel more fulfilled, isn’t it?

Even considering Umbrella…that is, the umbrella company is extremely powerful in this world. Even if you eliminate the hive crisis and kill a large group of high-level people hiding below, there are still a lot of clones outside. ? Let Jill witness everything, and then let her go and die with Umbrella’s clone management.

“Are you really interested?”

“Yes it is!”

Gil made a very, very interested look, as if a nymphomaniac girl looks at a handsome guy.

“I have to say that your acting skills are really poor. Fortunately, you didn’t become an actor, otherwise you would definitely not be a big star.” Ethan waved her hand and motioned for her to follow: “If you want to know, just follow Let me come, it’s not a shameful thing anyway, and I do need a witness.”

“Witness?” Jill followed Ethan to his room, but his eyes moved from side to side, constantly looking at the surrounding environment. As an elite in the police force, she has no shortage of caution: “What do you want to prove?”

“Prove that I saved the world.”

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