Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Gil

Ethan looked at the English sign, and had an urge to turn his head back in the other direction.

Raccoon Town, from the famous work Resident Evil, has appeared directly or indirectly in many works in this series, and is a city full of disasters.

So, he is now wondering which version he is in.

If it is the game version of the plot, Raccoon Town should be a small town in northwestern North America, not a big city. Umbrella company arranged the research institute here without being discovered for a long time.

In fact, in the game version of the world, Ethan is not worried about the safety of himself and Arthur. Although biochemical incidents are difficult to deal with, they are controlled in a controllable area every time, as long as he can take the initiative to stay away. The location of the incident was still very safe in most parts of the world, not much different from the earth where I lived in my previous life, and even slightly higher in technology—compared to the same period.

If it were the movie version of the plot, it would be difficult to handle, even if he and Arthur turned around immediately, they would not escape the biochemical virus that would spread into a global disaster.

But this time, he strengthened his control of energy when he was traveling, and the space-time energy was stored honestly in the magic circle in his left hand, so he and Arthur could not leave the world in a short time-he can only control it now The energy will not let it overflow and dissipate, and it will not be able to actively trigger it to send itself back to the calm sea.

Standing under the sign, you can vaguely see the distant city, the towering skyscrapers are very conspicuous, and indirectly tell Ethan which version of Raccoon Town this is.

“I remember the game version… The city is not so advanced, and there are not so many skyscrapers.”

Ethan turned to look at Arthur who was waiting for him quietly, and suddenly noticed the armor on Arthur.

“We have to change our clothes first.”

“What?” Arthur only knew that Ethan had the ability to shuttle planes, but I didn’t know that Ethan was very familiar with many planes. “Is this world safe?”

Ethan is not easy to explain. He can only use “We are more easily noticeable in this dress.” to shirk. This involves another big secret of his own. He has not shared it with anyone, and is firmly hidden in it. In my heart.

“So in ordinary clothes?”

Ethan suddenly started to feel a headache. Let Arthur not talk about it, the casual clothes he carried were all ancient styles, and even the clothes he carried were similar, as eye-catching in this modern city.

After much deliberation, in the end there was no way, Ethan decided not to change.

“Forget it, just wear armor.”

It’s okay to pretend to be young people to participate in the comic show. There are many similar activities in this country, and they are not inferior to the island country in Asia. In addition, two of them are less than 18 years old and one is only about 14. It is not surprising that young people participate in such activities.

The only thing to pay attention to is not to let people get too close, and realize that they are wearing ‘real guys’.

“Where are we going now?”

“There…” Ethan pointed to the vaguely visible edge of the city: “That city called Raccoon Town.”

Just as he was about to move forward, Ethan remembered that Arthur could not speak English.

“Are your dizziness symptoms gone?”

Arthur shook his head: “There are some, but they don’t affect the battle.”

In this case, it would be impossible to ‘teach’ English knowledge to Arthur, so he was asked to pretend to be dumb for a while, and Ethan and the depressed Arthur walked towards Raccoon Town.

In fact, he can leave this place. Even if the outbreak of the Resident Evil is unavoidable, and it will even become a global disaster, it will take some time to ferment. No matter how long Ethan stays in this world, he won’t be able to stay there. The day the world became a desert.

It’s just that he shuttles between various planes, for what? Is it simply to find some food and water? That would be a waste of this ability.

Compared to those, the most important thing is to collect the unique resources of each plane to make yourself stronger faster. Although Resident Evil is a sci-fi world, this does not mean that those things are useless for Ethan.

Various viruses in the world of Resident Evil, in the eyes of the Master, are just a kind of raw materials, especially the movie version of the T virus, which has a certain probability to stimulate a substantial increase in mental power. How could he not be tempted?

The only thing worth worrying about is whether this medicine will pollute mental power? As for the other side effects, it is easy to solve-the magic potion he learned is to extract a certain characteristic of the raw materials separately, so he only needs to extract the effect of boosting mental power. He has all the other effects attached to the T virus. Can be discarded.

Of course, it can be done theoretically. Whether it works or not, you have to get the real thing to know. In addition, he has to judge the current timeline to determine what period he is in.

From current observations, Raccoon Town still exists. With the gradual walk in, more and more vehicles come and go, it is already certain that the Resident Evil has not completely erupted.

“By the way, when you came out, did Merlin prepare some gold jewelry for you?” He has no money, and now the Resident Evil has not broken out, Raccoon Town is still a normal city, and they can’t help but want to live. Some banknotes are needed.

“Gold is a little bit.”

Merlin was really thoughtful. He also considered that currencies such as copper coins and silver coins might not be able to circulate in other worlds, so he brought some gold directly to Arthur—if gold couldn’t be circulated, there would be no way.

But in this world, gold can still circulate. Just wanting to turn gold into banknotes, Ethan found it more troublesome than he thought.

The regular store does not collect gold from unknown sources, especially when these two young people are not very old, and the other side suspects where these two “bad boys” have melted the stolen stolen goods and made it. These pieces of gold want to be sold.

There are only a few private shops willing to take over. The price is more disgusting for Ethan, but he sold it happily. Now he urgently needs some banknotes to settle food, lodging and clothing, and he can’t bother to negotiate with profiteers.

Of course, two young people peddled gold everywhere, inevitably attracted some unscrupulous people to watch, even if they had sold the gold, they still have cash! So Ethan and the others were surrounded by a group of strong men before they could go far.

Needless to say, it turned out to be violent.

If it wasn’t for not wanting to get along with the police in Raccoon Town, these guys could not have been let go so easily.

What surprised Ethan was that he found a Beretta from one of them, which was the only trophy.

“It is indeed a beacon of freedom.”

looked at the magazine, fifteen rounds filled the magazine, and Ethan put it away.

He suddenly remembered that in this world he can collect more thermal weapons, these things are very suitable for him now. It is estimated that no one can resist firearms in the calm sea.

No longer worrying about those gangsters, Ethan and Arthur found a small hotel nearby—because they didn’t have an identity certificate, they had to spend a little extra money to successfully move in, which made Ethan realized that he had entered a modern background. The world needs to solve the problem of identity as soon as possible.

In the next few days, Ethan first bought the clothes that he and Arthur would wear next, and then bought a lot of convenient modern products.

has lived in a world similar to ancient times for many years. What he misses most is all kinds of convenient items in modern society. He even has the urge to buy everything he sees, and then bring it back to the calm sea.

It’s a pity that it’s an impossible task. Many things can’t be used in the calm sea, and consumables like toilet paper can’t bring much to him.

He went to the library in Raccoon Town and copied a large amount of modern knowledge with the book of inheritance. Among them, he focused on collecting books on navigation and ship development and structure.

Originally, he planned to wait until the evening to find the villa that serves as the entrance to the hive in the outskirts of Raccoon Town, but he didn’t expect to come out of the library when he was stopped by a woman.

The woman in front of her has short brown hair and is wearing blue-black training uniform pants. The trousers are tucked in black boots, and the upper body is an ordinary blue short-sleeved t-shirt. Looking at the other’s face again, the more familiar look finally reminded Ethan of who this woman was.

Gil-Valentian, also called Gil-Valentin.

A member of the STARS Special Operations Squad under the Raccoon City Police Department. UU reading

Compared with the characters in the movie version, Ethan has a deeper impression of the characters in the game version and understands a little bit more, plus the other party did not wear the short skirt in the movie, he did not recognize the identity of the person in front of him for the first time.

“Raccoon Town Police, Jill Valentian.”

First, he showed his credentials, and Jill pointed to the side, indicating that he had something to talk to Ethan, and it would be better to let the door open first.

“Okay, police officer.” Ethan walked aside in a kind-hearted manner, and then looked at Jill who kept looking at himself: “Is there anything wrong?”

“Someone accused you of causing personal injury to others and robbing others of their property.”


Ethan thought he was investigating his selling of unidentified gold; or did he stay in a hotel without using any documents and aroused suspicion, but didn’t he think that someone accused him of personal injury and robbery?

He immediately remembered the gangsters who had been taught him a lesson: “Really…” Ethan couldn’t think of any suitable words to describe this kind of thing after holding back for a long time. These guys are deliberately calling the police and disgusting themselves, look. The day I came was light.

“I want to remind you that there is an experienced police officer in front of you. I really can’t pretend to be invisible with your expression like you want to find trouble.”

Ethan looked back at the female police officer in front of him, and finally shrugged his shoulders: “I didn’t say anything, nor confessed anything. You said someone accused me, so now are you arresting me?”

“No! I know who that guy is better than you.” Jill suddenly showed a very serious expression: “What I want to know is, who are you?”

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