Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1018

Chapter 6 14 million 606

After calling Evelyn and explaining what was at hand, the three came to the Marvel Universe together.

This is the world that everyone on the team is most familiar with. Most of the time, when they want to find a place to take a vacation, everyone will choose to come to this world instead of going to the world of Starship Team that is the focus of development.

They have luxurious residences and enough money in this world, and various living facilities are advanced enough. It is not like going to some ‘ancient’ world. Living facilities and sanitary conditions are too backward, making life uncomfortable.

Evelyn and O’Connor, who are accustomed to the’modern’ life, have long left their world aside.

And this time, Ethan suddenly asked if they wanted to go home?

“Come back home?”

Several people looked at each other, they almost forgot about the world, and gradually regarded Ethan here as their home.

The most important thing is that, whether it is O’Connor, Evelyn or Jonathan, they have no relatives, so they have no concerns in that world.

“Actually, I have gotten used to my current life.”

Now this kind of life is so cool. You can go to any world you want, you can get everything you want, and you can continue to evolve and improve. According to Ethan’s description, their boss has already entered. At a very high level, he is now a god.

With such a boss, even if they cannot become true gods, they can also become servants or subordinates to gods by relying on the gifts of gods. Even if they only rely on the heavier potions produced by Ethan, they will work harder, and they will not be in a semi-god state. What a remote thing.

“Why did you raise this question suddenly?”

Does the boss think they are unpleasant and want to drive them home? It shouldn’t be the reason, right? O’Connor feels that he has been doing well.

He has always performed very well. Many of the tasks on the ship that are not difficult, but a little troublesome, are all done by O’Connor. If they are missing, Team Galaxy and Resident Evil will do the same. The world of the base area will not develop so smoothly.

“I want to go back recently and put an end to the enmity that should be settled.”

Although it has not been mentioned, the name of Anubis is always written in the small book! It was useless not to mention it before, but now that the strength is finally enough, how can you not go back and get the venue back?

So he wanted to ask these people if they would like to go home and have a look. If so, he can just drop in together.

“That’s it!”

Evelyn and O’Connor looked at each other, and then looked at his brother Jonathan, but Jonathan opened his hands for the first time and expressed that he was not interested in going back.

“I don’t want to go back at all. It’s great to be here, I can do what I want to do as much as I want.”

He has money, looks and free time here, so he can do whatever he wants? I am really depressed, and I can also run to Team Galaxy to be a war hero, enjoy the admiration of countless soldiers, and don’t worry about being killed in battle.

What can I do when I return to my own world? The living environment is backward, and the whole life will be limited to that small planet, even if he can fight to become the ball leader after returning with his power, he has no interest.

“We are about the same!”

Seeing that Evelyn and O’Connor had the same attitude, Ethan stopped disturbing their vacations. After asking them if they had any thoughts about the new home of the Kingdom of God, he found that they were about the same as Logan. Reply: See how Ethan arranges.

Anyway, they know Ethan, Ethan has always had a high demand for the living environment, and they don’t want to leave it if they can live a comfortable life. In this case, they don’t worry that the future living environment will be poor.

As for the new home will be boring? They are able to travel freely to countless worlds, they don’t have this trouble at all.

Ethan also understands the situation now, but he will continue to ask, knowing that the other person’s thoughts are one thing, but not asking is another matter.

When I came to the Marvel Universe, in addition to meeting with these few relaxing, I had to meet Tony.

Unexpectedly, before Ethan went to find Tony, Maria Hill and Nick Fury came to the door first.

“You have been staring here for twenty-four hours.”

“This is inevitable.”

Fry spread out his hands. Even if he doesn’t stare, others will stare at him. Ethan’s identity is too special. Normally, he would not ignore his existence.

“What can I do if you come to see me?”

“Just treat me as if I came to chat with you.”

Ferry really came to talk to Ethan. Maria Hill spent a few years with Ethan. After returning, she helped the official set up a complete team of special abilities, which has a huge impact on the superpower criminals in this world. In this case, they also hope to maintain a good relationship with Ethan. If possible, it is best to get more’study places’.

“Your boss is staring at me alone? Have you ever thought of sending some talents to study in Asgard?”

The relationship between Asgard and the earth in this world is pretty good, especially after Thor became the **** king of Asgard, and he has an official official connection with the earth, although the earth firmly does not recognize the earth as the territory under the rule of Asgard.

But Thor doesn’t mind this kind of thing, because most of the areas under Asgard’s rule are loose. Except for Asgard, the other major countries are in a stocking state, and there are also many denials on it. The dominant race of Scarder.

Generally speaking, as long as it is not recruiting troops to fight Asgard under the banner, Asgard will not ignore these ‘indigenous’ Earth officials in the eyes of the Asgard people.

“Actually, we have discussed this with Thor, but Asgard seems to be having trouble recently.”


“Specifically, you can ask Tony, the Avengers know better than I do.”

The current Avengers are a semi-official group, and they don’t have much involvement with Nick Fury. A lot of internal information is not disclosed to the outside world. Although Nick Fury knows a little bit, he doesn’t want to say it. That would expose himself to channels. The fact that learned the inside information of the Avengers.

“I will ask him later.”

Neither Thor nor Tony sent a message to himself. What happened to Asgard may not be a big deal, and it should be possible to pass the time if you don’t join in the fun.

After chatting with Nick Fury, Nick Fury and Maria Hill announced their goodbyes. As for sending “students abroad”, Ethan did not discuss with him in depth. It doesn’t matter to him, he can send as many people as the Kingdom of God is established, anyway, after being cultivated, they will all be prepared subjects of the Kingdom of Ethan.

“Are you going to find Tony next?”

Serena has been sitting next to her without speaking, and when Ferry left, she asked Ethan, who didn’t know what she was thinking.


He estimated from the bottom of his heart that the members of the ship had already found a circle, and the remaining members such as Ilia, Leah, and Rin Tosaka were still at Hogwarts school, so they could tell them when they came back from the holiday.

Laura, Shirley and Shiro Weigu ran to the universe of knights to “save the world” again. Skaha and Ada went to Mordred, as if Mordred asked Ada for help. , Ida was idle for nothing, so she ran over to play.

“After seeing Tony, I will go to Mordred and look at Arthur in the end.”

He thought about it, and if there is nothing unexpected, then this is the itinerary.

Because he greeted Jarvis when he came, Ethan doesn’t need to go to Tony Stark specifically, as long as there is nothing to do, Tony will come to him soon.

Actually, he didn’t wait long. Tony quickly landed in the back garden of Ethan’s house in a private jet. He was playing around with Pepper Pepper, and rushed over when Ethan was here.

“It feels like you have changed a lot again, is it my illusion?”

“It’s not an illusion, your perception has become sharper, Tony.”

“Oh, this is really bad news. Is the gap widening again?”

“It’s okay!”

After greeting each other, Ethan talked about his situation during this time as usual, letting Tony understand why there has been a big change.

“So, you are now a **** who can control the rules of the universe at will?”

“It’s not that exaggerated, but it’s almost the same.”

immediately remembered what Ferry had said, and asked what happened to Asgard?

“Where is Thor? They were fighting recently.”

“Fight? With whom?”


Ethan was taken aback, and after thinking about it, it seemed that it wasn’t surprising.

Thanos is a pursuing purple sweet potato essence. In order to achieve his lifelong wish, he cannot choose to give up because his opponent is strong. UU Reading www. After realized that there was no better way, it is not surprising that he would choose the most direct way.

“Thanos did something to Asgard?”

“The war has not really broken out yet, and it is still a small-scale conflict, but Steve has gone to Asgard, and the Avengers are ready to support at any time.”

This is also the reason why Tony did not find a place to do research. He is preparing for war and is ready to go to Asgard to support Thor at any time.

“It seems that mine came by a coincidence.”

Thinking about it, the timeline is almost the time for Thanos to do it. I originally thought that Asgard’s strength became stronger, Thanos would choose to forbear and wait for a better opportunity!

“Yes, it saves me the trouble of sending messages.”

Tony said so. In fact, he didn’t even have the idea of ​​sending a message for help. At first, he wanted to rely on Asgard and the Avengers to fight against Thanos. If he couldn’t hold it, he would play with Ethan players.

I didn’t expect Ethan to come at this time, and I would not hide it when I met him.

As if he could see Tony’s thoughts, Ethan waved his hand directly, saying that he would not fight with them.

“Thanos is yours, I’ll take a look!”

At this moment, Ethan suddenly felt that someone was ‘spying’ the timeline.

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