Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1017

Chapter 5 Fly with me

Of course, the time spent recounting with Logan will not be as long as Diana’s time. After talking for a long time, I have already said everything that has been said, and there is no urgent need for Logan to help deal with it. Now he has to do it. It is to help Atlanna train a qualified next king, and then move with Atlanna.

As for Mera’s teaching, Ethan will not intervene. What does the demise of Atlantis have to do with him?

“Where are you going next?”

Ethan thought for a while, he went to a lot of worlds, with the increase in strength and the upgrade of various equipment, more and more worlds are connected.

But the worlds that are frequently contacted are actually those: D Universe, Marvel Universe, Galaxy Team World, and now there is a little more Resident Evil world, because Annette ran back to her hometown to run the forces.

For the current Ethan, the biggest benefit of operating forces in the world of Resident Evil is only to absorb more ‘talents’. Apart from that, the world is no longer helpful to him.

He didn’t ask Annette to withdraw and give up running that world. Anyway, running a power doesn’t affect anything, and it will be convenient for everyone to go to that world for vacation in the future.

After going around in the world of Resident Evil, Ethan found that only Annette was still here. In her words, things were gradually getting on the right track. She didn’t even need to keep staring here, just Just come over and check it out from time to time.

Because there is nothing compared to the Ethan team. The world has never been peaceful. Since various viruses flowed into the black market, various biochemical agents have never stopped. Everyone in the Ethan team has rarely stayed here. By the way, the security of Annette’s side has been handed over to the security personnel hired locally.

These bodyguards use the serum produced by Annette in this world. They have obtained considerable benefits. Their loyalty is guaranteed to a certain extent. They are barely the outermost member of the Ethan team than Mordred’s guard knights. Peripheral.

It is worth mentioning that Claire, who has always been active in non-governmental organizations, was also brought in by Annette, because Claire is mainly fighting against various biochemical drugs and the large groups that cause biochemical drugs. It has Annette’s subordinates who deal with biochemical viruses. The team is very attractive to her.

Especially, she awakened to a certain extent the strength that Ethan left her at the beginning, and she was more like figuring out the truth by herself, so she became Annette’s subordinate.

Regrettably, Lyon, which has always been reused, has not been dug up.

But it doesn’t matter. After Leon hangs up later, I have to report to him.

I chatted with Annette casually. After learning where some of his companions were going, Ethan said goodbye to Annette and left the Resident Evil universe.

He didn’t go to see Claire or Lyon, nor did he go to see the magical Captain Chris who could kill his teammates to death. He went directly to the Galaxy World to find Serena.

“Huh? Did you come to me first?”

Serena has always been very comfortable in the world of Team Galaxy, most of the time she can do whatever she wants to do, and occasionally she can go to other worlds when she gets bored.

Cherry Military Industry has become an important group in this world, and now there are fewer and fewer forces and people who dare to provoke Cherry Military Industry.

Under this circumstance, Serena, as a military deterrent, really has nothing to do. It’s better to come to watch the situation of the group, Evelyn is busy and Evelyn has to meet with the executives from time to time, eat and have a cocktail party or something. , Serena does not need to engage in these social interactions.

“Who should I go to first?”


Serena didn’t pretend, she was really surprised. Although she has a relationship with Ethan, she feels that she has a very ordinary position in Ethan’s heart.


Ethan, who pretended to have an uncomfortable voice, fooled the incident, and turned the topic directly to his own experience during this period.

After learning about Ethan’s experience, Serena also understood why Ethan wanted to come over one by one to reminisce about the old: it was not that he was full, he hadn’t seen himself waiting for someone for a long time.

In addition, the two of them are not always tired of being together, just take advantage of this time to enjoy the world of the two.

Ethan and Serena didn’t go to a certain world specifically, they just wandered around Galaxy.

drove the VF fighter produced by Cherry Military Industry to compete with the earth as the starting point, and directly rushed out of the atmosphere into space.

Because they are driving a special model, these two VFs have many special functions. In addition, Ethan can open the space door directly in front, and they can drive the VF to any place.

Because these two fighters carried an amazing amount of ammunition: they used space technology, and under extremely boring circumstances, the two of them drove the plane directly to the front line of the war between humans and insects, and carried out a violent bombardment of the insects. After the bombing, he left directly, leaving behind a lot of dead bugs and federal soldiers with a bewildered face.

Ethan and Serena, who left after fluttering in the air and deliberately swayed a few times, had a good time. As for whether the Zerg will launch a retaliatory attack in the future, then it doesn’t matter what happened to the two of them.

Because of Ethan’s mixing, the world of Galaxy Team has undergone earth-shaking changes. The fighting power of the Federation soldiers has increased. I don’t know how many grades. They are not only equipped with sharp and powerful weapons, but also various fighters and mobile armors. With healing and combatants who can use the Holy Light, it is impossible for insects to destroy humans as they did in the past.

It can even be said that if this development continues, perhaps humans will in turn wipe out the bugs and then unify the Milky Way.

But if you want to do this, don’t you know how many hundreds of years you have to fight with bugs?

Ethan and Serena only did it once when driving a warplane to kill insects. Then the two of them drove the plane around the Milky Way, and occasionally fell down when they saw a good planet, and then looked around. , Feel the completely different scenery.

After playing for a full month, Serena asked Ethan strangely: “Aren’t you going to tell everyone about the past? Always stay with me?”

“You have to be satisfied first.”

“Ah, I’m quite satisfied.”


Ethan wanted to say that I was not talking about this, but he was not stupid enough to really say it.



“Actually, when you came to me and told me about your experience in the universe, I wanted to ask.”

Ethan suddenly had a bad feeling.

“You have been there for so many years this time, and how many women have you coaxed?”

sighed from the bottom of my heart, knowing it was the problem.

“Why do you all think I will do that?”

“Hmph, isn’t this kind of thing obvious? Don’t look at how many women there are on the Venus now?”

is it a lot? Ethan counted silently in his heart.

Diana, Ida, and Serena don’t talk about it. Evelyn is Jonathan’s younger sister, and she has nothing to do with O’Connor in her relationship with O’Connor, right?

Annette belongs to the person who defected to her, and her daughter Shirley is a super addition, similar in nature to Laura.

Then Ansuna, who helped Immortal resurrected, has now become her own believer, and may become a **** who serves her in the future.

Next is Nebula? Betty? Elia? Rin Tosaka? Skaha? Maybe even including the Altolia gifted by Shiro Wimiya?

…… Such a count is really a lot.

There could have been a Mordred added, but Mordred has already returned to his hometown to become a king.

As for Hermione Granger and Maria Hill, one is here as a guest, the other is simply a passer-by. Although she will go to the Kingdom of God in the future, she is no longer on the ship, of course not!

“However, they are not in that kind of relationship with me.”

“It’s not just…”

Serena didn’t believe that Ethan would never start. She felt that Diana didn’t guard Ethan every day, just because she was afraid that she would see such a large number of women so angry that she would not be annoyed at all.

smiled awkwardly, Ethan decisively changed the topic to other things, such as O’Connor where they went to play?

This kind of thing can be known by asking Luna. You have to ask Serena at this time. Everyone with a normal IQ knows that he is changing the subject.

Fortunately, Serena didn’t break through, and followed Ethan’s question and left the previous topic aside.

It doesn’t make sense to continue on that topic, and there is no benefit in continuing to dwell on it.

“There’s nothing important on Annette’s side recently. Some of them went to Tony’s side for fun Among the most closely connected universes, the Marvel universe is the world that everyone goes to most often. Because that world belongs to a more advanced and developed world, life is convenient and there is no shortage of fun, and they have Tony Stark backed by a local tyrant in that world, and they can enjoy life to the fullest.

In comparison, the Galaxy World Humans and insects have been in a long war, and their living standards have been affected to a certain extent, not as comfortable as the Marvel Universe.

“You are going to Tony’s next, right?”


Ethan thought for a while, and remembered that Serena had nothing to do here, or just walk around with herself?

He and Diana found a world alone to live together for ten years, and he and Ada also had the experience of living alone in a certain world for two years, except that he did not spend a long time alone with Serena.

This time I played together for a month, and it was the longest time alone.

Serena wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she changed her mind.

Doesn’t she want to occupy Ethan alone? It’s just that she knows it’s impossible, but only for a while…

“Alright, go back and pick up Evelyn first. She has recently participated in various cocktail parties, and it is probably a bit tired.”

This is a matter of course, not to mention that he was going to talk to Evelyn about the kingdom of God.

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