Ends of Magic

Chapter 21: Uncomfortable Conversations

They found Kia and Khachi out in the square where Nathan and the adventurers had killed so many mages. Somebody had cleaned up the stage and smoothed out the stone, and now it was the location of an impromptu clinic.

Several Gemore mages were offering healing to whoever needed it. Kia and Khachi strode amongst them, working on cases that required their divine touch. Many of the new citizens of Halsmet seemed to be stopping by, though few of those present had truly dangerous injuries. Khachi was standing over a frail old man, glowing with divine power as he channeled his magic.

Stanel walked up, catching Kia’s attention. He jerked his head, not saying a word.

Kia gauged his expression, then nodded and moved to look over Khachi’s shoulder. She watched for a moment, then tapped her adoptive son on the arm. “You are yet mortal. Do not overexert yourself in pursuit of the divine.”

Khachi shook his head as if snapping out of a trance. He stepped away while his patient sat up and ran his arms across his torso with an awed expression on his face.

Kia turned to the old mage running the clinic, whom Nathan recognized as Kozar’s teammate Argan. “We’re off to the mansion. Send a runner if Divine healing is needed.”

Argan acknowledged her words and waved them away. “As the tide calls.”

They had to ask the elites guarding the front doors of Exea’s mansion where to find Stella and her parents. They were directed to the kitchens, which were bustling with activity. A dozen people toiled in the grand space, making use of enchanted tools to whip out food.

Stanel zeroed in on the matronly woman who seemed to be in charge of the barely-organized scrum. “Honored elder, we are looking for three mages of Gemore, one of them a foxfolk.”

The woman turned with a frown, and Nathan recognized the woman as the last person he’d broken from mental magic in Exea’s courtyard. She still wore the same apron, and it was still dusted with flour.

She met Nathan’s eyes and started, then bowed her head respectfully to all of them. “Adventurers! Ah, yes. They went to the second lounge.” She called out to one of the workers. “Fran, get a tray of the good pastries and the meat pies that just came out and guide them.”

The young man nodded quickly and ducked between two others to open a cabinet and grab a tray of pastries before grabbing another heaped high with steaming pies.

Stanel reached for his coin pouch. “I do not know where the prices will land, but…”

The woman chortled and waved him away. “That will come later, to be sure. For now I am paid in respect. It’s a new enough currency to me.”

As they were led away, Nathan heard her mumbling under her breath. “Hah. Honored Elder.”

Fran directed them to a little door not far away from the kitchens. Nathan sensed a spell of some kind on the doors, but it didn’t seem imminently aggressive. Stanel knocked firmly. A moment later the spell unraveled and Dalo’s voice came from within.


The space inside was cozy but not small, crowded with overstuffed couches and small tables. There was already a set of pastries on the central table, as well as several jugs of drinks dripping with condensation.

The Caxol family sat on a couch, with Kullal wrapped around Stella and Dalo on the other side. Nathan’s teammate looked a little squished, but not unhappy about it.

“What occurs?” Dalo’s voice was low, but he was tense and ready to act.

Stanel waved for Fran to set the food on the tables, then closed the door after the young man left. He waved to Dalo. “Privacy, please.”

The mage re-cast the spell, then turned to Stanel with an expectant look on his face. Everybody except Sarah, Aarl and Nathan were looking at Stanel as if he’d gone mad.

Here we go. Time to find out why this is such a problem, beyond the obvious. Brox tried to recruit me out of nowhere with a strong social skill. But I haven’t mentioned that part.

“The Questor is here, and it’s Brox. Nathan said Sudraiel means for him to join the Heirs on patrol.”

The reactions were varied. Kia frowned thoughtfully, while Kullal bit her lip worriedly. Dalo blinked in surprise, then colored with fury. “I would not invite that soul eater into our village if he was not needed. But with the Heirs?”

He stood up and started pacing. “We could ambush him. Together, from surprise. We could take him. Kullal cages him with force panes, I fill the interior with fire, and Stanel and Kia each take a side to block breakout. Do you think we can bring Leska and Xarian to help?”

Dalo’s wife reached up and grabbed his arm, pulling him back to the couch. “We are not fighting a Questor that is not against us - that’s a fool’s deed. We can speak to Sudraiel…”

“She’s not wrong.” Kia stood with arms crossed, her expression flat and displeased. “The Heirs are a weight he will accept, and likely to survive staring this ghoul in the eye.”

“Go teach a mage to light a fire.” Stanel was pissed. “He would put the Heirs in the center of every fight, and might lead them straight for Giantsrest. He’ll return in a week alone with a tragic story of how our children perished fighting the entire army themselves!”

Dalo nodded along, his bushy eyebrows drawing down. “We can suggest he take the Legacy of Gemore instead, I have a favor with -”

“The Heirs are the best choice.” Kia’s voice cut through Dalo’s, and his head snapped up at the interruption. “You know he prefers accompanying younger Adventurers. None but the Heirs can stand up to him, and their youth means he will entertain and guide them instead of challenging and commanding them!”

Stanel opened his mouth again, but the golden light from Kia’s eyes intensified as her voice gained a faint reverb effect. “They would face the Castlebear regardless! Nathan has killed one archmage and wounded another. They took this city! They will draw any mage eager for repute as a dragon’s egg draws greed.” Her words stoked resolve in Nathan, like she was giving a rallying speech before a battle. “They already face the waking Giant, at least with Brox they will have an ally who has killed gods.”

The shine coming from Kia flickered, and she sat heavily in a chair, seemingly drained. There was a moment of silence as everybody considered what she’d said. Dalo and Stanel were on the verge of replying angrily, but Kia’s outburst and accompanying skill had broken them out of their spiral of anger and fear.

Stanel was about to speak, but Kullal beat him to it. “She speaks the truth. They are young, but burn brightly enough that every mage of Giantsrest who eyes glory will seek them out. A Questor will draw trouble, but he will also provide protection from what is coming for them.”

“Unless he commands them into a dungeon.” Dalo said. “It’s happened before.”

Kia held up a finger, sounding exhausted. “But, Nathan can resist his skills. I would bet stalker bones to dragon teeth that Khachi can too. All of the Heirs have been training to resist mental skills. This will help them Develop those skills. We must trust our Heirs to stand against this threat, as they have all others.”

Sarah’s voice was frustrated as she interrupted. “Consider the Oath we have sworn - to End the Endings. Killing that problem will require we deal with Questors. Who else can answer questions of the Endings?”

She was glaring around the room, daring any of the Guardians to interrupt. “We will challenge this dragon. Brox is an opportunity for us, not a risk. Deny us and you deny our Path.”

Everybody took a moment to digest her words. Then Dalo gave a heavy sigh and slowly reached for one of the jugs on the central table. “I would not smother your fire. Pardon my ax - this is your decision to make, and you have made it.” He poured himself a glass and panned his gaze over the rest of the Heirs, seeing if any of them would disagree with Sarah’s words.

Nathan met the eyes of each of his friends in turns, sharing small nods all around. He voiced his agreement. “We’re agreed. Brox might be an ass, but when Giantsrest comes after us it’ll be good to have him around. We might be able to learn more about the Endings from him too.”

Stanel sat down heavily, reaching for the tray of hot pies to go with his jug. “That seems to be baiting the Castlebear, but it is your Path.” He bit into the pie and snorted. “That dungeon is woken already.”

Kia pulled a bottle out from a dimensional bag at her belt, snagging two glasses. She poured a viscous purple liquid out and slid one glass over to Nathan. He grabbed it and saluted her before sipping at the flowery drink within.

Ah, Umna. Sweet and fruity, just how I like my alcohol.

With a smile, Kullal started floating plates and drinks to people. “Well, we meant to do this later, but now that we’re gathered. Might as well do it now.” With her words. and freely distributed alcohol, the tension in the room relaxed significantly.

Nathan remembered the last time they’d had one of these parties. It had been after they’d survived Taeol’s ambush outside of Farfield. The time before that had been after their blooding patrol. Each time they’d talked through trauma and stress.

There’s more than enough of that to go around now.

They chatted about small things for a little while, with Stanel asking after the state of Khachi’s gear while Dalo admired the enchantments on Aarl’s new sword. Kia had heard of Stella’s apocalyptic spell outside of Tarren, and started quizzing her on its capabilities.

Kullal turned to Nathan, fixing him with a benevolent smile. “I know you have received accolades aplenty for your deeds, but I would offer one more. You saved my child from a terrible fate. That has earned you freedom and brightness in my eyes. Thank you, Nathan.”

He smiled sadly in return. “You’re welcome. I wish it had never happened. I felt responsible, they were only captured because of me.”

The fox-woman inclined her head slightly to acknowledge his point. “An Archmage may have made the attempt regardless, simply because they were our Heirs. But to draw the attention of a Questor is a Path towards levels or death.”

Her expression grew grim. “You would have been right to come back to Gemore, to inform us and get help. Dalo was angry you did not do so, at first.” She shot a glance at her husband, who was definitely listening even as he cooed over the gauntlet from Aarl’s new armor.

“But to hear that our child had been captured by Giantsrest, and then in the next breath that she was free - that was relief unending.” Kullal swallowed, as if holding back tears. “To think how it would have felt to know she was imprisoned, and that I would need to fight Giantsrest to free her... It would have led to smoke and blood. It may have caused the destruction of Gemore.”

“It might still.” Dalo handed Aarl back the gauntlet he’d been examining. “But I understand your meaning of friendship better now, and praise prophecy that you have become friends with my daughter.”

“Ah, let’s face the muckgrabber.” Stanel said. “You were captured by Giantsrest, and that is a weighty thing. It’s a blasphemous burden to bear. ”

He sighed, looking around bleakly. “It’s happened a few times, when an Adventurer is captured and enslaved, then freed once more.”

I remember Artha saying that Giantsrest mages like to capture Gemore Adventurers and show them off like trophies.

“There is no way you should react. This has happened, and how you feel about it is your own. Some dedicate themselves to the destruction of Giantsrest.” Stanel gestured towards Nathan. “Some wish to never risk that fate again, and refuse to fight Giantsrest. Others have sworn off Adventuring entirely. Others become self-destructive.” The dark-skinned man shrugged. “We will listen, if you would speak about it.”

Sarah glanced at her brother, then around at the rest of the Heirs. “We were never enslaved. We awoke in a device designed to prevent our escape and enforce despair, but Taeol never cast spells on us. It was terrifying, but I didn’t lose hope.”

Aarl picked up where she’d left off. “Nathan arrived before the archmage returned. I was determined to fight him in any way I could. But we didn’t need to.” He glanced between Khachi and Stella, clearly ceding the floor.

Stella was snuggled against her mother’s side and didn’t say anything.

Khachi hesitated a moment, then spoke. “I gained an aspect in that room.”

His mother had been watching him speak, but at those words her gaze sharpened into an almost physical thing.

The wolf-man continued, and a faint golden light started to shine from him like it seemed to every time he discussed his class or the gods. “Before, the Path of Adventuring meant protecting those who could not protect themselves. It meant supporting my allies as they killed those who would harm our people.

“Now, I understand the value of hope. Taeol tried to deny it, to lock us away until our defiance drained away.” The light shining from Khachi seemed to grow richer, becoming a deeper and more true shade of gold. “Hope was our battlefield. I understood Giantsrest better in that room, and my opposition to them. They are the death of hope. The death of potential, of change for good.”

The [Divine Justicar]’s eyes were introspective, seemingly unaware of the light he was casting around the room. Nathan could feel it reaching out to him, a gentle divine spell of inspiration and encouragement. He withdrew his aura as much as he could, letting the soothing glow wash across his skin and feeling the faintest trace of the spell work to boost his mood.

Stella let out a deep breath and relaxed as the light washed across her face.

But Khachi wasn’t done. “I saw the light of Hope spread through the city, following in Nathan’s wake. Those who were once enslaved, granted a chance to be their own. Of all of the deeds of Halsmet, that was the greatest.”

The spell started dimming, but only slowly. Everybody sat and enjoyed it for a moment. Nathan grabbed another meat pie and sipped some of his drink, but he didn’t break the silence.

Stella spoke, her voice low but steady. “It was like he controlled what I wanted. I tried to fight it.”

Kullal hugged her daughter tighter, but Stella shrugged out of the embrace and leaned forward on the couch. “There were several spells, and they controlled me completely. I desired to fulfill his every command, and could barely think of any other purpose."

Now her breath shuddered a little. “I had moments where I knew I was betraying everything. Where the despair consumed me. But then I remembered I had a master, and he wanted me to serve.

“When he commanded me to fight Nathan, all of me felt relief. It meant freedom, or the loss of hope, which felt like the same.” She shivered slightly, and leaned back into her mother’s embrace.

“He wanted so much. He had more power and wealth than any of us, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted more magic, more status. He wanted to rule Giantsrest, but not to do anything with it. Just to be at the top.”

Kia spoke slowly. “Has this changed your Path?”

“No.” Stella spoke quickly, looking around as if daring anybody to challenge her statement. Nobody did.

Then the young mage stopped and took a deep breath. “...yes.” She paused. “I don’t want to share anything with Taeol. Magic is wonderful, but he used it because it gave him power. It was a way for a small man to feel important.

“I learn magic because of its own beauty. To use it to understand the world, and make wonder. I won’t use my magic to make horrors. That’s how Giantsrest uses it, and my Path calls me to break them for that blasphemy.”

Dalo and Kullal looked at each other with worry in their eyes, but didn’t say anything.

Sarah raised a glass in a toast. “A cheer for Stella! A mage unbroken. May your path be prophecy.”

Everybody raised their drinks alongside hers, then drank them down.

Stanel went around and started refilling drinks with flourishes. “I am proud to be free of regret. The Giant came for you all, and our Heirs have survived and even thrived. Your Paths lie changed but unbroken. What Developments have you achieved?”

Sarah smirked. “[Mind Shield] is High-Tier now. It’s a good edge to hold if we’re going to be fighting Giantsrest more, especially if that's alongside Brox."

Aarl snorted. “Mine too. I’ve also developed [Unseen Hands]. Fighting while invisible gave me the necessary Insight to Develop it into [Unseen Strikes].”

“Fighting while invisible.” Stanel looked over Aarl’s armor again. “That armor is blasphemously powerful.”

The fighter shook his head. “Egall cast the spell. She's a mage of Giantsrest that Nathan rescued, trained as a Nail before being enslaved. She helped us win.”

“A Nail?” Dalo’s face pinched. “Casting invisibility on others is a rare Insight. They would never let one like that be enslaved. You cannot trust her.”

Sarah frowned, her voice tight. “We can. She was enslaved by Exea’s favored scion, and carries no loyalty for Giantsrest. I’ve spent a lot of time talking to her, and she helped us in the fighting. Made Aarl invisible, and after Exea fled she dropped fifty soldiers with an ice spell so we could kill the mage cowering behind. She doesn’t want to fight, but she won’t go back to Giantsrest. Trust my word.”

The old man gave her a long, suspicious look. “As you say.”

While the others were talking, Nathan had drained his glass of Umna again. He’d told the Heirs about his second class, and he should tell the Guardians as well. He just didn’t expect their response to be as positive.

A lot of them probably know the Insight, and decided against it. They’re over level 729 in one class, so what would starting fresh with a new class really get them?

Kia gestured for him to slide his glass down to her, where she refilled it and sent it back. Her gaze captured his.

“After this battle. If we win, will you go to Giantsrest, Nathan? Attempt to repeat your deed, and kill the Giant?”

He set down the drink and sighed. “Yes. I have the skills, I gained a second class that will let me sneak into the city alongside Faline.”

The Guardians all traded glances, and Kia nodded as if she’d just confirmed a hypothesis. “How many did you kill to gain that class?”

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Aura of Antimagic 6

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 7

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 10

Class: Implacable Antimage level 210

Deepened Stamina: 6487/6600

Antimage’s Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Class: Assassin of Gemore level76

Regenerative Focus: 860/860

Catastrophic Blows

Stealthy Movement



Unsuspecting Strike

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 8

Leadership 4

High-tier Sprinting 7

Magical Perception 6

High-tier Notice 10

Magical Intuition 3

High-tier Dodging Footwork 9

Mental Fortress 2

Mid-tier Lecturing 10

High-tier Tumbling 7

Mid-tier Noticeability 6

Low-tier Quiet Movement 4

Low-tier Disguise 4

Mid-tier Battle Cry 1

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