Ends of Magic

Chapter 20: Impressive Introductions

Wow, he’s cool. That’s gotta be the Questor.

The man stepped out of the door and held out his hand for a handshake. “I’m Brox Thastus, and I hear you’re the one who gifted this city with salvation.”

Nathan bounded to his feet and shook Brox’s hand firmly, meeting his amethyst eyes and returning the smile as best he could. “Nice to meet you. You’re here to help?”

I hope so. He could probably take on the army of Giantsrest single handedly. He’s real hot too.

Brox let out a resonating chuckle, releasing the handshake and waving for Nathan to follow him. “Clear as silver ice, eh? Indeed, I’m here to end Badud and his little coven of mind-mages.”

Nathan felt a burden release from his shoulders at the words. Brox would take care of Giantsrest.

The Questor gave the two elites a sweeping gesture as he led Nathan out the door. “Take your rest, faithful guards. It is my desire to speak with the Mage-Breaker alone. He shall be safer than a Vault of Solace.”

The two freed elites clasped their hands together in a Giantsrest-style salute before trotting off towards the kitchens.

Brox kept walking, taking a passage that led to a staircase. “Divine inspiration on you for what you’ve done with those elites. They were a blasphemy of a true martial adept - but now? Now they burn with a vengeful spirit, tempered by the discipline hammered into them by harsh masters.”

Nathan nodded from where he was walking behind Brox, then realized the man couldn’t see him and almost slapped himself. He needed to be impressive, needed to demonstrate that he was worth the Questor’s attention. “Yeah, turning their own slaves against them seemed like the way to win. I did it for the whole city.”

“Smart. See you at the top. Don’t make me wait.” Brox turned to climb the staircase. He winked at Nathan and vanished with a burst of displaced air.

Nathan stared at the space the Questor had been occupying. He hadn’t felt any magic - but the challenge was clear. He wasn’t about to disappoint Brox, so Nathan leapt for the staircase, spending Stamina and using every mobility skill he had to accelerate his upwards path.

Maybe this is a good time to Develop [Slow Fall], to keep up! Then I can show Brox I can fly too. That's an impressive trick.

Nathan’s brows furrowed at the thought. He’d wanted to talk to Kia about that - or take it in the next big fight. But impressing Brox was important. He started pushing off the walls, spending Focus to help him place his feet properly as he ricocheted up the staircase.

He reached back with [Enhanced Memory] to remember the Insight Kia had given him so long ago to Develop [Slow Fall] into [Airwalking]. She’d taken him into the ruins of Old Gemore to show him traces of their culture, their art - and how they'd fallen to the Endings regardless.

Let’s see, she said I need to push off my class resource. Direct it down to the soles of my feet and push off of it in midair. Use my muscles for the actual force.

Nathan felt the Talent flex, as if it was pushing the bounds of what it could do. Then he remembered Kia’s exhortation to practice first, and to take the Development in the middle of a fight. He felt a twinge of discomfort at the conflict between his memories and his current intentions.

I should wait - Kia’s advice was good. Besides, I’m almost at the top of these stairs. Focus and Stamina are excellent for physical challenges like this.

He emerged from the long staircase to find himself on a balcony near the top of the mansion. The secluded vantage point looked out over the gorgeously decorated garden - and the city beyond.

Brox was leaning against the railing just ahead, looking out over Halsmet. He turned back with a photogenic grin. “How’s it feel to save your first city? Exhilarating, no?”

Nathan felt breathless at the picture of Brox standing against the railing, smiling at him. “Yeah.”

He swallowed to work saliva back into his mouth. “I feel like I helped a lot of people. Now we gotta protect them from Giantsrest coming back.” Nathan walked over to stand close to Brox, leaning against the balcony next to him.

“Mmmhmm. That’s the reward for killing a dragon - slaying all the rest.” Brox returned his gaze to the city, his arm brushing against Nathan’s.

The touch felt like electricity and Nathan froze in place, trying to control his reactions - and not scooch closer to the Questor.

He’s probably used to people throwing themselves at him all the time. I mean look at him! I need to be controlled around him, not seem desperate.

They didn’t speak for a moment, and Nathan wracked his brain for something smart to say to Brox. He cast his mind back for a moment, remembering what Sudraiel had told him about Questors in general, and Brox in particular. He already knew some things about this man, surely he could leverage that knowledge.

With [Enhanced Memory], the Guildmistresses’ voice was clear in his head - as were her warnings against Questors. She’d specifically warned Nathan against Brox.

Wait. That can’t be right. Brox is awesome! Sudraiel’s gotta be wrong about him.

But Nathan’s memory didn’t lie - and Sudraiel hadn’t led him astray so far. She’d cautioned him against Brox, and he’d believed her. In fact, he’d intended to stay away from Brox when and if the Questor showed up.

But that’s not what I’m doing. Because Brox is cool, and there’s no need to stay away. But when did I change my mind?

Nathan’s brows furrowed as he used [Enhanced Memory] to scan over the last few minutes, focused on his thoughts about Brox.

It was like a switch flipped when he arrived and smiled at me. I felt like he was the coolest person in the world - and desperately wanted to impress him. That’s not right. There must be a skill affecting me.

It felt like a bucket of cold water down Nathan’s neck. He sunk into [Battle Meditation], and his Rage activated, though he didn’t move a muscle. The wave of cold fury rose and swept away Nathan's attraction to the man.

“What’s the Talent? That let you free so many?” Brox’s voice was deep and throaty, and it sent tingles up Nathan’s spine even through the resistance of his Rage.

He struggled not to spill the secrets of his antimagic - and of Earth. Nathan called up his memories of Sudraiel’s warning again, focusing on what she’d said and how he’d believed her. Brox was dangerous, and what was affecting him right now was a skill. It wasn’t Nathan.

Congratulations, you have developed the [High-tier Enhanced Memory] utility skill into [Mental Fortress].

Utility skill: [Mental Fortress]

You have a mental construct to aid with memory and recall. This skill will help you quickly store and recall memories, as well as protect you from skills and spells that would interfere with your thoughts and memories. With time and effort you can recall older memories and store them in the mental construct.

The desire to like and be liked by the Questor faded away, and Nathan let his muscles relax. He took a step back from the railing and turned over Brox’s question in his head - and how to properly answer it.

I do not want to make an enemy of this man. He's a warrior without compare and could probably break me in half with a single pinky. We need him against Giantsrest. But I understand why Sudraiel made such a big deal about staying away from him. He nearly had me wrapped around his finger - and I don’t think he was trying particularly hard.

He pursed his lips and answered Brox confidently. “Antimagic. I’m immune to magic, both friendly and not. I recently developed it to let me break spells on other people. I can break slave collars with a touch.”

No need to talk about it working on basically any magical effect, or absorbing mana to gain Stamina, or anything else going on with my build.

Brox whistled, the sound like the trill of a reed instrument. “A weighty trade. A powerful ability, but never able to benefit from magic…” he turned and looked Nathan up and down, his eyes seeming to focus in a way they hadn’t before.

“No magical items. Cloth and flesh and blood. You must have a dragon of a healing Talent - or the toughness of adamant.” The Questor’s smile grew wide, nearly gleeful. “This! This is what I love of Gemore!”

He gestured towards Nathan in a sweeping gesture, as if to take in not just him but the entirety of the Adventurer's Guild. “Gemore has fire. You face monsters worse than most, and you thrive. The Adventurers are the tradition on which Gemore is built - and by the Divine does it produce fighters.

Brox stepped forward and offered his hand again. “I greet you again, Nathan Lark! Would you be my companion for this campaign? Antimagic seems a fine edge to hold against Giantsrest.”

Nathan felt the charm effect buffeting him, trying to persuade him to accept Brox’s offer without question. He remembered his real goals, and how they extended beyond being a Questor’s lackey.

Mental Fortress 2 achieved!

Now, how to respond. He didn’t seem to object when I didn’t share the details of my antimagic Talent - but I should deflect. I don’t know if he’d take blunt refusal well.

“I have teammates - and they aided me in taking this city from Giantsrest. We’re likely to be sent out on patrol soon. Sudraiel has said we need to screen the city from Giantsrest scouting. We could ask her if that makes sense now that you've arrived?”

The Questor nodded, hand stroking the light stubble on his chin. “It is no surprise to find that Sudraiel is guildmistress. I remember her fire from when I was last here - fighting off an incursion from Agmon. That was a good bout with Ushia, and we held them back!”

He sighed wistfully, then rounded on Nathan once more. “A patrol seems a poor use of your talents - unless you have some weighty intelligence. Let us go speak with Sudraiel. I will challenge her plan if it is foolishness, or follow her commands if it is not. Come!”

I get the sense that Brox needs to be handled carefully. But Sudraiel is probably the best person for that anyway - she said she'd given orders he get brought to her immediately.

Nathan followed the Questor down the stairs at a fast walk - though at least it wasn’t the insane speeds of the ascent. Nathan hadn’t even been able to keep track of the Questor's speed then.

The Questor walked straight to the enchanted map room. A pair of Adventurers from the Old Hands stood outside the door and Nathan greeted them briefly.

I wonder what they’re going to do now that Delric is dead. They’ll probably split up and join other teams or one of their own will become the leader and they’ll take in some new people. Maybe some of the people of Halsmet who want to be Adventurers.

The two guards allowed Brox into the room without question, which caused Nathan to grimace. What was the point of guards if the right skills let somebody waltz in anyways?

Then again, he’s a Questor. It would take the Guardians to match him on the field of battle, so it makes sense he’d outclass us in other areas too.

Sudraiel was inside, examining the map of Halsmet. “Hmm. What about Archmage Dennar…” She looked up as Nathan and Brox entered, breaking off her sentence. “Ah. Welcome to Halsmet, Questor Brox Thastus. Your arrival sparks our courage.”

Nathan looked around for Faline, who Sudriael had likely been talking to. One of Myrla’s subordinates was here, along with Olad, Egall, Gale Shullet and a few more Adventurers he didn’t recognize. He caught the briefest glimpse of a black-clad figure slipping through the secret passageway.

[Notice] 10 achieved! Congratulations, you have maxed out this utility skill! It cannot be improved any further. You must achieve Insight into this skill to develop it to the next level. As it is High-Tier, the kind of insight will greatly affect how it develops.

I’ve never been able to see Faline leaving before when she didn’t want to be seen. I think [Mental Fortress] is helping me against some of her stealth skills. Along with [Notice] - it’s enough. I don’t think she wants to be near Brox.

The Questor let loose a rolling chuckle, looking around the room and then at the map of the city. “This place was captured with enchantments intact! What a prize. You are denying [Teleport] spells?”

Sudriael nodded respectfully, taking a deep breath and setting herself. “Yes, the city was taken quickly - and from within. Exea escaped, and now plots her return. It will take some time for her to gather an army, so we brace ourselves for the defense.”

“Ah. Spies inside the enemy?”

“Yes. We have knowledge of the politics of Giantsrest, and they are as muddy as ever, even with Badud to command the fist.”

The smile on Brox’s face was benevolent. “Wise - Gemore knows the ways of war.” He clapped Nathan on the back. “I’ll be joining Nathan on his patrol - send us where we can find a fight.”

The Guildmistress shot a look at Nathan, her face guarded. “Nathan, what is your desire? Now that you have met Brox, do you wish him with you?”

I think she’s asking if I’m under the sway of Brox’s social skills. If she knows Brox, I bet she can predict he’d try to recruit the flashiest Adventurer he can find. After freeing Halsmet, that's me.

He shrugged, making a show of being ambivalent. “If needed, though might he be needed in Halsmet? I think the Heirs and I can handle a patrol - maybe scout out the nearby dungeons for their dangers.”

Brox wasn’t dissuaded. “Ah, a capable team for a capable Adventurer. It is my desire to help explore these lands. We could even clear a Dungeon!”

Sudraiel tensed looking between Nathan and Brox. She hesitated for a second, clearly thinking. “That’s a good way to kill the problem, but the Heirs have been fighting in hostile territory for a long time. I have given them two days of rest. Would you like to join another team on patrol? Or take a tour of the city?”

The Questor frowned, his expression shifting towards annoyance.

The Guildmistress waved towards Nathan. “Once the Heirs are rested, you may join them. They need to rest, else even their adamant will crack.”

Brox’s face smoothed out and he nodded at the suggestion. “I hope I don’t miss them. I’d merely have to run and catch up! But a tour of this city sounds good - I would see how Giantsrest manages their holdings, and what changes Gemore is making.”

“I can take him around. I’m familiar with the city.” Olad said. He was looking at Brox as if entranced.

The Questor looked Olad up and down and raised an eyebrow at his heavy armor. “Yes, that is my desire. Are the Adventurers mostly staying in this mansion? You shall be my comrades for the upcoming battle.”

“Some are here - many are staying in the houses nearby. The new leaders of Halsmet are here as well, and the freed slaves are celebrating across the city. Liluce can show you where the parties are being organized.” The guildmistress gestured towards the pretty scribe who had stood behind Myrla during the meeting earlier.

The woman squeaked, her eyes locked onto Brox as if entranced.

He smiled back. “Yes, it seems there is much to busy myself with in this city.”

I think she’s trying to foist him off to places where he can’t interfere. Not sure if having the de-facto head of the Halsmet military and the right-hand-woman of the mayor under his sway isn't a problem.

Brox stepped towards Olad, leaving Nathan behind. “Tell me, you are an elite of Giantsrest?”

The big fighter snorted. “I was. Then the mage-breaker freed me, and now I fight them with steel in my fist.”

The Questor’s smile bloomed again, shining across the room and making several people go weak-kneed. “Excellent! Take me on this tour.” He turned to the scribe. “Liluce, may I have the honor of your company as well?”

Sudriael made a shooing motion at Nathan behind Brox’s back, then turned back to the map as Brox continued chatting with the two recently freed slaves.

Nathan took the hint, and left while the Questor was distracted.

He found Stanel and his children in a corner of the garden. Aarl had fully activated his armor and was walking through a greatsword drill in slow motion. His father and sister stood to the side, watching his movements in the magically powered armor.

They broke off as Nathan called out, walking toward them and waving his hands.

“What occurs?” Sarah greeted him, looking questioning. “You stared at enough walls?”

“Brox is here.” Nathan said in response.

Stanel grimaced and tensed up. He looked around warily while his hand drifted to the pouch that held his armory. “Where?”

“I left him in the enchantment control room. He talked with Sudraiel and then Olad was going to take him on a tour of the city.”

The [Weaponmaster] relaxed a fraction and took a breath to steady himself. “True aim. The Guildmistress has dealt with him before. He’s a tough ghoul uncle - I’d rather wake the dungeon than work with that man.” He shivered. “But he’s got a social skill forged of adamant. Every time he visits I am drawn to him, despite the tragedies of the past.” The elite adventurer seemed shaken by the news of Brox’s presence, and unhappy at the thought of the Questor being around.

The helmet retracted away from Aarl’s face, and he laid a comforting hand on his father’s arm. “You can stay away from him. We can stay away from him. He is a single man, and he fights with us.”

Stanel nodded, reaching out to embrace his son.

Should I tell him? I should tell them now. I don’t know all of the history here.

“I think Sudraiel is going to send him out on patrol with us. With the Heirs. To keep him busy until the battle. I’m immune to his social skills - and the Heirs have been developing their own resistances. I think that’s why she wants to do it.”

Stanel’s face turned to stone, and his head rotated slowly towards Nathan. “Not even as a game.”

Sarah’s voice was calming. “Let’s go find the rest of the Heirs - and the Guardians. We can start the party early and talk about this.” She looked troubled at the news, and her father’s reaction.

Status of Nathan Lark:

Permanent Talent 1: Aura of Antimagic 6

Permanent Talent 2: Perfected Body 7

Talent 3: High-tier Slow Fall 10

Class: Implacable Antimage level 210

Deepened Stamina: 6219/6600

Antimage’s Impassivity

Antimagic Momentum

Raging Thrill

Implacable Inertia

Unarmored Resilience

Improved Antimagic

Strenuous Agility

Hand-to-hand Expertise

Class: Assassin of Gemore level76

Regenerative Focus: 832/860

Catastrophic Blows

Stealthy Movement



Unsuspecting Strike

Utility skills:

Battle Meditation 8

Leadership 4

High-tier Sprinting 7

Magical Perception 6

High-tier Notice 10

Magical Intuition 3

High-tier Dodging Footwork 9

Mental Fortress 2

Mid-tier Lecturing 10

High-tier Tumbling 7

Mid-tier Noticeability 6

Low-tier Quiet Movement 4

Low-tier Disguise 4

Mid-tier Battle Cry 1

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