Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 4 - 004 Milk said that the electricity quarrel was won

Chen Yuan’s voice became louder and louder, which quickly attracted the attention of the people around her. Finally, the old lady Sun next door had bad legs and came out to watch the fun. He lives in a family area, and of course he knows about Boss Shen. Those three children look very pitiful. They are not raised by their parents. Now they are handed over to the step-grandmother. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen, and Zhang Guilan. He is usually very kind and kind, but who knows the real situation, it seems that this is not his own after all, there is a big difference.

Zhang Guilan’s face is not good-looking: “Don’t spit, a woman from a small place has no manners at all. I am your elder anyway, so are you talking to your elders like this?”

Chen Yuan doesn’t want to be kidnapped by morality: “The elders must also look like elders. You are so mean to these three poor children, and their father will definitely not be at ease if he knows.”

At this time, Zhang Guilan was not as rational and strong as before. She opened her mouth for a long time and did not refute it. When she heard about the knowledge of Mr. Shen, she was a little flustered and wanted to explain something. A group of people gathered in front of the door, and when they heard what others were talking about, step-grandmother, black-hearted ghost, and step-mother, then step-father, his face suddenly turned blue.

And when he came in, he just heard Chen Yuan say the last sentence: “I believe that the eyes of the masses are sharp, time will witness the truth, and justice will be given to the children at that time. If everyone doesn’t believe it, then I will find someone The tape recorder is installed with a loudspeaker on the roof, and 24 hours a day, the words I just said are played back and forth without a single word, so that the neighbors can also listen to it. I think that this matter, Boss Shen, in the spirit of the sky, will understand me. .”

what! Do you want to loop through loudspeakers? And let the neighbors hear it?

Shen’s father, Shen Changan, heard this in the back of the crowd. Is he still a man in this area? You must know that you are a leader in the tax bureau. If you really do this, you will not be known by everyone. At that time, I really don’t have the face to go to the unit.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he didn’t have time to worry about Chen Yuan’s affairs, so he glared at Zhang Guilan and shouted, “Isn’t that shameful enough? Hurry up and go back to me.”

Zhang Guilan was so angry that she was about to bite one of her teeth and stared at Chen Yuan fiercely, with intense anger in her eyes, she wished she could go forward and tear Chen Yuan’s mouth open, but she also knew that her old man loved face the most, and his face was simply better than his. His life is important. At this time, it has already caused a discussion among the neighbors. If it goes on like this, there is no way to end it.

Shen Changan and Zhang Guilan walked away in despair. What Chen Yuan said was not a joke. She was able to do it. Because there is energy, there is no fear. In an all-purpose living system, the biggest weakness is not courtesy, righteousness, integrity, and morality. Model, but lack of energy, energy is her lifeblood, human life is a major issue, so she will not give in an inch.

Zhang Guilan and Shen Changan hid in the room, shut the door tightly, and began to talk about what happened today, with a look of grievance and anger: “This Huaizi’s new wife is too barbaric, she will leave without saying a word. All those things were moved away, and now this practice is to directly hit our elders in the face, these things have to be taken back no matter what, or where should I put this face.”

After she said this, she saw that Shen Changan could vent her anger. After all, Chen Yuan also offended the other party today, and usually Lao Shen loves face the most, so he would definitely not be able to stand such a provocation, and he would definitely find a way to rectify that little daughter-in-law. But I never expected that I would hear Shen Changan say angrily: “What else do you want, don’t you think this is a shame? You have to make it known to everyone to be happy?”

Zhang Guilan’s face changed, she didn’t think that Lao Shen would think so. Yesterday, she was afraid of attracting attention, so she gave her daughter a piece of pork. The other things haven’t been sent out yet, how could it be cheaper for those three little bastards.

“Don’t come back, can you swallow it? Go and have a look. Comrade Shen Huai brought back all those things, and there’s not a single one left. Are you just enduring it?”

Shen Changan felt that if this matter spread out, wouldn’t it be his own who would be lost? And it was originally something that the second child gave to his own nephew. He also read the content of the letter that he brought back. He was thinking about the three children every word. He didn’t even mention the parents, and he ended up outside without making a sound. After getting married, he didn’t tell the family, nor did he ask his father’s opinion. That’s what he was angry about, so he didn’t want to see his new daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Zhang Guilan cares so much about what he eats, he doesn’t get angry.

“When you mention the matter of dividing things, don’t think that I don’t know your selfishness. It’s nothing more than swallowing everything you want and not giving it to the three children of the old family. If you didn’t do it too much, what would happen to these things today? Give me a break as soon as possible, I don’t want to hear rumors about these things.”

When Zhang Guilan was told, her face was a little flustered. She usually acts very cautiously, and the bowl of water on the bright side is very flat. Otherwise, she remarried and became Shen Huai’s stepmother all these years, and no one said she was not good at all. Thinking of Lao Shen’s heart has long been clear, it is not because he does not object, and it is impossible for him to do such excessive.

Do you have the right to say that she is unfair to those children?

It was all because of Shen Changan’s inaction that led to this situation. Zhang Guilan asked herself that she preferred to take care of her own daughter and the child she was carrying, and she was unwilling to take care of those little bastards.

But once the matter of taking care of the little **** blows up, it is a pity that Shen Huai gave the 40 yuan per month, as well as various tuition and miscellaneous expenses, and there is a lot left over every month. Zhang Guilan only needs to think about the future. This money may not be given to her, and the heartache is enough.

How could that weak new wife take care of other people’s children so carefully? Now she is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, saying that she takes pity on the three little bastards, and it seems that she wants to take over from her and take care of herself. She pretends to be so virtuous, and it is estimated that she will persist for a few days until she is pregnant with her own child after a long time. That Dabao Erbao and the others will be bored no matter how they look at it, and they will send it back to their own hands without hesitation.

Thinking about it this way, the other party must not last long. Isn’t the labor fee still his own in the future, and this new daughter-in-law can easily shoot herself in the foot by pretending to be like this. It is not so easy for her to establish a virtuous reputation. , I can’t hold on at that time, just wait and see the joke.


Dabao Erbao Niuniu had a false alarm, and the three children sweated on their palms. They almost thought that things were about to be taken away, and they were about to be beaten. Although it was common for them to be beaten and scolded, but no one Born to want to be beaten.

Although things calmed down, Chen Yuan checked it and found that the children’s happiness indices were equal to each other. Although the progress bar had increased, it decreased after being frightened. In the end, the energy that could be absorbed was only 2 points.

In the evening, Dabao Erbao started to do her homework. After Niuniu was full, she fell asleep in bed without knowing it. Chen Yuan saw that it was dark outside and the lights in the room were very dim, so she got up and turned on the lights.

The weak light, when I don’t know if there are old 10W light bulbs shining through, people with almost eyes may not be able to read the words on the book. Chen Yuan suspects that the amount of this light bulb for a year can’t keep up with her daily use. of.

When Dabao Erbao saw the sudden light, the movement of the pen in his hand sped up a little, and only the tip of the pen was rubbing on the white paper, making a squeaking sound.

Chen Yuan felt that the light of this lamp was too dim. Children who read and write under their eyes for a long time are very prone to myopia. In this era, there is no ring to protect the eye lamp, and even myopia surgery cannot be done when I have myopia. You have to take precautions first, buy a larger shed lamp, and also have a special desk lamp for reading and writing, and go to the mall tomorrow to see if there is a suitable one.

It didn’t take long for Dabao and Erbao to finish today’s homework. The first thing they did after finishing their homework was to turn off the lights in the living room, leaving only one light in the small bedroom, and then cleaned up their hands. The book, came over and said to Chen Yuan.

“Second aunt, let’s go out to read some books and come back in a while.”

“Going out to see? Going there so late?” Chen Yuan is now the only parent among the three children. First, it is not safe to go out so late. Second, she doesn’t understand why she has to go out to read. Is it because the lights are too dim? already? But it seems to be darker outside, I really can’t figure it out.

Dabao said: “Because the milk said that it costs electricity, let’s go out to read. The street lights outside are very bright. Let’s use the electricity from the public house, and we don’t need it for nothing.”

Erbao also added: “She also said that the electricity bill is too expensive, let’s save a little bit. Originally, the shed lights were large, but later she disliked the cost of electricity and replaced them with small lights.”


How much electricity does a light bulb cost, and such a small light hurts the eyes. Compared with wasted electricity money, isn’t it the most important thing to protect eyesight?

In addition, Shen Huai’s house has a lot of electrical appliances, including black and white TVs, small washing machines, and radios. When she was cleaning, she saw a seal that was not allowed to be used. Dabao Erbao said that it was posted by Zhang Guilan, and she was afraid of wasting electricity.

Chen Yuan scolded Zhang Guilan again in her heart for being stingy. She turned on the lights in the living room outside again, so that Dabao Erbao could continue reading without worrying about the lighting. Then she rummaged through the box and found a rusted flashlight, which was old and had no batteries. The battery behind the radio can be used normally.

With the help of the light from the flashlight, Dabao Erbao can read books with less effort. The two of them seem to have never been so attentive before, without outside interference, the whole person feels a lot more attentive.

The next day, because Erbao’s lunch box was broken by the one called the high temperature, there was a very large crack on it and it could no longer be used, so Chen Yuan wrapped two potato shredded burritos for the two children with oil paper and took them to school. Now, the contents of the burrito are also very simple. There are two fried eggs from Shen’s family, served with vegetable leaves, a very monotonous sauce made with soy sauce, and fried golden and shiny shredded potatoes. The outside is a glutinous pancake made of white flour, which is firm and elastic. The portion is large enough to eat. Although it seems to be a very simple set meal in Chen Yuan, the children are very happy. This kind of delicacy is a lifetime Have never eaten.

When people are short of food, they don’t care about whether it’s delicious or not, as long as they eat to avoid starvation. In the past, Dabao Erbao and Niuniu aimed to have enough food and struggled with food and clothing every day. After the second aunt made the meal, they suddenly realized that the food could be so delicious. It was completely different from their previous beliefs. However, after eating it, it suddenly felt as if the meaning of life was different.

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