Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 3 - 003 trivia noise

When she saw this woman for the first time yesterday, she threw their quilt out. Dabao had already determined that what happened in her dream was true. She looked at them with disgust and wanted to drive them out. At home, what Dabao thought at that time must be far away from this woman. If he can’t mess with her, he won’t mess with her. It’s okay to suffer a little bit, as long as he can make his younger siblings safer.

But today she suddenly became better to them, which made Dabao puzzled, and he couldn’t figure out whether the bad woman in the dream was the second aunt in front of him. The gap between the two was too big.

Chen Yuan made a stewed potatoes with pork noodles. When she cooks, she will give specific instructions in her mind. The first item is to search for the production steps of pork ingredients, and the information is directly extracted according to the following contents. The second part starts after receiving the instructions. In the end, he picked up the knife and cut the pork into square pieces in an instant, and put it into the pot to fry the sugar-colored and soy sauce aniseed. A series of actions are very skilled.

Cooking is a necessary skill for a life steward system. Any ingredient on earth can perfectly present a delicious dish in her hands. Out of the age of the three children and the evaluation of various physiques, Erbao He Niuniu has the worst physique, Dabao is slightly better, but also very thin. Humans may suffer from various diseases due to long-term malnutrition.

Therefore, in order to make a reasonable match, Chen Yuan also cooked a nutrient-rich vegetable porridge with radishes and green leafy vegetables in it. I posted a few tortillas. This is a traditional way of eating for the northern people that she saw when she downloaded the information.

When Chen Yuan brought out a whole pot of meat from the kitchen, the three children instantly turned into free birds, rushing over happily, holding the chopsticks and bowls obediently, watching the fragrant smell of the big pot. Swallow and spit.

It’s so fragrant, so fragrant, ten thousand times more fragrant than rice made with milk. This is the common voice of the three children. Dabao, who has been paying attention to the whole process, thinks so in his heart, because the second aunt is very reluctant to put oil when making oil. When I cook with milk, I deduct a lump of lard the size of a bean, and I don’t want to put any more. The dishes made are all clear soup and watery.

Compared with this pot of meat, it is like one on the ground and one in the sky. If nothing else, the ingredients are all fresh. Usually, milk cooks for them, but not every meal. A big pot of stew, after this meal, reheat it and continue to eat it. One pot can be eaten for two or three days. Sometimes it is easy to go rancid if you cook too much. At this time, the milk will scold them for wasting food. , so that they eat bad stomach several times.

Niuniu’s teeth are all grown, but the Shen family’s feeding is not attentive. The food is usually similar to what Dabao Erbao eats. Her body is very thin, her arms are only as thin as two little fingers, and a weak wind can blow. , I drank a bowl of batter all day today, and I was dizzy when I was hungry.

In the quiet air, there was the sound of the children swallowing continuously. Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen after finishing the last serving of vegetable porridge and said, “You can eat it, but you have to slow down, or it will burn.”

As soon as they finished speaking, the three children quickly picked up their chopsticks and quickly picked up a piece of pork belly that was rich in color and bright amber, and stuffed it into their mouths. The moment they entered the mouth, the fat juice burst on the tip of the tongue, and the fat and thin pork was stewed. Cooked just right, eating a bite of the crispy, soft and rotten meat sizzled with oil in the mouth, and felt that the soul was sublimated.

Potatoes are soaked in pork oily water and braised sauce, which becomes fragrant and glutinous and delicious, and the noodles are even more delicious.

Dabao and Erbao took a tortilla and ate a bite, and they knew that it was completely different from the one made by their milk, which was as hard as a stone egg. As soon as she eats it, she knows that she must have added white flour. Among the three children, Niuniu’s teeth are the softest. When she eats the pancake, she doesn’t bother at all. She swallows one in two or three mouthfuls. It looks like she is really hungry. Vegetables The porridge is still cooked with fine rice, and the taste is really fragrant and delicious.

Chen Yuan didn’t save the half of the pork at all, because it didn’t have a few kilograms at all, and it would shrink after it was stewed, so she just stewed it all, and all three children ate well. In fact, as a machine, she was also the first to eat. Once I ate the food I made myself, the sensitive taste on the tip of the tongue came, it was unexpectedly delicious, and I enjoyed the hard-won fireworks. I sighed in my heart that it feels so good to be a human being. I don’t understand why people in the future should mechanized.

Half an hour later, the dishes and bowls on the table were clean, and there was nothing left. After dinner, Chen Yuan ate too much oil, and the children’s stomach couldn’t take it anymore, so she brought those things back to Shen Huai. I found a small packet of tea, and made a pot of fragrant jasmine flowers to relieve their greasy.

Niuniu’s belly was round and she leaned on the back of the chair and didn’t want to move at all. Dabao and Erbao may have eaten such a delicious meal for the first time in their lives, not to mention how happy they are.

Chen Yuan looked down at Dabao [-130] Erbao [-150] Niuniu [-100] The happiness index of the three children was constantly improving, their eyes were blurred, their pupils were watery, and the joy on their face was immersed in this delicious meal. in the meal.

She was quietly preparing to pick up Niuniu and **** the power from her body to convert energy, when suddenly a scream came from the house opposite the old mansion.

The neighborhood is not soundproofed at all, so they can hear it very clearly.

“It’s really a crime, how could it be thieves! God-killed dog things, how are they all stolen.”

The three children immediately panicked when they heard the sound, Oops! It must be the milk that came back and found that everything in the warehouse was gone.

With this fright, the children’s happiness index dropped with the naked eye, and Chen Yuan felt depressed. If she went back to the original point, wouldn’t her hard work for a long time be in vain? How can the energy to the mouth fly away there.

There was a banging knock on the door, and a middle-aged woman scolding, “Little bastard, get it out for me, did you take the thing, if you don’t come out, I’ll report it and send it to the Public Security Bureau.”

Zhang Guilan went home and saw that the door was open, and she knew something was wrong with a thud in her heart. Then she looked at the warehouse and saw that there was nothing left. It was stolen. After leaving the yard, a fragrant meat suddenly came out from the opposite door. Wei, no one can cook so deliciously these days, so she followed the taste and immediately determined that it was these two little **** who stole it.

“Small things that are not raised by your mother are just uneducated. I will give you food and drink for you, and you will eat them and eat them? Look at me today. I have to peel off your skins.”

The three children in the house were no longer as excited as before, and they were about to go out in a panic. Chen Yuan stopped them from walking in front. When Zhang Guilan was about to smash the door, she opened it directly from the inside. Thinking of coming out so soon, there is a beautiful woman with sharp eyebrows standing in front of her, who is the newlywed wife Shen Huai entrusted with the letter yesterday.

In fact, when he came back yesterday, he just said hello from afar. He looked weak and unpretentious, as if he had never worked hard. Shen Huai got married in a town outside. Shen Huai’s father was angry. He doesn’t look down on the other party’s shabby family background, and he doesn’t like seeing this new daughter-in-law very much. The other party lives in Shen Huai’s house, so it’s not a problem if there is no such person, waiting for Shen Huai to come back and talk.

Chen Yuan remembered that the original owner’s memory showed that when she first married into the Shen family, Shen Huai was not at home, and no one in the Shen family took her seriously. , so that the original owner had resentment in his heart and vented it on the child. It was a long time before Shen Huai came back. After Shen Huai came back, the relationship between the two had deteriorated to an irreversible level, so they divorced not long after the original owner. Also hurried off the line.

Zhang Guilan was stunned for a moment, as if she didn’t expect to meet Chen Yuan, but she ignored it and pointed at the big treasure Erbao hiding behind Chen Yuan: “Little bastard, come out, where are all the things? Hurry up and give me some Take out a lot of them, or I’ll send you to jail.”

Chen Yuan protected the three children and said coldly, “This is what the child’s uncle bought for the child, why do you take it back? If you have the ability, go to the police, just to let the big guy’s neighbors see Shen Huai’s stepmother. How did he abuse his nephew? You must know that Shen Huai pays you a lot of labor and food every month, right? How much of it is used for the child? Now you dare to come and ask for something, you are worthy of this. No conscience.”

“What’s up with you? You don’t need to worry about it. Hurry up and hand it over.” Zhang Guilan saw Chen Yuan as an outsider. Even if she married Shen Huai, she was not recognized by the Shen family. Speaking of which, there are so many divorced couples these days, whether it can be passed to the end is not necessarily the case, and the things that Shen Huai entrusted to get back, since they entered the door of the Shen family, belonged to her Zhang Guilan, how could anyone be caught? The reason for taking it out?

“I will take care of this matter today.” Chen Yuan watched the child’s happiness index drop by leaps and bounds. It was more uncomfortable than taking her life. This stepmother is the timing of the children’s happiness. Bomb/bomb, it must be eradicated No worries.

Zhang Guilan said angrily: “You think you can stop it. Seeing that you don’t eat or drink a fine drink, I will find someone to carry the things in a while. When Shen Huai comes back, I have to talk about this matter carefully, and I have to let him quit. You can’t do it, then you will be a woman no one wants. You can get away from where you come from, and what kind of prestige are you playing? But if you kneel down and admit your mistakes politely, maybe I can consider forgiving you. .”

Chen Yuan glanced at her, didn’t say anything, hugged Niuniu directly, took Dabao Erbao directly out of the house, stood at the door between the old house and the yard and shouted loudly:

“The three sons of the eldest of the Shen family are really pitiful!! Dad died early, and his mother was not by his side, and he was alone and fell into the hands of the black-hearted step-grandmother. The second uncle went all the way to bring it back. The food is delicious, everything is hidden, and the child can’t even see a shadow. She went back and sent it to her pregnant daughter to replenish her body. The old lady took the 40 yuan per month given by others to take care of the child. It’s heartbreaking to think of treating children like this.”

“At this age, I don’t want to leave a way for my children to survive. When the time comes, Boss Shen will give Dabao Erbao a dream, and in his dreams, he will scold you for being an eccentric grandmother. Can you not come to you from the ground when it is quiet in the middle of the night!!! “

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