Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 33 - 033 Guazi Competition (Part One)

Shen Huai had a dream all night long. In the dream, he was drawing drawings. From the outline of the chair to the prototype, as well as the details of each part, all the lines became clearly visible in his eyes, as if he hadn’t done it before. I understand something, and suddenly I have some experience.

After waking up in the morning, the moment he opened his eyes, his first thought was to rush into the study and record it in a hurry.

It was exactly five o’clock in the morning, and it was just dawn.

Chen Yuan and the children were still asleep. Shen Huai picked up the design drawings and started to study again. He just started painting yesterday, and he did not draw very well in many places, especially when it was put together with Chen Yuan’s design drawings. tragic.

Comparing the contents of the two pictures, Shen Huai felt more and more how difficult it was for Chen Yuan to draw such lines, and every stroke was very meticulous.

Chen Yuan’s fingers are white, tender and slender, her knuckles are clearly visible, and there are no calluses. A pair of beautiful hands that are thin and boneless have created so many miraculous things. Thinking about it is incredible. She is really a very simple woman. .

Shen Huai admired Chen Yuan in his heart, and he had to catch up with Chen Yuan’s ability as soon as possible.

His progress today is better than yesterday, and at least he can draw the shape in a decent manner.

When Chen Yuan woke up, she was of course happy to see Shen Huai so diligent. It was the best thing that the other party could take the initiative to start.

When Shen Mingyuan came to Shen’s house again, Shen Huai handed over the design drawings of the model that had been issued to Shen Mingyuan and asked.

“Mingyuan, will you do this?”

Shen Mingyuan took a look with his slightly trembling shoulders. He was very surprised. He could see at a glance that the drawing of this table and chair was unusual, but he had never seen such a good drawing. The quality was high, the details were exquisite, and the key styles were different. unusual.

This style has never been seen before. There are some functions on it, and I don’t even know what it is for. Besides, it should be a set of desks and chairs. How to look at this process is unusually complicated.

He shook his head without confidence, knowing that his skills were simply not enough to make such a high-quality drawing, so reluctantly doing it would just spoil it: “This drawing is very fine, I’m afraid I can’t make something like this.”

When Chen Yuan heard this, she came out of the study and said seriously: “No matter what difficulties there are, the two of us will help you to do it together. If we can’t make some parts by ourselves, we will go to a foundry to process them, but the core parts will be processed by a foundry. Some of us have to get up and do it ourselves, the process should be very troublesome, but if we do it, your two nephews will not be so tired to do homework in the future.”

Shen Huai actually understood Chen Yuan’s intentions. She was not only thinking for the sake of the children, but also for Shen Mingyuan’s sake. Otherwise, such a difficult thing could be handed over to a more powerful craftsman to make it. Why should it be handed over to Shen Mingyuan, then? Not still want to help him out of the poor situation.

From selling melon seeds before to the multifunctional table and chairs, everything Chen Yuan did was actually helping Shen Mingyuan to grow up, and the most important thing was that after these things taught Shen Mingyuan, the future was his means of survival. Being able to be independent is what Shen Huai hopes for him the most.

When Shen Mingyuan heard Chen Yuan say this, he was very moved by Chen Yuan’s help. No matter what melon seeds or this drawing, the second sister-in-law taught him by hand. No one has been so patient with him since he can remember, even The second brother can’t care about him like the second sister-in-law, and he has nothing to repay her at all, so as long as the second sister-in-law explained to him, all of it will be completed.

“Thank you, thank you, I will do it well, and I will definitely let Dabao Erbao and the others use such tables and chairs.”

“If you have time, you can go to the store and the lumber mill to see if there are any raw materials we need. After purchasing, we can start production.”

After arranging their own affairs, Chen Yuan went to the children to make lunch, while Shen Huai was drawing drawings to the point of forgetting to sleep and eat. After a few days, as long as he was free, he would concentrate on drawing. Chen Yuan has to concentrate on her work.

Chen Yuan deliberately slowed down her work progress, but handed it over to Shen Huai for overall planning, especially when the design drawings were completed, she completely became a hands-off shopkeeper.

In addition to setting up a stall for frying melon seeds, Shen Mingyuan and Shen Huai have been buying raw materials everywhere these days, but the materials are not easy to buy. Some of them take a few days to customize, and the cost of this set of tables and chairs is very high. , the cost is only 30 yuan, which is more than his original monthly salary in a newspaper office, twice as much as when he worked as an apprentice in a wood factory, and three times as much as the allowance for the disabled.

He deeply felt that with his previous salary, he couldn’t even afford a set of such desks and chairs. Wealth was a symbol of ability, and it was conceivable how small his ability was.

Shen Mingyuan secretly made up his mind that even if he is physically disabled, his soul is intact. Inspiration must make himself strong, and he can become a person who helps his second brother and second sister-in-law in the future.

Since he didn’t go to work, his time for setting up the stall has become all day. According to the list of entertainment places given to him by the second sister-in-law before, he found the most suitable time and place for setting up the stall according to the squat and test.

And to ensure that he can grab the best position before other hawkers come, his business has always been very good, he has made a lot of money these days, and he and the second sister-in-law split the account between five and five. Earn more than work.

Shen Mingyuan still set up a stall as usual, but what he expected was that someone came earlier than him today, and took his pre-calculated position. Business will be just as good.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that the man who was in the best position was the old man who was selling melon seeds before. Today, the old man is different from the past. He straightened his back and looked at Shen Mingyuan arrogantly. inside.

The old man pointed to his booth and shouted, and there were already a lot of customers around him: “Look at it, I also have creamy and jasmine-flavored melon seeds here. They are delicious and cheap, only 8 cents a cup.”

When they heard it, the customers came together curiously, because when they heard that it was two cents cheaper than the usual price, it was really attractive.

The family is not very wealthy these days. Although two cents is small, it is still money, and I can buy two candy bars to eat.

The cheap price attracted many people to sell melon seeds. The old man’s strategy robbed most of the business. With melon seeds of eight cents, customers felt that one cent was very expensive, so Shen Mingyuan’s business suddenly became bleak. Only a few old customers who used to buy melon seeds often took care of the business, but there were very few people, and there were still twenty catties of melon seeds in the box that no one cared about.

Shen Mingyuan suddenly felt that what this old man said that day was actually true. Did he really crack the secret recipe and imitate it just after eating it?

Because the old man is robbing business, his business today is not as good as before.

Some customers also persuaded him to lower the price, but Shen Mingyuan’s melon seeds cost a lot, and if he lowered the price, he would definitely not make money, and he and his second sister-in-law partnered in business, even if they wanted to lower the price, they had to ask the other party’s opinion.

Shen Mingyuan also felt that if the old man really used the same formula as him, then he would only sell it for eight cents, so would he still make money? Besides, even if nothing is added, the original melon seeds still sell for 10 cents a cup. Isn’t this too cheap now?

He felt that something was wrong, so he decided to find a familiar customer to help him go to the next stall to buy some and try it to see if the taste was the same.

Shen Mingyuan tasted it, and felt that it did have a creamy taste, as well as the taste of jasmine, and it was very heavy and could hardly taste the taste of melon seeds. delicious.

Today, Shen Mingyuan saw that the business of the movie theater was not good, so he turned around and rode his newly bought bicycle to set up a stall at the Cultural Palace.

After returning to Shen’s house, Shen Mingyuan told Chen Yuan about the old man selling melon seeds for 8 cents.

Chen Yuan was curious and tried the package of melon seeds that Shen Mingyuan brought back. After eating, she suddenly frowned and said, “These melon seeds have gone bad.”

“Ah, why can’t you eat it?”

“Because the other party used a lot of essence to cover up the deterioration, they could only taste the essence, but not the aroma of the seeds themselves.”

Chen Yuan’s sense of taste is very sensitive, and she knew that the melon seeds were broken as soon as she entered it. It seems that the old man used shoddy methods to reduce the price.

“Mingyuan, the most important thing in business is integrity, and food is not important, food safety and taste are the first, so let’s see, because the price is cheap, it is also the customers who want to be fresh for a while, but so Doing business will never last long.”

Shen Mingyuan nodded, he remembered the second aunt’s words firmly, doing business must be honest, so that the business can be sustained and customers will trust him.

“The new flavor of melon seeds hasn’t been released yet, and it will be ready to sell when I see it in a few days.”

Shen Mingyuan nodded honestly and agreed. After the plum has been marinated, it can be used to soak the melon seeds.

A few days later, Chen Yuan really made the difference. The old man only had a good business in the first few days. After a long time, everyone thought that his melon seeds were not delicious, so they stopped buying them and came back to Shen Mingyuan. buy melon seeds from the stall.

His sales have returned to what they were before, and after the three new flavors of melon seeds were launched, they have aroused a lot of enthusiasm from customers.

These three flavors are more special and delicious, especially for customers who like salty melon seeds. The five-spice beef flavor is their gospel. The caramel-flavored melon seeds taste sweet and sweet to the heart, and the plum flavor is the most special. , people are most curious about this kind of taste, that special sour taste with a hint of sweetness, is the best snack to stimulate the secretion of saliva, and after eating the plum flavor, the appetite will improve, and at the same time buy a dollar or two The melon seeds can still be eaten as well, and you can buy all kinds of flavors, all of which taste delicious. There is no choice syndrome. Adults must have them, and children can choose.

The old man’s business got worse and he began to be jealous of Shen Mingyuan, but he couldn’t use the means of price reduction any more, otherwise the cost of inferior melon seeds would not be equal to the cost, and the essence would still need money to buy, if he didn’t make money, wouldn’t he be busy working for nothing? But seeing the customers’ money running into Shen Mingyuan’s pockets like running water, his jealous eyes turned red.

At the same time, the raw materials of multi-functional tables and chairs are also bought back.

Shen Huai and Shen Mingyuan worked hard for about three or four days and completed the production in the rental house. During the period, they encountered large and small problems, but they were all easily solved by Chen Yuan.

After the chair is ready and lined up in front of everyone, it is difficult to express the excitement of the work born from my own hands, and this chair looks good no matter how it looks, the children will definitely like it when they see it.

When Dabao and Erbao came home from school, the first thing they saw was that the old desks and chairs at home were replaced with new ones!

And the new tables and chairs look completely different from the old ones.

The chairs of the new table and chairs have a thick layer of sofa cushions, the texture is soft, and the buttocks are very comfortable to sit on.

Dabao’s eyes were stunned, and he reached out and touched the table curiously. He found that there was a switch on the leg of the table, and he stretched out his hand and pressed down hard. The place where the leg of the table connected to the table hall suddenly made a clicking sound.

The children were startled by the sound.

Looking at this multifunctional table top and table legs, the two parts are perfectly separated, and the whole table is not one body?

Erbao didn’t understand the connotation, but panicked and anxiously said beside him: “Oh, brother, why did you break the new table and chairs.”

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