Eighties Housekeeper Little Wife

Chapter 32 - 032 Shen Huai Participation (Second Update No. 1)

When Chen Yuan finished her work, she saw Liu Chuan standing by the side and watching the children playing games, all in a trance.

“Mr. Liu?”

Chen Yuan tentatively shouted.

Liu Chuan immediately came back to his senses: “Hello Mr. Chen, I’m here to give you the first issue of the manuscript fee, 2,500 copies, all of which have been sold for a total of 1,800 yuan.”

After he said this, he heard the children behind him exclaim, “So many?”

Liu Chuan looked at the children in such amazement and smiled and said, “Yes, you should study hard now. After Zhang Da, you will be able to earn so much money.”

Dabao Erbao Niuniu and the other children all widened their eyes, watching Liu Chuan take out a stack of old man’s bills from his purse and hand it to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan felt the thickness with her hand, and then stuffed it into her pocket. It was calculated that this was the most money she had ever earned from crossing over, and her hard work was not in vain.

In addition to Niuniu, the children don’t understand the concept of money. Other children have long understood what so much money means. They have never seen so much money, and the family’s salaries add up to only two or three pieces. So many old people.

But now Teacher Chen has made so much money all at once, which makes them envious, and they also feel that it is too easy to make money.

Dabao Erbao didn’t think so. They looked at the expressions of other children and suddenly said seriously: “My second aunt can make so much money because she is talented and has worked so hard. The game we play. She came up with all of it, and someone else is definitely not so smart, and can’t come up with such good things, let alone publish English books, so the second aunt earns all the money she deserves, so we have to double our studies. , also has the talent to be as talented as the second aunt.”

The children admired Chen Yuan very much, and they nodded heavily when they heard what Da Bao said: “You are right, Teacher Chen is our role model, and when I grow up, I also want to be like her. Talented people.”

“Yes, then let’s continue to study.”

“Okay, I also really want to study.”

“Learning makes me happy!”

The children went back to the desk with their companions and took the initiative to pick up the book and started to read.

In this series of behaviors, from Liu Chuan’s entrance to the present, he found that Chen Yuan did not discipline the children at all, and the children could learn by themselves. This kind of awareness was completely cultivated.

Liu Chuanguang knew that Chen Yuan’s book could help children develop their own interest in learning, but he had not actually seen the effect. He just listened to the owner of the bookstore and the parents of the students who praised the effect of the book everywhere. But what he saw was true today, and what he actually saw made him feel even more shocked. He felt that there was an invisible and intangible magic in Chen Yuan.

He is now more determined to continue to cooperate with Chen Yuan.

“Mr. Chen, can I talk to you about the second set of “How to Learn English”? I think your English book has great potential, and I hope to collaborate again.”

Chen Yuan felt that the cooperation was quite smooth, and the writing of the second set of English books didn’t take much effort. You could just write it directly at that time, and she agreed decisively: “It’s fine.”

“That’s great, we’ll talk about the specifics in detail.”

The second set of English books should increase the difficulty and increase the type of learning. After the first book is bought back for a long time, it will be boring to read it if it is turned over and transferred to the past, so it is better to add new things to them.

When Liu Chuan was sent away, the family returned to peace.

The children who came to make up lessons in the evening, as well as Shen Mingyuan, also went back.

Only Dabao and Erbao were left lying on the table to do their homework. Speaking of which, the two of them seemed to have grown a lot taller recently, and they felt that the stools and the table did not match.

Because Chen Yuan didn’t notice before, the desks and chairs used now are all the same model, and they are all made of wood and cannot be adjusted in size. Such desks and chairs look very durable, and they are also used in schools.

It is really good to use it for a short time, but after a long time of use, children will feel a little tired when sitting on it, and can’t help leaning forward or sideways.

Even if it is corrected for the children, they will soon become crooked and crooked involuntarily, and the posture will be unsightly for a long time. Their bones are growing, and poor sitting posture is likely to cause the deformation of the hunchback bones.

Imagine, the hunchback of Dabao Erbao Niuniu will definitely not be beautiful.

Chen Yuan kept her heart and must design a set of multi-functional children’s study desks and chairs for them. While thinking about it, she drew design drawings on paper.

Shen Huai came home from get off work with a fish, went in and hung up his clothes, put the fish in the kitchen, and walked quietly to the study, fearing that the sound of his footsteps would disturb the children’s study and Chen Yuan’s work.

He also prefers to stay quietly, just watching them quietly, enjoying the beauty and tranquility, not long after he turned around and went to the kitchen to make a fish and tofu soup.

Shen Huai’s cooking skills are far from Chen Yuan’s, but he is also carefully observing that the gap between them is gradually shortened in cooking skills. Now he can cook soup and cook in a decent manner, and occasionally he can receive praise from his family. .

After finishing the meal, Shen Huai asked the children to eat. Seeing that Chen Yuan was still busy, she walked gently beside her, and looked at the content above. She was surprised to find that what Chen Yuan wrote today was not in English. The content, but the drawings of the drawing design tables and chairs.

The complex craftsmanship above looks amazing, and every component is exquisite, as if it were tailor-made.

Looking down at Chen Yuan, there were already a lot of waste paper **** piled up beside Chen Yuan. It seemed that it should have been drawn many times and the best version appeared only after choosing the best version.

Chen Yuan seemed to think the problem was difficult, as if there was a problem with a certain graphic, and she was not satisfied with the final result no matter how much she drew, and scratched her head angrily: “Hey, no, let’s start over.”

Shen Huai knew that Chen Yuan was an extreme perfectionist and had extremely high demands on himself, and did not allow any mistakes. He had nothing to change, so he could only comfortably say in a low voice, “Actually, I think your paintings are very good, but there is no need to do so. Compete with yourself.”

Chen Yuan pretended to be helpless: “My hand hurts so much, I’m so tired, I haven’t succeeded in painting for so long, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to finish it.”

Shen Huai said, “Take your time, the painting will always be finished. Is there anything I can do to help?”

When Chen Yuan heard this, she blinked her big weak eyes and looked at him: “Are you really willing to help? That’s really great, I mean exactly that, please help me draw the parts.”

Shen Huai nodded in agreement, but said very honestly, “I’ve never painted before, can I do it?”

“Of course, if I say you can do it, you can definitely do it.”

Shen Huai was also very happy to hear that Chen Yuan was busy for a while, and picked up a pencil on the paper and began to imitate the graphics of the parts according to Chen Yuan’s instructions.

The corners of Chen Yuan’s lips curled up in a secret place. Speaking of which, this trick really worked. If she showed her super ability and talent every time, it would be too easy to be suspected by Shen Huai who lived under one roof. .

So for each drawing, she has to draw it several times, and she deliberately shows that the others are scraps, and then she deliberately shows weakness, expressing that her ability is average, but she has only worked hard for a long time to reach the level.

In this way, it can perfectly show that she is not so defiant, and she also has the side of ordinary people’s mistakes, pulling Shen Huai into the water and witnessing the birth of the multi-functional table and chair together.

In this way, under his nose, it is also something he has built piece by piece, and he has half the credit for his success, so he will never doubt himself.

“I saw this kind of desk and chair in an engineering book before. It looks like it should be very comfortable to sit on. Dabao Erbao is already very tiring to study. If you have a hunchback, it will have an impact on the child’s future. , so I suddenly thought that this might be useful, I have almost forgotten about it, and I don’t know if it can be made, let’s try it out.”

Chen Yuan was thinking about things in anguish while talking. Shen Huai was a layman in this regard, but he felt that Chen Yuan’s paintings were very beautiful, and he kept complimenting them.

“I think your idea is right. You can continue to draw according to this drawing.”

The sketch Shen Huai was holding was the original outline of the multi-functional table and chair. Chen Yuan had already drawn it as rough as possible, but it was still very beautiful. Such a rough style of painting still could not hide its elegance. As you can imagine, this is a very beautiful set of tables and chairs.

“Drawing together after dinner.”

After the couple and the children had dinner, the children were allowed to rest tonight and watch cartoons to relax and unwind.

Chen Yuan and Shen Huai returned to the study and began to continue the huge drawing project.

Shen Huai really doesn’t know how to draw, but he doesn’t deny that he is the kind with higher talent among humans. After Chen Yuan’s basic teaching, he has already started to draw.

He started from the most basic nut and sketched it. After finishing the painting, he felt a little ugly, so he was embarrassed to show it to Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan had to watch it, so Shen Huai had to pass it to her, ready to be criticized.

As a result, Chen Yuan said with great certainty, “Good painting! Shen Huai, you are really a genius!”

“It’s beautiful, it’s nice.”

“The line is more perfect than I’ve drawn.”

“I think you are especially suitable for this bowl of rice.”

Shen Huai was a little confused by the praise, and deeply doubted that he was really that powerful? Looking at Chen Yuan’s incomparably “sincere” eyes, he worked even harder to draw design drawings. Whenever Chen Yuan praised him, why was his voice so beautiful?

The two drew the draft in the middle of the night, and finally completed a small part of the design.

Chen Yuan is very satisfied with this speed. After all, she is a human now and not a printer. Humans should have the speed of human beings, so she has to work slowly and work hard. Shen Huai is still full of energy after working in the middle of the night, which may prove the saying that men and women work together. Live not tired.

“By the way, show this blueprint to the third child tomorrow. Isn’t he a carpenter? If he can do it, the table and chairs will be handed over to him to make.”

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