Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 51: The True Utopia (2)

D tapped on the round-edged square continent. The hologram enlarged it big enough to see it's dense green color. If looked keen enough, one can notice that it was the result of thickly populated forest.

"This continent is called 'Decarna'. The thick green colour is due to the existence of extraordinary floral life accompanied by supernatural fauna. The density of trees and grasses are so high that plain brown soil is invisible here.

The fragments of Sentience and Soul gave birth to this continent. These fragments gave birth to Flora and Fauna. The Air law fragment's traces can be found here. Due to the overpowered combination of Sentience and Soul, the lifeforms are insanely complex and mutated. Some even transcend the boundaries of plants and animals.

In essence, this continent is a minefield. From shorelines to the deepest parts of the land, vicious lifeforms stay hidden. Both floral and fauna lifeforms consist of carnivorous as well as herbivores. Their power was overwhelmingly terrifying that even the undead miasma couldn't do shit to them. In fact, the demons and wereanimals sent to invade the land were mostly eaten by the plants. Some were shredded to pieces and became food to animals.

There is an internal cycle of 'fight for survival'. But when it comes to the safety of the continent, an unnatural coordination can be seen among the plants and animals. Later, the God Devil herself voiced her command to avoid that hell at any cost."

Lee and An were listening while holding their breath. The savagery of the demons were infamous enough to send chills down the spine. Now they just heard about a bunch of lifeforms that even threatened the demon's existence.

D poked the globe and the flawless triangle came up enlarged. The barren terrain with hardly any vegetation was unpleasant to eyes.

"The continent is named 'Romoke'. There are no hidden dangers here, because you will be attacked in plain sight. You will scream and roll in pain as you witness your limbs being chewed by beasts. Romoke consists of red hot deserts to freezing mountain peaks.

The law fragments of Flame, Frost, Earth and traces of Air makes up the entire continent. The Flame law is fire in plasma state. The Frost law is Water simultaneously existing in the states of gas, liquid and solid. These two laws share the land equally and large currents of respective laws flow throughout the land while painting its path with flame or frost. The Earth law creates the continent's diverse valleys, mountains, deserts and plains.

Since there are no vegetations, beasts and creatures feed on the law fragments directly, by absorbing it's radiated energy little by little. Thus every creature on that land has either Flame or Frost or Earth law constitution. A single race can also consist of beings with different laws.

For instance, Stone Golems are the most common variety of golems. But in Romoke, we can see Flame Golems, Frost Golems and Earth Golems. The major advantage these three varieties hold over the stone version is that they can regenerate their whole body from a single and completely intact body part, whenever and wherever they are.

Abnormally gigantic insects, Skeletons, Golems, Dragons, Wyverns, Drakes, Hydras, Djinns, Wyrms, Serpents, Elemental spirits and Dinosaurs roam the land. Despite being filled with voracious legendary beasts, this continent has a very unique peculiarity that increases its residents by a great number. Any being, be it humanoid or demonoid, that dies on Romoke can be resurrected if its skeleton is exposed to a specific amount of the law energy. The amount or time period is unknown. All we know is that the resurrected skeleton will lose its previous memory and will act as one of the residents.

Since its discovery, many demonoids and humanoids have tried to invade it, but they all ended up dying and later being resurrected as a resident. The dangerous part of being resurrected is, despite losing your memory, your strength will be amplified by many times with law energy. The atmosphere is the most freaky thing about the continent. Sometimes it showers hailstorms and sometimes, thunderstorms. The continent also has an intruder response system like Decarna."

Like a pre-recorded tape, D spoke with utmost fluency and precision. Lee and An didn't question the authenticity of the knowledge. As they were expecting, D flipped his palm and the dark purple coloured circular continent came up. The dark colour was spooky. The hologram magnified and the smooth and plain terrain was visible. Its surface was only a few meters above sea level.

"Decarna and Romoke are unmistakably dangerous. But this continent is the most unpredictable.

This is known as 'Exiriado'. A continent that is entirely made out of an unknown metal. It's very peculiar and unpredictable as the metal has both metallic and earthen properties. Most importantly, the whole continent is one big sentient being!

The laws of Electromagnetism, Gravity, Force and Metal assimilated together to form this continent. The surface is barely above the sea level, yet even the Leviathan of deep sea fears to step on it. At normal times, this is its form. But from moment to moment, it changes its shape randomly and instantly. You may see the continents full of mountains at a time, and it will change to an entirely different shape in the next second.

Decarna and Romoke stand on either sides of Exiriado. Using its immense force, it tries to drag both of them towards it. But the very foundation of all the 6 continents were deeply embedded into the core of the planet. As a result, no movement occured. Then, large metallic beams began to grow out of it. They stretched towards the neighbouring ones and tried to invade them. Decarna and Romoke successfully defended against these attacks, but the metal limbs had already snatched a small portion of the laws residing in the continents.

The landmass grew plants and animals out of it. All were part of that large metal mass and everything was of the same colour. The dynamicity of the land attracted the attention of invaders. Both humanoids and demonoids invaded the land, only to be pierced by the metallic spikes. A totally unexpected thing happened. The deceased beings were sucked into the metallic ground and we're completely scanned to their biological signature. Within no time, a strange and indigenous species was born on the land.

With a conscience to attack and invade, the metallic beings started to navigate towards the other continents. But the more they travelled from the continent, the more their powers became fragile. When they reached the coasts of Intellus and Chaos, they were brittle like glass. The civilizations greatly benefited from this incident as the metallic beings were melted and crafted into weapons of great strength. These metal crafts were indestructible once forged.

But in time, the continent slowly recalled these forged weapons back to its origin. Only one such weapon exists and it is now personally guarded by the Great Devil herself, known as Scepter of Doom. Capable of producing intense seismic vibrations when slightly tapped to the ground, it nearly decimated the Chaos continent as it once nearly fell to the ground slipping from the grip of the Great Devil.

To summarise, this continent is actively aggressive!"

Pale. An was pale like a white sheet. She had expected terrible lifeforms, but none to this scale. It was unimaginable to think of the existence of a 'non-living' living metal that can absorb other law energies and empower itself.

D sighed as he can hear her heart drumming inside her ribcage. He didn't mind it as he moved to the last continent and it promptly came up enlarged. The circle was perfect and its doughnut shape amused Lee. It reminded him of the moon.

"The three continents I spoke before were infamous for its savagery and unpredictability. But that is not the case of 'Chreith'. This continent has no plants or animals on it. Nothing has been detected to be living there since it is opaque to all kind of sensing methods. It is so mysterious that me and even the previous Dimension Sovereigns before me could not probe into the continent.

The accurate size and figure of Chreith is unknown to all. This is due to the unrivalled combination of law fragments of Space, Time and Mind. Standing alone, they pose no threat. But their deadly combination is enticingly beautiful that the passersby by are subconsciously attracted towards this land. The shores are of sand and the thick circle you can see is all we can ever find out about it.

The middle portion is not blank, but is unable to observe due to Temperal and Spatial laws fluctuating dynamically. From the surface, all we can see is a big curtain of smoke. It is not actually smoke, but intense time and space distortion that makes the appearance of smoke, making it completely opaque to sight. This veil envelops the whole continent and makes it look like a big ball of dense fog. The Mind law entices any sentient being towards it. Once anything gone inside the smoky barrier, it is lost forever. But an adventurer once successfully relayed a message to the outside world before he vanished forever. It goes like, 'This is a paradise, a world in my dreams'. Thus, Chreith is nicknamed as Dreamland. A predatory dreamland, in a nutshell."

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