Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 50: The Real Utopia (1)

*Looks around*

An was confused and surprised to see herself in a completely white room. She can feel and touch the platform below her foot, but it was not distinct from the white surroundings. As she scanned the entirety of the space, a voice from her behind made her screech in surprise.

"You look confused."

An turned 180 in an instant and reached for her sword, which was an instinctual response. To her wonder, Lee was standing behind her. She was perplexed to see him as she can swear that he was not there a moment ago. The strange room and his abrupt appearance made her put up her guard.

"An, it is me, Lee. Your one and only Lee."

Lee had to convince her of the safety of the space. He took steps forward and reached her hands. She wasn't on defense, but was always ready for an attack. Lee placed her hands on his chest. The sensation of his beating heart brought a faint smile on her face, which was far from a response of satisfaction. He saw her frowned brows despite of the smile. He hugged her and let her feel the warmth of his being. The familiar sensation proved his originality to her. A wide and bright smile came upon her face as she broke free from his embrace.

"Where are we?! You sounded like you have been here before."

Lee took a step back and introduced the consciousness space. Followed by the precise and concise description, he elaborately recounted his days of both worlds. He was cautious to avoid anything that exposes the existence of the system.

The original story was slightly changed as he narrated. According to this new one, Lee was brought here by the Dimension Sovereign who summoned a saviour from other-world. Lee could only go with the flow as D dig up this cliché plot from his own brain. The truth about Amortals and their extensive plot to devour and achieve Godhood was not hidden from her. He also let her know about the sinister plan of Mo family. Both D and Lee wanted her to know about these things.

"The one and only person who reached the pinnacle of cultivation is residing inside my body. Though as a wisp, he has the power and pride of his peak. He agreed with my opinion to let you know of these incidents."

Lee finished his narration and sighed. An was surprised and worried after hearing his journey. She came to him and hugged him tightly.

"From today onwards, I will not let you suffer. As a wife and a resident of this dimension, I have my filial and moral duty to support and help my husband and my saviour. Promise me that you will never hide any secrets from me."

An was happy to hear his adventures, but was unhappy to hear that he hid these accounts from her. It was only after promising by the name of all known and unknown gods, did she release him from her grip.

An was still confused.

"The Dimension Sovereign, where is he?! Can I see him?!"

Her question was filled with anxiety, curiousity and doubt. Even before Lee opened his mouth, a large ball of black smoke materialised next to them. Even Lee was dumbstruck upon seeing this. D sounded his voice in his being that this is part of his grand entrance. Lee shook his head and looked at An.

"The person you asked for is here."

An's eyes were filled with curiosity. She was about to meet the most powerful person in this dimension. Of course, she was anxious.

The smoke condensed into a humanoid form. The outline was not visible, but the limbs, bead and torso was evident. The condensed black smoke manifested to Dnekewy's black bandage form. His glaive rose up from the ground and stood beside him. An's eyes went wide as she saw a monstrous power surging from it.

"I am Dnekewy Mbsilo. The most powerful cultivator in this dimension. It was me who summoned Lee from his world. I am sure you have heard the truth from your husband."

D sounded deafening as hell. Lee was shocked, but smiled at D as he remembered that these are all his setup for a grand entrance. But for An, this powerful figure sounded like raging oceans.

An nodded as she held Lee's hand tightly. Lee sensed her nervousness and pulled her to his side. She came to him like a lovely dove as his arm went around her shoulder.

"You said that you would explain the recent incidents after I narrate my adventures to her. I did mine, now you did yours."

An was surprised to see Lee talking to the most powerful cultivator like a friend known for a long time. The amorphous head turned to Lee and nodded after a second. The smoke began to grow rigid and took the form of a very old man. The ground beneath grew grass and became similar to terrain while the atmosphere and sky developed. The white and devoid room was now a beautiful grass plain.

Two wooden chairs sprang up from the ground. D waved his hand in an expression of welcoming Lee and An to take a seat. At a glance, this resembled a classroom setup. They promptly took a seat and the old man began to talk. His voice was not deafening anymore, but was that of a caring and loving old grandfather.

"If there was a timeline where I did not cultivate, I would look like this. But that doesn't matter anymore."

D paused for a second and raised his left hand. As he raised his hand, a 3D model of the planet Utopia formed infront of them. The continents, islands and oceans were precisely outlined on it. The details were so sophisticated that the entirety of planet with its internal components were visible. An was flabbergasted to see the whole planet in front of her. Clearly, this dimension had not yet developed any kind of 3D projection technologies or techniques. Her eyes filled with amazement. Lee was amused to see her expression.

"What you see before you is planet Utopia. This planet is the only life-supporting planet in the dimension. Because of that, all law fragments ended up on this big mass of a mess.

You might be familiar with the 10 continents. The planet's signature arrangement of continents is its major attraction. Anyone from outer space will feel like somebody deliberately placed them like so.

But what you see is not the true Utopia!"

The last sentence attracted the line of sight of both Lee and An. Their faces reflected a sense of mysterious anticipation. The old man slightly tapped the hologram and the continents began to shift away slowly. The whole planet tilted in such a way that the continents of Intellus and Chaos were now placed at the poles. Steady, yet slow, the 8 continents that guarded the eight directions assimilated to form 4 larger continents. The distinct shape and color these landmasses exhibited was bizarre. When one was moulded into a hollow circle with a thick land area as border, another one was a flawless triangle. The other two were a completely filled circle and a round-edged square. The precision of these large shapes was applaudable. For natural structures like continents, these shapes were bizarre enough. The accumulation of certain colours at each continent was nothing surprising, when considering the change.

"Before I speak of the recent earthquake, I need to tell you about the history of Utopia. This is the real planet as you can see. Contrary to the name, it was complete chaos and turmoil. A dystopia, in a nutshell.

The 4 continents you see are not simple landmasses. They housed the most vicious, hostile and cunning beings that could have wiped the entire planet, if given plenty of time.

Let me describe each one of them."

Without any command, the northern part of the planet was enlarged. The continent of Intellus hadn't changed, with its largely distorted oval shape.

"Intellus, the stronghold of humans and humanoid beings. All bipedal beings with a cooperative conscience were accepted here. Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, Goblins and Beastfolk resided alongside human beings. Fairies, Insectfolk and Dryads were not rare among them. Apart from these mainstream races, demi-races also existed through inter-racial marriages. The unanimous notion of the continent was 'Be good to all'. A much higher rate of war and bloodshed was the second main feature of this land"

D rotated the globe with his hand and the south pole came upward. Chaos was visually different from Intellus due to its asymmetric and disproportionate shape.

"Chaos, the land where only strong ruled, with the notion of cooperation still intact. This continent was infamous for its demons and demonoid races. They were not limited to bipedal. The Queen Arachna, ruler of all arachnid species was so big that she had 16 legs. The residents were Zombies, Undeads, Vampires, Wereanimals, Harpies, Succubuses, Minotaurs, Manticores, Imps, Wraiths, the God Devil and other majestic and overpowered legendary creatures. Like the name, the fight for food and leadership never ceased. It was the citizens of Chaos that discovered the other 5 continents."

A deep sigh originated from D as he paused. He extended his hand and pinched the hologram and it shrunk to its normal size. A wave and the globe slowly began to move.

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