Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 430: For old times sake

"Why do I have to come to pick you up, your wives are already giving me the death glare, enough people hate me as it is, I have no need for more" Death felt like he was being set up and pranked out of the few friendships he made. The day to leave had come, too fast for everyone's liking, but it still came nonetheless.

Let's return to a few months before, the following happened back at the new heaven.

"The gods have started returning already, only a few are left out there the coalitions have been set up and each divine realm is taking shape as we speak, most unaffiliated gods have signed up either under me or Fortuna, Tasha has finished her tasks and is ready for further orders, she chose the divinity of secrets, and has reached her previous level of control presently".

Hephaestus gave his last report, soon he would be the lord of heaven alongside Fortuna and he would be the one asking for reports, this last one was one of the shortest he ever gave to Yunan and probably the most impactful on a personal level.

Yunan nodded and gave Hephaestus a hug, he then left the old man and found Tasha, for some reason, when she renounced her divinity, her appearance changed, she no longer looked as demonic as before, her true physical body has shown its true look to Yunan; who saw her for the first time in almost a century, she looked to be from a fair folk, a strange race that gave off the feeling that one was watching a butterfly, grace and serenity were her clothes and the winds were her friends, stunning to behold.

"What would you think if I told you that I am leaving this universe and that you will be going to be my companion in my conquest, we shall roam the void and slowly carve a portion of it to be my property, how about it?". To answer Yunan's question, Tasha bowed her head and vowed to herself, just loud enough for him to hear, "wherever master goes, I shall follow, be it to a flowery field or a battlefield, I vow to dedicate my all to the master", she was about to kneel when Yunan held her by the shoulder. "Your sentiment is enough, besides, if you insist on calling me master, I may get tempted to take you in".

The two shared a smile before Yunan told Tasha to finish her preparations by the end of the year, he wanted to start a new year in a new place.

Yunan returned home to his wives, each of them was sitting and getting used to her divinity, Kaeser and Catelyn were there as well, Yunan had triggered their ascension himself a few days ago, he manually found their true divinity and fed it until they ascended without his help, although it sounds like hard work, it was nothing fancy, the truly hard work was turning the mechs into items strong enough to be used in divine wars.

For some reason, everyone around him practically nagged him to death to upgrade the weapons of mass destruction, he was told that having tools to use would save lots of time if he was planning to jumpstart the culling. He could not refute the reasoning, it would make his life much easier if he could just let his mech march instead of him to destroy the weaker gods.

Home, it was so peaceful and serene, Yunan really thought he might hesitate to continue with his journey, but his resolve was just that firm, he decided to go visit Death, cuddling was out of the question, and he had no patience to suffer his teachers for some reason.

" since your mission has been completed, how about you follow me out there, I could use your help if you are up for it, having you by my side will make things far easier, how about it? Wanna partner up?". Death shook his head, he had a bit of regret in his eyes, even his mood seemed to be a bit low.

"Sorry about that, at most I can escort you on my out, my primordial is calling me back, afraid he will lose me to you, can't say I fault him, raising me took a very long time, but as promised, I'll be around to help the other three out if anyone invaded". Death then plopped a poison lotus fruit in his mouth muttering about how much he will miss the tastes of this little things.

Yunan offered to give him a vat of poison lava wine and some fermentation stone but Death declined, something about how it will break his heart, even more, when his primordial destroys it, according to the null, it was stupid for the representatives of death and decay to have things they like or were emotional, Death had never hated corporate policy as he did this day.

Yunan left Death to gorge himself and entered Burkan, his target was The dungeon, it has been re-established after the war was ended and divine realms were no longer restricted, he wanted to take a walk inside for the sake of old days, it was here that he truly grew, from a brat into a god, into a man, and most importantly, he grew to be a one-man army.

Without much effort, he unfurled his wings and slowly floated a few inches above the ground, he hid his aura and advanced according to the mental map he had made so long ago, he blasted away at anything that stood in his way, he took the time to pass through every place that marked an event in his life, from the pleasure houses on the early floors, to the restaurant of old Roe, the hanging palace in the fortieth floor, the forest of the silver mice, the frozen land of the Yuki, the 80th floor trading post, and then the 100th floor, each of these places had left a mark in him as much as he left his marks on them.

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