Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 429: Prophecy unveiled

While the teachers were having their deserved holiday, Yunan was in the bedroom, taking his time to talk sweet nothings to his wives, it has been very long since they have been together, and as a proper husband, Yunan would never miss the chance to pamper his wives when he had the time and ability to do so.

"Do we have to?", Sarrah was not very happy, Yunan had just told them they were to ascend before the next one hundred years ended, she thought it was a bit too short, she was the mortal queen with a god for a husband and not just any god, her husband was the god that subdued the rest of the gods to follow his orders.

Of course, she still wanted to enjoy that status for a few thousand more years to come, her body has just reached true female maturity, she still did not have enough of it yet, her husband who should have been enjoying it all this while was gone on some mission. The rest of the girls though the same as well, and all of them tried to kiss and cuddle their way out of ascension for a bit more.

Yunan could do nothing but entertain his wives for a few years, he was not in a hurry, there was enough time to be had, and his travelling companions were still not ready, therefore a decade or two of wife pleasing was not all that bad, was it.

Although Yunan had agreed to take it slowly, he had to explain himself to them. "Darling, I know how you think", he pulled Lili to sit on his lap, "I have every intention of running away with a new wife who is actually a goddess, but since this is going to be just an escapade, I need you all to be alive when I come back and don't even suggest I bring her in, it won't be an escapade that way".

"Okay", said Lili as she pummeled him with all she got " go on and cheat on us as long as you wish, but when you come back, you will be a slave for ten thousand years, got it?" she said through clenched teeth.

"Yes, I will, as many years as you want, just let me off now, alright? You know men need to cheat at least once in life right? ouch, ouch, not the face, not the face". The mood turned playfull soon enough and stayed like that for a few years.

It was now clear that Yunan could not be kept in this universe, he was too big of a fish in this little pond, him urging them to ascend was in the vain that they may grow strong enough and find him, he did not want to wait till he finished his adventure, how great would he feel if he woke up one day to find himself surrounded by those he loved, all of them equals to him, that way he would never leave anyone behind.

Yunan had thought it through and leaving this universe was the next step he should take, to protect the home he built here, he had to start the culling earlier, then with the adversity, he would conquer those universes, turning himself into a primordial, and then face the being that looked at him with bemusement.

This way, he can forcefully stomp the entirety of existence under the soles of his feet, effectively raising himself and loved ones above danger, only then he could live happily ever after, with eternity as the only measurement of time that mattered.

Maybe unlike many other protagonists, Yunan's motives were not pure, he was selfishly projecting his will onto the world, he has started equating more power with more safety, he also stated equating his rise to supreme power with the only method to protect his loved ones.

In his heart, Yunan knew he had what it takes to survive the culling, he also knew the primordials could not be bothered with him, that left only insider threats, and those were also nil, especially since he was the strongest being in his universe, however, maybe it was when the council first tried to kill him using fate and him receiving that prophecy, his path had changed.

Yunan was probably aware of all the above, but he still had to turn both eyes blind and stuff his ears with cotton, he did want to continue the path, and if lying to himself and loved ones could allow that, then he would do it. This was the subconscious reasoning going inside Yunan's soul.

One night, Yunan opened his eyes, the snippet of fate in his sea of consciousness was acting out, to him it felt like it was rummaging deeper and deeper, trying to find something, and it did, the prophecy was etched in the deepest depths of Yunan's mind, once it was in touch with the bit of fate, the etching glowed gently, revealing to Yunan the prophecy he looked for all those years ago.

"The fateless shall touch the fabric of creation, the fateless shall be reborn, and only for the fateless shall the great rivers bend and halt. Upon rebirth the Styx shall wash the feet, the rivers of law shall serve at the tips of the fingers, the grand river of fate shall cleanse the soul, fateless no more, the reborn shall stand above the gods, one with creation, equal to the power that is beyond".

Yunan studied the unfamiliar etchings, they were written in a language that was beyond time, it flowed like water, it felt like even time was part of this language, it had no words or sound to communicate it, it would flow between souls to exchange information.

After studying the etchings, Yunan turned his attention to the prophecy trying to decipher its meanings, he understood that it was about him, he already has fulfilled one-third of it, and two-thirds were still hanging, he wondered what would happen to the prophecy if he renounced his divinity and then died, he chuckled at the thought, as if he would renounce what he built from nothing, not a chance, none what-so-ever.

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