Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 890 Bloodline Awakening [A Gift]

"sacred realm of the forsaken gods...what kind of place this is if you don't mind telling me?"after taking some time and knowing the other party mean no harm to him Yohan finally decided to ask about the place which that mysterious calling the realm of the forsaken gods.

Yohan did not know how he ended up inside such a place after drinking that bloodline awakening potion but right now his priority was leaving the place in one piece afterall he doesn't want to spend his rest of life in a place where he can't even lift his finger let alone move his body.

Yohan waited for the answer but the other party did not give any response immediately as if she was in some kind of dilemma,but finally after a while the other party spoke.

"Well this realm is for the gods who are cast out by the heavenly order...those bastards called this place scared realm of the forsaken gods but for most of us this place is like a prison,i wonder how many millennia has been passed since I thrown into this place"The women spoke in gloomy voice.


Yohan nervously swallowed after hearing the explanation,this is the worst thing could happened to a guy who Just wanted to awakened his bloodline,not even in his wild dream he thought he would end up in a place where gods are cast out by some kind of heavenly order or whatever it is,he simply don't want to spend any more minutes inside such dangerous place.

"Don't worry kid I am not going to harm you,but I am interested of knowing how did you ended up slipping inside this realm which is completely secluded and impossible to breach off especially by a mortal,with your tiny Cultivation level how did you end up here,"The mysterious voice asked Yohan,Yohan took a deep sighed and bitterly smiled.

"I told you earlier,i was just trying to awakened my bloodline...after drinking that damn potion I found myself inside this place,i don't know how I am ended up inside this place,this is the worst thing ever happened to me where i can't even lift my finger,"Yohan exclaimed in frustration,he don't wanted to hide his frustration as he knew the other party could tell what was he thinking inside his head,he was completely naked under her eyes.

"This is strange and unheard,a mortal defying the heavenly laws..."the women's voice echoed in somewhat different manner,but on the other hand Yohan exhale deeply as he don't interested of knowing the things that are beyond of his understanding,he was simply wanted to leave this place before anything happened to him,at this moment he was in pretty vulnerable state where he can't even protect himself.

"What is your name mortal?"a moment later that mysterious voice echoed in the surrounding,Yohan turned silent but after taking a long deep breath he spoke.

"My name is Yohan!"He introduced himself in a polite manner.

"Yohan...a pretty good name indeed"The mysterious voice spoked and she continued.lights

"So Yohan, I would like to give you a gift,would you like to accept?"The woman's voice resounded inside the surroundings but this time her voice were carrying the seriousness.

Yohan was dumbfounded after hearing that woman,as he wasn't able to understand her intentions,he wondered whether she was playing some kind of stupid game or teasing him, especially when he was in such situations.

"Hey kid I can still hear your thoughts ,but trust me I don't have any intention of mocking you especially I can understand the kind of feeling that you are getting right now,it felt worst when you ended up a place where you do not belong..."The mysterious voice spoke in angry and frustrated manner,the surrounding aura around that place where Yohan was sitting trembled and Yohan felt a familiar feeling when she first interacted with him.

"What kind of gift?"He cleared his throat and asked as he didn't want to make her angry,the woman took a deep sighed and the next moment she said something that changed yohan's facial expressions entirely.

"I want to offer you my bloodline,I am the last descendant of my faction,a faction that dominated and ruled countless realms over the countless millennia,but alas my days are over long ago when I cast out in this realm..."

"You are offering me a bloodline?"Yohan's heart thumped after hearing the women and he finally understood why she proposed him such a gift.

"You are indeed smart,this might be your ticket or last chance to leave this place,i don't know whether it's going to work or not but there is no harm in trying"the feminine voice echoed in the surrounding and the next moment something unexpected happened that took Yohan's breath away.

A figure of beautiful women manifested right in front of him where he was sitting. The woman had jade like skin,long silver hair which was coming to her lower back and ruby like deep red eyes which was looking at Yohan in a gentle manner,she was beauty among beauties.

"Yes I am offering you my bloodline,you will be the first mortal in the history of my faction that has been rewarded such gift,it was sacred rules not to pass the bloodline but alas some rules means to broken,"the mysterious woman who was wearing a golden warrior attire took a seat on the ground right in front of Yohan.

Yohan was stupefied as he didn't know how to react or what to say to her and finally said something that made that mysterious woman smile.

"Why are you wearing these attires as if you are about to go on a war?"This is the first thing that Yohan asked in person as he didn't know what else to say.

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