Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Chapter 889 Beginning Of Bloodline Awakening [The Realm Of The Sacred Forsaken God's]


[you have consumed bloodline awakening potion]

[The bloodline awakening potion will take effect in 3 minutes...59...58...57]

A three minute timer started running in front of yohan's sight reminding him about the bloodline awakening process which is about to take place shortly.

In an instant Yohan's handsome face turned dark and his heart started throbbing in a faster pace,sweat could be seen trailing through his chin and falling into his lap thinking about the hellish experience that he about to experience again that he felt earlier after taking that bloodline cleansing potion,he was expecting similar kind of treatment or even worst.

"Sigh there is no point of thinking about such thing,just brace yourself..."Yohan took a deep breath and tried to calm himself after all he knew there is nothing that he could do at this very moment,the pain and agony is an part an parcel of the cultivation,this is an bitter truth that every cultivator has to accept and Yohan was no different, having that thought Yohan exhale deeply and closed his both eyes to prepare for bloodline awakening.


[The bloodline awakening process will take place in 10...9...8...]

A final ten second reminder rang through his head and Yohan clenched his both fist altogether preparing for himself,sometimes later the countdown came to an end and the next moment Yohan felt cold sensation around his body reminding him about the time that he spended inside the Evelyn's subdomain when he was cultivating to reach the Earth realm.

This time he did not felt any kind of discomfort around his body that he felt before while going through bloodline cleansing process, unlike that hellish and agonizing experience this time the feeling was surreal and serene and every passing second the feeling that he was getting is increasing and multiplying many folds throughout his body.

Yohan never felt anything like this before not in this life or the past life that he lived on the earth,soon enough he felt as if his entire body became so light just like a feather and his entire consciousness is drifting into another realm leaving this world behind,the feeling was so surreal that made him smile.

"This must be my imagination!"Yohan whispered and the next moment he opened his eyes to check his surroundings but alas the moment he opened his eyes the smile that he had on his handsome face froze and his heart nearly skipped a beat seeing his surroundings.

Yohan found himself sitting buttnaked surrounded by the pitch black darkness,no matter how far or hard he tried to see he found only darkness that is covering the entire space,he even use his spiritual senses but alas despite using the full extent of his spiritual senses he couldn't able to pass through the pitch black darkness that he was surrounded by,after trying few more times Yohan finally decided to stopped as it was futile,he realized that there is no end of this darkness that is shrouded him.

"So you know when to give up mortal?"The moment Yohan stopped using his spiritual senses a mysterious yet ancient feminine voice echoed into the entire surrounding that nearly caused his heart to explode. He felt extreme pain and pressure that made his entire body tremble in fear after getting exposed to that voice.lights

"Interesting...very interesting..."the feminine voice spoke again but this time the pressure was little less compared to the last time,Yohan gritted his teeth and tried to move his body but to his surprise he couldn't even lift a single finger let alone his body,he remain sitting in the same position.

"Who the hell are you,what did you do to my body?"Yohan exclaimed as he felt extreme rage,his deep silver eyes flicked with the extreme killing intent.

"Tsk ignorant mortal...i didn't do anything to your body,with your current Cultivation level your body is pretty much useless and weak inside this sacred realm!"The mysterious voice responded to Yohan causing his facial expressions to change drastically after all that mysterious womanly voice called him mortal and weak with the Cultivation of heavenly soul realm.

As Yohan was in deep thought the mysterious voice chuckled.

"You think achieving heavenly soul realm is something to be proud of?"The women spoke caughting Yohan by surprise. After all, she can tell what is Yohan thinking.

Yohan turned silent and hesitate to speak afterall he don't know what kind of situation that he ended up after drinking that bloodline awakening potion,he cursed system to putting him in such situations where he might get killed without putting an finger afterall the mysterious voice were calling him mortal and stating that his heavenly soul realm cultivation base is useless which is the peak of the world where he belong,after thinking for a long moment Yohan cleared his throat and decided to confront this mysterious women.

"I am sorry for intrusion,i was in the midst of bloodline awakening but I don't know how I ended up inside this place,but trust me i mean no harm!"Yohan said in polite manner, afterall he knows the other party is very strong and capable of killing kill him with her voice.

The place turned silent for a long moment and sometimes later it echoed with laughter.

"You amuse me mortal,it's been hundreds of thousands of centuries since someone made me smile..."


Yohan was dumbfounded after hearing her but he remained silent and did not dare to speak anything as he was more worried about his situation than he was currently in.

"I don't know how but your mortal body along with your consciousness ended up drifting inside this sacred realm of forsaken gods,this never happened before...not as far as I remember! After All this place is secluded with other realms"the women spoke in slightly confused manner,Yohan's soul nearly left his body when he heard that he ended up in some kind of place which is called the sacred realm of forsaken gods.

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